One Crazy Life!

By lipgloss1989

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Join Madeline and Jason to see their crazy life! More

Chapter 1: One Drunken Night
Chapter 2: One pair of confused parents
Chapter 3: One Crazy Day!
Chapter 5: One Terrible Job
Chapter 6: One stressful wedding
Chapter 7: One wild work day
Chapter 8: One great Disney trip!
Chapter 9: One big fire!
Chapter 10: One long week
Chapter 11: One big search party
Chapter 12: One sweet Easter
Chapter 13: One terrified baby
Chapter 14: One not so relaxing weekend
Chapter 15: One beautiful beach trip
Chapter 16: One holy terror
Chapter 17: One wild sleepover
Chapter 18: One mysterious camping trip
Chapter 19: One bad break
Chapter 20: One big halloween bash!
Chapter 21: One... Stella is ONE!
Chapter 22: One Scary Accident
Chapter 23: One terrible storm
Chapter 24: One merry christmas!
Chapter 25: one snowy vacation
Chapter 26: One clingy little baby
Chapter 27: One little fish
Chapter 28: One big hike!
Chapter 29: One big stage!
Chapter 30: One big sister!
Chapter 31: One new job!
Chapter 32: One big treat!
Chapter 33: One precious two year old
Chapter 34: One Mardi Pardi!
Chapter 35: One tiny dancer
Chapter 36: One Scary Allergy
Chapter 37: One colorful house!
Chapter 38: One fun Easter trip!
Chapter 39: One family vacation pt.1
Chapter 40: One family vacation pt. 2
Chapter 41: One nasty cold
Chapter 42: One showstopper
Chapter 43: One princess party
Chapter 44: One baby...?
Chapter 45: Two sweet babies!
Chapter 46: One cute date
Chapter 47: One new bed!
Chapter 48: One missing paci
Chapter 49: One, two, THREE!
Chapter 50: One crazy holiday
Chapter 51: One dark evening
Chapter 52: One little walker!
Chapter 53: One years old!
Chapter 54: One little surgery
Chapter 55: One little tea party
Chapter 56: One Big Girl!
Chapter 57: One little award
Chapter 58: One bad bug
Chapter 59: One cute sheep
Chapter 60: One Scared Pre-Ker
Chapter 61: One close call
Chapter 62: One scary dream
Chapter 63: One big bully
Chapter 64: One little hero
Chapter 65: One community stress
Chapter 66: The aftermath

Chapter 4: One not so merry christmas

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By lipgloss1989

Caroline: okay so who all are we inviting to the party?

Madeline: definitely we will invite family, a few of our friends, and I think we should let Jason and Daniel invite their friends so they aren't bored, and we cou-

*baby crying*

Madeline: hold on the baby's up

Caroline: yeah better go get her!

Madeline: *talking to baby* good morning
sweet girl! Are you hungry?

Caroline: I'll go make her a bottle

Madeline: thanks. I need to change her diaper!

Madeline: *changes baby's diaper*

Caroline: bottles ready

Madeline: thanks! *starts feeding baby*

Madeline: Okay back to the party

Caroline: hey if it's too much for you right now
I can plan the party!

Madeline: are you sure?

Caroline: of course! I know having to take care of a 2 month old is hard

Madeline: it is! I feel bad though. You have a 5 year old!

Madeline: at least let me do the cards I have a picture we already got of Stella. We just never got around to making our Christmas cards

Caroline: you can do the cards if you want! If you want you can come ride with me to get the decorations

Madeline: yes! I need to get out the house

Caroline: okay let's go!

*drives to the store*

Madeline: I'm going to put her in the baby wearing carrier. I've never used it before!

Caroline: aww look how cute she looks in it!

Madeline: she's so tiny it looks like it's swallowing her!

*arrive at the store and goes in*

Caroline: Madeline look at those little pajamas!
They are too cute I'm totally getting those for her!

Madeline: aww those are so cute!

Caroline: okay decorations now!

Stella: *starts crying*

Madeline: she needs a diaper change. I'll be right back!

Caroline: okay I'll get the decorations!

Madeline: *talking to baby* oh no Stella girl you pooped through your clothes. Mommy doesn't have a change of clothes for you!

Madeline: *calls Caroline*

Caroline: what's up?

Madeline: hey can you buy Stella a onesie or something she pooped through her clothes and I don't have a change of a clothes

Caroline: oh no poor baby. Yeah I have those pajamas I was getting her.

Madeline: thank you so much!!

Caroline: anytime!

Madeline: okay see you in a sec

Caroline: Stella look what nanny's got!

Madeline: yay! clean clothes!

Madeline: her whole carrier is full of poop too!

Caroline: oh no gross!

Madeline: yeah I know! I'm just going to hold her so it doesn't get all over her new jammies

Caroline: good idea!

Caroline: I already checked out so we can go back to the house

Madeline: perfect. She needs to go down for a nap anyways

*drives back home*

Madeline: I'm going to go put her down and then I'll come help with the decorations

*rocks baby to sleep*

Madeline: she's sleeping. Now to make the Christmas cards

Caroline: okay people aren't coming until 6:30 so we still have about 5 hours to get
decorations and food ready and you can pick up the Christmas cards at Walgreens

Madeline: okay I'll do them really quick while you do the decorations.

Caroline: sounds good

*few minutes later*

Madeline: finally finished!!

Caroline: let me see!

Caroline: oh my goodness!! Sweet angel baby!

Madeline: I'll be right back I'm going print them at Walgreen's

* 1 hour later*

Stella: *loudly crying*

Caroline: Madeline, Stella's up

Madeline: that was a short nap

Madeline: *talking to baby* what's wrong baby girl. Shh shh shh shh. Why are you shaking? Are you cold? You are so hot and sweaty. I hope you're not getting sick.

Stella: *crying still*

Madeline: shhh it's okay baby you're okay. Mommys gonna get you some medicine

Caroline: she's okay?

Madeline: I think she has a fever

Caroline: oh no!

Caroline: I'll get the thermometer

Madeline: I'm going to turn the fan on to see if it cools her off

Caroline: she's shaking

Madeline: I know I don't know if she's cold or hot because she's sweating but she's shaking

Caroline: let me take her temperature

Madeline: it's 101...

Caroline: that's kind of high for a baby

Madeline: I'm going to call the doctor

Jason: hey I'm home

Caroline: the baby is running a fever

Jason: poor girl. Let daddy hold you *holds Stella*

Madeline: *calls doctor*

Doctor: hello

Madeline: hey it's Madeline

Doctor: hey Madeline, is something wrong with the baby?

Madeline: yes she woke up from a nap sweating, shaking, and running a 101 fever

Doctor: hmmm any congestion, coughing, or sneezing?

Madeline: yes she's been congested for a few days, she's coughing, running fever, and has the chills

Doctor: okay I'll be there in a little bit and I'll check her out

Madeline: okay thank you so much see you soon

Jason: I gave her some medicine. She's sleeping now.

Madeline: thank you. Can you just hold her so she'll sleep. I have a few things I need to finish really quick.

*few minutes later*

*door bell*

Madeline: I got it

Doctor: hi!

Madeline: hi come in. She's sleeping right now.

Doctor: no problem at all. From the sound of the symptoms she might have the flu...

Madeline: the flu!?!?

Madeline: is the flu deadly to a baby?

Doctor: it can be deadly to anyone but very unlikely

Doctor: okay I'm going to swab her nose really quick. Just hold her still

Stella: *squirming and screaming*

Madeline: aw I know baby

*swabs Stella's nose*

Doctor: done!

Caroline: aww that was so hard to watch!

Madeline: I know poor thing!

Doctor: it'll take about 10 minutes for the results to come back

Madeline: okay Jason hold her while I go finish up with the food

*10 minutes later*

Doctor: results are back

Madeline: is she okay?

Doctor: she definitely has the flu

Madeline: oh no! We have a party tonight too!

Doctor: I'm going to prescribe her some medicine to take for a week and it should go away quickly. If she's fussy or seems in pain give her some baby Motrin and you can put it in a pacifier so she doesn't realize she's taking it.

Madeline: okay thank you so much

Doctor: no problem. Make sure all of you wash your hands plenty so you don't catch it.

Jason: thanks doc

Doctor: bye

Madeline: okay the party starts in an hour. I'm going to Lysol the house real fast and then finish setting up.

Caroline: I'm almost done with decorations

Jason: need me to do anything?

Madeline: yes just sit there and try to keep Stella sleeping

Jason: I will try

Madeline: if she gets fussy give her the pacifier with the medicine

Jason: okay

Caroline: decorations are done

Daniel: *comes over with Addy*

Caroline: hey!

Addy: mommy! *hugs caroline*

Caroline: how was school Addy!

Addy: fun! I got to color!

Caroline: ooh sounds like a great day to me!

Addy: wheres baby cousin?

Caroline: shes not feeling good. She is sick so dont kiss or hug her because she might get you sick too

Addy: aww man

Madeline: okay now we all need to get ourselves ready!

*baby fussing*

Madeline: Jason I'll take her and get her ready

Jason: okay it shouldn't take me too long to get

Madeline: I just need to fix my hair and put
make up on then I'll be ready

Jason: when I'm done I'll come get her

*Jason's done getting ready*

Jason: okay I'm done go get ready

Madeline: thanks I won't be too long

Jason: do you want me to try to put her down?

Madeline: you can try I don't know if she will
fall asleep though.

Jason: *rocking baby to sleep*

Caroline: Madeline do you have any make up I can use

Madeline: yes


Caroline: Jason's calling you

Madeline: okay I'll be right back

Madeline: what's wrong Jason?

Jason: she spit up all over me and herself

Madeline: oh honey! Okay I'll give her a bath you go change. Tell Caroline to come see.

Jason: okay

Madeline: shh shh it's okay baby girl! *takes Stella from Jason*

Caroline: hey what's up?

Madeline: she puked all over Jason and herself. Mom is coming over soon so when she comes can you answer the door

Caroline: of course!

Madeline: thanks! I'm going to give her a bath and change her again

*door bell*

Caroline: hey mom!

Mom: hey Caroline! Where's the baby?

Caroline: Madeline's giving her a bath

Mom: I'm going see her real quick

Addy: Nana!

Mom: hey my Addy girl!!

Madeline: hey mom

Mom: hey honey what's going on?

Addy: baby cousin is sick!

Mom: shes sick?!

Madeline: Stella has the flu and she just finished spitting up all over Jason and herself.

Mom: oh no my poor baby! She looks like she's feeling bad.

Mom: do you have some Pedialyte?

Madeline: no I didn't have time to go to the store yet

Mom: okay that with help with dehydration. You don't want to give her milk because dairy will make her throw up.

Madeline: okay can you ask Caroline to pick some up for me.

Mom: I'll go get some at the drug store real quick

Addy: can i come too nana?

Mom: yeah! Let me ask your momma

Caroline: yeah she can go!

Madeline: oh thank you so much!

Caroline: hey Madeline people will be arriving soon

Madeline: okay I'll be there in a sec

Madeline: *gets baby dressed*

Caroline: I can hold her so you can finish getting ready

Madeline: thank you but she screams if I'm not holding her

Caroline: poor thing!

Madeline: I know she looks so pitiful!

Mom: okay I'm back!

Madeline: that was quick

Mom: hand her over

Mom: *talking to baby* grandmas gonna make you all better my girl

Madeline: thanks mom

*the party starts*

Madeline: is it just me or is it hot in here?

Jason: Madeline it's like 60 degrees in here.

Madeline: I know but I'm just sweating up a storm

Caroline: drink some water your cheeks are red

Mom: Madeline are you okay?

Madeline: I don't feel so go-


Caroline: oh my gosh someone call the ambulance!

Caroline: mom you and Daniel stay here with the baby and me and Jason will go to the hospital with Madeline

*drives to hospital*

Nurse: how was she feeling earlier today?

Caroline: she was fine all day

Jason: yeah the only thing I'm concerned about is that our two month old baby has the flu and she's been holding her all day

Nurse: yep that explains it!

Jason: does she have the flu too?

Nurse: more than likely

Caroline: oh no! Can we go see her

Nurse: yes right this way

Jason: hey babe how are you feeling?

Madeline: not too good but they put an IV in so I'm feeling better than I was.

Madeline: how's the party going?

Jason: it's going good

Caroline: mom has the baby

Madeline: is she still fussing?

Jason: nope your mom is like a miracle worker. She held her and Stella fell right to sleep

Madeline: she's experienced!

Jason: yep we're just newbys!

Madeline: what a great First Christmas for Stella...

Caroline: poor thing. The flu on her first Christmas

Mom: hey mad how you feeling?

Madeline: mom what are you doing here?

Mom: I couldn't keep sweet Stella away from her mommy on Christmas Eve

Madeline: aww come here mommy's sweet baby girl

Madeline: she's been okay?

Mom: she's been a perfect angel! She was passed around the room all night and didn't make a fuss

Jason: why would you pass her around she had the flu!

Mom: oh yeah I forgot! Well I guess the whole family will be sick together

Madeline: well merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

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