The Love Note

By InEveryUniverse_FFN

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Lincoln is alone on a Sunday night, just at the mall. There, he meets a familiar that he happens t... More

Opportunity From GJ
First Performances PT. 2
Jordacoln Confirmed
Lunchtime Altercation
Family Finds Out
Speak of the Devil...
Karaoke Contest Pt. 1
Karaoke Contest Pt. 2
The Masks Get Interesting
Smackdown & Injured Bunny
Another Mask Bites The Dust
There's Another Park?
Secrets Are Revealed...
Is Lincoln Here yet?
Someone is Exposed
Dinner Storytime
A Self-Jade Plan
More Shocking Revelations

First Performances + Squad Intro

924 3 1
By InEveryUniverse_FFN

Author's Note: Just letting you all know early that I was not able to cover all 16 performances in this chapter. Don't worry though, as that will be covered in the next chapter! In fact, I'm working on the next chapter as you are reading this. One last thing; just like the real show, I want you guys to try to guess who the other competitors are. Most of them will be references, but I will admit that only 1 of the 15 are actually a part of the current story. You might even meet them in this chapter ;)

Lincoln woke up at 7:00 a.m, sharp. You may have thought that he woke up like any other Monday, but he didn't. His mind flooded with the events from the day before, from his date with Girl Jordan, to the opportunity he was given. The boy's first thought was even, Today's the day. Lincoln smiled, and looked towards the reader.

"Hey, everyone! I'm sure you all know exactly why I'm feeling so good today! *Whispering* not only did I have a great date with Girl Jordan, but I got such a huge opportunity! *Stops whispering* Sorry about that. I just don't want anyone to hear me, even though it is still early for everyone."

Lincoln walked out of his room, and straight to the bathroom. At least there's no line for me, the boy thought. He used the bathroom, like always, and washed his hands and brushed his teeth. Lincoln looked at himself in the mirror, feeling confident. A smile slowly crept up his face. Now, time for breakfast, he thought.

The 6th grader quickly went downstairs, until he heard someone in the kitchen. Lincoln went towards the person, quietly. As he got closer, he realized who it was.

"Dad?" Lynn Sr. turned around, confirming the answer to his question.

"Yupp, it's just me. So, what are you doing up this early?" The patriarch asked.

Lincoln thought before answering. As much as I want to tell Dad about everything, I just can't. I can tell him about Girl Jordan eventually, but not about the show. "Just feeling good today..I guess."

"That's great to hear, son! Hey, so now that you're here, you want to help me with making breakfast?" Lynn Sr. asked.

"Yeah, sure. You'll be spending a lot of time at the restaurant anyway, and it's not easy to feed 11 mouths." Lincoln replied.

Lynn smiled. "I'm glad you understand, son. Now, you do the eggs and I'll do the pancakes." There wasn't any sound made in Lincoln's response, just him nodding.

Later, all the rest of the sisters woke up. They all went to do their morning routine, mostly waiting in line for the bathroom. One sister, however, decided to skip waiting in line. It was Luna, and she decided to go downstairs first.

There, the rocker was met with an amazing smell. Mmm, it smells good down here. Her thoughts were made even more real, with the sight of 11 plates. Each plate had a stack of three pancakes, with eggs all prepared in the way each sister enjoyed.

Suddenly, a hand came and placed a 12th plate. It was Lincoln, who smiled to himself. He looked up, and saw Luna in front of him.

"Oh, morning Luna."

"Mornin' bro. You made breakfast?"

"No, dad and I did. He prepared the pancakes, while I dealt with the eggs. I even made them all in the way you guys like, from Luan's funny side up to the twins' deviled eggs."

Luna didn't speak at first, but walked up to her brother to give him a hug. This hug was quickly returned by Lincoln, who felt appreciated with it.

"Thanks bro, you know us too well."

Lincoln gave a little blush. "Well, it's not too hard in a family like ours."

"You're not wrong. I'll be headed upstairs now, the line will be gone by now." Luna says, before walking up the stairs.

Lincoln watched as his sister walked up. Hmm, maybe I'll use that advice myself...

Soon enough, the rest of the Loud sisters came down and saw the same sight Luna did. All of them showed the same feeling that Luna did.


"It all looks so nice!"

"Totes amazing!"


Rita Loud also came out to the same sight and smell. Everyone all had the same questions, except for Luna. Why is breakfast like this today?

Their question was quickly answered with Lynn Sr. coming out of the kitchen, along with Lincoln.

"Good morning everyone! I hope you all enjoy your breakfast!" The Loud patriarch announced.

Everyone quickly went to their proper spot on the table. They all quickly noticed how unique each plate was. Some plates had chocolate chips on them, others had whipped cream, or fruit. The eggs were even made in the way each sister enjoyed them.

Lori was the first to speak. "This all literally looks so good. Thanks dad."

"Don't just thank me," Lynn Sr. said. "Lincoln helped me with the eggs."

They all looked at their brother, who was already eating his breakfast. He looked up from his meal, seeing everyone look at him. He smiled before talking.

"What? I felt good this morning, so I decided to help Dad make this." The Loud patriarch nodded in agreement.

"Oh, thanks Lincoln."

This led the other sisters to respond as well.

"She's totes right!"

"I already said this, but thanks dude."

"Thanks bro!"

"This really is egg-celent! Get it?"

"Thanks Linky!"

"Sigh, thank you, dear brother."

"I thank you, elder brother."


Lincoln didn't respond, just smiled. He was happy to see his sisters happy. It added to the happiness he already had, knowing what he was doing today.

At school - Lunch:

School came by so quickly, or at least it felt that way for Lincoln. He went and got his lunch like normal, proceeding to sit with his friends. There was Clyde, Rusty, Liam, and Stella, all waiting for him. He even saw Girl Jordan and waved at her. She smiled and waved back. Gosh, she's so cute. Lincoln thought, before sitting down.

"How's it going, guys?" He said to his friends.

"You know, same old same old." Clyde responded.

"Just boring old class," Liam added.

"The ladies kept me entertained," Rusty said, trying not to complain.

"More like you kept them entertained," Stella responded. Everyone laughed at this, to Rusty's expense.

"Shut up," Rusty tried to say.

Across the cafeteria, Girl Jordan and her friends were talking amongst their group.

"So, how was your weekend, girls?" Cookie asked.

"It would've been better if the line wasn't so long." Joy responded, not completely about that fact.

"What about you, Jordan?" Mollie asked. Girl Jordan didn't respond, as she was too busy reliving the day before. She thought of everything, from her date with Lincoln, to hearing him sing. She sighed as her heart fluttered. It was amazing, the girl thought.

At this point, all three girls looked at the girl in question. She quickly noticed this and finally answered.

"Oh, nothing much." Girl Jordan responded, nervously.

"I don't know, the way you looked at Lincoln makes me think you were with him." Mollie responded.

Girl Jordan quickly got a little defensive. "Are you trying to say I was with him?" Girl Jordan reflected back.

"No, I didn't mean it that way. I just think maybe it had something to do with him." Mollie said, with a slight smirk.

"To be fair, the way you sighed looking at him really says something." Cookie added.

"I think you have a crush on him." Joy said.

"Girls, girls, I did spend time with Lincoln." All three girls smiled with knowing faces. "Not like that! We just hung out at the arcade as friends, that's all!" Girl Jordan quickly added.

"Sureee," Mollie said.

"Heard that one before," Cookie added.

"There's definitely at least feelings between you guys," Joy knowingly responded.

All of a sudden, the girls saw Lincoln. The boy looked at Girl Jordan, and smiled. He quickly looked away, which led to eyes being set on Girl Jordan. This confirmed the other girls' suspections, as Girl Jordan blushed.

"Tell us everything!" Mollie said, which was met with a nod of agreement from both Cookie and Joy.

With Lincoln:

"Whatcha looking at, Lincoln?" asked Rusty. Everyone at their table looked straight at Lincoln, also wanting to know the answer.

"Yeah, buddy." Clyde agreed.

"You do seem kinda..distracted Lincoln." Stella continued.

"Or maybe he's looking at..someone." Liam said, with a smirk. Clyde nodded with agreement. Lincoln looked at his friends, a little nervous. He wasn't sure if he wanted to tell them, or if he could just keep it to himself for now. Unfortunately, part of that decision was made..but not by him.

"I think you're right," a voice said. The group looked over and saw a boy, around their grade. He was wearing a green hoodie, with the hood off. On the hoodie, it read BJ-37, in straight, slanted letters. The boy had black jeans on, with green sneakers to complement his hoodie. He continued to speak. "Sorry about that, we're just new here. You mind if we sit here?" The boy said.

"Yeah sure, we just might have to add another ta- wait did you just say we?" Lincoln said in shock.

"He's talking about us, I'm Alex." Alex was an average sized girl, slightly shorter than Lincoln and the other boy, with long yellow hair. She was wearing a soft pink and white jacket with laced white gloves, a pink shirt with pink bow on her chest, a fuchsia skirt with white stripes, white knee high socks and fuchsia boots that are above her knees. Lincoln and his friends noticed that there were 4 other boys, along with 2 other girls.

"I'm Zach," said one of the boys. Zach had pink hair, with a pink sweater to match. The sweater was open, so you could see the white shirt he sported underneath it. It's sleeves were rolled up, and there was even a skull on it. He wore black jeans, and they even had I guess this is our new Zach, since the old one was apparently "abducted by aliens."

Another boy, who looked similar to Zach, spoke. "I'm Drake!" Drake sported a blue jacket, with fur near his neck and hands. His hairstyle was different than Zach's, made more obvious with his blue hair.

"And we're twins!" Zach and Drake said, simultaneously. This caused several reactions to be given from our already established squad: Lincoln, Clyde, and Rusty laughed, while Stella smiled.

This time, a girl started to speak. "I'm Jade!" Jade had long, black hair with a green sweater. Along with that, she had a green skirt to top it all off.

"I'm Light!" Said the one next to Jade. Light looked different than the others, as he wore a while collar shirt underneath his purple Japanese style 'V' sweatshirt. He was also wearing a purple scarf across his neck. His face was even more different, as he had freckles on his cheeks, and a decorative/aesthetic bandage on his left cheek.

Next to Light was another girl. She wore an orange sweater, similar to Jade's. There was also an orange skirt to match with her sweater. "I'm Charli!" She said in a high-pitched, very enthusiastic voice. That was quickly noticed by everyone else, along with her signature orange hair.

Finally, there was one final member. With confidence in his eyes, he introduced himself. "And I'm Jaxx!" Jaxx sported his own sweater, with fur near his neck, like Drake. Like Zach, it showed he had a white shirt underneath with red stripes on it. With his red hair, he wore dark khakis with red sneakers.

Now that everyone he mentioned was introduced, he finally introduced himself. "Oh, I'm Brad. We're the squad!" Just like everyone else, his hair had green in it. It was black, spiked hair with green coloring at the tips.

Our original group looked at this new one, and quickly accepted the new 8. Suddenly, Stella realized something.

"Hey, I feel like I recognize you guys!" She said.

"What do you mean?" Lincoln asked. This was meant with agreement from Clyde and Rusty.

Stella pulled out her phone and searched something up. Once she found what she was looking for, she showed everyone else. Her phone screen showed a WeTube account, with the name InquisitorMaster. Stella quickly played a video from the channel, titled Among Us, But There's An Imposter Pair. The intro of the video was very similar to the introduction the new kids gave. That's when a moment of realization hit Stella: This was the squad, the real squad.

"Wait, so you're InquisitorMaster?" Stella asked, pointing at Alex. Lincoln, Clyde, and Rusty all did the same, also wanting an answer.

Alex smiled, along with the squad. "Of course I am," she said. "And that's the rest of the squad."

"So you don't mind us sitting with you guys?" Brad said.

"Of course we don't mind. Rusty, help me out with this table real quick," Lincoln said, in reference to a table nearby.

"We'll help you guys out." Drake said. Zach agreed, and the twins came to help out. All together, the 4 boys were able to easily move the table. It didn't take very long to move the table next to the other, making them one. After that, the squad all sat down with our original 4. Zach sat on Lincoln and Clyde's side, along with Alex, Jade, and Drake. Rusty and Stella were on the opposite side with Brad, Jaxx, Light, and Charli.

"I want to say welcome to the squad, but you guys ARE the Squad." said Lincoln. This was met with laughs from everyone. "But welcome to the group, guys." Lincoln said with a smile. The smile was returned by all the new kids, who quickly warmed up to Lincoln and his friends.

"Since you guys know about us already, or at least Stella does, tell us about yourselves." Zach said, wanting to know about them.

Back With Girl Jordan:

"So Lincoln really did all that?" Mollie asked.

"That's so kind of him!" Cookie added.

"Sounds like the guy can sing," Joy commented.

"Yup, and he did all those things yesterday!" Jordan responded. She looked back towards Lincoln, and saw the squad with him. Huh, I've never seen those people before. Jordan thought to herself. Luckily for Girl Jordan, her friends thought the same thing about the 8 kids.

"Who are they?" Cookie asked.

"Maybe they're new," said Joy.

"They look like they're in our grade, too." Mollie added.

"Well, at least we can tell that they're friendly." Girl Jordan said.

Lincoln, Again:

"Wow, you guys are a pretty cool bunch." Jaxx said.

"Yeah, I can't imagine having so many sisters, Lincoln." Light continued.

"How do you even manage all of them?" Alex added, surprised.

"It can get hard to be honest, but I manage." Lincoln replied, with a small smile.

"I wouldn't be able to do the same as you." Brad said. Charli and Jade both nodded in agreement.

"Man, and I can barely manage my own twin here." Drake said jokingly, in reference to Zach.

"What did you say, you nerd?!" Zach responded, annoyed. Everyone laughed at this, to his dismay. "Shut up, guys!"

Eventually the laughing stopped, relieving Zach. Lincoln and the others eventually realized that the squad were a little different in real life, compared to their MeTube personalities. They were still a unique group, but little changes. Zach was actually a nice person, and Jade wasn't actually enemies with Zach.

"So Linc, maybe you guys can show us around here in Royal Woods. You know, since we're all new here." Zach said.

Lincoln thought about this. He sighed. As much as I want to, I'll be busy. I can't tell them. "Sorry Zach, I'm going to be busy later." He responded.

"What are you gonna do later, buddy?" asked Clyde.

"Ummm, I gotta help my sisters with something." Lincoln said, nervously.

"Oh don't worry about it. Jaxx and I are going to be working on something, anyway." Brad replied.

"Wait, we ar-" Jaxx tried to say, before getting his foot stomped on by Brad. "Oh yeah, we are!" Jaxx said, awkwardly.

"I guess we'll show you around some other time," Lincoln said.

"I bet we'll look forward to that day!" Charli said, enthusiastically. The rest of the squad agreed, along with Lincoln and his friends.

After school:

Lincoln gets a text. He looks at the text.

Gabby Reese: Your ride will be there in 5 minutes. Look for the black SUV.

Lincoln: Got it

Gabby Reese: I'll see you there.

The Loud boy then looks up from his phone. Luckily for him, he saw Lynn walking out of the school.

"Hey , Lynn!"

Lynn quickly looks at Lincoln. "What's up, little bro?"

"You mind telling Lori that I won't take Vanzilla home today, won't you?"

"Sure bro, what for?"

"I have some work to do." Lincoln responded, trying to hide his lie. Apparently, it worked well enough to convince his sporty sister.

"Don't worry about it, I got you bro!"

"Thanks, Lynn!" Lincoln says, fist bumping her.

Lynn proceeds to walk away, leaving Lincoln alone. Lincoln smiles, and grins even bigger when he sees Girl Jordan walk up to him.

"Oh hi, Girl Jordan!" Lincoln says enthusiastically, seeing his crush.

"Please, call me Jordan." the girl responds to him.

"Umm, ok Jordan." He responds, with a small smile. "Why do you want me to call you that?" asked Lincoln.

"Well, it's a name only special people can call me...and.." Jordan blushes, and Lincoln blushes as well. The girl continues what she was trying to say. "You are special. I also wanted to say that I had fun yesterday." she says, red-faced.

Lincoln at this point was also red-faced. I'm special to her, he thought. "You're special to me, as well. I had fun with you, too." Lincoln responds. Lincoln then feels his phone buzz, indicating his ride was here. He looked at Jordan, he didn't want to leave her like this, but he had to..this has to be a secret.

Lincoln says, regrettably, "I'm sorry Jordan, but my ride's here."

"Don't worry about it. I should get going too." Jordan replies, with a smile on her face.

Lincoln quickly walks off to his ride, leaving Jordan alone. What the pair didn't know was that they were watched. This was made bigger, as they were watched by 2 different groups. Another thing, these 2 groups didn't even know the other was watching the same 2 people...

In the distance was a group of guys. It was Clyde, Rusty, Drake, and Light.

"You think that's who Lincoln was looking at during Lunch?" asked Clyde.

"Girl Jordan? I mean it makes sense, we did see them together just now." replied Rusty.

"Should we tell the others?" asked Light, trying to be quiet.

"I don't think so, I don't want to meddle." Clyde responded. He continued, "Maybe we can tell the others later, so we could maybe confront him. Speaking of the others, where are they?"

"Zach is with Alex, and Jaxx and Brad are practicing. I'm not sure what Stella, Jade, and Charli are up to."

Unknown to the boys was that those 3 girls mentioned were part of the 2nd group watching Lincoln and Jordan. With those 3 was Joy, Cookie, and Mollie. They were a lot closer to Lincoln and Jordan, so they actually heard everything that was mentioned. This was unlike the boys group, that didn't actually hear anything.

"Oh my gosh, those two definitely like each other!" Charli said, enthusiastically.

"Should we confront her?" Asked Joy.

"I had a feeling he was looking at her, but then you guys came!" Stella mentioned.

"I think we should confront her," Cookie says.

"Agreed," Jade says, with a huge smile. The 5 girls all look to mollie, who lead this stakeout.

Mollie smiles before saying, "Let's go confront Jordan!"

Jordan smiles, thinking of what Lincoln said to her. He said that I'm special to him, maybe he does like me...

"Only for people special to you, huh?" says a voice, knocking Jordan out of her thoughts. She looks towards the voice, and sees the group of girls ahead of her. Mollie, who said that, was leading the group. With her was Joy, Cookie, Stella, and two of the new girls. What did they need from the new girls? The group finally got to her.

"I thought I saw him looking at you!" Charli says with a smile.

"He totally likes you," Joy continued.

"You two really looked like a couple," Said Jade.



"Right, sorry. We aren't dating."

"Well, at least not yet." Cookie interrupted. Jordan blushes at the comment.

"How would you guys know?" Jordan questioned the group.

Mollie gave a knowing smile before speaking. "Oh my gosh girl, it's so obvious that he likes you! We saw everything, and Stella said that she saw him looking at you."

"She's right. I saw him. You need to tell him how you feel, Girl Jordan." Stella responded.

"Yeah!" The rest of the girls say simultaneously.

"But how should I tell him?" Jordan asked.

"Don't worry, we'll help you." said Mollie, who had a plan.

At the studio:

Lincoln exited the SUV, in the attire he was told to wear. He wore the black hoodie and mask he was asked to wear, to hide his identity. Not only that, but he also wore sunglasses. On the hoodie was the name of the show, The Masked Singer Jr.

Inside the building, he was quickly escorted past many rooms, not even encountering another contestant. Dang, these people really are professional, Lincoln thought. Lincoln was taken to the room that contained his costume, which was a rabbit after all. It wore a black sweater, with a light yellow t-shirt underneath it. The rabbit costume was highlighted by its signature pair of sunglasses.

Lincoln was left alone to change into the costume. He noticed that in the mask, there was a built-in microphone that would project his voice out. My singing will be even louder with a microphone, Lincoln thought. These thoughts were quickly ended by a broadcast announcement.

Contestants, please come down to the backstage area in costume. We will start recording, live.

Lincoln quickly recognized the voice as Ms. Gabby Reese, who was one of the managers of the show, and the one who brought him here. He quickly got into the costume, and headed to the area that he needed to go to. There, he saw the other 15 contestants, in costume. There was a gorilla, platypus, tiger, monkey, chinchilla, star, angel, snowman, cat, dark angel, cavalier, panther, bull, rat, and a trojan.

Just like Lincoln's costume, the others had a signature look for their appearance. Some were simple, others were a little more complicated. For example, the Platypus was turquoise with a fedora on its head. The Trojan and Cavalier were very similar, but dressed as their namesakes. Dark Angel, Star, and Snowman were also very obviously dressed. Then there were weird ones.

Bull was dressed as a pirate, Rat as a cowboy, and Panther was more complicated than the other two. He wore a jacket similar to Lincoln's, with wrestling tape wrapped around his arms. Since the jacket was open, it showed the six pack the costume had underneath it. It wasn't real, but it just fit on the Panther. To top it all, the masked cat had their arms in a crossed pose across their chest.

From behind the 16 contestants, including Lincoln, was Ms. Gabby Reese herself. She was a face with an agenda, and knew what she wanted to say.

"Now's the time. You'll know when to go through that entryway to the stage." She said, with a smirk on her face.

All of a sudden, there was a loud voice. Luckily for everyone there, there was a speaker and camera in the area they were in. It was the host, starting the show. The audience was packed, and ready to start.

"Hello, everyone. Welcome to the opening night of The Masked Singer Jr! I'm your host, Nick Cannon." This was met with cheers from the live crowd.

Nick continued on. "Tonight, you'll meet all 16 of our new competitors. Speaking of competitors, let's meet them right now!" The crowd cheers, ready to meet the 16.

"Everyone, I introduce to you: Tiger, Chinchilla, Gorilla, Angel, Rat, Cat, Platypus, Monkey, Star, Dark Angel, Cavalier, Bunny, Trojan, and Panther!" That was the costumed kids' cue to come out. Each one came out, mostly with a wave to the crowd, who cheered in response.

Nick Cannon continued to speak. "This wouldn't be The Masked Singer without our signature judges!" Everyone, including the camera, turned towards the table with the 5 judges: Ken Joeong, Jenny Wahlberg, Nicole Scherzinger, Robin Thicke, and Mick Swagger.

Luna is definitely going to find out about this, thought Lincoln.

At the Loud House:

Unknown to Lincoln, but Luna did know about Mick Swagger's appearance in the show. Actually, all 10 sisters knew this...since they were all watching the show live.

"I can't believe Mick Swagger's in this show!" Exclaimed Luna, excited to see her idol on tv.

"Of course he is, he is famous after all!" Replied Lola, with a smug face.

Lana rolled her eyes, "Not everyone is put on tv because they're famous." the mechanic responded.

"I know that, I was just saying." Lola responded.

"Girls, be quiet!" Lori announced, and continued to speak. "Nick's about to speak!"

Now with Lincoln:

Nick Cannon continued to speak, like Lori said. "Now, you'll be meeting and seeing performances from all 16 of these competitors tonight. Unfortunately, you'll also be saying goodbye to one of them tonight. This will continue until there's only one competitor left, to be crowned as the winner and receive the Golden Mask!"

The 16 competitors were quickly sent backstage, but were told to be prepared to come back out by Ms. Reese. Any one of them could come back out to perform. Looking back at the camera, there was Nick, still speaking.

"Now, let's meet our first contestant!" Nick announced excitedly.

"Yeah!" shouted Robin, paired with nods of agreement from the other judges.

"Our first contestant is sure going to be pretty bouncy today. Let's meet the bunny!" Nick announced. The host quickly moved away from the stage, which started to project the Bunny (Lincoln's) promo video for the live audience. For the viewer at home like the Loud sisters, the video was also projected on tv. It was of the Bunny, and showing things like his signature outfit and home.

Hey, everyone!

It's the Bunny, welcome to my home!

Behind the Bunny was his home, filled with his bunny family. The voice changer was already applied, so all viewers didn't hear Lincoln's voice. It was also altered in a way so that no viewer could try to decipher the voice (Lisa!).

I'm kinda well known here, since I am from a large family.

I will warn you that I can be a little Loud, though.

Anyway, I got to bounce!

If you need me, just give me a call!

The Bunny then bounces off, ending the video. While the video was playing, Lincoln had already informed everyone that he was doing a cover. With that, Lincoln, dressed as the Bunny, came out to address the crowd. The lights started to darken, with a single spotlight on the Bunny. Music started to play, meaning Lincoln was about to sing. Lincoln put the microphone in his hand, and went to work:

I'm going under and this time I fear there's no one to save me

This all or nothing really got a way of driving me crazy

I need somebody to heal

Somebody to know

Somebody to have

Somebody to hold

It's easy to say

But it's never the same

I guess I kinda liked the way you numbed all the pain

Now the day bleeds

Into nightfall

And you're not here

To get me through it all

I let my guard down

And then you pulled the rug

I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved

I'm going under and this time I fear there's no one to turn to

This all or nothing way of loving got me sleeping without you

Now, I need somebody to know

Somebody to heal

Somebody to have

Just to know how it feels

It's easy to say but it's never the same

I guess I kinda liked the way you helped me escape

Now the day bleeds

Into nightfall

And you're not here

To get me through it all

I let my guard down

And then you pulled the rug

I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved

And I tend to close my eyes when it hurts sometimes

I fall into your arms

I'll be safe in your sound 'til I come back around

For now the day bleeds

Into nightfall

And you're not here

To get me through it all

I let my guard down

And then you pulled the rug

I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved

But now the day bleeds

Into nightfall

And you're not here

To get me through it all

I let my guard down

And then you pulled the rug

I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved

I let my guard down

And then you pulled the rug

I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved

The music then stopped, indicating the end of the song. Lincoln had sung beautifully, and reached the hearts of the viewers. Nick quickly went up to the stage, next to the Bunny and shook the costumed boy's hand.

"Man, wasn't that a great start to the season? Judges, tell us what you think of my Bunny friend right here." Nick said.

Robin spoke first. "First of all, I wanted to say that you have a beautiful voice and that you surprised me a little. I honestly didn't expect to hear you sing this song." he said.

Ken then cuts in. "I honestly thought I was going to hear a energetic song. Like, maybe we see a bouncy bunny singing and dancing."

"Right?" Jenny said.

"Overall great singing, Mr. Bunny." Mick added.

"Thank you," Lincoln said, accompanied by his changed voice.

"Man, this season is going to be so much harder. I mean, the normal Masked Singer has celebrities. There could be some here, but either they won't be as easily recognized." Nicole said.

Clearly, the Bunny was established as an early favorite. All 5 judges were happy with Lincoln's performance. After, the Star performed her own song about life on the farm. Clearly, she was a farm girl and it was hinted that she was from a Southern state. Her song went pretty well. Tiger performed next, with him hinting that he's famous and already chasing a music career. He performed a cover of It's You by Ali Gatie. This cover was given praise, but Jenny didn't really like what she called a lack of experience. The other judges liked how Tiger added a little rap in the middle of the song. His rap looked like this:

I got to pass the history of being hurt

It's made me blind to everything that you were worth

I've always wanna see you since we were the age of two

But I'm too scared to try and see if we could work

Together forever, yeah, that's a long time (long time)

We've waited forever, but now it's our time (our time)

'Cause if there's anything I know to be true

It's that my heart is telling me that it's always been you

Rat performed next, with a cover of 7 years by Lukas Graham. Unfortunately, his cover wasn't the most favored, as there were clear signs of inexperience and little practice on the song. He was the first nominee to possibly get eliminated. Dark Angel was after, who performed one of Mick Swagger's songs. This was given praise from Mick, and it gave Lincoln, who was watching from the back, certain thoughts. I feel like Luna knows this girl, or maybe it is her, Lincoln thought.

The Cavalier was introduced, and made it clear he was the 2nd celebrity to appear so far. In his promo, he called himself a baller and was related to another baller. When the music started, he sang.

Oh-oh, oh-oh


Uh, I say, uh

I don't need no molly to be savage, uh

When I'm on that molly, I feel savage, uh, uh

She the definition of a bad bruh

Stole her, I'm the definition of a bandit, uh, ayy

I don't need no molly to be savage, uh, ayy

But when I'm on the molly, I feel savage

Ayy, my girl the definition of a bad bruh

Stole her heart, I'm the definition of a bandit

Put the Percs down and picked up the jiggas, jiggas, jiggas

Tommy in the flipping Tommy Hilfiger, 'figer, 'figer

That Tommy hit a brotha, Tommy Hilfiger, flip brothas

I see it like a fortune teller

Your ex-brotha did good, I could do better

I don't need no molly to be savage, uh

When I'm on that molly, I feel savage, uh, uh

She the definition of a bad bruh

Stole her, I'm the definition of a bandit, uh, ayy

I don't need no molly to be savage, uh, ayy

But when I'm on the molly, I feel savage

Ayy, my girl the definition of a bad bruh

Stole her heart, I'm the definition of a bandit

During the performance, Cavalier would do little moves that would entertain the crowd. After, these moves were praised by Ken.

"Definitely one of the most entertaining performances so far," added Robin.

Therefore, the Cavalier was also established a fan favorite.

Angel came afterward, with her cover of Believer by Imagine Dragons. This came as a surprise, as her promo said that Angel was a part of a young singing group. Snowman came out next, and it was quickly revealed that he was not actually a boy. Her promo hinted at this, and was made clearer by her song choice of Do You Want To Build A Snowman? The song also showed that she was a younger singer. Nicole and Jenny both said she was adorable.

When the Monkey came out, he was definitely bouncy. His cover of What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction wasn't bad, but not super impressive. Due to being entertaining with his jumpy personality and dancing, he wasn't in real danger of elimination.

Chinchilla came out with a fierce start. Her promo hinted that she wasn't single, and was also famous. She said that she was dating a "maga." Which interested but confused fans. She performed Senorita by Shawn Mendes and Camilla Cabello.

So far, Lincoln had seen some pretty good competition. I shouldn't be too confident right now, as there's still 5 people who need to perform. Thought Lincoln. Little did Lincoln know that he was actually right...

That's Chapter 2! Hope you guys liked it!

DISCLAIMER: I am not actually a member of InquisitorMaster's Squad, but just a fan. I added myself to the Squad to give me a more established role.

DISCLAIMER 2: I went in-depth with several of the performances in this chapter. I did this to show detail, and to not be lazy with my writing of them. That just gave y'all such a huge hint, since there are 5 performances left...and I already said that the 1 character that's actually in this story will perform in the next chapter. Whoops...

Anyway, references/hints:

Platypus in fedora - reference to Phineas and Ferb

The song that the Cavalier sings is - Bandit by Juice WRLD

Chinchilla dating "maga" - This is a reference to the the real life person's boyfriend's last name.

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