Star Beings

By Ghost_Writer143

438 90 8

I thought I was normal. That's what I was always led to believe anyways. But then one day a portal opened up... More

I have no idea whats going on, please send snacks.
Knock knock! Who's there? Childhood trauma!
Zap zap bitches
I nearly die. Again.
..... I finally beat the shit outta caleb.
Someone please throw me off a cliff
I did NOT mean that
🎶What did I miss?🎶
I shouldn't have touched the danger rock
Happy birthday! Have fun getting stabbed.
D A D????
Party time bitches
...and this is why we can't have nice things
Time to fight the evil bitch boy.
A runaway, a pirate, and a merman
Caw caw motherfucker
Elian's backstory
Goddamit Kit
✨A R S O N✨
Time to do some stupid shit.
Sorry Nat
Hell hath no fury like a Star scorned
A Tooth for A Tooth
An Eye for An Eye
I have commited copious ammounts of homicide
A CHILD (well... actually two)
Code word: Adira
Yay, family bonding! Also pirates.
Remind me to slap creation
Welcome to Paradise
The House of Memories
The end?
Authors note!
Its up.

I sword fight my ex girlfriend in the middle of a fuckin casino

7 2 1
By Ghost_Writer143

          My head snaps over to Lane, who is staring at the table so hard it might burst into flames. "Excuse me?" "No, DJ. I don't think it's a good idea for you to come." I stand up so quickly my chair falls over. "That's not for you to decide." "Well based off of prior experiences, it's highly likely you're going to get your ass injured, maimed, or killed." Lane growls, standing up as well and whirling to face me. "Then let me! You're my girlfriend, not my commander or my mom!" "Oh I'm sorry if I want to at least attempt to make sure you don't, oh I dunno, FUCKING DIE!!!!" Lane yells, slamming her hand on the table. I startle. "DJ?" "I'm fine." Lane and I stare at each other for a moment. I sigh. "Lane, I know you want to keep me safe. And I'm sorry I did what I did, that was stupid. But I'm not gonna take that big a risk again-" "Bullshit."
            I recoil slightly. "What?" "You say that time and time again. "I won't take a huge risk again, I promise" but then you do. I'm tired of watching you get hurt every single time you try dumb shit." I throw my hands up in desperation. "Yes, I take risks. But that doesn't mean you can treat me like a fucking child!!!" "THEN STOP ACTING LIKE A FIVE YEAR OLD THROWING A TEMPER TANTRUM!!!" Lane screams. My fists clench. "You want me to stop acting like a child?" I chuckle. "Fine. I'll follow orders for once. But they'll be Natalie's, not yours. If you want me to stop taking risks because you don't want to see me get hurt, then maybe we just shouldn't date anymore."
            The moment the words fall out of my mouth I regret it. Lane's face twists into a look of pain and anger. "You're right. We shouldn't. It'll save me the pain of watching you get yourself killed." Lane brushes past me and out the door. I glance around the room at the shocked faces of the others. "Oh fuck off."

             And so preparations began. Hade, Kit, and Axl were given instructions on who to target, when, and code words. The rest of us were given various positions. Lane and I are on server duty (Natalie's doing. I wonder why...), Gabriel, Caleb, and Maxine are in the kitchen, Karson and Mateo are in bartender duty, and Natalie and Damien will be sending us all demands through comlinks. As for the disastrous meeting when this was announced, no. Lane and I have not made up. She's still pissed. I mean, it's understandable why she'd be pissed. But it still hurts to know I fucked up that bad.
           Also I feel like shit because my girlfriend of three years agreed to breakup with me.
           "DJ! Be at the car in ten." I hear Natalie yell from outside my tent. I button up the vest of my uniform and mess with my hair a bit. A few things about me were the tiniest bit different. My hair is light brown instead of dark brown with no green streak. My eyes are A) the same color and B) a few shades lighter so they have more of an amber color. I'm less stocky and muscled, my jawline is a tad sharper, and I have faint freckles on my cheeks.
            I look like my name would be Sam or something.
            My hair is still the same style though. Which is nice. I stand and swing open the fabric opening to my tent. Lane, or at least who I'm assuming that's who's standing in front of me, is waiting. Her hair is blue and chin length, and her eyes are a mossy shade of green. The freckles are gone. And her face is rounder. "Ready?" She asks quietly. "Um.. yeah! Yeah, I'm ready." I stutter. We trot over to the van and load in. She attempts to sit down next to Natalie but is shooed away. She plops down next to me.
             Well this is awkward.

             The ride up goes smoothly, considering we've got thirteen people plus Elian. Apparently he's coming because he had a previous "connection" with the owner of the casino. The only person that thinks it isn't some sort of sexual relationship is Caleb. The rest of us have various bets on how awkward this'll be. The van pulls into a back alley. Natalie immediately unbuckles and stands.
              "Ok, so here's the plan. Elian will go in with the rest of y'all while Damien and I stay here and watch cameras for anything going south. Maxine, Caleb, and Gabriel will head into the kitchens and look out for anyone going in or out. LO operatives will have little black diamond shaped pins somewhere on their person. Lane and DJ will work the casino as servers. Be on the lookout for any familiar faces. Then alert Hade, Axl, or Kit. You three are barely disguised, if Anai so much as see's one of y'all, namely Hade, the whole mission is screwed."
              The group tenses, the weight of this whole thing dawning on us for the first time. The goal is to make a statement. To announce that the Rebellion was back and ready to fight. But if anyone realizes what we're doing before we spring into action... the whole thing is fucked. I glance over at Hade. The only real difference in their appearance is that their hair isn't dyed or shaved on one side. "Hey, you remember what I taught you?" I ask. Hade nods.
               The person volunteered to go into the heat of a casino without knowing how to play poker.
                And guess who was the only one who actually knew how?
               Natalie swings open the door to the van. "Let's go, idiots."

                Before we head off, I stop Natalie. "Hey, I have a question." "Yeah?" I glance over at Axl. It isn't the best time to ask this but what the hell. "Why are you being such a dick to Axl?" Natalie's eyebrows raise. Then she scowls. "You realize that's the freaking deity, right?" Oh. OH. I try to hold back my laugh. But I can't help the small chuckle that escapes my lips. "Why the heck are you laughing?" "I... PFT-" I double over laughing. "WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING???" When I finally catch my breath, I smirk at Nat.
               "You don't know? The Deity takes the form of someone who will be important to your destiny. Whatever Axl will be to you is up to interpretation, but he will be important. Maybe you could stand to be a little more... welcoming?" Natalie stares into space as if contemplating her existence. "Yeah..." she says finally. "Maybe I could."

              Elian knocks on the back door to the huge casino. It opens, a (very) muscled person opens it. They smile when they see our teacher. "El! Damn, you weren't kidding about bringing a couple of people with ya. Come on in." Elian chuckles nervously as we step through the doorway. "I wouldn't normally be catering to LO but..." "Money is Money. I get it Alfonze." The larger man smiles gratefully. "So how have you been? I haven't seen you since we were... what? 22?" "Something like that. I'm good actually, thanks for asking Al." Alfonze pauses as he stares at Elian's hand. And the ring on it. "I can tell."
                Elian quickly takes notice of the man's change in tone. "They're a lucky person. Whoever's marrying ya." Alfonze says quietly. "I'm the lucky one. Actually, you know her. Remember Hera?" Elian asks with a grin. The other man nods. "I didn't know you were into that... type..." he says with a small chuckle. Elian's face darkens. "What type?" Kit seems to materialize at the front of the group. "And I'd watch your words very carefully."
                What the fuck is going on?
                Kit's ears, which they've yet to get rid of, lay flat against their head. Their pupils are dilated, like a cat preparing to pounce. "I'd get rid of the ears, Kitten. I just meant that I didn't know Elian was into Women as well. That's all. Now come, I'll show each of you to your positions." We head down a narrow hallway. But Kit watches Alfonze closely, ears still flat against their head. "Sure you did, bud." The ears sink into their skull, and their tail sinks into the small of their back. "Sure you did."

                I sweep through the casino floor, a tray of drinks in my hand. I stop at a large poker Table. Hade sits in the middle of a large group of well dressed people. They have a cigarette dangling out of their mouth that they'll occasionally take a puff on before sticking it back in. "Can I get you fine people anything?" I ask, setting down two glasses of wine and a mimosa. One of the well dressed men at the table turns to Hade. He's old. And balding. Charles Aura. I read a file we had on him. He's a rich geezer with more money than most of the population of the planet. AKA, a little bitch. "Anything you want, Vulpo?"
               Vulpo. The name Hade chose to use. When I asked they said it was similar to the genus of a Fox. They claimed that it was a show of cunning and sly, but in reality I think they just wanted to sound cool.
               Hade shakes their head. "I'm all good Aura, but thanks for asking mate." They clasp the old man's shoulder in a show of gratitude. But they're hand rests a tad too long. They squeeze lightly before letting go. "Ah... strong grip, my friend." Aura chuckles lightly. Hade smiles, a thin veil over their obvious frustration. "I get that a lot."
                "So nothing then?" A round of no's goes around the table. I nod and glide away, passing Lane. She sends me a look of slight worry. I flash a smile. She gives me a nervous grin and disappears into the crowd. I walk over to the bar, my heels clicking on the marble floor. I watch a disguised Karson mix drinks like a pro. He grins at me as I set my tray down. "Crazy night huh?" "Yeah, more people than usual." He says with a smirk. I stifle a laugh and pick up the tray. There's some sort of blue cocktail, a martini of some sort, and a glass of champagne. "What table?" "73 R. There's a very special guest, so be on your good behavior." Anai. Fuck. "Which drink?" "The champagne." I nod. "Got it."
                     "Good evening gentle people." I smile, lowering my tray. I feel a pair of cold eyes lock onto me. Anai is wearing a red strapless shirt with a sweetheart neckline and sheer sleeves, and darker red leggings with a sheer skirt surrounding them. Her long hair is up in a bun. She smiles, sending a chill down my spine. "The champagne is mine. As for the rest, the blue is for Latrodect and the Martini is for Loxo." I carefully hand Anai her drink before giving the others theirs. "You may leave now." Anai says without looking at me. She stares at the one called Loxo intently. "Are you sweating, dear sir? Server, could you get this man a napkin? I believe he is having some..." before I even know what's happening, the man has a knife through his chest. I stifle a scream. "Issues."
                      I stare at the body lying still in the chair. Oh god that's not good. "Uh..." I gulp. "D-do you still need those napkins?" "No. But another martini would be nice." I nod and leave quickly, almost running back to the bar. I hear a grainy noise come from my com link before a voice comes through. "I saw what happened. It's fine. She's just completely insane. Get her the drink and move on." I hear Natalie's voice say. I nod, hoping she can see me on the security cameras. The static fades out. I approach the bar. "Another one of those martinis, there was an incident. Don't ask." Karson doesn't, he just makes another Martini and puts it on the tray. Get in, get out. That's it.
                      I set the martini on the table, nod at Anai, and quickly turn to leave. "Now where are you going?" I hear Anai ask. I freeze and turn around. "Pardon?" She extracts a wallet seemingly from nowhere and pulls out a dollar. "For the trouble." I smile, snatch it, and quickly head back towards the bar with my heart in my throat. God I thought I was fucked. I hear my com link buzz. "Anai is on the move, heading for a podium. She's about to give a speech, I think." Damien says through the mic. Right as he says that, Hade waves me over. "It's go time." Natalie says. Finally. A chance to put on a good show.
                     I walk over to Hade's table of old geezers. They have a pile of poker chips in front of them. And they still have a cigarette dangling out of their mouth. "You know, I think I'll finally take you up on that offer of a drink." They say, smirking. They take a drag on their cigarette, leaving it to hang between their index and middle finger. "What can I get you?" "Hm... how about a Strawberry Daiquiri?" That's the code word. "Coming right up."
                  Small hunks of metal fly off of nearby chairs and tables and swirl around my head, twisting into sharp knives. Hade stands. "It's been fun, cowards, but I think it's time I head out." They take their cigarette and put it out in Auras eye with a sizzle. The old man howls in pain, doubling over and clawing at his eyes. Immediately, Kit, Axl, Lane, Karson, and Mateo are all in action. I watch the kitchen doors slam open as the remainder of our team runs into the main room. We all turn to face Anai as our disguises melt away. I feel my shirt tighten slightly. I reach out my hand, a giant glowing green mallet fading into existence in my palm. I smirk. "What? Were you not expecting that?"
                     Immediately, all guards turn to face us, guns raised. Hade smirks over at Axl. "Bud, why don't you show our friends here what you can do?" He grins wildly. Is his skin... cracking?
                     Yeah it's cracking. It looks like there's lava or fire underneath. I turn towards Hade with a raised eyebrow. "He's half fire elemental." "That's a thing here?" Hade nods as Axl sends a soldier flying over our heads. "Neat."
                     Anai steps forward, a sword flying into her hands from a suit of armor in the corner. Shit, how did I not see that? I stare at the twin suit in the other corner and grin. "You guys take the guards. I'll handle Anaideia." Lane grabs my wrist. I spin to face her "DJ-" "The orders were to make a statement." I yank my wrist free and start towards our enemy. "I'm gonna make a goddamn statement."
                    "What's wrong Anai? You weren't predicting we'd pull this? That we'd actually try to crash your little party? I mean, you did the same thing three years ago." Anai lunges, sword raised and eyes cold. The other sword spins into my hand just in time. I narrowly block her, metal grinding on metal. "I figured we oughta return the favor."
                     She shoves me away, lowering her sword slightly. "She's strategizing. DJ. she really didn't expect this. Attack, NOW!" I hear Natalie yell through my com. "Roger that, blue." I leap into action, swinging at Anai. She scrambles out of the way, my sword nearly piercing through her sheer skirt. She's breathing heavy. And her movements are sloppy. "You're off your game today, Anai. Pity. I wanted a challenge." I rush forward, prepared to strike her down.
                    But then I stop. I can hear something through the com link.
                      I feel myself pale as the realization comes down on me like a wave. Anai stands, smiling. "What's wrong Delilah? Didn't think I knew you'd do this?" She asks coolly. "DJ? They knew. GET OUT OF-" Natalie's com cuts out. Static. "Natalie? NAT?" I yell through the com. No answer. I stand, unsure what to do. She knew. But how? My mind wanders back to that casino owner and my blood runs cold. "That bastard sold us out." I growl, staring at the ground. Money is money. "son of a BITCH!!!" I lunge at Anai, rage flaring through me. Lighting sparks and flies everywhere. Hunks of the floor slam into the wall.
                        Rage. Pure, blind, rage. That's the only thing in control now. Not me, not my abilities, not Anai. Just pure anger that feels like it's been pent up for years. Anai narrowly dodges my attacks, now having actual trouble. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!?!" I scream. Natalie could be hurt. Or dead in an alley somewhere. And it's all my fault. I shoulda known that Anai was gonna predict this. Or that that BASTARD would sell us out.
                      Anai and I exchange blow after blow. But then, she stops and glances around the casino. Seeming satisfied, she turns away from me and starts for the window. "See you around DJ. I have what I came here for." She slams the window with a shadow fist. It shatters. There's buildings in the distance. Two dark leathery bat like wings unfold from her back, ripping through her outfit.
                     "Do you?"
                      With that, she leaps out of the window and soars away. I turn around, wondering what made her leave. Her troops, realizing their leader is gone, retreat. And as they do, it's revealed why Anai left. And what her words meant. I feel tears well up in my eyes.
                      My heart falls to the floor.
                      No Mateo.
                      No Gabriel.
                      No Hade.
                      No Kit.
                      And no Lane.

Enjoy pain, motherfrickers. Also, have a meme.

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