The Love Note

By InEveryUniverse_FFN

8.8K 45 25

Lincoln is alone on a Sunday night, just at the mall. There, he meets a familiar that he happens t... More

First Performances + Squad Intro
First Performances PT. 2
Jordacoln Confirmed
Lunchtime Altercation
Family Finds Out
Speak of the Devil...
Karaoke Contest Pt. 1
Karaoke Contest Pt. 2
The Masks Get Interesting
Smackdown & Injured Bunny
Another Mask Bites The Dust
There's Another Park?
Secrets Are Revealed...
Is Lincoln Here yet?
Someone is Exposed
Dinner Storytime
A Self-Jade Plan
More Shocking Revelations

Opportunity From GJ

2.1K 14 9
By InEveryUniverse_FFN

Author's Note: This isn't my first story, but will be the easiest to write. To make sure this story is actually ORIGINAL for y'all, I've gotten straight to the point of this story. Just a hint, but I will be making pop culture references. Another hint, the opportunity Lincoln gets in this chapter is based on a very recent show.

Lincoln's at the Royal Woods comic store, looking for the latest Ace Savvy comic.

"I just have to get this comic," Lincoln says to himself. He looks over to and notices his imaginary audience (aka you, the reader).

"Oh man, I'm sorry. I didn't notice you here. I'm just looking for the Ace Savvy comic. I made sure not to look at any sneak peaks, just so I get no spoilers!" He says.

At the same time, another familiar person is doing the same thing. The person was wearing a yellow hoodie and blue skirt, with the hood on. Unknown to either of them, they look and find the new comic at the same time. Both Lincoln and this person reach for the same comic and end up touching hands, as well as bumping heads.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" the person says. Lincoln tries to recognize the voice. Is that...a girl? He says to himself. It can't be...

"It's ok," Lincoln responds. "I'm Linc-"

"I already know who you are," the voice says. The hooded figure removes their hood. "Lincoln Loud, the one with 10 sisters."

"Girl Jordan! Well it's obvious why you're here," Lincoln says. He picks up one of the comics. I guess she likes Ace Savvy too. "Here you go, Girl Jordan."

She looks at Lincoln, and takes the comic from him. Look at him, just as polite as always. I mean that's why I had a small crush on him in kindergarten. Girl Jordan blushes. "Thanks Lincoln!"

"No problem!" Lincoln says. He notices something about Girl Jordan. Where are her friends, I mean she is pretty popular. "Now, that I think about it, what are you doing here alone?" Lincoln asks Girl Jordan.

Girl Jordan smirks. "I should be asking you that, buddy."

"Well, Clyde is with his dad's, and the rest of my friends are busy. That's why I'm alone, what about you, huh?" Lincoln also smirks. She looks kinda cute like that. Wait, what am I thinking?

"Me? My friends don't like comics, and they went shopping," Girl Jordan responds. Dang, where'd Lincoln get that confidence from? Huh, maybe he's always had it. I didn't really get to know him that much so maybe...

"Looks like we're both alone today," Lincoln said awkwardly.

"Yeah," Girl Jordan responded.

"Hey, maybe we can hang out! Well, that's if you want to." Lincoln scratches the back of his head nervously. Hanging out with Girl Jordan doesn't sound that bad. She's my friend, and there's not much to do anyway.

Girl Jordan was shocked by this question. Her heart starts beating fast, and her old feelings start to return to her. Is...Lincoln asking me on a date? Hopefully...

"Are you asking me out on a date, Lincoln Loud?" Girl Jordan asks.

Now it was Lincoln's turn to be shocked, well at least surprised. Girl Jordan wants to know if I'm asking her on a date...I didn't really mean it that way, but it doesn't sound bad. "Well, it can be a date, a hangout, or whatever. That depends on how you view this."

"Alright, then it's a date!" Girl Jordan smiles as she says this. I'm going on a date with Lincoln! Come on girl, you have feelings for him again...I mean it's not my fault he's so kind.

Lincoln was happy and also confused to hear this. Unknown to both of them, but Lincoln also had a crush on Girl Jordan...and it also was from kindergarten. The part that confused Lincoln was that Girl Jordan took it as him asking her out, and that she said yes.

"Alright, so what do you want to do?" Lincoln asks respectfully. Suddenly, both of their stomachs growl. Both kids notice this and laugh.

"I guess we should eat first." Lincoln says casually.

"I mean it is lunch time after all." Girl Jordan points to a nearby clock, which shows 12:00 exactly.

"I have an idea, let's have lunch at the arcade!" Lincoln says excitedly.

"That sounds fun, so I can beat you playing the games after." Girl Jordan smiles.

"Oh you are so on, Girl Jordan!"

The two start heading to the arcade, not realizing that neither bought the comic. I wonder what made them forget that...

In The Arcade:

Lincoln and Girl Jordan walk in, side by side. The walk was a little awkward, as they tried to not touch the other's hand. They immediately head to a table and get ready to order. Someone comes out, and sees them waiting.

"Hello, you two. What would you guys like?"

"One pepperoni and pineapple pizza, please!" Lincoln and Girl Jordan say at the same time. Both cover their mouths and blush out of embarrassment. "Two drinks as well," Lincoln says nervously.

The lady smiles and says "I'll be right back with your food" She starts to walk off into the back to prepare the meal. "Gosh, those two are such a cute couple," she says while walking.

"But we-" Lincoln tries to say, but the lady is gone. She thinks we're a couple? But we're only just friends. He looks to Girl Jordan, who's looking away, clearly still embarrassed.

Why did she call us a couple? Do we really look like one? Girl Jordan looks at Lincoln, who's already looking at her. Both kids blush, and look away again. He... was looking at me! Does he have a crush on well?

Lincoln also thinks to himself. Why was Girl Jordan looking at me? To be fair, I looked at her first. Lincoln starts to remember back when the two first met, in kindergarten. Lincoln was playing with BunBun in the sandbox when he heard a scream. He looks up and sees Girl Jordan on the ground, crying. It looks like she fell off the swing, and she had a small cut on her knee.

Young Lincoln walks up to the hurt Girl Jordan. "Oh my gosh, are you ok?"

The young girl looks up, still crying. "I don't know. I fell off the swing." She looked down at her knee and saw the cut. "Oh no, me knee!"

Lincoln looks around his pockets, and pulls out a bandaid. "Here," young Lincoln says. He puts the bandaid over Girl Jordan's cut. Girl Jordan smiles at this, feeling a little better.

"My name is Lincoln, what's yours?" young Linc said.

"Jordan, but everyone calls me Girl Jordan."

"Still feeling bad?" He says concerned.

"A little."

Lincoln remembers that he has BunBun with him, and gives it to Girl Jordan. "When I'm sad, I just hold BunBun and I feel better." Girl Jordan looks at Lincoln, but accepts the bunny. Her frown disappears, now replaced by a small smile. The two children start to play together in the sandbox. That was the day they met, and when they unknowingly gained feelings for each other.

Lincoln smiles, as his old feelings for Girl Jordan return. What he doesn't know is that Girl Jordan was thinking of the same memory. She remembered how kind Lincoln was that day, and how it was why she gained her crush on him.

Both kids looked at each other, and blushed. They even had the same thought. Wait, I think he/she has a crush on me too!

Just then, the lady came back with the pizza and drinks. "Here is your food, that will be $17.88. Just leave the money after you're done." the lady walks off, leaving the two alone. While eating, Lincoln and Girl Jordan just talk about literally anything, from school to the rest of the Loud sisters.

"Ok, one last time. Remind me of all your sisters." Girl Jordan said.

"First there's Lori, the oldest sister. She's almost always on her phone, mostly texting her boyfriend Bobby. Then there's Leni, the fashionista of the family who's typically oblivious and kind. Luna is the rock and roll sister, and Luan is the comedic one. Those puns can get old sometimes. Lynn is the sporty sis, and Lucy is our kind of goth girl. She can get really scary when she jumpscares us. The twins are Lola and Lana. They're mostly opposite, with Lola being a pageant queen and Lana the dirty mechanic. She's usually the one that fixes stuff in the house."

"Maybe I can ask her to fix something if we need it." Girl Jordan saying, laughing.

"I'd have to see if she's available, but sure." Lincoln laughs as well.

"What about your last two sisters, Lincoln?"

"Oh yeah. Lisa is the genius, and Lily is the youngest. We're not sure what she's like yet." Lincoln says.

"Sure seems like a lot to manage," Girl Jordan says, concerned.

"It is, but I manage."

Girl Jordan stops and thinks to herself. Dang, Lincoln has to deal with all 10 of these sisters. Knowing him, he probably tries his best to help and be a good brother to all of them. It must be pretty hard. "You sure?" Girl Jordan asks curiously.

"It can get hard sometimes, but you don't have to worry about it." Lincoln smiles, though it's partially forced.

Girl Jordan notices this, but chooses not to confront him about it. As much as I want to confront Lincoln, I don't want to force him to open up to me.

The pair continue to eat, until they finish the pizza. They both had exactly half of the pizza, eating 4 slices each. It was a medium, so they could finish it. Both of their drinks were empty as well.

"Well, that was quite a meal." Lincoln says with his stomach full.

"Yupp," Girl Jordan agrees, also her stomach full.

Lincoln notices something on Girl Jordan's lip. It was some sauce from the pizza! He grabs a napkin, and wipes it on Girl Jordan's mouth.

"There you go." Lincoln says kindly. "Now your face is as cute as before." Lincoln's heart beats fast, and Girl Jordan blushes.

"Thanks," the flustered Girl Jordan replies.

Lincoln quickly places a $20 bill on the table, and the two then make their way to the rest of the arcade.

"Time to beat you at these games!" Girl Jordan says confidently.

"Not if I can help it." Lincoln replies, just as confidently.

The two friends play almost every game in the arcade, from Mortal Kombat to the racing games. They use the air hockey table, and even use the mini basketball hoop game.

"Alright, the score is 10-10. You've won 10 games, and I've won 10." Lincoln says, with surprise.

"Well, there's only one game left to play." Girl Jordan says. "So this is pretty much the tie-breaker."

Lincoln looks around at all the games they played so far. He won the mini-hoop game due to playing with Lynn before, and the racing games. Girl Jordan beat him at Mortal Kombat and air hockey. There was just one more game to play, Dance Dance Revolution.

"Alright, to make this fair, we'll play a random song so we don't know what the song is right away. If we don't know the song, then we'll just have to figure out our own moves to it." Lincoln says.

"Sounds fair," Girl Jordan says. They click the random button in the song selection, and the music starts to play. The game starts to play a very similar song, Party Rock. The two both start to dance to the song, while simultaneously pressing the buttons underneath them with their feet. As they dance, they start looking like they're from the music video itself.

The competition goes by smoothly, Lincoln and Girl Jordan side by side. Amazingly, the score is very similar. Heck, even the two kids would occasionally look at the other behind their backs. Towards the end of the song, they two end up doing a move where they would dance backwards while facing the other.

Both proceed to do the move, and it goes smoothly...for Lincoln. Unfortunately, Girl Jordan almost gets the move done perfectly. Lincoln sees Girl Jordan get caught in her own shoelaces and trip. For Lincoln, the world goes slow mo. The Loud boy quickly stops dancing and catches Girl Jordan, preventing her from falling.

"I got you!' Lincoln says after catching Girl Jordan.

Girl Jordan doesn't immediately respond. She looks at Lincoln. He...saved me! "Thanks!" Girl Jordan says. Both kids just continue to look at each other, Girl Jordan still in Lincoln's arms.

All of a sudden, the song ends. Both Lincoln and Girl Jordan look at the game screen. The song was over, and Lincoln won! Well, it wasn't by too much, but showed that something happened to make them both stop.

"Well, I guess you won Lincoln." Girl Jordan says, putting her hand forward.

"I know, but you're more important than that. Are you ok?" Lincoln blushes.

Girl Jordan is shocked at what Lincoln just said, and also blushes. Oh my god, he cares about me more than the win!

"I'm ok," Girl Jordan responds, still flustered.

The two soon leave the arcade, not mentioning what happened. Unlike before, the pair walk closer than before. There's a bit of silence, until Lincoln needs to use the restroom. Luckily for him, Lincoln and Girl Jordan find a small room in the middle of the walkway that looks like a bathroom. At least, what they think is a bathroom...

"I'm going to use the restroom real quick, Girl Jordan." Lincoln says.

"Alright, I'll wait outside." Girl Jordan replies, with a small smile. Unknown to both of them, the room wasn't actually a restroom. A smile sign on the door reads Public Music Studio: Want to play music, sing a song? Play it here for the rest of the mall to hear!

Lincoln goes inside, and finds out that this little building wasn't a bathroom. It was a music studio, with all the equipment needed to play/sing music to project out. Luckily for Lincoln, there was actually a bathroom in there. He goes into the bathroom and uses it, and washes his hands when he's done.

When Lincoln comes out of the restroom, he looks to all the equipment in the studio. There's a chair for the person to sit on while playing/singing the song of choice. On it, there's a note with the same message that was on the door. Public Music Studio: Want to play music, sing a song? Play it here for the rest of the mall to hear!

Lincoln smiles. Singing a quick song doesn't sound so bad, but Girl Jordan is still outside. She's waiting for me. Maybe she left? Then, a spark goes off in Lincoln's mind. I got it! Lincoln shrugs off his thought about Girl Jordan and looks for the song, ignoring the last part of the note. Play it here for the rest of the mall to hear!

Outside, Girl Jordan is still waiting for Lincoln. What's taking Lincoln so long? I'll just wait for him, it's just too rude to leave. Suddenly, music starts to play throughout the mall. Girl Jordan looks around, trying to find the source of the music. Then a voice starts to sing.

Lincoln: I'm only one call away

I'll be there to save the day

Superman got nothing on me

As he's singing, Lincoln thinks about Girl Jordan.

Lincoln: I'm only one call away

Call me, baby, if you need a friend

I just wanna give you love

C'mon, c'mon, c'mon

Reaching out to you, so take a chance

No matter where you go, know you're not alone

Girl Jordan smiles listening to the voice sing. The singer was clearly male, and had a great singing voice. Unknown to her, it was Lincoln who was singing.

Lincoln: I'm only one call away

I'll be there to save the day

Superman got nothing on me

I'm only one call away

Come along with me and don't be scared

I just wanna set you free

C'mon, c'mon, c'mon

You and me can make it up, anyway

For now, we can stay here for a while

Cause you know, I just wanna see your smile

No matter where you go, know you're not alone

I'm only one call away

I'll be there to save the day

Superman got nothing on me

I'm only one call away

When you're weak, I'll be strong

I'm gonna keep holding on

Now don't you worry, it won't be long

Darling, if you feel like hope is gone

Just run into my arms

I'm only one call away

I'll be there to save the day

Superman got nothing on me

I'm only one, I'm only one call away

I'm only one call away

I'll be there to save the day

Superman got nothing on me

I'm only one call away

I'm only one call away

The two kids unknowingly smile at the same time. Lincoln smiled, satisfied with the way he sang. He smiled more, knowing the inspiration for his cover. That was for you, Girl Jordan. Girl Jordan smiled, as she thought of Lincoln. The singing was amazing, and caused her to think of him.

Lincoln walked towards the exit, not knowing if Girl Jordan was still there. He opens the door, and is surprised to still see her waiting for her. She was smiling, still thinking of the cover that just played throughout the mall. He was just about to approach her when he suddenly heard clapping near him.

"Bravo, Bravo!" The person says. It was a young looking woman. She was dressed in a business suit, with high heels.

She walks up to Lincoln. "Sorry to approach like this, but were you the one singing that?" the lady says.

"I...was," not knowing anyone heard it.

Girl Jordan overheard and saw this conversation going on. So that was Lincoln singing? I can't believe it was him, he sounds so good!

The lady continues on. "Before I say what I came up to you for, I just want to tell you that you have an amazing voice!"

Lincoln was still confused. "Thanks?" He says awkwardly.

The lady notices Lincoln's confusion. "I assume you have no idea that your cover was projected to the entire mall, right?" she says.

Lincoln is shocked about what he just heard. The entire mall? That means everyone heard it. So that means if Girl Jordan is still here, then she must have heard it. "Yeah, why?" Lincoln asks.

"Come inside, and I'll explain everything." The lady says and starts to go into the studio. Lincoln, wanting to know what was happening, just nodded and followed her inside. What Lincoln didn't know was that Girl Jordan really was still there, and she heard everything.

That was Lincoln singing. THE Lincoln Loud. He has such a great voice, and I was thinking of him the whole time? I didn't even know it was him! Plus, the song just made me think of my feelings for him. I wonder who or what he sang the song for, maybe I'll ask him..

Inside, the lady and Lincoln are in the studio. Lincoln notices the lady and how she's dressed. She looks like a business lady, I wonder what she wants with me?

His thoughts are quickly ended with the lady speaking. "The name's Gabby Reese." She sticks out her hand.

"I'm Lincoln. Lincoln Loud." He replies with a smile, and shakes Gabby's hand.

"Alright, enough with the introductions. I'll just cut right to the chase."

"Let me guess, this has to do with what I just sang" Lincoln says, not sure of what she needed to talk to him for.

"That is exactly what this is about," She replies.

"Okay, what about it?"

"Well, I've clearly heard your voice, and I'll say what I said before again. I loved it! Your voice is perfect for us!"

"Us?" Lincoln asks out of pure confusion.

"I'm inviting you to be on our new show. It's a singing competition, for kids under 15."

"Well, I'm 12. I don't know if I want to join, though. I don't think I'd be the best on camera."

"So you fit our age requirements, I see. But, you didn't let me finish. You don't worry about being on camera, as you'll be anonymous pretty much the whole time."

Lincoln was now intrigued. A singing show? This sounds interesting, and fun! "I'm in, so how will this work?"

"Well, here's how this works: You'll be competing with 14 other kids from anywhere in this country. We'll be recording episodes just outside Royal Woods in a smaller venue, to prevent any interference from the public. To keep you all anonymous, you'll be singing in special suits with giant masks to cover your faces. When you aren't wearing that suit, you'll be given special equipment to cover any physical features. Heck, the staff won't even know who you are!"

"Where does the singing come in?" Lincoln curiously asks.

"You and the other contestants will be singing in your costumes in front of a live crowd. Unfortunately, that means there will be no retakes and you have to make your performance in one try. To even this out, you'll be able to pick the song you perform. It can be a song that's already been made, or a custom one. You'll have to let our audience and judges know which one of those your performance will be beforehand. When you aren't singing, you'll have a voice changer that'll censor your real voice so you can't be easily identified." Gabby responds, looking at her clipboard.

So we'll really be anonymous, Lincoln thinks to himself. "How will the winner be determined?" Lincoln asks.

"Every episode, you'll perform a song. Before every performance, you'll put out a premade promo video with your masked self in it, giving hints about yourself. The performance will usually be solo, but sometimes you might perform alongside other contestants. There will be what we call Smackdowns, which is a one on one performance, or group performances. The group performances you won't need to worry about, as those are just a way for you to share more of your voices and hints. The Smackdowns can eliminate you. One of you will be eliminated each episode, so you'll want to win those." Gabby stops and thinks to make sure she didn't miss anything in her explanation. "The top 3 will win at least guaranteed money, but other prizes I cannot tell you. 1st place will get $10000, 2nd will get $5000, and 3rd place will get $2500."

Lincoln thought about the offer he was just given. Not only will I be on TV, but I have a chance to win a lot of money! I'll have to keep this a secret from everyone though, including all my friends and sisters. "I'll do it." Lincoln says.

Gabby smiles, happy to hear his response. "Great! Sign this form and put all the asked information. Recording starts tomorrow, you'll be picked up after school." She pulls out a contract, which Lincoln easily signs.

Lincoln starts to leave, but is stopped by Gabby.

"Quick question, what would you like your costume to be? All we ask is that it's an actual creature, real or fictional. Something like a dog or dragon will work." She says.

"A white bunny, if you don't mind." Lincoln says, shyly.

"That won't be difficult at all, we have amazing artists that will be able to work 24/7 to make your costume. It'll be ready by the time you arrive."

"Alright, thank you Ms. Reese!" Lincoln says, as he leaves the studio. Outside, he sees Girl Jordan, who's still waiting for him.

"So, what'd happen with that lady?" Girl Jordan.

"Oh nothing. Just a huge opportunity." Lincoln responds.

"What kind of opportunity?"

"I can't tell you about that."

"At least tell me about your singing!" Girl Jordan says, blushing.

Lincoln looks at Girl Jordan nervously. Does she know the song was about her? "What about it?" Lincoln asks.

"Well, your singing was amazing! But I want to know what inspired you to sing it." She says curiously.

"Just know it's someone really special to me." Lincoln says blushing. Lincoln then walks away, leaving Girl Jordan alone to think about what just happened.

Well, there's a possibility it could be about me. Girl Jordan thinks.

I'm not sure how y'all feel about this, but I'll test this idea out in this first chapter. My idea is that at the end of every chapter, I'll explain the references used in it. Another thing I plan to include here is at least one hint for what will happen in the next chapter. So, here goes...


Song is One Call Away by Charlie Puth

The name for Gabby Reese is original, but based on the real names of YouTubers I watch.

Hint: These YouTubers will be introduced as characters.

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