Give me Anything but Signals...

By Imalittlelost3

26.6K 800 350

Corrine's back! And she's here to win the million, and maybe figure out Duncan's feelings for her. One proble... More

Monster Cash
Alien Resurr-Eggtion
Riot On Set
Beach Blanket Bogus
3:10 To Crazytown
The Aftermath I: Trent's Decent
The Chefshank Redemption
One Flu Over The Cuckoos
The Sand Witch Project
Masters Of Disaster
Full Metal Drama
Aftermath II: Forgive or For Gwen
Ocean's Eight - Or Ten
One Million Bucks, BC
Million Dollar Babies
Dial M for Merger
Super Hero-ID
The Aftermath III: Owen or Lose (Short)
The Princess Pride (Short)
Get a Clue
Mutiny on the Soundstage (Short)

Rock n' Rule

468 24 16
By Imalittlelost3

Last time on Total Drama Action, Harold took a big bite of who-done-it in our most mysterious episode yet. After our contestants cracked the code of Chris' mysterious message, they stealthy had to fetch prints and DNA from each other. Apathy reward on a train quickly turned into a hunt for my murderer. When Lindsay and Corrine were declared the Sherlockiest of them all, Courtney was furious. But, it didn't stop Lindsay from inviting Duncan to the movies to make Courtney more jealous. Will Courtney plot some evil revenge? Is Lindsay going to actually outsmart her? Find out on this episode of Total Drama Action!

Corrine ran her fingertips over the stone in her pocket, watching as Lindsay serenaded the girls with a truly horrible attempt at singing. She did look happy, though, and that was contagious.

"Would you please shut up?" Courtney asked with a look of contempt on her face. "Your not even singing the right words!"

She sent a glare Corrine's way.

"And everyone knows you picked Duncan for your movie reward last night as retaliation. The murder mystery challenge is over, so you can stop massacring that song!"

Lindsay furrowed her brows and looked at her mascara wand.

"I was not mascara-ing anything except my eyelashes, Courtney."

Lindsay blinked, the towel turban wrapped around her head drooping down.

"What's that other thing you said I did?"

Beth huffed and jumped from her bunk bed, watching the girls with a desperate look on her freckled face.

"Guys, can't we try to get along?" She pleaded and Corrine let out a sharp laugh.

"What?" Beth asked. As Corrine walked to Lindsay's side.

"I don't know why you would want the two of them to get along, seeing as you're siding with Courtney one day and then Lindsay the next. Are you actually loyal to anyone, or are you just hoping to ride on their coattails?"

Bethe let out a gasp.

"Oh, don't play dumb, Lindsay!" Courtney exclaimed, ignoring Corrine's words. Lindsay blinked again before breaking into song again. Courtney watched her in shock, leaning toward Beth.

"She isn't playing, is she?"

Beth shook her head.

Meanwhile, at the boy's trailer, Duncan cringed and covered his ears as Lindsay's voice cut through any sense of peace he had that morning.

"Three hours at the movies with that girl and now this?" He looked over at Harold, reaching out and grabbing his collar tightly. He pushed him to the floor. "Ugh. I'm gonna go stick a fork in my eye to relieve the pain."

Suddenly the sound of drums filled the air and both trailers shared a look, rushing to swing their door open. They were greeted by Chris and Chef, who was pounding away at the drums with glee. He hit the symbols, ending his little solo, and making Chris jump. He sent him a glare before turning back to the campers, a manic grin on his face.

"Nice of you to join us," He said. "Today's movie genre is, drumroll please."

Chef grinned and drummed loudly until Chris stopped him.

"Today's movie genre is, the rock and roll biopic."

Harold grinned.


He slid along the grass, playing air guitar.

"Rock and roll biopic? Normally I would've been stoked," Duncan confessed. "But I had a rocking headache from Lindsay-palooza last night."

A question was thrown from behind the camera and Duncan felt his face get hot.

"This has nothing to do with Corrine!"

Lindsay raised her hand.

"Is a biopic kinda like a toothpick?" Lindsay asked. "Cause I could really use one right now. I've had popcorn stuck in my tooth since last night."

Chris ignored her.

"Any good rock and roll biopic starts with a kid from humble beginnings," Chris said. "Drawn into the seemingly glam world of rock music. After overcoming enormous hardship, the kid gets a break and makes it ginormous. Even bigger than me."

His face fell, reenacting the highs and lows of a rock star's life.

"The kid is then drawn into a scandalous world of stuff I'm not allowed to talk about with sixteen-year-olds. Things that lead to dangerous addictions, multiple divorces, the occasional night in the joint, and an untimely death while sitting on a toilet."

Corrine rolled her eyes.

"A few things that any certifiable rock god needs to know that I can talk about," Chris said. "You need to know how to rock on the guitar, work the paparazzi, and trash a hotel room. Any questions?

Lindsay raised her hand.

"Um, why is Owen here?"

The teen looked over to where she was pointing, spotting Owen munching on some popcorn.

"Hey everybody!" He waved, chewed-up popcorn falling from his mouth. Corrine wrinkled her nose.

"Don't get me wrong," Corrine said to the confessional. "Owen is a lovable idiot, but he's also super accident-prone. If he's going down, he'll take someone else with him. And I don't want that to be me."

"Owen!" Chris groaned, throwing up his hands. "You were supposed to wait for your cue! What is wrong with you?"

"I'm sorry," He whimpered. "I just got so excited to see my buds!"

Chris scoffed.

"Owen, get lost until I give you my cue!"

Owen ran off and Chris cleared his throat.

"I have an announcement to make," Chris said smugly. "Because I'm the host and can do whatever I want, I've decided to bring someone back to the show. Can anyone guess who that might be?"

Lindsay gasped in excitement, holding her hands up to her chest.

"Is it...What's the name of that boy I liked again? Tyler?"

Courtney groaned.

"Ugh!" She complained. "I can't take it anymore!"

Owen ran back to the camp.

"Hi everyone!" He greeted them with arms wide. "I just can't help myself!"

He wrapped his arms around Lindsay, squeezing her. He gave everyone else a hug, except Duncan, who gave him a fistbump.

"Good to have you back!" Harold exclaimed.

"Fine," Chris scoffed and Courtney huffed.

"No!" She exclaimed. "Not fine! No way Owen is allowed back! I had to file a lawsuit to get back on this show! I'm contacting my lawyers."

She pulled out her PDA, typing away.

"You're not the only one with lawyers," Chris said, a smile still pasted on his face. "Owen also filed a lawsuit. And won."

"I didn't really file a lawsuit," Owen confessed. "I'm back because my mom spent fifty thousand bucks we don't have. We kinda put the family in a big hole. So Chris offered me fifty big ones to come back and stir up the doo-doo."

He took a handful of popcorn.

"I don't want to cause any trouble because Lindsay and Beth and Corrine and Duncan and Harold are my friends. Oh. And Courtney's okay. I guess."

"Where did Chris say the stadium was?" Beth asked as they walked through the lot. Corrine hit Duncan's shoulder with her own and he stumbled lightly, turning to send her a glare.

"What?" He asked.

"I've got something for you," She said with a smile and Duncan softened.



"What is it?"

She opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by Courtney.

"He is so gonna kill us," She said loudly. "We are so late!"

Two minutes later they reached the stadium, where Chris was waiting for them with a look of fury on his face.

"I said ten minutes!" He yelled. "Not ten hours!"

"You also said to meet you at the big stadium," Duncan retorted, pointing at the amphitheater, "And this is the dumpy Guilded Chris Awards theatre."

"Where you might get dumped!" Chris warned, the smile faltering for a second before returning. Corrine cringed. He was losing it. Although, did he ever really have it?

"Not bad," He said. "First Step to becoming a rock legend is to show up late for your own show. Anyway, for your first challenge, you're gonna be rocking out on the guitar."

Lindsay raised her hand.

"But I don't know how to play the guitar," She said. "Is it anything like the recorder? I can play the recorder."

"Yeah," Chris said. "It's a lot like playing the recorder, only completely different."

Chris turned to the teens as Chef rolled out a rack of fake guitars.

"Since I'm guessing most of you can't read, let alone read music, you'll be playing a guitar-shaped peripheral."

He pointed up to the large screen attached to the stadium, where a guitar with colored blocks on the neck was displayed.

"The notes will be represented by colored notes on the screen, which correspond to your guitar, which you will be playing simultaneously. During which, you'll be eliminated."

His grin grew.

"And every time you play a wrong note..."

He made a buzzing sound with his mouth and Beth gasped.

"You mean you're gonna electrocute us?"

"Me?" He asked incredulously. "Electrocute you? Of course not! The guitar will electrocute you."

He laughed as the teens gasped in horror at the thought of being electrocuted.

"But don't worry," He reassured. "You'll live. Though, you may never be able to play the piano again."

Lindsay shrugged.

"I can't play the piano anyway."

"Or use the phone."

She screamed.

"I used to play in an all-girl rock band at school called The A-type Psychotic Crazies," COurtney confessed, arms crossed confidently. "Unfortunately, we broke up before our first gig. Apparently, you can't start a band with five leads and no backup."

"Are you ready to rock out?" Chris exclaimed and Corrine smiled, looking down at the guitar she had chosen. A Fender Mustang look-alike. Just like the one she had at home. She missed it.

"For those about to rock!" Harold sang out. "I salute you!"

Duncan rolled his eyes.

"AC/DC?" He asked. "Lame."

"Alright!" Chris said, throwing up the devil horns. "Let's rock!"

The teens looked up at the screen and the colors began to fly faster than they could keep up. Except for Corrine, and surprisingly, Harold. Soon after, everyone else was able to catch and Duncan watched as Corrine's fingers flew along the buttons, a small smile on her face.

"Did you forget?" He asked and she looked up at him with confusion on her face. "If you mess up, you get electrocuted."

Corrine shrugged, looking back at the screen.

"I'm not worried," She said. "I've been playing guitar since before I could remember. This is way easier."

He chuckled.

Suddenly, Harold was electrocuted after his guitar burst into flames, sending him to the floor in a heap of ash. Owen, who was far too pumped up for the challenge, fell off the stage and was also quickly electrocuted and eliminated.

"Well," Chris announced. "Two down, four to go."

Lindsay held up her guitar.

"Do you have one in red?" She asked. "This one doesn't really go with my outfit."

She was eliminated quickly, letting out a pained screech.

Beth was next, leaving only Courtney, Corrine, and Duncan.

Corrine narrowed her eyes and watched Courtney breeze through the challenge.

"Wow!" Harold exclaimed. "She's on fire!"

She looked over at Duncan, who only pressed every other button and she nudged him. They shared a look, the same idea in their heads. While Courtney kneeled on the floor, giving it her all, Corrine and Duncan stopped at the same time. They lifted the guitars over their heads and smashed them on the floor as hard as they could, sending pieces of plastic and tech everywhere. Corrine lifted her guitar again, letting down on top of Duncan's, a laugh leaving her body as she held up the detached neck.

"That felt amazing," She laughed and Duncan agreed.


"Nice one," Chris told the teens. "You broke them."

"Oops," Duncan said sarcastically. "Sorry."

The music stopped and Courtney stood up, a smug smile on her face.

"Corrine's had this whole 'Rocker Chic' thing going on for the past two seasons," Courtney said to the confessional. "She isn't the only girl who can rock out! Take that you bit-"

"The winner is," Chris gestured for a drum roll.

"Duncan and Corrine!"

"What!" Courtney's smile fell from her face. "But I hit every note! And I played behind my head, and on my knees!"

"Yes," Chirs agreed. "But you tried way too hard and if there's one thing rock stars don't do, it's try."

"But why Corrine?" She asked. "She got all the notes right too."

"Yeah," Chris said. "She made it look easy, and she smashed her guitar. Exactly what a Rocker Chic does."

"I prefer Riot Girl," Corrine chimed in, sending Chris a sweet smile.

"Riot Girl," He corrected, standing from his seat.

Duncan threw an arm over Corrine's shoulder, sending Courtney a teasing grin.

"Watch and learn, Babydoll," He teased. "Maybe one day you'll learn to rock as hard as us."

"He calls her babydoll and has his arm around me," Corrine muttered. "What does that even mean? That's not fair!"

The teens watched as Chris left the shitty limo, dressed in his powder blue suit, and walked to where they stood on a red carpet. They were surrounded by cardboard cutouts and interns flashing cameras; Corrine cringed when the light got too close to her eyes.

"Now," He said into a microphone. "In order to become a true rock immortal, you must know how to work the paparazzi,"

He gestured to the moving cardboard cutouts.

"The first part is an obstacle course of fans, photogs, groupies, and autograph hounds," Chris explained. "You'll start at the lame-o-sine, past the obstacles, and finally backstage."

He turned to Duncan and Corrine.

"For winning our first challenge, you two get our backstage pass."

The teens were handed lanyards and Corrine stuffed hers in her pocket.

"So you two will start halfway."

"Too bad this isn't a real backstage pass," Duncan said, holding the lanyard out. "Looks the part... 'All Access Membership Buff and Tone Spa?'"

Courtney went first, and rushed down the carpet, passing by each cutout with ease.

Duncan was next, causing as much chaos and mayhem as he could, even going so far as to break some cardboard cutouts.

"Major potential lawsuit action," Chris complimented.


Chris laughed.

Corrine went next, starting in the middle of the carpet. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, thinking back to the rock stars she modeled her life after. Courtney Love, Alanis Morrisette, and Stevie Nicks.

She started at the paparazzi, threw her hands up, and jutted out her hips, a bright smile on her face. She stopped at the autograph hound next and signed it.

"If this ends up on E-bay," She said loudly. "I'll sue the hell outta you!"

Next was the groupie, who she hugged and gave a kiss on the cheek, smearing her lipstick.

"Get the hell outta here," She said. "Buy a guitar! Become the rockstar, babe!"

She ignored the man handing out food and stopped at the bouncer, holding up her backstage pass and reaching out to squeeze his cardboard bicep.

"Thanks, babe," She winked as she slid through the door, a satisfied smile on her face.

"Nice job," Chris said as she handed him her backstage pass. "I could really feel the scandal."

Corrine smiled and took a seat next to Duncan, who pouted with his arms crossed.

"What's your problem?" She asked and he scoffed.

"Nothing," He bit, looking away. "Your lipstick is fucked up, by the way."

She furrowed her brows and stood from the couch as Owen broke through the door, ending his turn. She looked at the vanity, fixing the smudge as Duncan watched her, still frowning.

"Am I jealous of a cardboard cutout?" Duncan repeated the question the confessional asked, letting out a scoff. "That's insane. Of course not!"

Lindsay was the only one who had succeeded of the remaining teens, breezing through the carpet with more grace than Corrine. Ten minutes later, Chef was handing Chris a manila folder.

"And now the moment you've all been waiting for," He said, pulling out a stack of papers. "The photographic evidence. Let's see your best shots, shall we?"

He flipped the first picture, Courtney just out of frame, and tossed it behind his back. Next was Duncan, who was winding back his fist to punch that pap. Then was Corrine, arms up with a big grin on her face. He kept that picture and tossed out Beth and Harold's pictures, declaring Lindsay and Corrine the winners.

Lindsay let out a squeal and gave Corrine a big hug. The teen grinned and returned the squeeze, looking over her shoulder at Courtney, who glared at her furiously. She stuck out her tongue, mocking her.

"How is that possible?" Courtney complained. "I did the best job of avoiding the paparazzi!"

"Who said you were supposed to avoid them?" Chris asked smugly. "The paparazzi means exposure, and Lindsay and Corrine exposed."

"Lindsay and Corrine win an advantage in the next part of the challenge," Chris said. "Where you'll compete for invincibility."

"I hate hate hate losing," Courtney confessed, arms crossed in rage. "So when Lindsay and Corrine won, it took all my years of studying transcendental meditation to keep it together."

Corrine stood in a hotel seat, nudging Duncan with her elbow as Chris reran his lines quietly.


"Do you want your surprise now?" She asked, a warm smile biting her cheeks. He grinned and nodded his head, holding out his hand.

She reached into her pocket, fishing for the necklace when Courtney suddenly turned, pulling Duncan to stand beside her and sending Corrine a triumphant look.

"Finally, the ultimate rock star challenge," Chris began before she could do anything. "Trashing the hotel room. You've got thirty seconds on the clock, with Lindsay and Corrine getting an additional ten for having won the second challenge."

He quickly yelled at them to start and Corrine turned, immediately kicking in a mirror. It shattered and she picked up what was left of the frame, throwing it through one of the windows. She jumped onto the bed with Lindsay and Owen, jumping as hard as she could to break the frame before reaching for the pillows and pulling out the stuffing. Just as she was about to attack the mattress, a scream interrupted her.

It was Courtney, looking almost feral as she broke the set walls, grabbed microphones, and sent the place tumbling.

When Corrine and Lindsay were given their ten seconds, there was nothing left to trash. The girls sat in shock at the damage around them, looking at Courtney, who was already starting to calm down.

"With nothing left to destroy," Chris said. "Courtney wins invincibility."

Courtney cheered.

"Now," Chris said. "You all decide who gets booted from the band."

That night, Corrine took a seat next to Duncan, clicking her vote before turning to him.

"Here," She said, finally giving him his necklace, with a new attachment to it. Another rock, this time, broken into the shape of a skull. "It's lucky again."

He gulped, a strange look taking over his face as he looked down at his tablet, vote already made.

"Thanks," He choked and Corrine furrowed her brows.

"Hey, dummy," She teased. "Everything okay?"

He nodded his head, eyes still on the tablet.

"I didn't vote for you if that's what you're worried about," She said. "We're in this together, remember? It's me or you who's gonna win, right?"


The Gilded Chris music began to play and Corrine leaned back in her seat, unconcerned. Sure, she and Courtney had butted heads, but she was fine with everyone else, minus Beth. Beth, though, she'd do whatever Lindsay would do; she had seen them talking earlier at the gazebo, probably deciding who they were going to vote for.

"Now," Chris said, in his usual powdered blue shirt. "Seven left. One must go."

He held up five statues.


He trailed off and the teens gasped, wondering what fresh hell Chris was thinking up.

"We have a tie!"

Corrine's face fell and she looked over at Duncan, who was staring at her with a guilty look in his eyes.

It was her.

She was going home.

She listened numbly as Harold, Beth, Courtney, and Owen were tossed their awards, leaving Duncan, Lindsay, and herself.

"Only one left," Chris smirked and she turned away from Duncan, blinking back the tears in her eyes. "And the final gilded Chris goes to..."

Corrine would never forgive him for this.


Beth gasped.

"But, Lindsay," Beth turned to her. "I voted for Duncan."

Lindsay looked at her in confusion as Chris let out a laugh.

"Yeah." He said. "This is actually a first for the show. It's the first time a contestant accidentally voted themselves off."

Lindsay gasped and Duncan began to laugh, only to be stopped by Corrine's elbow in his stomach. He let out a wheeze and caught his breath as he watched her stand from her spot.

"Wait!" He called out and she stopped, turning to send him a death glare. "I'm sorry...loser. I mean, I'm just playing the game, right?"

Her glare worsened.

"Right," She spat. "You're playing the game. And I'm done playing."

She slammed the door to the lame-o-sine and waited for Lindsay to say goodbye to Beth, looking away from Duncan, who was trying to talk to her through the window.

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