Give me Anything but Signals...

By Imalittlelost3

26.6K 800 350

Corrine's back! And she's here to win the million, and maybe figure out Duncan's feelings for her. One proble... More

Monster Cash
Alien Resurr-Eggtion
Riot On Set
Beach Blanket Bogus
3:10 To Crazytown
The Aftermath I: Trent's Decent
The Chefshank Redemption
One Flu Over The Cuckoos
The Sand Witch Project
Masters Of Disaster
Full Metal Drama
Ocean's Eight - Or Ten
One Million Bucks, BC
Million Dollar Babies
Dial M for Merger
Super Hero-ID
The Aftermath III: Owen or Lose (Short)
The Princess Pride (Short)
Get a Clue
Rock n' Rule
Mutiny on the Soundstage (Short)

Aftermath II: Forgive or For Gwen

1K 35 9
By Imalittlelost3

Once again, Geoff and Bridgette sat on the purple couch in the middle of their cozy-looking stage. The two seemed to be getting along after their spat from the last episode of Aftermath. Over to Bridgette's left sat the usual lineup of the campers from Wawanakwa that hadn't made it in the second season. However, Trent and Izzy, who had already been interviewed, sat with them.

"Yo, everyone!" Geoff greeted loudly with a bright smile on his face. "I'm Geoff."

"And I'm Bridgette!" The blonde said, a fake smile plastered on her face. "Great to have you for another super juicy episode of The Aftermath, where we'll be dishing the dirt on Total. Drama. Action!"

The audience let out great cheers as the two teens waved out to them, before settling further into their couch, ready to introduce the last batch of losers.

"Wow, there's a lot of love out there, eh, Geoff?"

"No doubt, Bridge," Geoff agreed, wrapping an arm around the back of the couch.

"I wish today could be all about love," Bridgette sighed out. "But, there's always some haters, too."

"We may see some of those dudes on today's show," Geoff agreed. "'Cause we've got Gwen here! And DJ!"

A monitor slowly sunk down the stage, showing pictures of the two ex-campers in the green room. Suddenly, Geoff widened his eyes and quickly walked off stage, leaving Bridgette to introduce the rest on her own.

"We've also got our friends from the first season joining us here in the V.I.P section. Katie and Sadie, Cody, Noah, Ezekiel, Eva, Courtney, and Tyler!"

More cheers.

"And we've got Trent and Izzy here, too!" Bridgette continued over the cheers, looking over at Geoff's empty seat with a shrug.

"Hi, Trent!" Katie crooned over Sadie, who was sitting next to the boy. "We're so happy you're here!"

"I won the thumb war to sit next to you," Sadie said to him, lightly elbowing her friend.

"He's what?" Bridgette asked her earpiece, lips tightening. "That is so uncool!"

She turned back towards the audience with yet another fake smile and did her best to continue without her boyfriend, a crinkle in her eyebrow as the only sign of her annoyance.

"So, there have been three pretty shocking eliminations since we last saw you guys. Anything you'd like to comment on, Courtney?"

"My lawyer advised me not to at this time," She snapped, crossing her arms and looking away.

Bridgette chuckled.

"Wow. So, we've also lost Izzy, AKA E-scope, AKA Explosivo again, but since she's already been a guest, she won't take the hot seat today. There have been some pretty insane things on the show. The prison movie, the hospital drama, haunted set..."

"The disaster movie and war flick," Geoff broke in, taking a seat on the couch again as the boys in the audience cheered.

"Wow," Bridgette said. "Guess you guys are into terror and destruction. I was freaking. I was almost glad I was booted off the show. I would not have made it through prison food day."

"Me? I've got a stomach of steel," Geoff disagreed, patting his six-pack.

"Oh, you can't tell me you'd've wanted to go through what Owen did. A busted-up jaw? Ouch!"

"Oh, true that," Geoff agreed. "But we've got loads more wicked bad moments of pain coming up! Rad hits like you've never seen 'em! Time for... That's Gonna Leave A Mark!"

The screen turned back on, showcasing some of the worst of the injuries the campers had received so far with military-themed music looped in the back. The audience watched as Corrine sputtered out water, Harold hit himself in the crotch with his yo-yo, Owen was wheeled into a sewer, and many other injuries during the last few challenges. As the monitor was pulled back up, the audience's attention was brought back to Geoff and Bridgette, who were whispering furiously to each other.

"You can't just leave me out here alone like that on live TV."

"I saw my hair on the monitor, Bridge," Geoff defended with a stutter. "There were like seven strands out of place. Looked like I've never met a blow dryer when, in fact, we're very good friends."

"Oh, better friends with your girlfriend?" She snapped, fed up and the audience gasped out in shock.

"So, uh, guys?" Trent interrupted. "That was one great montage of ouch!"

"Uh, it sure was, Trent!" Geoff laughed nervously, trying his best to stay calm. "Did you see Owen go down like a sack of honey-glazed hams?"

"His poor jaw headed left and right at the same time," Bridgette added.

"Hilarious!" Geoff laughed. "I'm pretty sure your leg is not supposed to go in that direction. But my fave was DJ fainting. Now that's what panic looks like, people!"

The audience cheered and Bridgette continued after a short pause to let them cheer.

"How about we check in on DJ and see how he's holding up!"

The TV turned on and showed DJ sitting on the couch quietly as Gwen paced, ranting.

"They're gonna skewer me out there, DJ!" She exclaimed. "They're gonna make me into a Gwen-kabob!"

"I'd tell you that it'll be okay," DJ tried to comfort. "But I'm not gonna lie, my momma's here today and I promised I'd never fib again."

He faced the camera, waving.

"Hi, momma!"

"That thing's on?" Gwen asked, kneeling in front of the camera. "Hey, everybody, I'm Gwen, and I'm a nice person!"

The audience erupted in jeers and Bridgette chuckled, glad that the audience was on her side of this feud.

"Before we bring out our first guest," She said as Geoff once again walked off the stage. "Let's take a look at his journey on the show."

DJ's montage began to play as Geoff sat back down, explaining to Bridgette his reason for leaving.

"A touch-up?" She scoffed. "You spent six hours in makeup! I took ten minutes."

"My nose was shining," He defended. "I needed powder."

"It'd be nice to get a real man out here," Bridgette rolled her eyes.

"DJ started out as a strong contender in this season," Geoff, ignoring Bridgette's pestering.

"With a soft spot," Bridgette added in as a clip of the teen snoozing with his stuffed animal played.

"Oh, yeah," Geoff scoffed out. "That's a real man, Bridge."

She ignored him, continuing to narrate the clips.

"But when Chef secretly took him under his wing, making a deal to split the cool mil if they won..."

"Things got dicey for our man," Geoff finished as the next clip played.

"Happily for the rest of the cast, DJ had a thing or two to teach to Chef about cooking actual food."

"But ultimately, DJ's conscience had something to teach him, too, leading to his dramatic exit."

The TV pulled up as DJ was escorted onto the stage.

"Our guest doesn't eat dolphin dogs, does a heck of a ribbon dance, and once thought he caught a pepperoni disease, welcome DJ!"

The teen took a seat on the teal sofa, looking out at the crowd with smiling eyes.

"Hey everybody, what's up?' he looked over to his mom sitting with the ex-campers and sent a kiss her way.

"Hey, DJ," Bridgette said in a kind voice. "How are you feeling after everything?"

"What kind of question is that?" Geoff snorted. "He just lost out on a million bucks!"

"But I have my integrity," DJ chimed in. "And that's worth more."

"Oh, come on!" Geoff groaned. "That is total bull. Am I right, dude?"

The crowd applauded, plus Ezekiel, and Geoff smiled over at the teen.

"Thank you, Home school. Glad someone's keeping it real. The rest of you are full of it. And you know what we do to liars. It's time for Truth or Anvil!"

The audience cheered and DJ looked over to his mother with fear in his eyes.

"Geoff," Bridgette said, turning to him. "It's Truth or Hammer. What happened to the Hammer?"

"The producers thought an anvil would add more drama," Geoff explained. "More Total Drama!"

"That thing falls on me if I fib?" DJ asked and Geoff nodded with a crazed look in his eyes.

"DJ," Geoff began. "Wouldn't you say the way you took advantage of your teammates was completely heinous and utterly unforgivable?"

"I never meant to hurt anybody," DJ explained. "Chef just intimidated the heck out of me!"

The rope holding up the anvil slid down slightly and DJ squeaked, flinching far into the couch.

"This is ridiculous!" Bridgette exclaimed. "Can't we run some footage or something instead?"

"No prob," Geoff said and the TV slid down. "How about some never-before-seen footage of DJ's fast moves behind the scenes?"

A clip popped up of Chef doing DJ's laundry.

"While everyone smelled like a dog park in August, you were wearing spring fresh duds."

Another clip popped up.

"Chef gave you performance-enhancing vitamins and helpful dairy products while everyone else was forced to eat the rudest slop."

Another clip, this time of DJ getting a massage.

"You received therapeutic massages, packages from home, and beef jerky, and never once felt bad about it."

"Whoa!" DJ interrupted. "That's not fair! Don't you guys got another angle on that? Can't you show-"

"We run the show here, man," Geoff said. "That's how TV works. So, no can do."

"So, Deej," Geoff said. "Who'd you hate the most on the show?"

Bridgette smacked him upside the head and gestured to the TV.

"Hey, you know what we have," Bridgette said. "A great webcam question from one of DJ's loyal fans and viewers."

"Fine, party pooper," Geoff groaned.

A British teen named Gordon appeared and he greeted DJ with a smile before going on a rant about sandwiches. Bridgette quickly turned the TV off and began her next line.

"I think it's time to meet our second guest."

The crowd began to jeer as Bridgette motioned up to the TV.

"But first, take a look."

Clips of Gwen's worst moments of the season appeared as Bridgette described the teens' run during Total Drama Action.

"Our second guest started out as a fan favorite," Geoff said as he applied lip gloss.

"Until things got complicated. Like they do when you're competing against- or working with- your boyfriend."

Geoff's head snapped over to the blonde and he sent a glare her way.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Just read your script, Geoff."

"So, uh, Gwen broke up with Trent. But that wasn't the last of the drama."

"Gwen was forced to make a deal with the opposing team," Bridgette explained. "Trading Trent to save her butt."

"And Trent was voted off," Geoff finished as Trent, who was sitting with the rest of the ex-campers, waved out to the crowd, igniting cheers.

"Down one boyfriend and several friends. Not long after that, Gwen followed."

The crowd cheered again and Bridgette smiled victoriously, still remembering the argument she had with Geoff in the last episode.

"I know right," She fanned the flames. "I wish I had worn my Team Trent Tee."

"Our next guest is claustrophobic, owns two lizards and once drank fruit punch out of the communal john," Geoff began.

"Not to mention, dumped her boyfriend on national TV," Bridgette chimed in as the crew members tried to push Gwen onto the stage.

"No amount of black nail polish will get me on that stage."

She was pushed on the stage by Chef, who had just finished setting up the limo to be taken back around the block where the remaining contestants were. She stumbled and then righted herself, walking on stage as the crowd stayed silent, the only sound coming from DJ, who clapped as she took a seat.

"Uh, hi, everyone," Gwen croaked out with a weak wave.

"Whoa, Gwen," Bridgette began. "It must have been tough coming out to this."

"Way hard," She agreed as techno music began to play.

"Let's make it harder," Geoff decided. "Here's an interview recorded after Trent learned of your deception on our last show."

Katie and Sadie appeared on the monitor, smiling idiotically.

"At first, we mostly felt sorry for Trent, but now..." Katie began, letting Sadie continue on for her.

"We love him! We're starting a Trent fan club!"

"Or maybe it should be an Anti-Gwen club."

The crowd cheered along with the girls on the monitor and Gwen shrunk into herself, feeling even worse than she thought she would.

"So," Geoff said, turning to the couch of ex-campers. "Katie and Sadie, got any more you wanna say to Gwen in person?"

It seemed that Katie and Sadie had been too distracted to hear Geoff's question, as they were fighting over the spot next to Trent.

"Uh, they look busy," Bridgette decided. "So, Gwen. Let's talk about why you sold out such a sweet guy."

"Can't we talk about something else?" Gwen asked, cringing at the idea of talking about what she had done.

"I would love to," Geoff agreed. "Truth is, I'm kinda over this Trent thing. Blah, Blah, Blah..."

"Great!" Gwen exclaimed, jumping on the opportunity. "What about some behind-the-scenes drama? Chris and Camera-two guy are having a brutal prank war!"

"Yeah, awesome," Geoff said, then shrugged. "But that's not gonna get us ratings. Watching you squirm over Trent is, so start spilling."

"But I thought we were friends?" Gwen mumbled, feeling hopeless.

"You know," Geoff said, wrapping his arm behind the couch. "I got this new gig, and I gotta say, it seriously trumps the time you and I made s'mores."

"You really believe that? You think ratings are more important than relationships?" Bridgette asked, feeling hurt.

"You kidding me babe?" He asked, reassuring her. "Relationships rock... the ratings! A little loving is like, number two ratings booster, after breakups. Which is why Gwen's gonna talk."

Furious, Bridgette pointed up to the sky at the anvil lightly swinging from the ceiling.

"Watch what you say, Gwen!" She exclaimed and Geoff gasped in shock that she would sell him out.

"Don't warn her! No fun!"

"That thing's gonna fall on me?" Gwen squealed as she sunk lower into the couch in fear.

"Only if you lie," DJ reassured.

"Nothing but the whole truth," Geoff confirmed. "Or else you be half a Gwen. A Gw. Or an en."

The audience let out a giggle at Geoff's poorly made joke and Bridgette rolled her eyes.

"When did you get so horrible?" Bridgette asked, disgusted with the boy that she once held strong feelings for.

"Networks orders," Geoff explained. "Turns out horrible is great for ratings, too."

"Listen," Gwen said, turning directly to the camera. "I still like Trent. A lot. I've always liked Trent. I've got a lot of love for all of you guys."

"For anyone else?" Geoff pushed. "Duncan, maybe?"

"Listen," Gwen said, ignoring Geoff. "I don't think I did anything that bad. People break up every day."

"Yeah," Geoff agreed. "But the way yours went down? Mega harsh. You didn't leave many friends behind."

"Duncan didn't vote me off!" Gwen said, hoping that would make everyone see her side.

"Only because you had your goth girl hooks into him!" Courtney exclaimed from her side of the stage, jumping off her couch to accuse the other teen.

"Courtney, we're just friends! Tell her Trent!" Gwen begged and the boy crossed his arms, eyebrows furrowed in a way that showed that he was just as convinced as Courtney about their 'friendship'.

"Duncan is all about you, Courtney!" Gwen tried to convince.

"Actually," Geoff said as the monitor turned on. "I think we have some never-before-seen clip on that topic."

The monitor jumped to a clip of Duncan and Gwen standing on a fake bridge, watching the stars. Duncan watched the stars with a lovesick expression while Gwen droned on.

"Is it just me or does that constellation look like Harold's pancake butt attached to a pair of spaghetti legs?"

Duncan didn't respond, still looking up at the stars.

"I just gave you the perfect opportunity for a dig and you leave me hanging? What's your damage?"

"You think Courtney might be looking at these stars right now?" He asked dreamily and Gwen fake vomited.

"See?" Real-life Gwen asked. "Duncan's always thinking about you."

"Oh, what a guy!" Geoff exclaimed sarcastically. "Keep rolling."

"Wow," TV Gwen said. "Who knew you were such a sucker for the Type-A?"

"Whoa," Duncan said, playfully punching her arm. "Wanna make something of it?"

Gwen scoffed, shoving the teen.

"You can do way better than that."

He shoved her down to the ground, but lost his footing, falling on top of her and making the two teens laugh as their noses bumped against each other.

"Oh yeah," Geoff said sarcastically. "I get that up close and personal with all my friends. Note the one-centimetre distance between their lips."

"I am so calling my lawyer!" Courtney exclaimed, stomping off stage.

"Oh, You'll want to sit down and wait for the next surprise," Geoff told the brunette and she huffed, taking a seat.

"You're twisting this!" Gwen exclaimed. "We wrestled for like, two seconds, then stole everyone's underwear and flew it up the flagpole!"

"Okay, fine," Geoff relented. "Let's pretend that this is totally innocent. But what about this?"

Another clip of Duncan popped up, but instead of Gwen, it was Corrine under scrutiny.

"This isn't even about me," Gwen said.

"Yeah," Geoff agreed. "But we thought that Justin was gonna get Corrine voted off earlier so we need this clip to fill up extra time. It just works!"

Corrine and Duncan were sitting next to each other on one of the park benches as she wrote in her journal. He peeked over her shoulder and furrowed his brows.

"You know that those lyrics don't make any sense, right?" He asked and she snorted.

"Well, Mr. Songwriter, what would you suggest?"

He scratched his chin in thought before grabbing her notebook from her hands and scribbling down a few words.

"Last good thing about this part of town," She tested before a smile took over her face and she nodded excitedly. "That's great. Thanks!"

"No big deal," He shrugged, wrapping an arm around the girl's shoulder. She melted into the embrace until she remembered the cameras posted all over the lot. She quickly stood up, grabbing her things and running off.

"I think Leshawna's calling me!" She exclaimed behind her as a blush erupted over her cheeks.

Courtney, whose brow had gone pinched since the beginning of the clip, pulled out her phone and began dialing.

"I knew that Rocky Horror reject was a backstabbing bitch! I am so suing her!"

"Okay, enough!' Trent exclaimed, turning to Courtney. "Corrine would never do something like that, you shouldn't worry."

He turned to Gwen, giving her a small smile.

"Look, I threw the game. It wasn't Gwen's fault."

Gwen smiled at him as the audience cheered for the teen.

"Plus, everything's awesome now. I've met a ton of chicks."

"Thank you!' Gwen said. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for everything-"

"It's cool," He reassured and she exhaled, finally feeling better.

"Uh, yeah, not into this," Geoff said, and Bridgette looked over at the ex-campers.

"Doesn't seem like Izzy's into it either."

Instead of the redhead teen, there stood a cardboard cutout of her.

"Anyway," Bridgette said. "This is starting to spiral so let's answer one fan question for Gwen."

"I've got a queue from someone named Gidgette123," Geoff said. "Uh, blah, blah, blah. My boyfriend isn't acting like himself. He's totally turning into Captain Smarmy Hollywood and doesn't care about anyone but himself. He's vain and mean and what should I do?"

"Not sure someone should be asking you for romantic advice," Bridgette joked nervously.

"Well," Gwen said knowingly. "If I can say anything, it would be to be straight up. As long as you're up front, nothing can bite you in the butt."

"Uh, anyways," Geoff said, confused as he was looking at his handheld mirror the whole time. "That's all for today. Join Chris and the cast next time for the most dramatic, thrilling episode of Total Drama Island!"

Bridgette groaned, grabbing the teen but the back of his shirt.

"C'mon, Captain Hollywood. We need to talk. Now."


Hey guys! I'm sorry it's been so long. To be honest, this was a really hard chapter to write for some reason and I'm still not totally happy with it.

In other news, my computer, which is pretty old, has started to fail on me. It turns off and shuts down randomly and because of that I spend most of my time on it with homework. That basically means that these next few chapters are gonna take a while until I can get a new computer, which should be around the holidays, because that's when the good deals start.
I really can't seem to catch a break lol.

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