Our Everlasting Journey - Sho...

By t0ky0wh0

33.9K 775 771

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.season 1.
.season 2.
.one; season 2.
.two; season 2.
.three; season 2.
.four; season 2.
.six; season 2.
.seven; season 2.
.eight; season 2.
.nine; season 2.
.ten; season 2.
.eleven; season 2.
.twelve; season 2.
.thirteen; season 2.
.fourteen; season 2.
.season 3.
.one; season 3.
.two; season 3.
.three; season 3.
.four; season 3.
.five; season 3.
.six; season 3.
.seven; season 3.
.eight; season 3.
.nine; season 3.
.chapter 10; season 3.

.five; season 2.

799 23 35
By t0ky0wh0

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4904 words

"Midoriya is out of bounds! Todoroki advances to the semifinals!" Midnight yelled loudly, as she stood in shock, due to the massive destruction the two of them have caused the stadium, as well as each other.

As the cloudy arena cleared out, I saw Midoriya, whose overwhelmed body fell on the ground, going out cold.
As for Todoroki, the clothes which covered his left side almost burned off completely. So he let it all out, huh. Though I get it. Not having used it since his childhood, he will have to get used to it... That is if he won't have second thoughts about the flames. I doubt that he wouldn't. And if I know one thing for sure, he won't use it for the next round. Maybe completely let it out of the rest of the tournament.

Todoroki walked back, as Midoriya was taken back by a medical bed, immediately going to Recovery Girl. Oh, Midoriya... You have outdone yourself. Too far this time. And even going as far as letting your opponent win... I do believe that Midoriya's actions were correct, however, that still doesn't change the fact that he helped his enemy. Someone who declared a war to him...

Deciding to stay in my seat, I believe it was for the best to leave Todoroki be, for now. He'll indeed need time to think about his other half, which he was convinced to use.

— — — — — — — —

Iida - Shiozai: Winner: Iida

— — — — — — — —

I was waiting in the second player waiting room, as Iida and Shiozai battled.
Having a tactic in mind, what to use against Tokoyami, that is, if it gets to that point. I have been thinking how to execute that plan, and it seems it is complete.

The same guy from before, who called me and Ashido burst through the door, as he let me know, it was my turn, against Tokoyami.

Standing up from my seat, I exhaled sharply, as I walked out of the door. Tokoyami walked past me, as I said "Looking forward to the fight."

"Likewise." he replied as neither of us looked back, and continued our journey towards the enterances.

Arriving at the enterance, the light which illuminated the little hallway was almost too bright. Squeezing my eyes slightly, as I stepped out into the arena, as the crowd almost immediately responded by cheering loudly. At the other end, I saw Tokoyami walk towards the stage with his hands in his pockets.

"Oh my! Now, this will be the fight of the century! Two shadow-type users against each other? I'm looking forward for this one!" Present Mic yelled loudly, as it was so loud, I swear, it could make someone's eardrums burst.

"Tokoyami... Versus..." Present Mic paused, as the crowd went silent, and then carried on.
"(L/N)!" and the crowd started cheering the two of us on.

Putting my crossed arms down, Tokoyami pulled his hands out of his pocket. He was getting serious. With Yaoroyuzu, he just stood there, as Dark Shadow pushed her out of bounds with ease. That won't happen. Don't underestimate me.
I know your weakness, Tokoyami.

"Ready... Start!" Present Mic exclaimed, as almost immediately, Dark Shadow came out whipping at me, preparing to shove me in the opposite direction.

Predictable. Putting up a shadow barrier in quick session, Dark Shadow crashed against it, as it wasn't able to get through it. Though he tried several times to crash through it, his plan backfired each time.

"Wow! (L/N) defends against Tokoyami's attacks with ease! Maybe it isn't the greatest Quirk, after all?" Present Mic trailed off at the end.

Now, now. Present Mic, you're not supposed to discourage fighters.

Tokoyami pulled back Dark Shadow, as it stood in front of him slightly, going on the defensive.

Using this as a chance, I hopped into the air, as my wings made themselves useful, and I flapped them once, as I created a huge windstream, which caused Tokoyami to back up slightly, and even the audience got a part of it.

Dashing forwards, I turned in the air, as my left hand was covered in shadow particles in a matter of seconds.

Reaching Tokoyami in a matter of a few seconds, my left hand punched Dark Shadow, as shadow-type powers can make even stronger physical contact with each other. Dark Shadow was stunned, as Tokoyami's eyes widened slightly, when I repeated the same act with my left foot, kicking Dark Shadow.

Lifting my right hand, I was about to get a punch in at Tokoyami, when I felt something slam against me... Dark Shadow was back already?

My eyes widened slightly, as I was heading straight for the edge of the stage, and I wasn't able to use my wings, since I kept spinning around, and I wasn't able to keep straight.

An idea popped in my head, as my left foot went towards the ground, touching it ever so slightly.

"Dark Shadow! Don't let her use it!" Tokoyami yelled, but it was too late.

"Aye!" Dark Shadow replied.

The instant my left foot touched the ground, a shadow barrier shot out of the ground, as now it was my turn to slam against it. This was the only way I could stop myself from going out of bounds. However the impact against my own barrier made the air from my lungs escape, as I coughed in pain, some blood even staining the ground. I clutched my chest in pain, as I started to push myself up slowly.

Hearing a slight 'tch' sound from Tokoyami, Dark Shadow charged at me, as I layed on the ground, in an attempt to regain my stance.

"(L/N) used her own Quirk to prevent herself from falling off the stage! What great reaction time! However, Tokoyami is persistent!" Present Mic exclaimed.

Not having enough time to brace myself against Tokoyami's attack, I touched my right arm with my left, as shadow particles spread around both of my wrist-areas. Dark Shadow crashed right against it, as I groaned in annoyance, and the endurance against the force that was applied by Tokoyami's Quirk.
I wasn't able to stand up. Dark Shadow kept pressing tightly against my wrists, as I was able to fight back slightly against his attempt, due to the shadow particles around my wrists.

Groaning through grit teeth, my right arm pushed harder against Dark Shadow, as I freed my left hand, as it fell on the ground, and I smirked slightly.

The same shadow vine that appeared under Ashido before, appeared under Tokoyami. His eyes widened, as he was caught off guard.
The vines caught his right leg, as I slightly yanked him to the side, however Dark Shadow stayed on me, still restraining me.

One of Dark Shadow's hands, or crawls grabbed my arm tightly, as it was squeezed, which made me close one of my eyes. It was quite painful, which made me release Tokoyami. This act caused me to hiss the air through my teeth in pain.
Damn it...

"(L/N) isn't able to escape Tokoyami's tight grip? What'll she do?" Present Mic asked himself, as the whole crowd as well.

Gritting my teeth even more, I looked onto Dark Shadow.

"Bastard... You're underestimating me." I said as I smirked slighly, as I dissipated into shadow particles, and was released from Dark Shadow's tight grip.

Disappearing from their view completely, the crowd went quiet in confusion.

"Where... Where did she go? She just... Disappeared?" Present Mic commentated.

Not quite. Well, to everyone else, it would seem that way.
I am just hiding in your shadows.

Tokoyami stood still, not knowing what to do, as Dark Shadow stayed in the same place, completely confused, as it looked around, trying to spot me.

Tokoyami, you're letting your guard down.

Jumping out of Tokoyami's shadow in a quick and quiet succession, I lit my right foot, as I kicked Tokoyami in the back, who only flew forwards from the impact.

"She came out of nowhere again?! How did she do that?!" Present Mic yelled as the crowd cheered once again, clearly shocked by my act.

Not wasting a second, I dashed forwards, as expected Dark Shadow went in my way, coming at me with his crawls wide open.

Countering his attack, I grabbed onto his crawls with my hands, as my left one was shaped into a similar crawl of Dark Shadow's. As for my right, I smirked slightly, as I lit it, however I wasn't able to counterattack it that well, and the pressure that was put onto my hand was painful.
Exclaiming in pain, I pressed harder against Dark Shadow, as my whole right arm set on fire, which weakened Dark Shadow. This act caused my uniform to slightly catch on fire, as it burned off on my right arm.

It seems that I'll have to use that plan.

Dark Shadow backed away immediately, standing by Tokoyami's side, who already regained his ground.

Jumping up in the air once again, I flew up higher some bit, as I smirked at the two of them.

"I know your weakness, Tokoyami." I said, before starting to blast fire around the two of us, encasing the both of us, as I created a capsule, which consisted of flames.
Tokoyami's eyes went wide, as Dark Shadow kept crawling towards him, as my flames burnt diligently.

Landing back on my feet, I ran at Tokoyami, whose defense, Dark Shadow was much weaker, as it came at me in a slow movement, which I was able to dodge with ease, as I pushed Tokoyami over, hovering over him, as my knees dug into his sides, and my two arms held his wrists above his head, pinning him down completely.

Dark Shadow was about to shove me off of Tokoyami, however, I started decreasing the size of the fire capsule immediately, as it burned around us, floating around the two of us by a few inches.

Dark Shadow groaned in pain and agony, and he completely backed up into Tokoyami again.

"What's happening in there? We can't see a thing!" Present Mic exclaimed.

Looking down at Tokoyami, he grit his teeth tightly, as he asked me. "How did you figure out Dark Shadow's weakness...?"

"You think I wouldn't notice in the calvary battle, how Dark Shadow kept a great distance from me, instead of attacking head on?" I questioned him, as I leaned forwards a bit.

"Besides... Don't try to stall." I said with a smirk, as Tokoyami closed his eyes, and exhaled sharply, as he exclaimed loudly.

"I give up."

I heard Midnight's whistle, as my flame capsule dissipated in the air.

The crowd looked down onto the two of us in shock, as I held Tokoyami tightly.

"She overpowered him?"

"How did she do that?"

"No way..."

"Just how strong is this kid?"

"No wonder she was recommended..."

"What astonishing reaction time..."

"I'd love to have a person like that as my sidekick."

"Even if things looked bad for her, she had a plan to use against him?"

"Her brains in battle is incredible..."

Several confused questions and praises came our way.

Getting off of Tokoyami, I looked up at the crowd. Exhaling deeply, steam came out of my mouth, as well as my right arm, since my body temperature had to even up once again. My gaze switched back to Tokoyami again.

I stuck my hand out towards him, offering to help him up.
He cracked a little smile, as he gladly took it, and I helped him up.

Even if I had defeated him, I know that Tokoyami isn't the type to be pissed about it. Surely, he'll be displeased with himself, but he won't express that anger towards others.
In every single situation, he is always so collected, and that is an admirable aspect about Tokoyami.

"Oh... Youth..." Midnight said as she came over to the two of us, grasping her two hands together tightly, wearing an admiring-expression on her face.

"Tokoyami retreated, and (L/N) advances to the semifinals!" Midnight said, as she pointed her whip towards the two of us.

The crowd cheered loudly, as many praised me, however, some encouraged Tokoyami. At least we have a great audience.

Turning back to Tokoyami, he bowed slightly, showing his respect for the fight.
Repeating the same act, the two of us turned towards our entrances, and left the arena.

— — — — — — — —

I picked up a new costume, since I damaged my other one while I was fighting Tokoyami. I changed, and went on my way back towards the class.

For a moment, an instant, it seemed that I'd lose against Tokoyami. But since I got a glimpse of his shadow, I managed to slip up behind him. So when my vines went to grab him, it was so just in case, I'd be able to appear in his. And when Dark Shadow restrained my left arm, I thought I was done for. But I managed to do it in the end.

Tokoyami was a great opponent, and someone who actually put up a fight. Though I believe if I hadn't known his weakness, I would've been at a huge disadvantage. But I wouldn't have given up. I would've pushed myself to my limits, if I had to. But it didn't come to that point.

But now that I made it into the semifinals, I'll have a tough opponent next. It just depends if it's boom-boom boy, or shark-boy.

Arriving back at my class, I noticed that the match between Bakugo and Kirishima had already begun.
Walking in, I took my seat in the second row, as my peers stared at me in awe.

"That was amazing, (L/N)!" Sero exclaimed.

"Your endurance was incredible, since Tokoyami clearly put a lot of effort into it." Kaminari said.

"But man, I wish her clothes would've burnt more, so I could see her boo—" Mineta began wondering off, as his mind imagined some messed up things, not before Tsuyu's tongue smacked him in the head, yet again.

This shorty really has some problems up there.

"What he meant to say was that you did a great job, (L/N), ribbit." she corrected Mineta.

"Thank you." I said as I looked at them, not before I heard a final big explosion, as Kirishima's unconscious body fell to the ground.

"Kirishima is immobilized! Bakugo wins!" Midnight announced enthusiastically.

So, Explosion-Boy will be my opponent? That'll be... Tough, to say the least. I do know some of Bakugo's moves, however, he must have some tricks up his sleeves as well.

— — — — — — — —

Todoroki - Iida: Winner: Todoroki

Todoroki's win was astonishing. In the little time Iida had kicked him with his Recipro-Burst, he had frozen his mufflers, and so Iida slowed down completely, and Todoroki immobilized him just like that, using his ice. As expected from Todoroki. Iida probably forgot that Todoroki also has some tricks in his pockets, and not only his long ranged attacks. But Todoroki won the semifinals just like that.

Come to think of it, I hadn't really run into him since he fought against Midoriya. He must be in deep doubt about his left side still. I think he is. But I had hoped he'd talk to me, or anything. About my fight against Tokoyami, or about his, if he needed to vent about it to anyone.
But I won't force him to talk about something he won't want to.

I was waiting patiently in the player room, as I ran through tactics against Bakugo.
It would be a hard match. Bakugo can move with great speed as well as mobility, and is quick to dodge, judging from the fact how he evaded Kirishima's relentless attacks. His explosions can also come out in a quick succession, one after the other. However, if he uses a bigger one, that seems to take a bigger toll on his physical body. My barriers should be strong enough to defend against his explosions, and if we come in a close fight, I'll just enhance myself slightly with my Quirk, so we can have a close battle.
When he fought against Uraraka, he seemed to have no mercy whatsoever, since she was the opposite gender. His mindset definitely won't change on that, and the fact that physically, I'm stronger than Uraraka, he wouldn't hold back nonetheless.
This will be a tough fight... And if I do have to admit, I am quite nervous about it. I never really fought against someone incredibly strong, and whose stamina was also high. But I won't give up. No matter what.

The door opened, as I expected the guy to announce that it was my turn to go, as I stood up, closed my eyes, and exhaled deeply. Walking towards the door with closed eyes, I gathered my thoughts, however I bumped into something. Or more like someone.

Opening my eyes, I saw that it was Todoroki. It was quite a surprise.

"Todoroki?" I asked with slightly wide eyes.

"I just came to wish you good luck. Be careful with Bakugo." he said as he looked me in the eyes, his eyes still somewhat heavy.

"Thank you... And I wanted to congratulate you on both your victories. As for the one with Midoriya, I'm proud that you used your power, Todoroki." I said with a slight smile, as I wanted to reassure him, what Midoriya said was true.

"It's like... When I used it, I forgot about my father completely." Todoroki said as he looked down at his left hand. This only caused me to smile.

"I know what it's like, trust me I do, Todoroki. You don't have to think about the origin, you own it after all. But I am not forcing you into something you are still not sure about yourself." I explained to him, as he listened carefully.

"I'll have to think about it." he said with a slight smile, and our little conversation was interrupted by the actual guy who announced that it was my turn.

"I'll get going now." I said as I passed by him, as he nodded.

"I'll be watching." he said behind me, causing me to turn my head slightly, looking back at him, cracking a small smile.

"I know."

— — — — — — —

I now stood in the so familiar hallway. The one that lead to a battle. This time, it would be the toughest yet. And if I did make it through this round, I'd be up against Todoroki. It's a discomforting thought, considering the two of us never really fought against each other in a serious way.

Exhaling deeply, I heard as the crowd cheered on, and I wore a serious expression, gritting my palms tighly, as I walked out of the gate, and was greeted by the yet again bright arena, and the crowd only roared more when they saw me.

Looking at the far end, I saw Bakugo coming out of the gate as well, the volume of the audience only rising. His eyes were locked onto me with what seemed like a death glare.

It's like my heart was in my ears, I could hear each beat loud and clear.

The both of us came onto the stage, as Present Mic announced.

"It's the second round of the semifinals! Now, we have two students from the hero course! The explosion-boy, Bakugo!"

The crowd cheered on, as I patiently awaited mine.

"Versus... (L/N) who comes from a famous hero family, at least back in their time!"

Hearing him say that made my blood boil the slightest bit. I don't like my origins being recalled. I hated it, to be exact.

Gritting my palms even tighter, my eyes went slightly dark as I stared at Bakugo, the both of us waiting for Present Mic's announcement for the two of us to begin.

"And now... Start!" Present Mic yelled loudly, as I took my fighting stance immediately.

Bakugo was no one to waste time, as he blasted himself forwards, yelling "Die!"
Of course.

Gritting my teeth, I put up a shadow barrier, however he blasted himself around it quickly, and appeared by my side immediately.
Putting my left arm infront of myself, shadow particles covered it quickly, as Bakugo fired an explosion at me, which I was able to guard myself against with my left arm, however, it still made me back up.

When he dodged my barrier, he was observing me, huh?

Lighting my right hand, I ran at him, as he was already doing the same. However, he wasn't the only one who observed well.

Right arm, incoming.

And as I predicted, his right arm was pointed at me, as he was about to fire an explosion at me, but I was quick to duck under it, and I grabbed his arm, as I flung him above me, and yanked him onto the ground, as he coughed up blood in the process.

Not giving him a break, I attempted to get on-top of him, to restrain him, however my attempt was cut off when he suddenly fired an explosion, which stunned me, as I flew backwards, but used my wings to stop myself mid-air.

Looking up at him, he got up immediately and charged at me again.

"Don't mess around, you bastard!" he yelled in frustration.

Not saying anything, instead I charged at him, flying forward, as my shadow particles flung towards him, trying to get a good hit at him. However he managed to duck underneath it, and blasted himself towards to me.

Lighting up my right fist instantly, I noticed that his fists didn't light up as he was about to punch me.

The both of us stayed in the air for a few seconds, attempting to get a hit at each other, however he managed to grab my collar, and tossed me against the ground, as I smashed against the ground, the air instantly escaping my lungs, and my back suffered from the impact.
Shit, Bakugo.
Spitting out blood, I tried to stand up, but soon, it was Bakugo's turn to get on-top of me, as he grabbed both my wrists with one of his hands, as his knees dug into my sides.
My eyes widened. The same move I did with Tokoyami.

"Now, die, scum." he said with a smirk on, as his hand rose up in the air.

"Now, now, Bakugo. Being a copycat, I see?" I said as it was my turn to smirk, as both of my legs wrapped around his neck, capturing him between them.

"What... The hell are you doing?" he asked as I flung him back with force, using my leg muscles.

Pulling back my legs immediately, I backed away slightly, as I stood up slowly, still recovering from my fall.

Coughing a few more times, I saw Bakugo get up, as he panted slightly, holding his throat.

"Enough of your damn tricks, chicken." he said as he wiped the sweat on his forehead.

My eyes widened slightly. He's already going to use his big explosion?

Taking a defense stance, I wasn't sure if my barrier would be able to defend against it.

Bakugo charged at me, as I awaited his arrival.
He put both his palms infront of him, as he was about to do a merged-explosion. Meaning it wasn't his biggest explosion yet.

And in an instant, he fired the explosion, as I put up my barrier, however, shockingly, since I haven't fully recovered from my fall yet, it wasn't strong enough to hold against his explosion, as it dissipated, and the explosion's impact soon hit me, as I felt myself being blown back by it.

Falling on the ground amaturely, I pushed myself up on my elbows, as Bakugo was already charging at me again, yelling.

Gritting my teeth, I launched myself in the air with my wings, avoiding his attack.

Coughing yet again, the pain was slightly getting worse, as I landed not too far behind Bakugo.

Breathing hard, I watched as Bakugo slowly walked in my direction.

"Stop this game already, and come at me with your full strength already, you damn idiot!" he yelled loudly, as the crowd went quiet, listening to him.

I clutched onto my back slightly, as I pushed against it, gritting my teeth.

"C'mon, (Y/N)! This is what we trained you for!" I heard someone call from the crowd. That voice...

"This is your chance to meet our expectations! Show off what you have already!" A male voice called out.

Looking at the direction the yells came from, my eyes only widened more as I saw who shouted them.

It was... my parents.

This only stiffened my movement, as I carried on looking at the two of them, getting completely distracted.
My blood began to boil at a quick speed, as the sight of the two people I despised the most have shown up all of a sudden, after about 6 years.

My gaze fell on the ground, as my palms only tightened, my despise rising above the roof.

"Defeat him already, will you?" my mom called out loudly in a loud voice.

"Oh... Suddenly it's (L/N)'s parents who shout encouragement? What lovely parents these days." Present Mic laughed it off awkwardly.
Stop making this situation worse.

"Hey! Stop ignoring me, you damn extra! I don't care who yells at you, don't you dare ignore me!" I heard Bakugo yell, as my gaze only sank lower, my anger showing.

How dare those two make an appearance, after all they put me through, only to 'encourage' me. They put me through hell as a kid, and now they just just decide to show up?

My right side started to steam slighly, as from my left the shadow particles started falling off of my body.

That steam soon turned into a massive fire, as the whole stage behind me was set on fire, as well as the area around me, as my right side completely burned diligently.

The shadow particles started ripping the ground, as they spread around me, and they started making their way towards Bakugo.

The heat was incredibly hot, it was barely manageable. However, it represented my anger.

"That's it, idiot!" Bakugo said as he started running towards me.
I only repeated the act. I dashed forwards to Bakugo, my arms on my side.

My teeth grit more, as the anger completely took control over me. I had no idea I held this much resent still.

And for some reason... Tears escaped my eyes. I didn't know why, it's like in this moment, I wasn't the one in control of my own emotions. They just flew down endlessly.

The shadow particles completely ripped the ground around the two of us, as my fire raged towards Bakugo.

As soon as he was in my near, his explosion that I thought he'd fire at me before, was now the time.

My fire surrounded the two of us, as Bakugo's explosion only made that stronger. However... Something interfered.

Something in front of me exploded, as my flames and shadow ripped through it, and the both of us flew backwards, as the thing that appeared in front of the two of us ripped to shreds. The impact of our attacks made us fly back.

Falling on the ground, I rolled several times, slightly protecting myself from the fall as I used my wings to shield myself.

I grit my teeth, as my fire disappeared, and it pulled back to me.

Did Cementoss interfere? I... don't know.

However what I did know, was that my body temperature was at its peak, and it became too hot, as I was barely able to focus on what was going on.

Forcing myself to stand, I saw as Bakugo stood at the other end, panting harshly.

I was the same though. I was a panting mess.
The heat soon started to come off slightly as a steam once again, in an attempt to slightly cool my body temperature down.

The two of us started taking smaller steps towards each other, as my mind started slipping out of focus, and I fell to my knees, panting harshly. The thought of those two people didn't leave my mind the entire time, and it only weakened me.
No... I can't lose like this...

Pushing myself up again, some tears still rolled down my cheeks slowly, I barely stood in one place, as Bakugo was still slowly advancing in my direction.

"Stop it already!"

"The both of them reached their limits already!"

"What the hell are you waiting for?"

I heard several angry yells coming from the audience, as my half shut eyes focused onto Bakugo even more.

I exhaled in pain as the heat got worse, and I tried to reach my hands towards Bakugo, to get a shot off at him, however nothing came out.

Instead, I fell to the ground, as my eyes started shutting... No...

Everything went blurry around me, and I felt like I had lost the consciousness of knowing where I was. I felt someone grab me by the collar, the feeling of someone shaking me non-stop, and several shouts in the process, however, everything blacked out, as my mind slipped out of consciousness.

I... had lost.


End of Chapter 5, Season 2

Next chapter: Confession


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76.1K 1.2K 23
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