In Silence (Book 1) || Loki X...

By KatLovesFictionalMen

220K 7K 3.5K

Tony Stark is an expert in finding hidden 'talents' in people and he didn't resist doing the same with you. A... More

Chapter 1: I think he'll shoot you
Chapter 2: But I am not a superhero
Chapter 3: Meeting the Avengers
Chapter 4: Alone with Loki
Chapter 5: Wrong room
Chapter 6: Your first mission
Chapter 7: Your second mission
Chapter 8: Your idea
Chapter 9: In your mind
Chapter 10: You say the truth
Chapter 11: Shopping
Chapter 12: The party
Chapter 13: The illness
Chapter 15: You get better
Chapter 16: A tour to Asgard
Chapter 17: The guest of honour
Chapter 18: A magical night
Chapter 19: The day after
Chapter 20: The vault
Chapter 21: Back in New York
Chapter 22: Hungover
Chapter 23: An unpleasant assignment
Chapter 24: Leo Marcus
Chapter 25: Disaster
Chapter 26: Why are you here?
Chapter 27: Really?
Chapter 28: That's not me
Author's Note
Chapter 29: Decision making
Chapter 30: Unexpected guest
Chapter 31: Back on Asgard
Chapter 32: The voice in your head
Chapter 33: Training with Frigga
Chapter 34: The legend of Freyja
Chapter 35: Your mother's house
Chapter 36: The whole story (part 1)
Chapter 37: The whole story (part 2)
Chapter 38: I know you
Chapter 39: The only way
Chapter 40: Goodbye
Author's Note
We are back!!!

Chapter 14: Asgard

5.5K 223 95
By KatLovesFictionalMen

A/N: Heyyyy! I just needed to tell you a huge thank you again. This book is currently in No.4 in #avengersfanfiction and this would never happen without your support. I am so happy that you are enjoying my book and the response is actually so great. I love you 3000😍

You were still in the infirmary, laying on the bed with your eyes closed. You were thinking of you only a few weeks ago, you were so happy, you were getting ready for your first mission with the Avengers. It was such a thrill; the adrenaline and the excitement you felt were something you couldn't describe and now it felt like you were about to take your last breaths on this bed.

No! You shouldn't be thinking of that. But on the other hand everything seemed to be pointing towards that direction.

You started taking a few deep breaths, thinking only of the good stuff, all the beautiful memories you had acquired in only a few months that you had been living in the tower. You tired to calm yourself down and sleep but suddenly Thor bursted through the door followed by Tony and Loki. You opened your eyes immediately to see them and only then you realised your vision had become so much blur that you could barely see the people standing right in front of you.

"Y/n, get up. We are leaving." Thor said.

"Thor you big idiot she can't even move." A comment by Loki followed.

"What is happening?" You turned to Tony who was standing silent next to you, with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"You are going to be okay kid." He said and caressed your hair.

Thor then moved towards you and put his hand behind your neck, gently lifting you up with the help of Tony. Loki was standing a few feet further with his back on you gathering some stuff. Everything seemed so confusing and you had so many questions.

Where were you going to go?

Had something worse happened?

Was every one okay?

Had they found a cure for you?

You needed to know so bad but you barely had the strength to stay awake.

When they finally got you up on your feet and ready to go you looked around. You realised it was the first time you had stood on your feet in many days. You felt dizzy for a second but continued, Thor and Tony were holding you the entire time. You asked them to get you to you room first but Loki insisted that you had no time to waste. You were still so confused, they got you into the elevator and once you leaned on you wall and you focused your eyes so your vision would be more clear, you finally decided to find out what was happening.

"Do any of you wants to tell me where are we going?" You voice was weak but you tried to hide it.

"Asgard." Loki said.

"What?" You looked at him and the Tony.

"They think someone up there might be able to help you." Tony told you.

"Tony no-"

"Kid, it's okay. You are going to be fine." He gave you the most reassuring look that he had ever given you and then the elevator doors opened.

Tony and Thor kept holding you and helping you walk to the middle of the roof while Loki was walking slowly behind you. Once you were there Thor looked at you and then at Tony.

"I'm fine. I can stand." You told him.

Thor then nodded at Tony and he slowly left your side. Immediately your legs started failing you until they couldn't hold your body anymore. Thor quickly caught you before you could touch the ground and put one hand on your back and the other behind you knees lifting you up and holding you in his arms. Loki was looking at you the whole time with a desperate and sad look on his face. He looked like he hadn't slept for a year; he looked tired and so pale. You didn't like seeing him like that.

Had he been like that because of you?

You kept holding on to Thor, trying not to lose consciousness again. Loki talked a little to Tony, which was quite odd and then came next to Thor and you. You looked him in the eyes and he gave you and weak and sad smile. Then he looked up to the sky and yell 'bring us back!'

Was he talking to...God?

Were you hallucinating?

Then you remembered all the stories the two brothers had told you and realised he was asking Heimdall, to bring you all to Asgard. You had dreamt of this moment since the first story came out of Thor's mouth, but in your mind it was much better.

For starters you were in the wrong brother's arms.

As soon as Loki finished his sentence a very bright light was dropped on top of you and then you were flying with extreme speed in the air. You were barely able to breath properly much more to keep your eyes open, but you had to try. A few seconds later you had finally arrived on you destination. You took one good look around and realised you were into a huge golden orb. You looked towards the exit only to see a beautiful golden city, exactly as Thor and Loki had described it to you, magical. After that you couldn't hold on any longer and closed your eyes blacking out almost immediately.

Loki's POV

Once they realised you blacked out again Loki and Thor quickly greeted Heimdall and rushed into the castle. The guard outside the gate didn't really like seeing Loki back, but Thor explained it was an emergency. They quickly brought you into the throne room where Odin and Frigga were. When they saw them Frigga run to greet and hug her sons while Odin was looking at Loki with suspicion and anger.

"My sons. What happened?" Frigga said as soon as she saw you unconsciously in Thor's arms.

"Mother this is y/n. She is very sick and we think only here she can be helped." Thor said.

"You brought a mortal here because she got a cold?" Odin got up and walked towards his sons.

"Father-" Loki tried to speak up but Odin cut him with an angry and deadly look.

"I told what would happen if you came back here." He said.

"Father but listen to him. It is important." Thor tried to defend his brother. "Loki thinks that this has something to do with her magic."

"Magic?" Frigga asked.

"Y/n has some certain...abilities and I have been trying to help her control that power." Loki looked his mother in the eyes.

"What does this have to do with her now state son?"

"She and I once got into her mind and inside we found a locked door, shield with Asgardian runes. I have been helping her figure out her abilities and I think this has sometimes to do with what happend to her."

Frigga's eyes suddenly darkened and her face became so serious. She came closer to you and gently placed her palm on you forehead. She closed her eyes and whispered something. She then quickly opened them and rushed out of the room.

"Bring her to the infirmary. Fast!" She shouted and Thor followed her.

Loki tried to follow but was stopped by Odin who had his eyes stuck on him. He gave Loki a very mad look and sighed.

"Loki, I warned you." He started.

"I know, father, and I will behave. We will leave as soon as y/n gets better. Believe me I don't want to be here more than you do." Loki told him.

"I don't care for the intentions you say you have, I can't let you walk around freely after everything."

"Just let me stay until I know she is okay."

Odin sighed and looked around the room.

"Y/n will have to stay in Asgard for a while until she gets better. You shall stay with her and your mother in the infirmary and as soon as her situation is stable there's...a certain room waiting for you."

"Of course there is."

Loki looked at Odin, dead in the eyes seeing the disappointment in his. He sighed and let out a laugh shaking his head at Odin. He then turned around and stormed out of the room heading for the infirmary.

Once he got in he saw you laying still unconscious on the bed. You were so pale and you were barely able to breath properly. Frigga and the other doctors were scanning your body and an exact replica of it was slowly formed above you.

The scanning above you showed everything that was happening with your body. There was a weird looking aura floating all over you. Frigga was examining the scanning carefully, she looked very concerned about you. She talked with a couple of the doctors and then turned to her sons.

"Well the good news is that we know what is wrong with y/n." She said calmly.

"And the bad news?" Loki asked.

"Looks like she has been overcharged. There is so much power inside of her and if we don't get it out she..." Frigga paused, scared to finish the sentence.

"How will we get it out then?" Thor asked sharply.

"We can't do anything. Only she can unleash that power. I can break the spell that keeps most of her magic locked but that will need to be done somewhere far from anyone, to keep everyone safe."

"Then we do that." Thor said.

"Rest now. We will run some more tests and in an hour we shall go."

Thor nodded and left the room, giving one last sad smile to his brother. Loki didn't take a step, he kept his eyes locked on you and his arms crossed in front of his chest. Frigga noticed him and walked towards her son. She sighed and placed her hand on his back. She immediately saw the worry and sadness in her son's eyes while he was looking at you. She was really the only one who could read Loki that well, until you came.

"You really care about this mortal." She told him and Loki quickly looked her in the eyes. He thought of lying and hiding his feelings but he knew he could hide from Frigga.

"Yes..." He said with a low voice and looked the floor.

"There is nothing be ashamed of, son." Frigga placed her hand on Loki chin and lifted his face to see it. "It's okay. It's nice to see you like that again."

"Like what?"

"Hopeful." She gave him a sweet smile.

"At the moment I am not that hopeful."

"Everything is going to be fine."

Frigga left her son's side you come by yours and examine you a little more. The more Loki looked at you the worse you seemed to be getting. You were now more pale than when you all had arrived on Asgard.

He was getting so worried about you, the fear that you might not make it was growing by the moment ignoring Frigga's words. Of course he blamed himself, if he hadn't agree to train you this would never happen. He wanted to scream so bad but instead he managed to keep his temper down with a few deep breaths. Frigga asked him a couple of times to go and rest but he refused to even get out of the room until he knew you were okay. He sat on a chair in the corner of the room as two doctors and a few witches, included his mother, were doing something on you.

He recognised most of the spells they were using, they were trying to ease your pain. He hadn't realised you were in that much pain. He kept his eyes locked on your unconscious face, thinking every memory he had with you. He may only knew you for a few months but he felt a weird connection between the two of you. He couldn't lose you, he needed you, you had brought a light and hope in his life that he hadn't felt in centuries. He needed to teach you so much more about you powers and he wanted to talk to you about so much. He wanted to tell you how amazing you were and how much he liked you. Loki regretted not telling this to you sooner, he thought he had time but as it turned out he was wrong. He also regretted not kissing you, that night in the roof. He was so nervous that night he even thought he was doing the stupidest thing, trying to do something like that, thinking that you may have the same feeling as he did. And then out of nowhere you left without saying a word and his fear became true. He only wished he hadn't lost you for ever.

As Loki was drawn deeper into his thoughts a soft sigh was heard. You started slowly moving and breathing louder and harder. Loki immediately stood up and walked quickly towards you. Your struggled to open your eyes only to see the God of Mischief standing above you, looking like a dead person walking.

"You look awful." You whispered with a soft smile on your face, trying to ease his pain with a joke. Loki laughed and shook his head.

Then Frigga approached you and introduced herself with a sweet look on her face. She smiled at you and then quickly explained what was happening. You agreed with everything she had to say and you were determined to do anything in order to be free of all this.

Loki loved seeing this glimpse of hope in your eyes again. He knew you had given up a while ago but now you had a hope to fight for again and he adored that.

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