Inexplicable (DEREK HALE)

By HorneSupremacy

508K 11K 3.1K

(NOW ON AO3) Sarah Stilinski the more popular, beautiful, smarter and talented Stilinski twin. Best friends... More

Extended Summary
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 50

4.8K 123 8
By HorneSupremacy

Season 4 Episode 7

Sarah was out for a lot longer than they were anticipating. She was unaware of her brother trip to Eichen House with Lydia, Derek's search for Satomi's pack and Scott's run in with Kate. She was just laying unconscious in Deaton's clinic whilst Derek's name unlocked the third section of the dead pool. Or that she was worth 22 million.

Deaton was walking into his clinic, checking on one of the beta's he had grew close to ever since the supernatural had rolled back into Beacon Hills, when he heard a noise behind him. He fought against the intruder only to pause when he realised who it was. "You could have called, Satomi-san." Deaton says with a smile, opening the doors to the clinic and hearing about her situation where most of her pack was dying.

"He's the only person I have left." Satomi says with a tear rolling down her face as she helps a nearly dead James into the clinic.

"James." Deaton gasps, helping Satomi manoeuvre his into his clinic and Satomi hold him up as Deaton picks up a still unconscious Sarah from the table and places her into a chair.

"What's going on with her?" James gasps out, feeling the black blood trickling out of his throat.

"I have no idea. She shouldn't have been out that long." Deaton says in a panic. Satomi walks over to her, grasping her hand in hers and taking away some of her pain.

"She's still in pain." Satomi frowns, not understanding what's going on with her as she knows that she's healed on the outside, causing her to ponder whether the pain is from the inside...

"Hello?" Sarah shouts into the white room, not seeing anyone around, eerily reminding her of the time she was the nogitsune.

"Sarah. Nice of you to join me." A voice, familiar to her own says from behind her. Sarah spins around on her step and finds the replica image of herself and her eyes widen at the exhausted appearance of herself. 

"Who are you?" Sarah questions, taking a step back at the image of herself.

"Come on.. I chose you for a reason, you should know." The replica image of herself tells her and Sarah gasps in realisation.

"Nogitsune." She mutters.

"Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner." Void Sarah sarcastically replies with a smirk.

"How are you still here, I'm a werewolf now." Sarah counters.

"You can never fully get rid of me Sarah. The little stunt you pulled at the high school wasn't enough to fully get rid of me. How naive can you be?" Void Sarah scoffs with a chuckle, taking slow steps towards her and Sarah backs up with each step until she hits the trunk of a tree. Void Sarah grasps her face in her hands and glares at her. "You will never be rid of me." She darkly tells her. "All it's going to take is one small flaw inside you and I will be bubbling up to the surface. Maybe this time I can kill Scott, maybe even Stiles."

"Leave them alone." Sarah growls, pushing Void Sarah away from her, her eyes glowing blue.

"Intresting look for you, who'd you kill?" Void Sarah taunts. "Oh, that's right. Allison and Aiden."

"I didn't kill them." Sarah protests, shaking her head.

"Then why are your eyes blue? Surely if you were innocent they would be yellow." Void Sarah questions, with raised eyebrows and Sarah couldn't think of anything to say. "You blame yourself for them because if you hadn't let me in, they would have lived. It's all your fault. It's always your fault." 

"You don't think I know that?" Sarah shouts back in retaliation, rushing over to her evil self and pinning her against one of the white walls. "I know I was the reason they died."

"You know that the pack hate you, right? That you're the reason that their best friend and true love died. Every single time they look at you, all they can see is the monster that killed their friend." Void Sarah taunts, unfazed with the position she was currently in.

"What do you want from me?" Sarah questions with tears in her eyes.

"Chaos, Strife and Pain." She says in response, grabbing onto her arm to take it away from her. Sarah's grip falters and Void Sarah was able to get out of her grip, swapping their positions. "Now, down to business." Void Sarah tells her. "I'm stuck inside you and because your stupid friend decided to turn you on the roof, I wasn't able to take control again and I don't think I will be able to."

"You're stuck?" Sarah questions, her lips flicking up to a smirk as she kicks Void away from her, pinning her onto the ground. "You're stuck in here." Sarah states, noticing the look of fear passing by Void's eyes. "You're scared."

"Of course not." Void disagrees.

"I can pick up the scent, I may be a newbie werewolf but I can sense your emotions." Sarah remarks. "What are you scared of?"

"You." Void reveals and Sarah frowns I confusion. "You have so much power and you're unaware of how powerful you actually are."

"What are you talking about? I'm a Beta." Sarah corrects but Void begins to chuckle in disbelief.

"Really? Someone as powerful as you thinks their a beta? How do you think you got control so quickly? How do you think you were able to sense deaths around you? You're a lot more powerful than a stupid Beta." Void scoffs in disbelief.

"Are you going to keep being vague or are you going to tell me what you mean?" Sarah says, standing up from the ground with void.

"You survived a nogitsune, part of me is still inside you, how do you think we're having this conversation?" Void questions and Sarah stops to ponder what she has just said.

"So what am I? A nogitsune or a werewolf?" Sarah frowns.

"You're both." Void reveals and Sarah eyes widen in shock. "You've got some of me and some wolf inside of you, a perfect balance of a wolf and a fox." 

"But the scroll said you can't be both-" Sarah starts.

"The scroll was wrong." Void deadpans. "Turning you into a werewolf just made it so you had control over me."

"But we turned into 2 different people..." Sarah trails off rather confused. "I watched you as you got sucked into the box."

"The host and the nogitusne always share a special bond, they're still connected regardless." The nogitsune explains. "Even when I'm in a mountain ash box, we're still connected. We always will be." 

"But you can't take control of me?" Sarah questions and Void nods. "Because I'm a werwolf?" Sarah asks and Void nods once again. "What am I doing in here?"

"You would've died tonight if it wasn't for me." Void reveals, sitting down on the Nemeton and Sarah sits next to her. "You're in a supernatural coma until you decide to wake up." 

"I choose when to wake up? I want to wake up." Sarah realises, standing up abruptly from the Nemeton. "Let me out!" She shouts up to the white walls but all she can hear is her echo back. "I thought you said I could choose when to wake up." 

"Do you really want to wake up? You're safe in here, you can make any mistakes and you don't have to worry about anything. You can even let me take control for a little bit." Void hints and Sarah eyes turn to her in disgust.

"This was your whole plan, wasn't it? You want me to allow you to take over again. Let me break this to you gently, I would rather die before allowing that to happen." Sarah protests. "Let me out." She demands the nogitsune, who simply shrugs and clicks their fingers. 

Sarah jumps up to her feet with a gasp and realises that she on a chair in the clinic. She looks out the window and realises that it's bright outside and ponders how long she has been unconscious for and she glances around the room to see that it was empty, which was unusual because Deaton is always here. She scans the room for any form of a note, only to find none then she pulls out her phone and realises that it's dead. "Well that's just great." Sarah mutters, walking out of the clinic and heading to the Sheriff's station where she notices that it's quiet.

"Miss Stilinski." Parrish greets with a nod. 

"Parrish, where is everyone?" Sarah questions, still slightly out of it.

"You don't know?" Parrish asks in disbelief.

"I've kind of been feeling unwell for a little while, I'm kinda out of the loop." Sarah responds.

"The school is on lockdown, some kind of virus is spreading inside the school so they've sent the police to block it off and stop people from leaving and entering." Parrish tells her and Sarah nods her head, thinking over what Parrish had said. "I'm heading there now if you want to tag along." Parrish suggests and Sarah smiles appreciatively at him as she jumps into the car with Parrish and head to the school. Parrish and Sarah jump out of the car and Parrish helps her through all of the police and the press until they reach her dad.

"Sarah." Stilinski says in relief, pulling his daughter into a hug which she reciprocates. 

"I need to go inside." Sarah whispers into his ear as she in the hug.

"Like hell you are." He protests.

"It's got something to do with this dead pool, I have a feeling it's not going to end well." Sarah tells him and he lets out a groan.

"They can handle themselves. You're not going in there." Stilinski disagrees, not wanting his daughters life to be a stake.

"I haven't been infected I'll be fine, just distract people." Sarah pleads and Stilinski reluctantly agrees, allowing her to gain access to the inside as he creates a scene, not having to bother with McCall because he's on the phone. Sarah hastily rushes into the school building, rushing through the hallways until she reaches the familiar scent of Stiles.

"I was wondering how that idiot got sick. I also want to know where your friends are." A voice addresses Stiles and Sarah lurks in the changing room behind her. "Since, in order to get paid by the benefactor, I need to have proof that they're dead."

"Visual confirmation." Stiles utters and Sarah could pick up the scent of fear onto her brother.

"Exactly." The chemist says. "Still a bit feverish, Mr Stilinski? You should know, the virus doesn't kill humans. You'll get better. So, don't you think you should tell me where they are? Shouldn't one of you get to live?"

"I think I saw them in the library. Or it might have been the cafeteria. It was definitely one of those two." Stiles taunts and Sarah rolls her eyes at his dramatics.

"I'm going to count to three, and then I'm going to kill you." the chemist simply replies.

"You think you can scare me?" Stiles questions, standing bravely in front of the gun.

"No. I think I can kill you. I just thought the countdown would make it more exciting. So.." He trails off, clicking the safety off the gun and placing it directly against Stiles' head. Sarah quietly moves towards the right of Stiles without them noticing and gets ready to jump towards them. "One." He says, and Sarah begins to move towards them. "Two." He says and Sarah jumps out towards him, pushing him to the floor. "Miss Stilinski I presume." He says as Sarah pins him towards the ground, he grabs the gun and shoots Sarah in the abdomen. 

"You're going to have to try harder than that." Sarah counters, attempting to grab the gun from his hand but he shoots another bullet in response, rather close to her heart and then a loud gunshot echoes from above them, the blood spraying across Sarah's face as the chemist collapses to the ground next to her. "What?" Sarah frowns in disbelief, looking up to see McCall standing above them with a gun in his hand.

"I got a call from Melissa. I don't know what it means. She said there's an antidote. It's in a vault. Reishi mushrooms." Rafael says, looking directly towards Stiles who nods in shock. "It's in a jar on one of the shelves. She said to tell Scott it's in the vault." Stiles shares a look with Sarah and she nods her head at him to tell him to go and he doesn't hesitate to run out of the room. "Shit, Sarah." McCall groans, hearing both of the gunshots and looking at the bloody stains on her shirt.

"I'm fine." Sarah protests, trying to get up from the ground.

"I've just saw you get shot two times, no you're not." He protests, kneeling down beside her to examine the wounds. 

"You know that there's something else going on. Don't even try to deny it." Sarah tells him, looking at him in the eyes as he slowly nods his head. "I need you to pull out the bullets."

"If I pull them out you might bleed to death." Rafael protests.

"I'll heal, just do it." Sarah replies her eyes glowing but it was different. What was once a magnificent light blue is now a majestic dark navy blue.

"You're eyes..." He realises, shaking his head to try and remove the image from his head but it was still there. He takes in a deep breath of air before plunging his hands into her abdomen and pulling out the bullets, allowing her to heal. "What are you?"

"A werewolf." Sarah tells him. "Look, there's a lot of things going on but it should be Scott to tell you." 

"Okay." Rafael nods. "Do you know where they are?"

"The vault is under the school sign so I'm asuming somewhere in the basement." Sarah replies, taking Rafaels hand as he helps her from the ground.

"Check on them, I'll take care of this." Rafael says with a small nod.

"Okay." Sarah says back with a smile, walking out of the door before stopping to turn back to face him. "Thank you, Mr McCall." Sarah tells him and he just smiles in response, looking at the girl who was bleeding out previously walking perfectly normal out of the room. Sarah makes her way to the basement where there was an open room and she walked in to see them all hugging each other in relief. Until Malia pushes herself away from Stiles and begins to walk out of the room, handing Sarah a sheet of paper.

"They would probably try to keep this from you, like they did with me." Malia tells her, causing Sarah to frown as she unfolds the sheet of paper to see Malia's name slightly different. 

"Hale?" Sarah frowns in confusion, looking over to the people in the room. "She's Derek's sister? I didn't know Talia had another kid." 

"Derek's cousin." Scott corrects over on the other side of the room with Kira.

"Peter's daughter." Stiles replies and Sarahs eyes widen. She looks further down the list and sees her own name worth 30 million. (A/N: I know it doesn't add up, I changed my mind.) 

"Derek's name broke the list.." Sarah realises, not even caring about her own worth. "Were you going to keep that from me?"

"You've been unconscious for the past few days, we were wondering how long it would take for you to wake up." Scott replies.

"Were you going to tell me?" Sarah asks with a raised voice but by the looks on their faces, she already knew her answer. "I can't believe you guys." Sarah says, shaking her head as she leaves the vault and head back up to the school building where she is met with Lydia.

"You need to go to the hospital." Lydia tells her and Sarahs eyes frown.

"What's wrong?" Sarah questions.

"James. He was infected with the virus and it's not looking good for him." Lydia tells her and a tear threatens to fall down Sarah's face but she pushes it away as she rushes out of the school building and runs to the hospital. She rushes through the corridors, being shouted to stop the nurses but she ignores them as she follows James' scent which is mixed with Satomi's, Dereks and Erik's. Sarah burst through the doors of the room where they were all standing around James trying to help him in some way.

"Get out of the way." Sarah tells them, grasping James hand within her own.

"Sarah." James realises, recognising the familiar voice. "You're probably one of my closest friends-" James starts but Sarah stops him from continuing.

"James, you're my best friend and I love you, but shut up." Sarah demands, taking away his pain causing her to feel power like never before.

"What are you doing? You're going to get yourself killed." Derek protests, going to snatch her hand away but she flashes her eyes at him and he backs away from her.

"I can do this." She tells him as the power courses through her body and the black veins travel through James' body, healing him with ease. Second by second, James was able to gain his senses back and the pain subsided. He opened his eyes and noticed the unusual colour of Sarah's eyes and slowly pulled his hand away from her.

"What just happened?" James questions, jumping up from the table and looking down at his healed body then back up to the people in the room. "Erik?" He frowns in confusion and Erik just nods his head at him. James snaps his head down towards Sarah and her glowing eyes, "That's not a colour I've seen before..."

"Apparently I'm one of a kind." Sarah replies with a smirk.

"I could sense the power you gained when you were absorbing his pain." Satomi tells her, taking a step towards the girl who was going to reply but Deaton beat her to it.

"She's still there." Deaton realises and Sarah slowly nods her head.

"It's why I was unconscious for so long. I was having a lovely conversation with her." Sarah sarcastically remarks and she glances around the room only to find confused expressions over peoples faces. "Nogitsunes crave pain, strife and chaos, I bet you know how much pain you were in."

"That's impossible, we locked it away." Derek frowns.

"The connection between the Nogitsune and their host is unbreakable." Satomi reveals. "Their host has never survived, and if that host turns into a werewolf then they will be unbeatable."

"So when I visited you, you knew about what was going to happen to me?" Sarah questions and Satomi sheepishly nods.

"Which is why you're worth so much on the dead pool." Melissa realises.

"What do you mean?" Derek frowns, turning his head to Sarah as he looks directly into her eyes. "How much are you worth?"

"I see they kept that from you as well." Sarah says with a sigh, pulling out the dead pool from her pocket and handing it to Derek and his eyes widen in disbelief.

"You're worth 30 million?" Derek questions, locking his eyes onto the woman that he loves in worry.

"Yeah. And it turns out that Stiles and Scott knew that Malia was Peter's daughter all the time but they didn't tell anyone." Sarah answers, a heartbroken look over her face, disappointed that she got kept out of the loop. "And to top all of that off, Scott's dad watched me get shot and saw my eyes glowing."

"What?" Melissa frowns in disbelief.

"I didn't tell him anything, I figured it'd be easier if someone else done it." Sarah reveals. "But Scott and the pack are fine. They got to the mushrooms." Everyone lets out a sigh of relief, happy that an assassin didn't wipe out the majority of the beacon hills werewolf population. "How you doing?" Sarah questions, walking over to James who was recovering from his near death experience.

"Better, thanks to you." James happily replies.

"Anything to help out a friend of mine." Sarah smiles in response, her eyes flicking up to Erik who is watching the exchange then back to James with a confused look. James notices this look and simply shakes his head in response. Sarah then proceeds to turn to face Satomi. "I'm sorry for your loss, I know it doesn't really do much but it's the most I can give you." Sarah pulls out a sheet of paper and writes a number on it. "If you need any help, don't hesitate to call."

"Thank you." Satomi generously says to her and Sarah allows a smile to spread onto her face. Derek walks next to her and grabs her hand as they bid their goodbyes and head back to his loft.

A/N: Vote and Comment! Guys, I've got a plan for the book. I've been swamped with School and I've been un able to write but I've got 3 weeks off soon so I'm going try and finish the book within that time because we're nearing the end! I reckon there will be about 6 more chapters to go!

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