Our Everlasting Journey - Sho...

By t0ky0wh0

34.7K 815 774


.season 1.
.season 2.
.one; season 2.
.two; season 2.
.three; season 2.
.five; season 2.
.six; season 2.
.seven; season 2.
.eight; season 2.
.nine; season 2.
.ten; season 2.
.eleven; season 2.
.twelve; season 2.
.thirteen; season 2.
.fourteen; season 2.
.season 3.
.one; season 3.
.two; season 3.
.three; season 3.
.four; season 3.
.five; season 3.
.six; season 3.
.seven; season 3.
.eight; season 3.
.nine; season 3.
.chapter 10; season 3.

.four; season 2.

1K 27 9
By t0ky0wh0

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8230 words

(So just to quickly explain what I did for the final battle, I decided that in the Obstacle Course, Aoyama wasn't able to make it into the Top 42, so he couldn't compete in the Calvary Battle. Kaminari as of joined Shinso' team, instead of Aoyama. So the protagonist will compete instead of 'Aoyama'. Hope it was understandable!)


"Now that lunch is over, it's finally time to reveal the last game! But before that, there's good news for all of you who didn't make it to the finals! This is just the sports festival! So we've prepared recreational games that everyone can participate in, too!" Present Mic reassured the ones who 'failed'.

Walking into the stadium again with the class, I noticed as the girls were all dressed up in cheerleader outfits, which Kaminari and Mineta tricked them into in the lunch break. They said that everyone would have to wear the cheerleading clothes to do a cheer battle in the afternoon. Honestly, I couldn't believe they really fell for their schemes. They should know by now, those two suffer from puberty the most, and show it the most as well.

"We've even brought real cheerleaders from America to liven things up! But wait... Huh? What's the matter Class A? What kind of fan service is that?" Present Mic asked cockily.

And their expressions were priceless. They all seemed to be deeply displeased and at discomfort with the energy that was created in the studio. Well what can I say, you just shouldn't trust those two when it comes down to things as these.

Since the Calvary Battle, I haven't really spoken to Todoroki. I decided to give him time, though it seemed pointless. Since it is most probably the same as before - Him rejecting the fire Quirk. Which is his.

"All right, everyone! Let's have fun competing in the recreational games! When that's over, the sixteen from the four teams that made it to the final round will duke it out tournament style, one-on-one!" Present Mic explained.

"I'm gonna stand on the stage that I watch every year on TV!" Kirishima exclaimed in an excited manner.

"Was it a tournament last year?" Mina asked as she looked around.

"It's different every year, but there's a one-on-one competition every year. Last year, it was a sports chanbara match." Sero explained with a smile plastered across his face.

True, one-on-one battles take place every year. I wonder what kind of match it will be though.

"Now, let's draw lots to determine the bracket. Once the bracket is determined, we'll have the recreational games and then start! The sixteen finalists can choose wether or not they want to participate in the recreation. I'm sure some of you want to rest and save your strength." Midnight explained as she held up a box which read 'Lots'.

"Now, from the first place team—" Midnight began explaining, but soon was interrupted by Ojiro putting up his hand, wanting to say something.

"Um...! Excuse me. I'm withdrawing." Ojiro announced.

Turning towards him, his face was unreadable. Why was he withdrawing? He made it to this round and everything...
But as I think back to it, he was in the same team as the guy with the purple hair... Wasn't his name Shinso?
Ojiro isn't really to butt out of an opportunity like this, so what happened to him?

"Ojiro, why?" Midoriya asked, as he wore a shocked expression. A lot of others around him were confused as well.

"This is a rare chance for pros to see you!" Iida added.

"I barely remember anything from the calvary battle until almost the end. I think it was that guy's Quirk." Ojiro explained, as his gaze fell on the ground.

The color from my face drowned slightly, as I looked over to Shinso. Does his Quirk have something to do with mind control? Perhaps brainwashing?
But it's definitely not physical, his Quirk.

"I know this is a great chance and that it's foolish to waste it... But... Everyone here competed by giving their all! I can't... I can't be up there with everyone without knowing what really happened." Ojiro explained.

My eyes softened, as his reason was indeed reasonable. But still... Ojiro...

"You're worrying too much about it! You should just make sure you produce results in the finals!" Hagakure said enthusiastically.

"If you're gonna say that, I didn't do anything either." Mina added with a comforting smile.

Ojiro's very figure trembled slightly, as he covered his face with his hand. "That's not it... I'm talking about my pride here... I can't..."

His pride, huh...? I get it.

"Also why are you guys wearing cheerleading outfits?" Ojiro asked, as this made me crack a small smile.

"I'm Nirengeki Shoda from Class B. I also want to withdraw for the same reason. Regardless of ability, don't you think it goes against the goal of this sports festival for those who didn't do anything to move onto the final round?" said a small guy from the opposite hero course...

Poor guys. They must've thought about it a lot. I really do respect their choices. They make sense, and it's honestly shocking how brutally honest they are with it.

"What's with these guys?! They're so manly!" Kirishima exclaimed with tears in his eyes.

Looking back to Midnight, I awaited her awnser.

"Youthful talk like that is something... I like! Shoda, Ojiro! I accept your withdrawal!" Midnight responded as she whipped her whip.

So she decided based on her tastes...

"In that case, we'll have to move up two people from fifth place calvary battle team..." Midnight said in a puzzled way.

"If that's what's going to happen, then rather than us, who barely did anything during the calvary battle, it should be them, right?" The girl from Class B with orange hair asked, as well as the question was directed towards her teammates, who only agreed with her.

"The ones who fought to the end and stayed in the top, Team Tetsutetsu, right?" she carried on.

"This isn't collusion, or anything. It just makes sense." she explained with a smile on her face, hands placed on her hips.
They all seem to have such reasonable reasons. It is impressive.

"Y-You guys...!" the guy with the grey hair from Class B cried out in happiness, as well as thankfulness.

"And so, Tetsutetsu and Shiozaki have moved up to make sixteen! This is the bracket based on the results of the drawing!" Midnight exclaimed, as she pointed her whip towards the hologram, where all sixteen names showed up, and who they'd fight against. Looking at my name, I was up against Ashido.
Looking over at her, her face seems to have drowned of color...

Looking at things theoretically, if I won, then I'd be up against Tokoyami or Yaoroyozu. I know a weakness of Tokoyami's Quirk, as per Yaoroyozu, she can create, however when it comes down to being physical, she is at a disadvantage. And time is also a thing she requires for her Quirk. However, I am not prying to talk highly of myself. They have to have tricks up their sleeves.

Looking at the names of others, I saw that Midoriya was up against Todoroki. So their fight will come even sooner than I expected. Well, practically, their fight would be in the second round, if they make it there. But I don't doubt either of them.

"All right! Let's leave the tournament aside for a momentary interlude! Let's have fun with the recreation!" Present Mic exclaimed.

And then, several games began, however I did not want to take part in them.
Much rather, I decided to go outside, and think of a strategy against my possible opponents.

I sat down against the wall of the stadium, leaning my head against it slightly, as I pulled in my legs close, embracing them with my arms.

Even if I was trying to think of a strategy, it was also to calm my nerves. The doubt of myself failing didn't leave my mind.
I would win, no matter what. At least getting in the top three is my goal.

Holding up my right index finger, I circled it around as I lit it slightly. Realising something, my eyes widened. I could use this...

I repeated the same act with my left index finger, as shadow particles came out of it.
I circled my flame-lit finger around it, as the darkness slowly but surely died down. This caused me to smirk slightly.

And soon enough, before knowing it, it started.

"Hey guys, are you ready?! A lot's happened, but it's now come to this! A serious battle! You can only depend on yourself! Even if you're not a hero, you'll face lots of situations like that! You get it, right? Heart, skill, body, wisdom, and knowledge! Use all of that to rush up!" Present Mic yelled throughout the speakers, as I took my place in the little bystander area, where my class could watch the match.

"Audience! The finals you've all been waiting for are finally starting! Match number one... Even though he's done well, what's with that face?" Present Mic questioned, as Midoriya came into view on the field.
It's true, he wore a long face.

"From the hero course, it's Izuku Midoriya! Versus... Sorry, he hasn't done anything to stand out yet! From general studies, it's Hitoshi Shinso! The rules are simple. Force your opponent out of bounds, or immobilize them! You can also win by making your opponent say 'I give up!' Bring on the injuries! Because we've got our very own Recovery Girl waiting on standby! Put your morals and ethics aside for a moment! But of course, anything life-threating is crap! It's not allowed! Heroes should only use their fists to catch villains!" Present Mic explained the rules of the one-on-one battle.

"I'll stop things if they go too far." Cementoss said afterwards, as he created a cement chair for himself to sit on.

If things go too far, huh?

(Since I know you guys know how the one-on-one battles end up, I will not write every single individual fight. Only the ones you participate in, and the ones I hold as important for the story line, or possible character development. Only a short paragraph, I'll have commentary about the battles. If you are not interested in reading them however, you are free to skip this part.)

Midoriya - Shinso: Winner: Midoriya
As much as I thought that Midoriya was about to lose, he didn't. In the last moment, before walking off the stage, he turned back towards Shinso, charged at him, and as Shinso was about to push Midoriya out of bounds, Midoriya grabbed Shinso's arm, and flung him out of bounds using the same method as he did with Bakugo once before.
My theory about Shinso's Quirk was right. It's definitely some sort of brainwashing, once he gets someone to awnser him.

After the fight was over, I knew it was Todoroki's turn, against Sero. Wanting to wish him good luck, I started walking towards the way where you enter the arena from, but I was interrupted when I looked around the corner, and saw Endeavor, talking to him, as Todoroki walked by him, clearly pissed off by the presence of his father.

I knew it was wrong, but I decided to eves drop.

"You're in my way." Todoroki said, as his back was turned towards me. Listening around the corner, I stayed completely silent.

"You're acting disgracefully, Shoto." his father replied to his son's behavior.

No. He has his own reasons to act this way.

Deciding to stay quiet, Todoroki passed by his father, as he vented on.

"If you used the power in your left side, you would've had an overwhelming victory in the obstacle course and calvary battle. Stop this childish rebellion already. You have a duty to surpass All Might. Do you understand? You're different from your siblings. You are the greatest masterpiece!" his father explained to him.

My eyes widened, as I've heard the exact same words from my parents, back when I was a child. It agited me in a way I wasn't able to explain. His father clearly treats Todoroki like his own tool, to surpass All Might, since he himself wasn't able to do so. Just like mine did.

Gritting my palms, I carried on listening.

"Is that all you can say, bastard? I will win and advance with just Mom's power. I won't use your power when I fight." Todoroki said through gritted teeth, as he almost made it out into the arena. His voice was filled with resent, and even rage was heard in it.

"Even if it works for now, you'll soon reach the limits of that power." his father explained to him, as Todoroki stayed silent, and went into the arena, leaving his father there, with crossed arms. Endeavor pushed himself away from the wall, as I stepped out, pretending to be late to say something to Todoroki.

"What are you doing here, (L/N)?" Endeavor asked in a fierce voice, as he stopped dead in his tracks, looking at me.
So he remembers my name? Shocker.

Gritting my hands tightly, I spoke up. "I decided to encourage Todoroki for his fight, as his friend, since a certain someone was only capable of the exact opposite."

Endeavor's eyes clutched in anger, as he looked at me with his burning gaze.

"Just to let you know - He is not you." I said as I turned around, deciding to walk back to my class.

"Sorry to have bothered you, number two hero." I said plainly, leaving him stunned in the hallway.

Rushing back to my peers, I arrived just in time, as Present Mic announced "Thanks for waiting! Next up is... these guys!"

Sitting down beside Midoriya, I turned towards him, congratulating his victory against Shinso.

"T-Thank you, (L/N)." he said as he looked at me with a slight blush, as he scratched his nape nervously.
Whenever I talk to him, he gets all tense. I wonder why, though.

"His Quirk messed with your mind, right?" I questioned as I looked forward, back towards Todoroki. His face seemed to be completely filled with rage still.

"Yeah... Even though Ojiro went through all that trouble of explaining how his Quirk worked, I still awnsered..." he said as he looked down in his lap, displeased with himself.

"Even if you did, you managed to get out of the situation, didn't you? That's all that matters." I reassured him.

"I-I guess you're right..." Midoriya looked back up at me with a more content face.

"Besides... You can use this as a learning opportunity." I looked at him, giving him a small reassuring smile.

"Yeah." he nodded with a smile, as the two of us looked back towards the duo.

"He's good! He's good, but what's with that plainness he just can't get rid of? From the hero course, it's Hanta Sero!" Present Mic questioned.

That's kind of mean.

My attention diverted towards Todoroki, who has seemed to calmed down by some bit.

"Versus... Taking second, then first in the prelims! You're way too strong, kid! He wasn't recommended for admission for nothing! Also from the hero course, it's Shoto Todoroki! And now, for the second match of the finals... Ready... Start!" Present Mic exclaimed, as he gave the permission for the two of them to begin.

Without wasting a second, Sero immediately blasted his tapes forward, wrapping Todoroki up in a fast succession. Leaving one strap, he started to spin Todoroki in circles.

"A surprise attack aimed to push his opponent out of bounds! Don't you think that was the best choice for this situation?! Seriously, get him, Sero!" Present Mic encouraged Sero.

Oh no, you're wrong, Present Mic.

In a matter of a second, Todoroki let out his ice, as it went forward, however it wasn't just a normal, attempt of capture. It was much more. His ice grew out of the stadium, as it even vibrated the whole entire arena. 

The ice flashed by us, as it barely missed where we were seated. The others backed up in shock, as I however, didn't even flinch, only my eyes widened. Todoroki...

His ice covered the half of the stadium...

He was this agitated by his father, huh...

Standing up, I managed to find an opening, where I had a clear view at the both of them.
Sero was completely encased in ice, only his head sticking out of it all.

Instantly looking over at Todoroki, his right side was covered in ice, as he exhaled the cold air.
His eyes were darkened.

"Sero, can you move?" Midnight asked, as even one of her sides was also covered in ice.

"O-Of course not... Ow..." Sero said with gritted teeth.

"Sero is immobilized! Todoroki advances to the second round!"

The crowd started reassuring Sero, as his loss was incredible. He barely was able to even get Todoroki close to loss. They yelled "Don't worry about it!" They thanked Sero for his efforts.

Todoroki walked over to Sero, as he melted him out of the ice.

Looking carefully at him, he looked... sad. Incredibly sad.

Standing up from my seat, I started heading back where I walked in on the conversation between Todoroki and his father, Endeavor. Well, I rushed back there.

Arriving there, I turned around the corner, accidentally bumping into someone. About to apologize, I notice it's ... Todoroki.

Looking up at him, his eyes looked heavy, as he still had a somewhat sad expression on his face. He looked down at me, and the two of us looked onto each other for a few seconds, I admitted.

"When I was on my way to talk to you, before the match started, I stumbled into yours and Endeavor's conversation... I..." I said in a low voice, as my gaze was fixed on the ground.

"So you listened to the entire thing?" he replied in a low tone.

"I... I did. And I'm sorry, Todoroki. I ended up listening to the whole conversation." I said, looking back up at him.

He studied my expression, as he spoke "Is that all?"

Staying silent for a few seconds, I grit both my hands together tightly.

"I... I..." I stumbled upon my own sentence, not knowing what to say.

Instead, my body moved on its own, and I wrapped my arms around him, as I placed my chin onto his shoulder.

This seemed to shock him, as his movement completely stiffened, and he stood there.

But I was just as shocked as him. I didn't even realize I did it.

Though I felt like he needed some sort of comfort. Wether that was achieved by words, or by action, I know deep down, he needed it.

Staying like that for a few more seconds, his arms wrapped around my body, as he placed his forehead on my shoulder.
He ... showed vulnerability. Just how fragile one can be, even if they seem like the most stable person on the outside. I knew he was this way. I used to be like this myself.
Only difference there is, is that I've accepted it, and he himself still has to.

We stayed like that for about a minute, neither of us speaking a word... Just silence. A peaceful one.

His stiffness eased up in the embrace, and I knew he felt more at peace, and eased up as well.

Pulling away from each other slowly, his expression was more softened, and I knew he needed this. Water was dripping off of him, as my body heat melted his ice off of his side, evening up his body temperature again.

Turning backwards slightly, I said to him.

"C'mon. We'll be too late for the next match."

"Right." he responded, as the two of us made our way back to the class, since Todoroki didn't suffer any damage.

— — — — — — — —
Shiozaki - Kaminari: Winner: Shiozaki

Iida - Hatsume: Winner: Iida

While Hatsume and Iida were battling, me and Ashido were sitting in the recreation room, well, the people who were about to battle stayed.

I was leaning against the wall, as Ashido kept her gaze fixed on the table infront of her. The both of us stayed in silence. It would seem to me that she is somewhat doubting herself. I know pretty much everything about her Quirk. She can use her acid to slide across the ground with ease, and as well as attack with it, however only close ranged.
Though one thing I cannot forget about, is her great reaction time, as well as mobility. If I could get an early shot off at her from the wide range, she'd have no chance, but to evade, or else she'd lose.

Looking up at the little television, it showed us the battle between Iida and Hatsume, and Iida was pretty much made into a fool by Hatsume, who only used Iida in order to show off her support-items. Interesting...

A guy came into the room, telling us to get ready, since our battle was about to begin. Pushing myself off of the wall, I exit the room, leaving Ashido in there. She seems to not be ready, still.

Walking towards the enterance of the stadium in a slow pace, my hands were hanging on my side, completely relaxed. My face wore a plain expression, and I was looking forward to finally battle someone one-on-one. Someone who could possibly put up a fight.

"We're gonna keep right on going with the fifth match!" Present Mic said, and that was my cue to step out into the arena.

Looking forwards, I saw Ashido come in with a huge smile across the face, and was showing off some signs towards the ground, and the crowd roared for her.

However, they weren't only loud for her. I heard some chanting my name, and not going to lie, it wasn't the most comfortable feeling.
I was just simply walking, so what was this fuss about?

Arriving on the stage, Ashido kept looking around, waving for the crowd, as I just stood there, motionless, staring at her.
And then, the introduction came from Present Mic.

"Is something going to come out of those horns? Well? From the hero course, it's Mina Ashido!" Present Mic yelled.

Ashido pointed towards me with a smug smile. "My first match is a piece of cake!"

Oh really? That's not how you looked back there.

"Versus ... The human-meteor, who smashed through a faux villain! Show us what fancy moves you can do with those glorious wings of yours! She wasn't recommended for nothing, it's (F/N)!" Present Mic yelled enthusiastically, as the crowd roared.

"My introduction was lame compared to yours..." Mina said in a disappointed way.

"You said something about this being a piece of cake? Well, taking into consideration how you looked back there, you're lying to yourself, Ashido." I said simply, as I put my left foot forward.

"Now, why don't we get started? Fifth match, start!" Present Mic, announced, as Ashido already took her fighting stance.

Ready to charge at me, her eyes concentrated on me, as I didn't move.

In an instant, my shadow-like-vines came out of the floor, and two wrapped around her feet instantly, as she was unable to run forward.

"What... What the hell is this?" Ashido questioned, as she repeatedly threw her acid against my vines, but they just flowed down the sides.
Her eyes widened at the realization, that she couldn't shake her feet out of the strong grasp of my shadow around her.

I jumped in the air instantly, as I used my wings, boosting forwards instantly. Another two vines restrained her wrists, as she was now unable to use her Quirk. She was completely restrained.

As I was almost by her side, I pulled back my right knee, and as soon as I was infront of her, my vines let go of her, and I landed a knee kick into her stomach, and she flew backwards, and just as I expected, she flew right out of bounds. Landing by the wall of the stadium.
In all honesty, I felt bad for going overboard like this, but it wasn't anything life-threatening, and my intention wasn't to do that anyway. So it counts.

The crowd went quiet, as Midnight exclaimed "It was decided in an instant! Ashido is out of bounds! (L/N) advances to the second round!"

The crowd roared, as I smirked ever so slightly, as Ashido got back up on her feet, coughing as her hand was holding her stomach.

"Ashido didn't get the chance to react! (L/N)'s easy victory is indisputable!" Present Mic yelled, as the crowd only roared louder.

As Ashido looked up at me, she kind of had a sad expression plastered across her face, but I mouthed her a 'Sorry', which she then smiled off, as she went back through the gate.

I was quick to follow, as I also headed through the gate, the loud crowd slowly becoming inaudible, as I sighed in relief, knowing that I managed to make it into the second round.

Taking my turn to go back to the others, I passed by Uraraka, as her gaze was fixed on the ground, and I was almost unable to see her face.

"Are you okay, Uraraka?" I let out as I came to a stop in front of her.

She didn't even seem to know that I was there, if I hadn't called her name, she probably would've walked past me.
Looking up at me with wide eyes, she smiled instantly, rubbing the back of her nape, as she was quick to take a detour around me.

"I-I'm fine! Congratulations on your win by the way...!" she spoke out hastly, before she disappeared from view.

Weird... Though I'm pretty sure she behaves this way due to the fact that she will be up against Bakugo, and the odds don't seem to be in her favor. It's clear who'll win. Though I hope she'll put up a fight nonetheless.

Finally arriving back to my peers, they were all seated, as Tokoyami and Yaoyorozu were long gone, since their match was about to start. And I couldn't see Todoroki anywhere... I just hope he has recovered from before, somewhat anyway.

Sitting down, I took my place next to Midoriya once again, putting the drink that was beside him aside.

"W-Wow, (L/N)... You won almost instantly... Congrats!" Midoriya congratulated me on my win, as he put his little notebook down, which he seemed to draw sketches and informations about people's Quirks.

It was open, and I saw that it was information about me. Also with the little intel I gave to him. Of course, he hadn't questioned everything about my Quirk, and wouldn't have anyway, since I probably would've cut him off if he asked too many questions. I want to have a few trump cards myself.

"Thank you, Midoriya. I see you're quite an observer, aren't you?" I asked as I looked at the notebook more carefully.

"Oh... Uh.. This, it's just a little hobby of mine..." he explained nervously as he shut it together.

"No, it's fine. I don't mind." I replied to ease his nerves a bit. It's like he never talked to someone opposite his gender.

He laughed awkwardly, as I heard Kirishima call behind me. "But for real, (L/N)! That was super manly! You won in a blink of an eye!"

"Oh... Well... I might've gone a bit too far." I admitted as I looked back at Kirishima, who only shook his head.

"No, I think you only showed what great strength you have. You probably caught the eyes of those pro heroes!" he said enthusiastically, as he pushed on his knuckles.

Laughing slightly at his response, before I was able to talk, I heard Kaminari next to him.

"And visually too, I mean, look at your bo—" he started to explain but was soon cut off by Tsuyu smacking him in the back of the head with her tongue. I like ya cut, G.

— — — — — — — —

Tokoyami - Yaoyorozu: Winner: Tokoyami

Kirishima - Tetsutetsu: Draw

As it was Bakugo's and Uraraka's turn to battle, I decided to watch them from closer, instead of the distance, since if I made it through the next round, then I'd possibly fight against Bakugo.
I have studied almost everyone's movements since I came into Class 1-A, however, it seems most people have shown new abilities and limits of their powers, so in this case, it might not be too different.

Coming out of the hallway that lead into the audience, I saw that the two of them were already making their way towards the stage, as the crowd cheered around them.
This match will be quite... Disturbing. Bakugo won't hold back, no matter the gender.
We're all aiming for the top, however Bakugo could go far for that. Far beyond what's expected. And Uraraka's only capable of putting up a fight if she manages to touch him, or manipulate objects. However this time, unlike in the villain vs hero training, she doesn't have objects around her. So I'm interested what she'll come up with.

Looking to the side, to my surprise, I found Todoroki leaning against the wall, as he was spectating the match as well.

Going next to him, I greeted him in a low voice.

"Hi." he replied simply, as he looked at me. His nerves seemed to have calmed down. A lot, since before. Thank goodness.

"I have a feeling that this match might be disturbing." I said to Todoroki, as I my eyes locked onto Uraraka.

"I do too. However, Uraraka might have a trick up her sleeve." he said, as his eyes trailed back onto the pair.

Nodding at his response, we listened to Present Mic announce. "The eighth and last match of the first round! He was kind of famous in middle school! This isn't the face of a regular person! From the hero course, it's Katsuki Bakugo!"
What's with all of these comments on their facial expressions. Though I must admit, he looked pretty damn hilarious.

"Versus... She's the one I'm rooting for! From the hero course, it's Ochaco Uraraka!" Present Mic exclaimed.

Looking over at Uraraka, she took a deep breath, before getting serious, and locked eyes with Bakugo.

"Eigth match, start!"

Urarak wasted no time, as she ran forwards, in hopes of being able to touch Bakugo, however, of course, Bakugo blasted an explosion in front of her, as she flew backwards. Not giving up, she did the same, however this time, she made her jacket float towards Bakugo, as he blasted it, before realizing, that it wasn't her. He crouched as he looked back, and saw Uraraka running at him, but fired another explosion, as she almost fell out of bounds. However, she got up instantly again. She does not take it easy. Good.

But she has no chance against such a reaction time, as Bakugo's. Even if there is a smokescreen covering his vision, it's impossible.

She ran at Bakugo again and again, not giving up, and Bakugo on the other side, he was merciless. Firing what seemed like bigger explosions each time. Ruthless.
However, keeeping on running towards him is stubborn. She better have a plan in mind, or this won't end well.

But one thing I kept noticing, is whenever she started running, she ducked towards the ground, and focused Bakugo's attacks towards the ground.
Looking up, I finally saw what her plan was. So by directing his attacks towards the ground, it made the ground rip apart, and then she nullified their gravity, bringing then above the stadium.
I smiled slightly at her plan. But still, I'm having doubts it won't work against Bakugo.

A few more minutes after that, she finally released the pieces, as they started falling towards the ground one by one again.
Bakugo noticed immediately, and directed a massive explosion towards the meteor-shower, and the wind stream he created in the mean time blasted Uraraka away, as her plan blackmailed.
The wind was that strong that it even reached the entire audience.
I covered myself and Todoroki from the smoke that came our way via my wings, as it was hard to barely see anything.
And in an instant, all of the pieces were either destroyed, or blown outside.

It was... Incredible. In one single shot, he blasted it all away. Bakugo's... Incredible.

As our vision cleared up again, we looked back, as Uraraka desperately got back up on her feet, barely being able to stand her ground. Bakugo only smirked at this, as he started running towards her again.
Uraraka turned towards him, about to run, however her body gave in. She had reached her limit. She collapsed in exhaustion in front of Bakugo. Her body was overwhelmed, as she had held on to those pieces for a long time, and not to mention the amount.

Bakugo stood still, before she started crawling towards him, which made him take a fighting stance. And soon, her movement stopped, as Midnight ran between the two of them, holding her palm up to Bakugo, signalling him to stop.

"Uraraka's out of commission. Bakugo advances to the second round!"

Uraraka was taken by a medical bed, or maybe someone's Quirk, I wasn't sure. But for sure, she was being taken to Recovery Girl.

"Oh yeah. Bakugo advances to the next round." Present Mic announced in a disappointed voice.

"If you're gonna do it, do it properly." Aizawa ordered.

"Now, let's pull ourselves together—" Present Mic started to speak, but was interrupted hy Aizawa once again.

"You're letting your personal feelings take over..."

"The first round is all done! Let's move on to the next round quickly after a short break!" Present Mic explained, as both me and Todoroki pushed ourselves off of the wall, and started heading back. Well, at least I was. He was going to a waiting room, since it was his turn with... Midoriya.

We arrived in front of the door, as the both of us came to a hault.

Looking at Todoroki, deciding to speak up this time, I put a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it a bit.

"Make sure to claim victory as yours, and show everyone what you're capable of." I said in a serious manner.
I believe he knew what I meant under 'everyone'. I've meant especially his father.

Letting go of him, he nodded, as I went on my way. Turning around the corner, I came to a stop, before speaking "And it's still yours.", and with that, I left.

— — — — — — — —

Kirishima - Tesutetsu: Winner: Kirishima

— — — — — — — —

Returning back to my peers, it was now Todoroki's and Midoriya's turn to battle. I couldn't help, but be somewhat nervous. Ever since Todoroki made that 'declaration of war', my gut has been feeling uneasy. And now, it was happening.
The two of them walked onto the stage, as confidence was written over Todoroki, however Midoriya was in fact, nervous.

"The first match of the second round! At this year's sports festival, both have shown top class performances! Midoriya! Versus.... Todoroki! It's like two great rivals fighting against each other! Now... Start!" Present Mic exclaimed, as the two of them took their fighting stances almost immediately.

The instant Present Mic said 'start', Todoroki sent a huge boulder of ice Midoriya's way. As expected, Midoriya flicked his finger, as he broke off Todoroki's chain attack.
It reached Todoroki, who had put up an ice barrier behind himself, so he wouldn't be blasted away from the wind.
It even reached the audience.
Looking at his finger, of course, it was broken. He already prepared to injure himself to negate Todoroki's attack.

"Wow! Midoriya stopped Todoroki's attack!" Present Mic announced.

They repeated the same act, as this action cost Midoriya another finger.

"He stopped it again!"

Does he want to do this six more times, to sacrifice his fingers completely?

And they repeated the same thing once again. Five more chances, Midoriya.

"It started?!" Kirishima joined the class.

"Kirishima, good job making it to the second round." Kaminari congratulated him.

"Yeah, I'll be up against you next, Bakugo. Let's have a good fight!" Kirishima pointed out as he looked at Bakugo.

"I'll kill you." Bakugo said in his moody self, which caused Kirishima to laugh.

"I'd like to see you try! But man, you, Todoroki and (L/N) can all shoot off powerful attacks that cover a lot of ground. Like 'Bam!'" Kirishima explained, as I looked over at him.

"And you can do it with no time lag." Sero said as he looked at Bakugo before looking at me.

"I'm not just shooting them off. Don't underestimate 'em." Bakugo began explaining.

"Huh?" Kirishima let out.

"If you overuse your muscles, the muscle fibers tear, and if you keep running, you'll run out of breath. Quirks are physical abilities, too. They must have some kind of limit." Bakugo explained as he looked at his arm.

That's true. You've got to learn how to use it, otherwise you could injure yourself very badly. If you get reckless, it'll probably drive you into a corner, and it'll make you use it.
I had it happening to me back when I was a child, but now, I've gotten to know my limits.

For example, I can't overuse my hot-half, since it would overheat my whole body, and I could pass out, or worse. It takes a huge toll on my body temperature, that's why I can't just continuesly blast out flames.

"If I think about it like that, I guess that makes sense... Then, against the instant-killer Todoroki, Midoriya wants..." Kirishima trailed off in thought.

An endurance match. A test on the physical side of the human body.

Soon, our conversation was interrupted, as I looked back, to see them repeat the same act yet again. And like that, Midoriya had used up his fingers on his right hand.
Using that as a chance, Todoroki jumped forward, as he skated on his ice, gaining height.

"Todoroki doesn't recoil from Midoriya's power, and gets in close!" Present Mic commented.

Not wasting time, Midoriya lifted his left hand, flicking another finger, destroying the ice platform under Todoroki, who jumped last moment.
Trying to get a punch in with his ice, Midoriya dodges his attempt last second.
Todoroki's eyes followed Midoriya immediately, as his ice directed towards him, succesfully catching one of Midoriya's feet in ice, as he put up an ice barrier behind him, ready for Midoriya's attack.
Thinking that he'd just use his finger again, I lent back in my seat, however, this time he seemed to use his whole fist, creating a tornado-like structure in Todoroki's direction, as we weren't able to see anything while the windstream lasted.
As it cleared out, Midoriya seems to have moved Todoroki back a lot, but of course, expected, Todoroki put up a larger ice barrier behind himself.
As for Midoriya, his whole left arm was purple... To go for such lengths is incredible.

"That's a lot more powerful than before." I heard Todoroki speak, as he was leaning on his hand.

This seemed to completely shock Midoriya, as he probably expected to force Todoroki out of bounds with the punch. However, his plan backmailed, clearly.

"Are you trying to tell me... to stay away?" Todoroki asked as he pushed the ice off of himself. He's getting serious. The tone of his voice changed. And it's... almost scary.

"What, you're that beat up just from defending and running away?" Todoroki asked.

Taking a closer look at his body, it seemed to be... trembling. He's reaching his limits.

"Thanks, Midoriya. That guy's face is clouded over thanks to you." he said as he looked over at Endeavor.

"With your arms like that, you can't fight anymore, can you? Let's finish this." he said as he didn't even flinch, and his ice flashed by his side, even more powerful and at a larger scale than before.

"Todoroki keeps attacking with overwhelming power! Here comes the finishing ice attack!" Present Mic exclaimed.

"Where are you looking?" Midoriya asked through gritted teeth.

There's no way...

In an instant, Todoroki's ice was... destroyed. Yet again... But how? He broke all of his fingers already.

The wind created by the flick of his finger blasted Todoroki backwards, as the ice that kept him from going back was destroyed, and he was pushed towards the edge of the stage, as he put up more ice behind him, moments before falling out of bounds.

"Bastard... With your broken finger?" Todoroki questioned in shock.

"Todoroki, you're trembling. Quirks are physical abilities, too. There's a limit to how much cold your body can take, isn't there? And isn't that something you could solve by using the heat from your left side?" Midoriya questioned Todoroki. It's no use. He'll keep rejecting his father, Midoriya.
Todoroki grit his teeth.

"Everyone's fighting with everything they've got... To win and get closer to their dreams... To become number one... You want to win with just half your strength?! You haven't put a single scratch on me yet, you know!" Midoriya said, as he lifted his non-broken an arm. Are you trying to encourage him to use it? But... It won't work. I  have tried, but it didn't do any good...

"Come at me with everything you've got!" Midoriya yelled as he shut his hand tightly.

"Midoriya... What are you planning? Everything I've got? Did my damn old man buy you off or something?" Todoroki asked as he was getting agitated.

"Now I'm angry!" Todoroki exclaimed as he started running towards Midoriya... however... His movement was slower than usual. The cold really is taking a massive toll on his body.

And the instant Todoroki lifted his right foot off of the ground, Midoriya stepped forwards, and struck out his arm that was still in once piece towards Todoroki's stomach... And punched him there. At the same time, Todoroki managed to freeze some of Midoriya's left arm.

But he was blasted back.

"Midoriya punched him! We've got some action!" Present Mic yelled.

The grip my palms had only tightened, as I watched Todoroki get blasted backwards... Todoroki... Use it.

The audience seemed to be shocked as well.

Todoroki stood up as he coughed up some blood, while he grit his teeth. Shit.

Todoroki attempted to freeze Midoriya, by blasting ice his way, like in the attempts before, however, is wasn't as fast as before. Midoriya managed to jump out of its way.

Running towards him, he froze the ground underneath Midoriya, as Midoriya flicked his finger yet again, blasting the both of them away.

Midoriya... Stop. You're destroying yourself right now... Even if he's thinking that Recovery Girl can fix him up, he's being too reckless. Or maybe it's the adrenaline... Either way, this match needs to be stopped.

Their attacks got sloppy, as none of them were able to harm the other one.

He's causing himself so much pain... What is he plotting? There's no way he'd go as far as this if he didn't have something that stirred him up... Right?

Thinking that Todoroki got the upper hand, he shot ice Midoriya's way, attempting to encase him. Midoriya couldn't flick his last remaning finger, his thumb, so he took it to his mouth, and used it that way, so he was able to flick it...
Midoriya, you're going way too far. All of his fingers are now broken, his left arm is as well...

Todoroki fell backwards, putting yet another barrier up behind him, as he was barely able to stand.

"Why are you going so far?" Todoroki questioned, as he remained in his stance.

"Because I want to live up up to everyone's expectations... I want to be able to smile... and respond to them... To be a cool hero... That's what I want to be!" Midoriya called out, as my eyes widened.

Todoroki was stunned as he said that, losing his focus, as Midoriya punched him yet again.
My eyes glistened slightly, as the two of them were destroying themselves, and each other.

"That's why... Everyone's giving it their all! There's no way I can know all of your circumstances, or your resolve. But for you to become number one without giving it your all, to completely reject your father... Right now, I think you should stop screwing around!" Midoirya tried explaining to him...

Todoroki's eyes were wide, as he probably saw some messed up things at that moment. I know that feeling.
I know that Todoroki's goal is to surpass his father, but if he'll keep rejecting that power, he won't be able to do it...

"Shut up..." Todoroki's voice trailed off at the end, as his eyes were fixed on Midoriya, however, his body didn't move.

He was seeing flashbacks. I know it. Having witnessed what he did as a child, and I have realized that it's my power, I know what kind of crisis he's going through...

"That's why... I'll surpass you!" Midoriya yelled, as he punched Todoroki with his right arm, blasting him backwards.

"I'll reject... my old man's power..." Todoroki said, as he attempted to stand up.

Gritting my teeth, I shut my eyes tightly, as I looked down at my lap.

"It's your power, isn't it?!" Midoriya asked him in a pained voice, and this made me shoot my eyes open.
Looking at Todoroki, he was shocked, as his teeth were grit.

Whoever that power comes from, it is important to recognize your own flesh and blood... Recognizing yourself... That's what it means.

Todoroki seemed to be under shock, as his eyes grew wide, staring at Midoriya in front of him.
All of a sudden, his left side started smoking, and my eyes widened... Midoriya... You actaully... Convinced him? No way...

Standing up from my seat, I leaned against the railing, as my wide eyes stared down at Todoroki, whose steam turned into fire real soon.

And in an instant, his side of the stage completely lit up.

"Th—This is...!" Present Mic exclaimed.

Midoriya... You made him use his left. Wait... Is Midoriya trying to save Todoroki at this very moment?

"Even though you want to win... Damn it..." Todoroki let out, as the ice off of his right side melted off.

"To help your enemy... Which one of us is screwing around now?" Todoroki's voice trailed off, as his left side burned diligently, and his right was soon capable of producing ice again, as he evened out his body temperature. Todoroki... You...

A proud smile made its way onto my face, as for some reason, a tear left my left eye. But... why? What is this...?

"I want... to be a hero, too...!" Todoroki let out, as a sincere smile was on his face, however... tears were in his eyes.

"Shoto!" I heard someone yell across us, as I looked over the other side, and I saw Endeavor coming down the stairs.

"Have you finally accepted yourself?!" he asked.

Shut up...

"That's it! Good! It all starts from here for you! With my blood, you will surpass me... You will fulfill my desire!" Endeavor yelled loudly, like a maniac.

No... He won't. He won't fulfill your desire. He isn't like you.

Looking back at Todoroki, one of the tears left his eyes.

"Endeavor suddenly shouts encouragement...? Such a doting father." Present Mic called out throughout the speakers.

Oh, what a very doting father indeed.

"Why are you smiling? With those injuries... In this situation... You're crazy. Don't blame me for what happens next." Todoroki explained, as he whiped his tears, placing his left foot down, freezing the ground under them, as his flames burned even wider.

Midoriya's pants on his left foot ripped as well, meaning he was about to make a move.

And soon enough, I saw Cementoss in the attempt to try to stop them, as his cement started to flow down towards the two of them.
You're too late.

Midnight ripped her clothing on her upper left arm, as some kind of pink gas leaked out.

And in an instant, Todoroki's ice built several squares which were headed straight towards Midoriya.
Using that strength, Midoriya used all his power to jump over it and he started to dive towards Todoroki. Todoroki heated up the air and melted all the ice as he prepared for his giant flame attack.

Barely being able to see anything, I focused my eyes on the pair, gripping tightly onto the bars.

Todoroki raised his hand, as he was about to blast his attack.
However, Midoriya counters it with a smash attack with his broken arm, and even if Cementoss interrupted, their attacks collided, and remotely close destroy the stadium.

(Y'all, I literally have no idea how to describe this scene. Like literally. I did my best describing the scene though. Bare with me, guys! And I know, this chapter is getting a bit long... So on that note...)


End of Chapter 4, Season 2

Next Chapter: Fried Chicken and Explosions!


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