Say Something ━━ Stiles Stili...

By Monrox

452K 11K 3.5K

and anywhere, I would've followed you. TEEN WOLF SEASON 3A. COMPLETED. Β© Monrox 2014, All Rights Reserved More

Important Author's Note
01. Straight and Fast
02. Feathers Flying
03. Seven Wonders
04. Open Wounds
05. Jealousy Rising
06. Shattered Glass
07. Fearful Nights
08. Covered in Red
09. A View to Kill
10. Heart to Heart
11. A Raven's Call
12. Down Memory Lane
13. Highway to Hell
14. American Gothic
15. Bates Motel
17. Closer walk with Thee
18. Deadly Tether
19. Breath of Life
20. Five Circles
21. Unblinking Death
22. Bad Blood
23. Absent without Leave
24. One Moment
25. Under the Water
26. Mother Knows Best
27. Women in Black
Sequel News
Sad News

16. An Orphan's Pity

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By Monrox

Chapter Sixteen

        An Orphan's Pity 

        "Can you write down all the seven wonders?" Shay asked polity. It was starting to get late a night, the sun almost down and sky darkening. Shay had arrived at Deaton's office and Shay being Shay wanted to know all the information about having the second sight. And Deaton seemed to be the right person to come too.

        Deaton grabbed the pencil from Shay's hand and started to write words on the piece of paper lied out on the desk. Seven words, seven wonders.

        "Alright, first wonder is Telekinesis." Deaton said, "Telekinesis is the ability to move things without any physical contact."

        "Alright I have that." Shay said with wary.

        "Obviously, without even trying, you've somehow been able to suppress having telekinesis, other wise it would have start going out of control."

        Shay nodded in agreement, "Alright, good. Second wonder?"

        "Divination. This is the wonder that your mother thought she had. Divination is the ability to gain insight on something or predict something." Deaton explained.

        "Alright then how is someone with divination suppose to predict things?" She asked, her curiosity growing the more and more Deaton continued.

        "It could be from a simple touch or drawing or seeing an animal. Anything really including omens. And Shay, I think you may have this."

        Her eyes widened, "Excuse me? What makes you think that?"

        "You seeing the omen. You said that you were seeing the raven everywhere. Seeing an omen that constant is a sign that you have divination." He said.

        "Great, just great." Shay mumbled under her breath.

        Deaton continued despite her dismay, "Next is Descensum, to project one's mind into different planes. That means you can connect yourself to people, see what they have seen. The fourth is Mediumship, the ability to communicate with spirits. Fifth is pyrokinesis, manipulation of fire. Sixth is empathy, to feel what another feels. And the seventh-"

        He stopped making Shay narrow her eyes at him, wondering what was running through his head, "Seventh, what's the seventh?"

        "The seventh we'll talk about some other time." Before Shay could protest, Deaton continued, "Right now, I'm thinking that all you have is telekinesis and divination. You've suppress telekinesis but divination, you can't. Seeing the raven is just the beginning."

        "Explain this to me one more time." Lydia asked, her two fingers pinching the bridge of her nose. Shay, having realizing that she needed to tell someone about what was happening to her, decided to tell Lydia. But after explaining everything to Lydia, Shay was kind of second guessing herself.

        "Okay, lets try this again." Shay sighed, rubbing her eyes from the lack of sleep, "I have the second sight. It was past down in my bloodline because I was born on July 7th at 7 p.m.  People with the second sight gain seven abilities, seven wonders. Right now I only have two."

        "Telekinesis and Divination." Lydia whispered softly, her eyes widening, "Am I the only one who knows this?"

         Shay nodded, "You and Deaton."

         "Oh my gosh." She breathed before speaking normally, "Why didn't you tell us sooner?"

        "I don't know, I guess I was just scared." Shay explained, fumbling with her fingers, "I didn't understand what the hell was going on with me? Felt like an utter freak."

        By the time Shay was done explaining herself, a sudden sadness washed over and her voice became low. Lydia understood, believe it or not. From being immune and being controlled by Peter, Lydia hasn't understood what the hell was happening to her either.

        "I get it." Lydia finally said, reaching over and placing a hand on top of Shay's, "I'll help you in anyway I can."

        Shay smiled, grateful that Lydia was supportive. The blonde cocked her head to the side, "I only have one tiny request and it's that you don't tell anyone about this, especially Scott and Stiles."

         The strawberry blonde rose her eyebrows, "Why not?"

        The blonde shut her eyes for a moment, frustrated that Lydia was so eager on these questions, "I'll tell them soon, once I'm ready.

        "Okay, I promise." Lydia said, convincingly.

~ ~ ~

        "Shay, open this door!" An angry Stiles yelled from the other side of Shay's front door of her house, "Lydia called and told us everything, let us in!"

        "Never trust Lydia with a secret ever again." Shay muttered under her breath before calmly walking towards the front door. Instead of opening it like Stiles demanded, she leaned against the wall.

        "Are you angry?" Shay asked, crossing her arms. Honestly, she wasn'y surprised that Lydia told. Shay had this gut wrenching feeling that she would since her mouth is the size of a black hole.

        "Angry? I am beyond angry, Shailene." Stiles yelled and Shay knew he was fuming with angry since he used her full first name, "I cannot believe you didn't tell us, didn't tell me!"

        "What the hell was I suppose to say. Hey Scott, Stiles, I'm a freak who moved things with her mind and is gaining new abilities." Shay argued, scoffing Stiles out of anger.

        She heard Stiles sigh, "Your not a freak, Shay. Please, let me in."

        Hearing the anger leaving his voice, Shay slowly opened the door, revealing a distraught and almost tired looking Stiles. Shay remained emotionless, feeling the impact of anxiousness leave her chest. Stiles, looking straight into Shay's eyes and having a sense of vulnerability filling his chocolate brown eyes.

        Stiles wrapped his arms around Shay, tightly hugging her back. Shay rested her arms around his neck, burying her face in the crook of his neck. This is what she needed, a comforting hug from Stiles. Of course a hug from someone else would be great but coming from Stiles it was amazing.

        "Let's get inside." Stiles mumbled against her skin. Ignoring the shiver that went down her spine, Shay led Stiles inside, closing the door behind her. The two sat in the living room on the couch, facing each other. For a few moment, no one talked. Neither Stiles or Shay had any idea what to say to each other.

        Stiles, plucking up the courage, spoke first, "Why didn't you tell me?"

        Shay looked up at him, immense guilt clouding her mind when she heard the noticeable pain in his voice and hurt covering his face, "When I found out, I had no idea what the hell was going on with me. I didn't want to burden you or Scott or anyone with this."

        "Burden us?" Stiles chuckled softly, "Shay, any problems that you have, you can always come to me."

        She nodded, giving Stiles a tight-lipped smile. Shay then realized just how close their bodies were. They were sitting close to each other and their bodies facing each-other, leaning on the couch pillows with their faces literally inches away.

        Stiles, now realizing how close he was to Shay, concentrated his eyes before slowly leaning in. That's when it hit Shay. He was leaning in to kiss her. It could be that he was leaning in for some other reasons but that was the only logical thing running through her head.

        Take a risk, Shay leaned in as well while closing her eyes. When their lips were so close to touching and both of them could feel each other's breaths, a loud voice entered the room, "Hey guys."

        Both teenagers flinched away from each other and jerked their head to the bottom of the stairs to see Jenna standing their, wearing her nurse outfit with her car keys dangling in her hand.

        "Did I interrupt something?" Jenna asked, feeling the awkward tension.



        While Shay said no, not wanting to overreact over what was just about to happen, Stiles had said yes. The two teenagers refused to look at each other but Jenna smirked, realizing that something was going on between them, "Alright, I've got to get to work so you two crazy kids have fun.

        "Thank you, Aunt Jenna." Shay gritted through her teeth, a faint red rushing to her cheeks, "Goodbye now."

        Stiles gave a awkward wave, "Good see ya, Ms. Marshall."

        Jenna winked at them before leaving, locking the door behind her. The awkward tension filled with stuffiness seemed unable to escape. Stiles glanced at Shay until rapidly starting to tap his foot on the carpet.

        "Okay, Shay, there is something important I need to tell you." Stiles announced, anxiousness lacing into his words, "I've been meaning to tell you for a while but I just didn't know how to say it or when to say it or if maybe the whole thing was a terrible idea or-"

        "Stiles." Shay cut him off, smiling a bit, "You're rambling."

        "Right." He nodded, taking a nervous intake of breath, "Truth is, Shay, is that I-"

        Stiles's voice was cut off by the ringing of his Nokia phone. A small groan left his lips as he reached for his phone, cussing under his breath. Stiles hastily tapped "answer" before pressing the phone to his ear, "What Scott?"

        Annoyance left his face, now worry and concern, "We'll be there in ten minutes."

        Stiles ended the call and quickly put his phone back into his back pocket. Shay's eyes widened, "What happened, is everyone alright."

        "Something happened at the his hospital."

        "A-And Jenna?"

        "She's fine." Stiles reassured her, "But we gotta hurry."

        "There are two missing.." Stiles explained once more, trying desperately for his father to understand what was happening. The Sheriff tried to write down everything his son was saying on his notebook.

        Sheriff Stilinski held up his hand to stop Stiles, "Hang on, hang on. They were both in the car?"

        "No, dad, they're trying to tell you that it was two separate kidnappings, okay? Two doctors, both gone." Stiles explained, becoming stressed that his father was quite understanding the situation.

        Ethan and Scott were both in the parking lot when an empty car ran into another parked car. When the two werewolves looked inside the car, Scott found a dead moth. The three of them were pretty sure if a was a sacrifice: Healers.

        "So whose car is this?"

        "Dr. Hilyard, the on-call doctor. The E.R. attending is the one that never made it in." Melissa explained.

        Shay stood in between Stiles and Scott, watching out of the corner of her eye Stiles rubbing his index finger and thumb together. He seemed to do that when he was listening or waiting for something.

        The Sherff sighed, "Let me just focus on getting your story first, all right?"

        Melissa gave a short nod, "Yeah."

        "Can you three give us a moment?" He asked the three teenagers who stood in front of him. All three nodded, walking a few feet away.

        Stiles and Shay stood in front of Scott as he looked at the ground, "These are definitely sacrifices, right?"

        "Yeah, it's the one Deaton mentioned: Healers." Stiles said.

        Scott's brows scrunched together, "What about Danny? He threw up mistletoe. That's not a coincidence, and if he hadn't been with Ethan, he probably would've died."

        "Danny's not a healer." Shay pointed out, crossed both of her arms.

        While Stiles listened to the two, he glanced past Scott's shoulder to see his father on the phone. His face twisted in confusion as he pointed ta his father, "Can you hear that?"

        Scott glanced behind him to look at the Sheriff, silent for a few moments before facing the other two, "They found a body."

~ ~ ~

        "All right, we're doing everything we can. Right now, the best thing you can do is go back to school." The Sheriff said, placing a comforting hand on Scott's shoulder before turning away and talking to Deputy Tara.

        Shay, Scott, and Stiles were in Deaton's animal clinic. Apparently, Deaton called up Scott and said that he was about to be taken. Now, here they are and Deaton is now MIA. Scott looked at his two friends before giving a short gesture of his head towards the back door where they kept all the cages and what not.

        Stiles and Shay followed Scott into the back room. Scott closed the door behind, solidify that the Sheriff or deputy couldn't hear them, before walking in front of Stiles with Shay next to him.

        "We have to tell him." Scott announced.

        Stiles rose his eyebrows in questioning, looking as if that was the stupidest statement ever heard. "You mean, like, tell him, tell him, or tell him something else that isn't telling him what I think you want to tell him?"

         The teen wolf looked at Stiles, dead serious, "You know what I mean."

        "You remember how your mom reacted? She didn't look you in the eye for, like, a week." Stiles argued, gripping the metal bars of one of the cages next to him.

        "And she got over it." Scott said softly, "And it actually made us closer."

        Stiles took a glimpse at the glass window to look at his father for a brief moment, "I don't know, dude. I mean, look at him. Come on, he's completely overwhelmed as it is."

        Shay gave Stiles a look but her eyes filled with pity, "He's overwhelmed because he has no clue what's happening."

        The blonde knew that Stiles wanted Shay to support him on this just by the look he had just given her. But Shay couldn't support something that she didn't believe. Yes, his was a beyond difficult and stressful choice for Stiles to make but it had to be done sooner or later. And by the events that are currently happening, sooner seems to be the only correct option.

        "He's got people dying in his town, the town that he's supposed to protect, and it's not his fault that he doesn't know what's happening. He's gonna find out sooner or later." Scott stated, not wanting to push Stiles to his limit but continuing anyhow.

         "Yeah, but is now really the right time?" He questioned, Stile's voice was on edge and his words where lace with bits and pieces of anger and stress.

          "What if not telling him gets someone else killed?" Scott argued back. While Scott had good intentions for what he said, Shay knew he said it at the wrong time.

           A flicker of defense and vexation came into Stiles's eyes, "What if telling him gets him killed, huh?"

           "I mean, okay, look, I get that Deaton's been like a father to you. I get that, okay? But this is m... Scott, this is my actual father. I can't..." While his words were itched with venom, Stiles stopped to let out a harsh breath, glancing at the ground before looking up with sulking, sorrow on his face, "I can't lose both of my parents, all right? Not both of them."

             For a few seconds, Stiles glanced at Shay. Yes, Stiles had only a father and Scott only had a mother with a abandoning father but Shay was the one who was the orphan. The orphan that was left alone with only one family member left and a broken heart. Scott resisted the urge to look at Shay, not wanting her to feel uncomfortable but Shay refused to speak, looking down at the ground. Stiles knew he hit a low blow by doing that to her and that even mentioning the words "parents" and "death" was sensitive to Shay but it was in-the-moment type of anger situation.

            For seconds, Scott was silent until he realized Stiles didn't deserve the lose his father, "You're right."

         Stiles let out a frustrated sigh, "No I'm not. I'm not right. I'll tell him."

        "I'll help you." Scott stated before turning his heel and walking towards the door. Shay didn't meet his eyes, looking at anything but Stiles. Stiles looked at her, seeing the hurt that flashed across his eyes. It was like he unintentionally mentioned her parent's death just from one simple look and one simple sentence.

        "Shay, I'm sorry." Stiles breathed, frustrated with himself, "I didn't mean-"

        The young girl looked up at him, not angry or upset, just hurt and betrayed in a way. Without speaking another word or looking at him, Shay turned around and walked out, expressionless. Stiles watched her go, running a hand angrily through his hair and an immense guilt falling on his chest. God, sometimes he speaks before thinking and somehow he always screws something up.

        Eventually, Stiles followed the two out the door but stopped dead in his tracks, along with Shay and Scott, when he saw Ms.Morell speaking to Sheriff Stilinski, "Please, whatever you need, however you can help find my brother."

        The Sheriff nodded, "Will you excuse us for a moment?"

        After the Sheriff and his deputy left, Morell strutted over to the three teenagers who were still in a state of shock that Ms. Morell, emissary for the Alpha pack and their guidance consular, was Deaton's sister, "Okay, listen closely, both of you. No sheriff, deputy, or Detective is going to be able to find him."

        "You don't have to ask us for help." Scott stated, raising a brow.

        "Actually, I'm trying to help you, because, if you're going to find my brother, then you need to use the one person who might actually have an ability to seek out the supernatural." Morell explained, her eyes landing on Shay.

        Shay let a loud breath out, causing all the attention on her. She turned her head to her two best friends, "Me and Lydia."

        sorry for grammar mistakes...but I tried very hard to make this chapter interesting.

SO if you don't understand why Shay took that so personally was because, as you know, she has no parents and having her best friend mention something like that was sorta'v "triggering" to her. She lost her parents merely nine months and is still mourning (as she has the right too) so she is very sensitive to that subjects of orphans, being recognized as one, parents, and death in general.

Also as a recap of the first scene, Shay ONLY HAS Telekinesis and Divination. Divination we will go more into in the next chapter.

Chaprer dedicated to dylanobrien_slays because she was the first persone EVER to give me a dedication and always because she has two awesome stories (one of the stories sheh as written yet but just by looking at it i know it will be awesome.)

~ ~ ~ Monrox (Katie)

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