
By ifuckingloveburritos

337K 9.6K 47.8K

"you're trouble" i whispered. "at least you're having fun, right?" billie smirked while pulling me in. i lo... More



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By ifuckingloveburritos

"it seems like you guys are better" sage smiled at me.

"i guess" i shrugged. "we fight but they're not as bad as they were before"

"oh well... progress" she smiled awkwardly again.

"two negatives make a positive" i chuckled and let out a small sigh. "... it cancels out cause pemdas, you know?"

"you are completely wrong because pemdas doesn't do that, but love doesn't hurt" sage told me. "a person who doesn't know how to love makes it hurt"

i just looked at her and blinked. "let's not get deep right now" i laughed. "i'm not tryna be sad before a date"

"speaking of date" sage wiggled her eyebrows. "where she taking you?"

"she told me it was a surprise" i shrugged while walking over to my table. "and i fucking hate surprises"

"damn" she giggled.

"where the fuck is my ring?" i moved things around my table to find it but i couldn't.

"what ring?"

"my playboy ring billie got me, where is it?"

i went over to my dresser and looked there too. then i went into my bathroom and still couldn't find it.

"i cant find the ring dude" i sighed while running my hands through my hair. "oh my goddd"

sage looked at me and laughed. "you're wearing it idiot" she grabbed my hand and moved the ring around my finger.

i let out a sigh of relief. "i thought i fucking lost it sage" i chuckled. "fuck"

"you're dumb" she giggled at me. "all that weed frying your brain cells"

"shut yo ass up" i chuckled while adjusting the ring on my finger. "... bro imagine having your own reality tv show though"

"my shit would be hella boring!" sage snorted.

"mine too but my fights with billie would spice things up if i'm gonna be honest" i said. "it'd be fun to have your own, imagine we could be like the next keeping up with the kardashian's"

"you're funny jay" sage chuckled while wrapping her arms around me. "i hope you have fun tonight"

"me too" i sighed and looked at my phone. "i hope nothing happens or whatever... she's outside"

"i love you" sage told me when we walked down to my front door. "have fun"

i told sage to stay here whenever i come back because who knows what could happen between me and billie tonight... you know?

"hi bubbie" billie smiled at me while she leaned over to give me a kiss.

"hi" i blushed. "wanna tell me where we're going?"

"it's a surprise" she chuckled. "we're going to long beach so it might be kinda of a long drive"

"long beach?" i furrowed my eyebrows up. "does the surprise include me getting wet?"

"i can get you wet right now" billie smirked at me. "but actually, maybe we will"

i rested my head against the head rest and stared at billie as she drove.

"why are you staring at me you weirdo" billie chuckled as she took a small glance at me.

"cause you're cute" i smiled at her. "and you're hot and realllyyy pretty. you are so pretty you know that?"

she took another glance at me and smiled. "stop you're making me blush" billie pouted while reaching over to hold my hand.

i looked down and started playing with her matching ring and traced random patterns on the back of her hand. i also realized she doesn't wear as much jewelry anymore except the playboy one.

i found that cute honestly.

we drove for a good 30 minutes. billie parked in a parking lot that was kinda full already.

i held onto her arm as we walked down the street to shoreline.

"what's this baby?" i asked her while we stood in line for something.

there were people in swan boats or whatever the fuck theyre called pedaling around in the water.

"our date" billie told me sweetly as she kissed my nose.

"babyy" i pouted while wrapping my arms around her neck. "you didn't have to do this"

"i wanted too" she smiled.

"it was expensive huh?" i frowned and leaned my head onto her shoulder.

"actually it was twelve dollars for us both" she said while pulling out her phone to show me the tickets. "i had to make reservations first and got them"

"i told you i don't like it when you spend your money on me" i cupped her face and stroked her cheek as i looked at her with a small pout on my lips.

"i tell you that too and you still buy me a ton of shit" billie chuckled. "i wanted to do this for us so we can go out and have some fun and relax"

"you're an angel" i squeezed her hand.

we advanced in the line, billie showed the guy her phone and he gave us life vests.

"you look like a marshmallow with that" billie teased me as we got in the swan boat.

"and you shut the fuck up" i laughed. "i'll literally push you off this boat"

"you ready?" she looked at me and put her feet on the pedals.

"yeah" i nodded my head and did the same thing.

we started pedaling and had a hard time moving the swan boat at first but we managed. i don't know what billie meant when she said it was gonna be 'relaxing'.

let me tell you, this isn't relaxing at all because of all the pedaling but it's pretty. i stopped for a second a took a picture to post on my story.

"baby" billie said out of breath. "don't stop, i know i'm not the only on moving this damn boat"

i chuckled and began pedaling again.

"yeah no" i huffed. "let's just let the water take us where ever she wants us to go"

"bet" she she said and leaned back. "are you having fun?"

"aside from all this damn pedaling, of course!" i smiled. "i'm with you in this pretty place!"

"i love you" billie pouted while she leaned over to give me a sweet kiss.

i pecked her lips a few more times before pulling away. "i love you too bubbie" i blushed.

we started calling each other bubbie for some reason. i thought it was fucking cute so we just kept it going.

she's my bubbie

we talked about random things and made fun of the people who passed us on their swan boats. billie threatened to push me off the boat because i started pedaling again though.

"i need to pee bil" i groaned.

"piss in the water like fishes do..." she shrugged at me. "wait- do they even pee?"

"i'm pretty sure they do b-"

"all i've ever seen them do is shit" she cut me off. "like it's just a string of shit... how do fish pee?"

"don't be so loud" i shushed her. "people are looking at us like we're stupid... they're looking at you actually"

"how the fuck do fish pee?" billie asked again, completely ignoring me.

"oh my god" i muttered under my breath. "how about we leave the fish piss aside and talk about something else, yeah baby?"

"i need to know if they pee"

"baby-" i chuckled. "every living thing pees! now pay attention to me, fuck the fish!"

"if they do pee, then why isn't the water yellow or some shit, why doesn't it smell like pee" she said while leaning her head onto my shoulder. "is that why it's salty"

"baby..." i sighed, placing my hand on her thigh and started rubbing it.

"don't do that" billie giggled as she kissed my neck.

"why?" i made a face.

"cause you're gonna get me even more horny" she told me while she grabbed my hand.

"huh?" i looked at her. "even more?"

"i thought we already talked about this" billie chuckled. "don't you remember?"

"i don't know" i shrugged. "i was probably high so i don't remember shit"

"right... you were" she said quietly.

i leaned my head on top of hers as i continued to rubbed her thigh comfortingly.

we sat in a comfortable silence, listening to the water crash against our boat and feeling the slight breeze against our faces.

"i'm in love with your stupid ass" i told billie as i grabbed her face to kiss her.

"and i'm in love with your fine ass" she smiled against my lips. "let's get out of this shit yeah?"

i nodded my head and put my feet on the pedals. after a good ten minutes of pedaling, we finally got off the swan boat.

billie and i walked back to her car. she had her arms wrapped around me tightly.

"it's not like me to be so mean" she said out of nowhere. "you're all i wanted"

"bubbie it's okay" i chuckled while i got into her car. she ran over to her side and got in quickly.

"i'm just so mean" billie frowned. "i'm sorry for everything i've ever done"

i leaned over to hug her. "let's leave the past in the past baby" i told her softly as i ran my fingers through her hair. "let's be in the moment"

billie pulled away and started driving while she held my hand, her thumb stroking the back of my hand.

i love this side of billie where she's all soft just for me and wants to touch me all the time.

i love it

i ended up falling asleep on the drive back home. i was woken up by billie accidentally hitting my head on the door frame to my room.

"oh shit" billie gasped quietly.

i fluttered my eyes open and looked at her. "ow" i mumbled tiredly while touching the spot my head was hit.

"i'm sorry" billie giggled.

she laid me in my bed and took my shoes off.

"can you stay the night?" i yawned while i wrapped my arms around her waist. "please"

billie looked down at me and gave me a small smile. "yeah bubbie, but you never told me sage was here" she said in a weird tone.

"where is she?"

"she told me she was gonna sleep in one the rooms downstairs" billie moved some hair out of my face. "how come you never told me she was here though"

"i was too busy with you" i mumbled against her stomach. "she didn't really come up in mind so i forgot"

billie looked at me with an uncertain look.

oh god

i leaned back and brought billie down with me. "let's sleep" i said while rolling on my side.

she left that alone (thank god) and changed with me. we got into my bed, i immediately pulled her close to me as much as i could.

"rub my head" i laid my head on her chest. "you hit it"

"i said i was sorry" billie giggled while massaging my scalp with her fingers. "that feel good?"

"mhm" i hummed. "i had fun tonight"

"me too bubbie" billie told me softly while she played with my hair. "i love youu"

"i love you too" i kissed her neck and up her jaw. "you make me the happiest"


"next time let's just fuck all day because we could've gotten the same workout doing all that pedaling" she chuckled.

"go to sleep" i giggled. "i love you bubbie goodnight"

"goodnight" billie told me quietly.

i can tell she's thinking about something

there was a small moment of silence until billie spoke again. "wait... but do you wanna fuck though?" she asked me while her hand slid down my stomach and into my shorts.


i tilted my head back as i felt her finger rub small circles on my clit.

i mean, now that we're here i guess...

i let out a small whimper when she applied more pressure. her finger slid down my slit and dipped inside of me.

i gasped out loud, burying my face into my pillows.

billie began kissing down my neck and sucked on my sweet spot. i let out a loud moan when i felt her hit my spot when she pumped in and out.

"shh baby" she whispered in my ear.

"do you actually know how big this house is?" i chuckled. "i can be screaming your name and sage still wouldnt be able to hear it... it depends which room downstairs though"

"well shit" billie smiled. "be as loud as you want then"

all i can say is that she fucks me good all the time, but hopefully sage didn't hear anything...

"good night for reals" billie kissed my cheek. "i love you bubbie"

"i love you more" i said while nuzzling my face in the crook of her neck. "goodnight"

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