a guide to final happiness โฝแดธ...


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Not an update (sort of)

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Louis didn't come to the airport to pick Harry up.

It's not that Harry expected him to be waiting with open arms and a wedding proposal. But he could at least stand in the airport lobby and greet him like a client who made him come all the way from Europe to America.

Instead of the rich man, a tall pumped guy with a bald head and black sunglasses stands motionlessly in the arriving area with Harry's name on a paper and his suitcase next to him.

"Hello, I am Harry Styles," the curly man greets the human gorilla and looks around for his kitty.

"Good evening, Mr Styles. Mr Tomllinson is waiting for you in his apartment. Here's your animal," Harry suddenly sees him holding the cage with Peanut and he doesn't hesitate a second to take her and check out if she is all right.

Thankfully, Peanut is all okay, sleeping and looking like the sweetest creature that she is.

"Great. How long is it to the apartment?" he asks, ready to take all his belongings but the gorilla man stops him and takes the suitcase, leaving Harry to carry just his small duffel bag he had with him the whole flight, and his cat.

"The ride is about 30 minutes long. Mr Tomlinson lives next to Rockefeller centrum. I am sure you'll like it," the man says and navigate tired Harry through the airport to the underground car park. They walk quite quickly, missing car after car and Harry starts to wonder where the hell this man parked the vehicle.

But as soon as Harry noticed the most luxurious car he knew it was Louis'. He has never seen a car this black. It must have been so expensive he is worried to even touch it and leave an imprint of his fingertip on it. Not to even mention Peanut has to go in, too.

But it's evident Louis is still into huge cars.

The man unlocks the car and opens the trunk to put there the suitcase. He looks at Harry right after, "Sir, do you want your duffel bag and cat with you or can I put it inside?"

"Oh, please put the bag in. Peanut is staying with me if it's alright."

"No problem," the man nods and Harry waits for what's next. Should he just sit down in the back? In the passenger seat? Can he touch the car? Please God don't make Peanut poo in there during the ride.

The man suddenly opens the backseat, mentioning Harry to sit down. The curly man blushes and quietly mutters a quick 'thank you', sitting down and carefully putting the cage with his pet onto his lap.

The car starts moving after a few moments, leaving the airport's car park and driving the highway, heading to Manhattan.

He is nervous. So nervous. His fingers are tightly grabbing the edges of the cage, his expression concerned. There is not much to see out of the car, only trees next to the road and other cars rushing the same way as them.

He is overthinking if this was a good idea. Of course, money-wise and deal-wise it was a great opportunity, but is it really worth it, though? Louis hurt him severely, to this day Harry is not fully over the heartbreak the rich man caused. It's like he is stepping into the same devil's embrace, begging to get hurt again.

He has no idea what to expect from the reunion. He has absolutely no idea what to expect from meeting Louis' wife. How he should act? Did Louis tell his wife they know each other? Should he act like they don't know each other? Most importantly, how should he act in front of Louis?

These questions worry Harry the most of the ride throughout the highway until he feels the movement in the cage. He snaps from his deep thinking, the frown disappearing from his face. He dares to open the cage and look in, "Hey, miss lady. Slept well?"

Peanut doesn't hesitate to pop out her head out of the object she was in. Her owner smiles softly and pets her.

"The first time in New York?" the gorilla man suddenly asks, the car driving into a tunnel.

"First time outside Europe, actually," Harry answers and let Peanut crawl into his lap. Of course, he is making sure his small lady won't touch the expensive interior of the vehicle, staying only on his thighs.

"You'll enjoy the city then. If you'll need a ride, I am always available."

"Oh, thank you so much but I don't think it will be necessary. This is just a business trip, I'll do my job and get back home as soon as possible," Harry responds quickly, scratching Peanut's belly softly. But maybe he'll go see the statue of liberty. Niall ordered Harry to buy a big hat with America's flag on it and take a selfie in front of the statue. He thought it would be funny.

"What a shame! I was born here and I think you should see the city while you're here. I believe Mr Tomlinson would let you take a few days off," the man explains, looking through the mirror on Harry.

"I am not sure. Um... I heard he is not a very nice person. That's why I just want to do my job and leave."

"He has a very low temper, but he is not so bad. I can't say a bad thing about him - he pays me enough to be available anytime he or his wife wants."

"I can imagine, he never had a problem with money," Harry says and lets his pet to bite his fingers. Just at that moment, they leave the tunnel and Harry suddenly sees the big, big skyscrapers he only ever saw on the TV.

It's breathtaking. The buildings crawl up to the sky, Harry feels so small. The sky is gray, looking like it's going to snow any second. The white blanket covers the streets, slowly turning into the brown ugly wet mess. However, the cold weather didn't stop people from going out, in reality, it looks like every person who lives in this city is trying to walk the pathway. It all looks just like from the movie - it's fast-paced and so American.

"Did it snow?" Harry asks curiously.

"Yes, just this morning. But it looks like it will snow again soon."

"Indeed," the curly man nods, sliding down the hair tie from his wrist and creating a small bun in the back of his head. Meanwhile, the little jaguar took the opportunity and slide down onto the next seat, "For God's sake, Peanut."

"Don't worry about the car, I bet it wouldn't do any harm," the man chuckles.

"That's what my Christmas tree wouldn't agree with," Harry laughs and puts the cat into the cage once again because he can feel he is close to the final destination. One strand of his curly hair falls down onto his forehead, making him frown. This is why he hates having long hair. Maybe he will go out and get a haircut while he is here.

The man laughs at Harry's response and stops at the red light, "So it's an energetic one."

"You could say that."

"We are almost there. Just one street down."

When the man says it, Harry suddenly feels sick. The reality hits him like a truck, realising he is so close to meet Louis again. He tries not to freak out in front of this stranger, but his body starts to sweat and his right leg can't stop bopping nervously to the frantic beat of his heart.

It's so surreal to be in America and meeting a man who caused him so much pain and tears. He is stupid. He should have never accepted the offer. He is supposed to be in Rome now, taking a night walk with Niall around the Colosseum.

The car slides down into an underground car park once again, the man parking next to so many luxury cars. In the building isn't a person without a good vehicle, Harry guesses. He has never seen so many expensive cars in one place - not even at the auto salon. He could somehow steal them and sell them.

That would make him some good pocket money.

"Mr Tomlinson lives at the very top, the lift takes about 3 minutes to get there," the man informs while taking the suitcase and a duffel bag from the truck and leading the way to the stairs which probably leads to the lobby. Peanut meows loudly in the cage Harry's carrying, the sound echoing through the car park.

"I know girl, I'll give you something to eat in a minute," Harry coos and steps into the lobby. It's neat and modern, and very extravagant. It feels like he is definitely not welcome here with his worn-out skinny jeans and cheap t-shirt, and an old coat that has cat's hair all around.

The lobby even has security men by the glass entrance doors leading to the busy streets of the city. The lady by the desk who probably has a job to take care of the resident's needs and guest flow suspiciously looks at Harry, giving him a challenging look to reason his stay in this building. But her eyes quickly change when she realises who the man next to Harry is.

"Hello Robert, up to the top?" the woman asks and Harry finally discovers the name of the man. He totally forgot to ask at the beginning and it seemed stupid and rude to ask later on during their conversation.

"Yeah, this is Harry Styles. The artist Mr Tomlinson booked, yeah?"

"Oh, okay. Sure. Got him into the system. Mr Styles, I'm happy to welcome you here. Please, if you've got any requires or problems, just tell me or my colleagues. But I am sure Mr Tomlinson won't let any problems happen. Here is your card which will allow you to go up to the apartment," she says with a sweetly fake smile and hands him the said card. Harry guesses it's just the way people in this rich environment communicate all the time - fake but still nice. He nods and looks at Robert, hoping to finally go to Louis' to settle down and give some food to his small ball of fur.

Robert takes him to the big lift, pressing the top button with the number 90th. Before the lift starts to move slowly up, he also takes out a card and presses it to the black square next to the buttons and the system makes a quick noise to indicate the card has been approved.

Harry feels like throwing up, "Is Mr Tomlinson home?"

"He is," Robert answers shortly.

The ride up is mostly quiet, only Peanut is making a noise from the cage. Harry guesses she is not comfortable anymore - she probably needs to pee or even poo and she is most probably hungry.

He looks down at the card he got just a minute ago - it's fully white and empty. No name, no picture just like Robert has. It's probably just a guest card they use.

The lift stops and Harry can swear on heavens he just shit himself.

The doors open and he is met with a huge entrance to an apartment. It's large, elegant and modern. And very quiet. Robert steps in first, motioning for Harry to follow him in. The man sets Harry's suitcase by the wall and his duffel bag onto the small seat. The curly man notices Robert does not takes off his shoes and straightly walks up to the black wooden doors. He knocks and waits for a second until a very familiar huffled voice says, "Come in."

Harry's heart is like as if he just ran from Rome to New York, he feels like he is going to have a stroke soon. He is holding the cage tightly, trying to count numbers to calm his breathing down. One, two, three, four... He is going to see Louis any second now. Five, six, seven... And he is not ready.

While the curly man is waiting for his client to come, he quickly takes off his boots and kicks them near the enormous mirror the entrance is having. He feels so out of the place, and a little ashamed. If this is what Louis lives in his whole life, how pathetic he must have looked that summer when Louis stayed in his tiny, tiny flat. This is just embarrassing.

The voices are heard from the room and then suddenly Harry meets his eyes with Louis. He was not ready and he cannot breathe.

Louis didn't change at all. His piercing ocean blue eyes are still as vibrant as they were the summer they met. His brown hair is brushed back in a quiff, facial hair making the man look more mature and professional. Harry can see the rich man got a little skinnier though, the cheekbones more prominent on his face and skin looking more fragile and pale. He is wearing a gray suit with a white button-up and a black tie - he is probably working now.

Harry has never seen Louis in a suit. At least not in real life. And it's fucking hot. And Harry hates he is thinking this way.

It's like suddenly, just this one look at the man who he loved so dearly, makes him forget the never-ending list of why he hates him. Instead, Harry's head replaces it with a list of why is this rich man so lovable. Harry hates himself.

"Hi, Harry," Louis finally breathes out, looking at Harry as if he was God himself standing in front of him. Harry looks younger, even better than he did that summer. He looks skinnier, in a good way, of course. And he looks nervous as well. Louis actually didn't think of the moment they will actually meet. And suddenly, he feels awkward and nervous as well.

"Mr Styles didn't tell me you know each other," Robert says to fill in the silence that occurred.

"Yeah, we do."

"No, we don't," they say in unison, Harry looking down. He is not strong enough to look into Louis' eyes anymore. If he did, he would probably crumble onto the floor and melt into a sad puddle.

Louis frowns at Harry's answer, trying not to think too much of it. Why is Harry lying is not really clear to him. They know each other.

"Oh. Well... I better go Mr Tomlinson. Um... Call me whenever you'll need me, sir. Have a good rest of your day," Robert awkwardly scratch the back of his neck and presses the button to open the lift. It instantly opens and he walks in.

"Thanks, Robert," Louis twitches his head in the man's direction and unbuttons the suit to feel more comfortable. Once the two ex-lovers stay alone in the huge apartment, it's quiet for a while. Louis is shamelessly taking in Harry's appearance while Harry looks anywhere but at Louis.

"Eh-" Louis is about to say something and end the weird tension but a desperate 'meow' stops him.

"Um... That's Peanut. She is hungry, I think. And needs to do her needs too," Harry says awkwardly, holding up the cage, "Can I uh... pull her out?"

"Of course you can. I don't have anything for the cat, though," Louis carries the conversation, glad the curly man is not in the lift and leaving him as well.

"That's fine, I figured. I brought some snacks for her as well as the pee pad. But she is an idiot, if you see a poo somewhere in the apartment, just tell me and I'll clean it," Harry explains and looks at his duffel bag, "Can I feed her and then you'll show me where and what you want?"

"Um, yes. That's fine. Come to the living room," Louis encourages Harry to step further into the apartment, following him to the open space. The younger man quickly takes his duffel bag with him and proceeds walking into the apartment.

When Harry enters the living area, his breath hitches. Holy hell.

The view is stunning from both the kitchen and the living room. Harry feels like he has the whole city in his palm. It's a truly breathtaking sight and he wonders how Louis could get used to see New York like this. He can't wait to see it at night.

Louis casually moves to the living room, waiting for Harry to get to the couch set, too. Once he is, Harry realises how lost he was in the view and how close he is to Louis now. The curly man frowns slightly and walks away to sit on the floor by the conference table.

"You know I have three couches in here," Louis chuckles and sits on the one that is the closest to Harry.

"I see that," Harry shrugs, though he clumsily sits on the floor, carefully setting the cage next to his thigh. He quickly slides down the long black coat, leaving it on the floor behind him. Louis watches every move of Harry's, feeling like a total creep but he just can't help it. He totally forgot he has a zoom meeting in his office soon.

Harry is trying not to pay attention to Louis' weird staring and keeps preparing the pee pad for Peanut in front of him. Once he has the pad prepared and snack opened, he unlocks the cage and waits for the animal to walk out of it.

"Oi, she is adorable!" Louis exclaims once Peanut is out and climbing Harry's thigh to reach the snacks her owner is holding in his hands.

"Yeah," Harry answers, he doesn't know how to talk to Louis just yet. So they stay quiet while watching the small cat chewing the food.

Just then Harry finally looks around the room, taking in the style of the whole living room. It's all done with a black and white combination, looking so sterile and like it's taken from the home design magazine. He can't see the cosy and home-like feel to it.

What makes the curly man actually kind of confused is a Christmas decoration all around the place, though it's the middle of January. The place even has a Christmas tree. It's weird - does Louis' family celebrate longer or differently?

What totally startles Harry though is the pink crib in the corner of the living room with all kinds of stuffed animals and other toys for toddlers. His breath shallows and he feels the burning sensation in his heart. The thought of Louis having a child didn't even cross his mind and it makes him twice sick.

"You have a child?" Harry asks with a choked voice.

"Penelope. She is my whole world," the rich man smiles lovingly just by the mention of his daughter. He misses her so much.

"That's... great," Harry nods, but he can't make himself to share the excitement with the man he used to love so dearly. It just shows Harry how irrelevant he truly was to Louis and how the man just used him for whatever reason he had.

"She is my sunshine," Louis says again, deeply in thought. He feels great sadness settling again in his veins and all he wants to do is drink some whiskey and cry until he falls asleep with wet cheeks and dark thoughts.

"Will you show me the apartment then?" Harry changes the topic, not feeling like having this conversation just yet. He has to accommodate his thoughts and feelings around it first to have a conversation about Louis' child.

"Of course. You see, this is the living room. I thought that you could do something so it won't look like... this. Do some creative and good art that will catch everyone's eyes," Louis starts to explain, looking around the living room.

"Why not having a big family portrait picture of your family here, though? I brought my camera, too. I can do some photoshoot of you, your wife and your daughter," Harry proposes his idea.

That's when he sees Louis' whole face falling, the frown settling on his forehead and the stern posture of defense appearing on Louis' body. Harry panics, immediately thinking of saying something else, "Or I can see some abstracts paintings here, maybe something black and white, with golden touches?"

"Yeah, that... that would be fine," Louis sighs, his body slowly relaxing once again.

"I mean, I'll do whatever you and your wife want. Just tell me your vision," Harry quickly says, in the end, Louis is his client and he needs to think about what he wants in the first place.

"No, no. It's fully yours. Do whatever you think this place needs. I'll just pay," Louis waves his hand and stands up, "Come, I'll show you this floor, and then the second floor. Then I'll show you where you'll stay."

Harry stands up as well, looking around to take in the whole room and think of proper paintings that can make this apartment look more interesting. He already has a few on his mind.

"Here's my office. It's really plain, I know," Louis opens the black doors, showing Harry his workplace.

"I won't lie, it is. I can manage to make some pieces just for this room," Harry states, exploring the room with his green eyes. It's a big room, having a table in the middle with a couple of chairs in front of it. In the corner is a small set of couches, probably for a more comfortable negotiation during the contract signing. Harry couldn't miss the two big libraries behind the table, full of books. It looks truly cool.

Louis moves after a while when he decides Harry has seen enough of this room, walking out and straight to the other end of the apartment where Harry discovers is a kitchen.

"Okay, here's also the kitchen, but there is no need for any of your work, I mean... If you think you can work out something to put in the kitchen I don't mind. But yeah, I thought there's no need," Louis rambles while Harry is trying to take in the biggest kitchen he ever saw. It's exciting he can actually cook himself something here.

"Like I said in the email, everything is on me, and I already managed to get some vegetarian stuff. Robert went out for me to get some veggies and soya and vegetarian ham and whatever you eat."

"Thanks. Nice kitchen," Harry nods.

"Yeah, this is the dining area, but it's not used unless I have meetings or during family gatherings or... Christmas," Louis sighs, making Harry curious why is Louis looking so upset by the word Christmas. Does he not like the holidays?

"Now, this is the fireplace room. It's kind of my room, no one goes in here except me," Louis walks around the enormous fish aquarium wall and steps into the room with a built-in fireplace. Harry curiously looks around, actually liking this room the most so far.

"You play instruments?" Harry curiously checks out the piano under the stairs and guitar which stands by the entrance.

"I do, sometimes. Makes me feel relaxed after work," Louis explains.

"Nice bar over here, I can imagine a nice dark painting on the wall," Harry says he thoughts out loud. He really likes this room. He is jealous of Louis for having such a luxury.

"Yeah, I can see that," the rich man nods approvingly, but in reality, he never looked the way Harry is pointing at. His eyes are watching Harry, examining his structured face and taking in the fact the boy has in fact long hair.

"Oh wait, I just noticed the record player! That's so cool," Harry excitedly beams, walking over to the bar where the player is located. He studies it for a while, it looks like an old object, probably also pretty expensive.

"Yeah, I've got all the vinyls in the bar cupboard actually," Louis informs the curly man, but he feels awkward. He doesn't want to show Harry his collection of the '70s music he gathered throughout the time just because he wanted to remember the feel of Harry's calmness and love through them.

"Let's go upstairs, I'll show you your room, too," Louis wants to take Harry's hand and lead him up to the second floor, but he knows it's not appropriate at all. So he just turns around, leaving the room to climb the stairs up to the actual bedrooms area.

When they make it up, Harry frowns, "This is so plain. No pictures or anything," he looks around the hall.

"Yeah, I know. Eleanor, my wife, wanted to hang on family pictures but considering I am selling this apartment it won't happen. So at least some art will make it look less plain, as you described the place," Louis sighs again.

"Oh... You're selling this?" Harry surprisingly asks.


"What a shame. Nice place, though. I would buy it if I wasn't so poor," Harry tries to joke, but Louis doesn't even chuckle.

"Here's the balcony. Maybe it will need some cool sculpture? I don't know. Your decision," Louis motions to the balcony, but he is not taking steps to actually go there, "Wanna see the main bedroom and bathroom? I am not sure if it needs something."

"If you feel comfortable, then sure," the younger man shrugs. Louis opens the closest doors, revealing quite a dark room - the walls are white, though everything else like furniture and floor are black and it makes Harry feel like the bedroom is cold, without emotion.

The only contrast of the room is the pink accessory for Louis' daughter. There's another pink crib and also a table with diapers and baby products. On the pink carpet, there're a lot of toys scattered around. It makes Harry a little uneasy, he feels like he is intruding on this family and he shouldn't be here.

In the end, he fucked the father of this family.

"Uh yeah. Maybe one above the bed? Yes."

Louis walks and opens the door leading to the ensuite bathroom. This is the most expensive bathroom Harry ever stepped into. He thought the bathroom in the hotel apartment where Louis stayed back in Rome was luxury, but this is another level. Its walls are covered in rocks, the bathroom including a big jacuzzi in the corner where both window walls are meeting.

Harry wants to burst in jealousy - he wants to relax in this jacuzzi at night, have scented candles lighten up all around while music would play softly in the background, a glass of white wine in his hand and the stunning view of the New York City before his eyes. What a dream.

"Deep in thought?" Louis asks, bringing the curly man into reality.

"I like this bathroom. I mean, it has a fountain over here. But not one... two!" Harry looks over the shower bath, where it is indeed decorated with fountains, water peacefully running down the walls.

"Yeah, it was Eleanor's idea. She actually designed the whole flat," Louis shrugs and leaves the room. Harry follows quickly, while Louis explains, "Okay, here's the dark guest room. This is where you are staying."

When the rich man opens the doors, Harry's jaw almost falls to the floor. The room is not dark at all. It's the same style as the whole apartment, white interior with black touches. He loves the room so much. And the view. He can see New York so clearly from here, he feels like a small kid on Christmas eve.

"Oh my God," Harry breathes out, feeling overwhelmed by the sudden realisation that this is the room he is staying in for a few days. The only thing concerning him is that he shares the wall with the main bedroom. The beds are literally against the same wall. If Louis and his wife will... no, he won't think of this.

Plus they have a child in the same room, they wouldn't be... doing it, right?

"Your bathroom is right across the hall, I'm sorry it's not walk in," Louis apologises for such a stupid thing, making Harry roll his eyes.

They walk to the guest bathroom, Harry immediately feeling so excited. It is not the same as the main bathroom, but he can imagine his bath time here, too. The thought this is basically his bathroom right now is sending so much thrill and happiness through his body.

"I truly love this. Oh my God. I can't wait to show this all to my mum and Niall. He is gonna be so fucking jealous," Harry beams.

"How is he, anyway?" Louis questions, leading Harry to the last room of this apartment.

"Yeah, he is good. It's rare when Niall is not fine," the curly boy answers and pops into the last room.

"This is the light guest room. It's smaller, that's why I wanted you to stay in the dark room. And I think the dark room has a little nicer view. But if you want to be in the light room, it's up to you. You can choose," Louis gives Harry a choice, not really expecting him to answer right now, but Harry does anyway.

"No, I like the dark room. Thanks, anyway," Harry says, but he didn't forget why he is here. He examines the room and points out the wall above the bed, "And I think this room can have a painting up here."

"Yeah, that would be lovely," Louis nods and suddenly a loud ring comes out of his pocket. He fishes out his phone, groaning, "Fuck I am late to the zoom call. The client is calling."

Louis picks it up with apologies, motioning for Harry to follow him back downstairs. The call is quick, though.

"I'm sorry Harry, I have an important meeting. So, please make yourself comfortable. Maybe get into work, but I don't mind if you just crash somewhere in the apartment. You had a long flight," Louis says.

"Actually... I was thinking of getting Peanut some things? Litter box and food?" Harry answers, looking for Peanut. He couldn't see the cat where he left it, so he panics a little. Looking around, he finds the cat sleeping near the stuffed animals.

"Oh no, Peanut. That's not for you," her owner whines desperately, running to get the animal away from the toys. He carefully moves her away, "I am so so sorry. But she was at the vet, she is healthy and clean. You don't have to worry."

"I don't," Louis shakes his head and looks to the floor. He knows Penelope won't use these toys anymore. So it doesn't matter.

"I'm sorry."

"It's all good. And of course, you can go out to get some stuff for the cat, and for yourself as well. Want me to call up Robert?"

"No, thanks. I'll manage it alone."

"Okay then. Well here's my credit card, I'll send you the PIN through the message..." Louis walks to his office, retrieving back with his credit card, "But I need you to unblock my number first."

"Yeah... Okay," Harry awkwardly nods, looking at his unlocked phone for a moment, "If I only knew how?"

"Let me help," Louis reaches for the phone in Harry's hand, their fingertips brushing against each other. Both men feel the tingling sensation in their bodies. They look into each other eyes, Harry drowning in a deep blue ocean, Louis getting lost in the forest green instead.

Louis gulps, finally breaking the eye contact and managing to unblock his own number, "Here you go. I-I still have your number s-so... I'll just text it to you. Here's the card, too."

"Thanks," Harry takes his phone back and shoves it into his jeans pocket together with the credit card.

"Okay, well... see you later."

"Um... I know this is probably too much to ask, but can you keep an eye on Peanut? I can put her into a cage if necessary but she was caged the whole time and I don't want-"

"No. I mean, yes. Sure, I'll take her with me to the office," Louis nods, looking down at Peanut who now sleeps at a safe distance from all the baby toys, "And buy her something nice, don't look at the price tags, alright?"

"Yeah, thanks."


Harry needed Robert in the end. First, he managed to really get nice things for Peanut, like a cat home where she can play and a nice litter box - maybe she'll learn to poo into it since it's all so luxury and automatic and Harry doesn't even know what it includes himself.

He's got some food for her, nice snacks and expensive food cans he wouldn't buy if it wasn't paid by Louis.

When he left the shop, he realised there's no chance for him to carry all of these, and he also has no idea which way he has to go. He got lost.

So he texted Louis to get Robert for him and explained to Louis where he is. Robert picked him up after 30 minutes with the same black car, helping Harry to get all the things inside.

Robert was nice enough to help Harry carry the boxes inside the lift. Harry thanked him and assured him he's got it from now on. With that, they greeted each other and Harry used his empty card to get up to the apartment.

"I'm back!" Harry shouts into the apartment when the lift's door opens, pushing the boxes into the entrance room quickly before the doors close again.

"Thank God!" Louis exclaims loudly from the living room where's the TV turned on, "This cat is the most mischievous thing I ever met... take it. I don't want to look after it anymore."

Louis walks to Harry with Peanut in his hands, shoving her into Harry's chest.

"What did she do?" Harry asks.

"I couldn't work, honestly. Once you left and I settled for the zoom call, she just started running around the office, playing with everything and I had to keep an eye on her every move. Then she pooed in the middle of the office. She chewed on my fingers most of the time. What did you get, anyway?" Louis complains but quickly changing the topic, looking curiously at the boxes.

He is no longer in a suit, wearing a white hoodie with yellow pants. It's all baggy on him, but Harry thinks he looks good and very cosy, nonetheless. But he really shouldn't think such a thing, though.

"This for the cat, duh," Harry answers, putting Peanut down onto the floor to take off his coat and boots, "Wait, where's my suitcase?"

"You left it here and when I was done with work I thought I would take it upstairs. You have it in the room with the duffel bag," Louis explains, taking the cat's home box into his hands.

"Okay. Thanks. Anyway, I'll figure this out tomorrow, I am exhausted," Harry takes the litter box and a bag with cat's food into the living room, putting it next to the cat's home which Louis took himself.

"Sure, if you need any help with the bathroom, just let me know," Louis says, a little disappointed Harry is not staying with him in the living room.

It's actually no shocker. Louis just maybe thought having someone in the apartment would help him to fill in the loneliness he gets every night after Eleanor and Penelope left. But he is not sure why he thought Harry would help him with that. Harry probably hates him and is here just to earn some cash, that's all. Which essentially, Louis understands.

He understands, but it just makes him realise how irrelevant he is for everyone. He has no one who can support him through this tough time. He actually got himself into this position, but still - he feels like the whole world turned the back on him, he feels like there is no soul who would at least tell him it will be alright in the end. He feels like there is only darkness for him. No light.

Harry figures out the shower quite quickly, showering quickly to get back to his temporary bedroom as soon as possible and not letting Peanut without a supervisor for long. The towel is already prepared in the bathroom, It's very soft and nice.

Surprisingly, when he enters the bedroom, his baby jaguar is sleeping, mighty sprawled in the middle of perfectly made covers. Harry chuckles, finding it funny to see such a tiny ball of fur in the middle of a huge bed.

He lets her sleep, looking up to the breathtaking night overview of the city. He can't believe to see this with his own eyes. The sky is dark, all the skyscrapers lighten up and snow slowly falling down onto the still busy streets. The curly man sits down onto the small couch, the room dark to highlight the view.

Harry simply can't believe it. He doesn't like Louis and what he did to him, but he must admit, the rich man is definitely making Harry's dreams come true. Thanks to Louis, Harry was able to see Rome in a whole another type of way. Thanks to him, he could yacht and taste the riches that Louis offered him. Now, Louis proposed to him the dream offer every artist dreams of, plus allowing him to stay here and enjoy this luxury apartment. He could just sit here and watch the lighten up New York the whole night.

So Harry sits in his room, admiring the city, while Louis cries downstairs with whisky in one hand and a picture of his daughter in the other.

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