One of a Kind {Regulus Black...

By turkishdelight228

213K 6.9K 9.8K

'We were the perfect love story between the sun and moon...until the world got in the way. And when the world... More

From the Beginning
Long Trip
Almost at Hogwarts
New Adventure
First Day (pt. 1)
First Day (pt. 2)
After the fight
The plan
Regulus Arcturus Black
Hagrid's hut
Astronomy Tower
Better than the Marauders
Ace of Cups
Marauder's Map (part 1)
Marauder's Map (part 2)
Marauder's Map (part 3)
Hogsmeade (part 1): Alone
Hogsmeade (part 2): Paisley
Cliffside Paradise
Midnight Ball
Clair de Lune
A/N: Timothée Chalamet 🧎‍♀️😫
Dear Sirius
Mushroom Path
Pre-game Drama
Slytherin vs. Gryffindor
Holiday Plans
First Snow Day
No-maj Town
A Black by Blood
Christmas Party of 1975
New Year's Secret
Back to Hogwarts
Hogsmeade (Again)
Yellow Rose

Galton Scamander

4.5K 144 288
By turkishdelight228

(Y/N)'s pov

I had a great night and slept well (after the Astronomy Tower). It was a wonderful morning. It was around 7 a.m. when I awoke and this time, Lily was awake too.

"Morning." I smiled.

"Good morning." Lily beamed, I got up and got dressed. The spy song that was playing in my head from the night before was stuck in my head. I ended up humming my spy song. "You're in a good mood." Lily laughed.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"You're always lazy in the morning."

"Believe it or not, I actually got a good night sleep."

"Are you sure nothing else is on your mind?"

"If something was on my mind I wouldn't have gotten any sleep!" I exclaimed.

"Some of us are trying to sleep." Dorcas groaned.

"Sorry." I whispered.

"Okay okay. I'll be in the Great Hall, alright?" Lily nodded her head.

"Alright." I nodded back. Lily left the dorm and I was trying to think of something to do.

'I guess I can just go to the library.'

I grabbed my book bag and headed down to the common room. There were a few students but then I noticed Remus.

"Good morning, Remus."

"Morning." He smiled. "You're in a good mood."

"Am I that bitchy?"

"Meh, not always. In the mornings you're more lazy and emotionless."

"'s always nice to mix things up." I shrugged. Remus seems pretty trustworthy, but I can tell no one about Regulus. "I was just about to go to the library...would you like to join me?"

"Yes please. I'm sure the rest of the Marauders should be asleep for at least 2 more hours." We both laughed and we walked out of the portrait hole. We walked for a while and it was a silent -awkward- walk.

"This isn't awkward at all." I joked.

"Totally." He joked along.

"Ummm....conversation starter...conversation starter..." I muttered under my breath, "Oh! Remus," he looked at me, "if you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be?"

"Hmm...I've never thought about it before..." Remus took a few moments to think, "I would say I'm...intelligent."

"Intelligent?" I chuckled.

"What? You don't think I am?" He scoffed.

"No no...I was just hoping to hear something more...elegant."

"Like what?"

"Hmm...for example, I would say Sirius is...kefi. I believe it's Greek."

"What about me? What word am I?"

"You're not the word. The word just fits you. But would be perspicacious."

"Interesting...and what about you?"

"I-" I stopped to think.

'What word would I be?'

"I don't know." I responded.

"You'll find out sooner or later."

"Yeah..." I said as I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to think of different -yet beautiful- words.

"Looks like we're here." Remus sighed, "Come on."

We both walked in together. There wasn't many students in the library. Of course there wouldn't. What type of kid wants to go to the library this early in the morning? Other than Remus and I, of course.

"I'm going to look for a book about herbology." Remus said.

"Okay," I smiled, "I'm just going to wander, if I see something interesting I'll grab it. And I might grab a dictionary too." Remus smiled back and we parted.

I was in an isle by myself, skimming through all of the old book pages.

I let a small "oooo" as I grabbed a book, All Things About Astrology. I knew a few things about astrology because of the love I had for the stars. Still, I didn't know all things about astrology. Why not? I started to wander. I grabbed a few more books about magical creatures so I can discuss about them with Hagrid. But I was still looking for a dictionary...

"Dictionary, dictionary, dictionary, dictionary..." I quietly repeated under my breath. "Aha!" I silently let out.

'Beautiful Words and Their Meaning: Dictionary.' I mentally read the spine of the book. It was clear that many people don't read the dictionaries in the library, the one I was reaching for was insanely dusty. Only the title was truly visible. I grabbed the book and a lot of dust fell from it. I let out a few sneezes (luckily, the sneezes weren't loud enough to disturb the librarian, Madam Irma Pince.)

"Bless you." someone whispered. They were on the other side of the book case and didn't sound super familiar. Curious about who it was, I peeked over to the other side. It was a Hufflepuff. He was fairly handsome, he had soft blue eyes, with dark brown hair, and freckles. He was a little above average height and carried a couple books.

I started to look at the books on the same shelf as him. I tried my very best not to look at the pretty Hufflepuff. I took a book off the shelf,

"'Benefits about Crystals'." I quietly read.

"I've read that book before." The Hufflepuff chirped. I felt my face get pink.

"Really?" I asked in a polite way.

"Yep. It's pretty interesting. Do you like to read?"

"Well I'm in a library for a reason." I joked.

"Right..." He scratched the back of his head. "What books do you have there?"

"Well I have a few books about magical creatures, a book about astrology, a dictionary, and now, a book about crystals." I added the crystal book to my collection. I smiled and he smiled back. He had a nice smile.

"I'm Galton. Galton Scamander. Sixth year."

"Scamander? As in..."

"Newt Scamander's son." My face lit up with excitement.

"Wow...Newt Scamander? The Newt Scamander? You're his son?" I whispered in excitement.

"Yeah." He whispered back with the same energy.


"(Y/n) (l/n)."

"Of course you know my name."

"Everybody knows your name." He shrugged. "It's a very pretty one."

"Pretty what?"

"Name." He smiled, then turned back to the shelf looking at the books. I wasn't feeling well. Not exactly- I was perfectly fine, but at the same time I wasn't. I knew it would be best if I left, just in case I were to embarrass myself.

"Thank you. It was nice to meet you, Galton. But I'm going to go...I promised a friend I would help her with...Charms." I lied. He looked back at me.

"Have a good day, (y/n). See you around." Then he looked back at the shelf.

"See you around." I turned around and started to look through each aisle of books searching for Remus. I couldn't just abandon him. I was looking and looking until I finally spot the tall, light brown haired boy I was searching for.

"Oh! Hey (y/n)."


"Is everything alright?"

"Um...I'm not feeling well so I'm going back to the tower."

"Not feeling well? Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. I just...I already found everything I need so I'll be fine."

"Okay...but just in case," Remus searched through his robes and brought out some chocolate. "Here, chocolate makes everything better." I smiled and took the chocolate.

"See you later at breakfast?"

"See you later at breakfast." Remus nodded. I walked away from him and checked out the books I wanted. I left the library. Still not feeling well.


I groaned and plopped face first on my bed.

"Inconsiderate much?" Dorcas sassed. She was lying in bed still half asleep. I groaned louder and she rolled her eyes and got out of bed. Marlene was reading on her bed and Mary was styling her hair in a tight bun. Lily just walked into the dorm.

"What's with her?" She asked pointing over at me, still groaning into my pillow and my half of my body was dangling from my bed.

"I don't know. All I know is that she didn't let me sleep in."

I turned my head to the side, not moving my body, "It's only 9:24 a.m. I think you'll live."

"What's wrong, (y/n)?" Mary asked concerned.

"I'm not feeling well."

"What do you mean? Are you sick?" Lily rushed over to me.

"I'm fine." I sat up.

"You're not feeling well but you're fine? Please, clarify." Marlene said.

"I don't know. I started to feel weird at the library."

"That doesn't help." Marlene closed her book.

"I'm well aware."

"Did you eat something or..." Mary started say but then looked around the room at the other girls, "did you meet someone?"

"Yeah...why should that matter?"

"Who did you meet?" Dorcas asked, suddenly into our conversation.

"Galton Scamander." I slowly responded. The girls looked at each other and Lily squealed. "What? Why are you squealing? Why are you guys looking at each other like that?"

"How, exactly, do you feel?" Lily asked, crossing her arms.

"I don't know. My hands feel tingly and my stomach is fluttering. I mean, I was perfectly fine until I met Galton."

"You're oblivious." Dorcas laughed.

"I second that." Marlene agreed with Dorcas.

"You obviously fancy Galton." Lily smiled.

"Fancy? That's a term for...oh my god!" I sprang up, "No! I don't fancy anyone." I said, mimicking the way they say fancy.

"Clearly you do. That hand tingling is like when you're nervous. The fluttering in your stomach is usually know as 'butterflies in your stomach.'" Marlene shrugged.

"That's impossible."

"You fancying someone?" Mary asked.

"No, butterflies in your stomach."

"Come on, don't deny your feelings." Lily leaned on my shoulder.

"I don't even know him."

"Then get to know him. Duh." said Mary.

"Ugh, whatever. I'm going to breakfast." I walked out of the dorm and slightly slammed the door.

A/N: Added Galton for some ✨flavor✨ And he is actually older than what age I've made him.

Also I just want to say thank you to the people that read my fanfic :) <3
I love you and you're super swag

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