
By Sugar_And_Spice125

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Cast List and Welcome!
№1|Enter: Medusa Demgorgean
№2|Welcome to the WhiteClad Pack
№5|Eyes Of Prophecy
№7|Tell Me The Truth, Vanessa!
№9|It's Always A Price With You Isn't It?
№11|Some Things Science Can't Explain
№12|The Full Moon Festival (Part 1)
№13|The Full Moon Festival (Part 2)
№14|The Full Moon Festival (Part 3)
№16|It's Okay To Get Saved
№17|The Night Before Court
№18|His Medusa
№19|Werewolf Court
№20|Patient Zero
№21|International Phone Calls
№24|Here To Stay
№26|Care For A Doughnut?
№30|Lastachka Part 2
№31|No New Friends, Just New Lovers
№32|Tick... Tick... Tock...
№34|Stupid Dragons
№35|Lets Make A Plan!
№36|The 7 Mile Escape From Candyland
№37|Loved You Since The Beginning
№38|What Did You Do?!
№39|Aura Imprints
№40|How Much I Love You
№41|I'm Nothing Like You
№42|Don't Eat The Orange Chicken
№43|Costume Time!
№44|It's Been So Long
№46|The Price Of Knowledge
№47|My Most Precious Thing
№48|I'll Be Back
№49|The Camp Part 1: Help Me Understand
№50|The Camp Part 2: Poppet
№51|The Camp Part 3: Cake Walk
№52|You're Mine. I'm Yours
№53|Change Of Plans
№55|Scars On The Heart
№56|Wings Were Made To Fly
№57|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 1)
№58|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 2)
№59|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 3)
№60|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 4)
№61|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 5)
№62|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 6)
№63|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 7)
№64|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 8)
№65|Tick... Tock... Boom!


26 0 0
By Sugar_And_Spice125

◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

“AGH!!” Chelia hollered on the top of her lungs from inside the delivery room. “Get this damn thing out of me already!!!”

It’s been 9 months since the chaos at the Dragon Islands and everything was back to normal at the WhiteClad pack, well… almost. Montego and Chelia were about to welcome a new addition to their lives.

“Does it normally take this long? Why is she yelling so much? Why can’t I be in the room?” Montego questioned, pacing back and forth, his breath quickening when Chelia’s screams continued.

“Montego, just calm down.” Barron said calmly, gripping Montego’s shoulder to stop him in his tracks. “In this hospital, a fairy hospital, only father’s who are fairies are allowed in the delivery room. We’re lucky we’re able to stay here while she’s giving birth.”

“That’s my kid, Barron! I should be in the room for its birth!” Montego exclaimed, flinging his hands in the air.

“Just sit down, Montego.” Barron ushered him towards the seats where the delta anxiously bounced his leg.

“Montego,” Malakai tapped his shoulder, causing the wolf to turn towards him, “eat these.” Malakai passed him a box with madeleines inside. “They’ll help with the worrying.”

Montego nodded, nibbling on the madeleines. “Thanks…”

“Have you thought of any names for the baby yet?” Vanessa asked, snacking on some gummy bears from the vending machine.

“No… we can’t agree on any.” Montego chuckled.

“I can’t believe Montego is the first out of us to have a kid.” Alistair snorted, turning towards Barron and Medusa. “I thought it would be Barron and Medusa.”

“Us? We thought Malakai would knock up Vanessa before any of us had a shot!” Medusa laughed, taking a sip of her water.

“Wh-What? I’ll let you know we use protection everytime we do it and I’ve been on birth control since I was 18.” Vanessa informed them, sitting on Malakai’s lap.

“AGH!! Why is this thing so huge?!” Chelia’s voice echoed from down the hall.

Montego whimpered, looking down at his lap, “she’s in so much pain… god dammit! I need to be in there with her.”

“Montego, just relax, Chelia’s a strong fairy.” Ayame assured him.

“I know she’s strong… I’m just worried I’m not.” He whispered, whimpered once more as he took another bite of a madeline.

“You are strong, Montego.” Alistair patted his shoulder. “9 months ago you took out a dragon!”

“Yeah…” Montego chuckled sheepishly.

“Exactly, don't worry, Chelia is a great fairy. I know you’re gonna be a great father.” Yvette smiled, stroking his cheek.

“I wanna be in the room with her…” Montego grumbled, looking away from the wolves.

“You will be soon, don't worry.” Lawrence said, taking a sip of his coffee.

All eyes landed on the nurse as she entered the waiting area. “You can go see her now.” The nurse said, stumbling slightly as Montego raced past her.

Bursting through the doors, Montego laid eyes on his mate holding their newborn. Chelia similed, a nurse wiping the sweat off her face. “Hi honey…” Montego brushed strands over her hair behind her ear, “you were so strong.”

Chelia nodded, her breathing still labordered. “Montego… this is Eugene… Eugene Aetos-Lee.”

“I love it.” He kissed her forehead, lifting the baby from Chelia’s arms. “Why hello there.” He whispered, rocking the baby in his arms. “I’m your dad, Montego, you’re a very special baby Eugene. You’re the first Fairy-Wolf in history. That’s huge!”

The baby gurgled, reaching his tiny hands out for his father. “That woman right there,” he turned towards the woman sleeping on the hospital bed, “that’s your mother, she’s going to be the only other fairy you know for a long time. That’s okay though, if you were to know any fairy let it be your mother, she’s the strongest fairy I know. Don't worry Eugene, your and your mother are all mine. I promise, you’ll never have to worry about a thing while I’m here.”

Medusa watched with a soft smile, pulling out her notebook.

Day 883.

She looked up at Barron as he held Eugene in his arms. “Welcome to the pack, little pup.” He chuckled as Eugene wrapped his fingers around Barron’s single digit.

Wolves show the same amount of affection and protection for their mate with their children.

Looking up once more, she watched as her friends all swooned over the new baby.

They say it takes a village to raise a child… no, not a village… a pack.

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