Romeo and Juliet~Klance {Comp...

By lamsis4life

4.9K 63 50

Hey, sorry guys. This is the rewrite for Romeo and Juliet~Klance. Wattpad decided to be a little butthead and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
New Book
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 11

152 3 2
By lamsis4life

Shiro's POV

When Lance and I got Keith onto the couch, we walked into the dining room where everyone else was. "So, what did you want to talk about?" My father asked when Lance and I sat down at the table. Katie took out her laptop and pulled up the article my father wrote. "Actually, we were wondering about this article you wrote about fifteen years ago." She says, turning the laptop so the screen was facing my father.

He took the laptop and read through the article. "Yeah, I remember that. What do you want to know?" He asked, giving the laptop back. "Well-" Lance started. "We were actually wondering why King Alfor threw Keith out of Altea when it was against Queen Evelyn wishes." Katie finished.

My father nodded, looking lost in thought. "Yeah. I guess it doesn't make any sense." He says thoughtfully. "Well, King Alfor never actually wanted Keith to begin with, but he couldn't bear to say no to Evelyn. Evelyn wanted to worship her best friend and raise her child as her own. When Evelyn died, Alfor found out that Keith would be an Omega, since he was so tiny as a baby, and that led him to believe that he would be your soulmate, Lance. Alfor didn't want you to know, so he got rid of the child. Turns out, y'all found out anyways and found your way to each other."

"Anything else you would want to ask about that day?" Lance nodded and my father turned to him. He opened his mouth, but someone beat him to it. "How come 'Laz killed mamma?" We all turned around, and Keith was standing in the doorway of the dining room, rubbing his eye.

"Oh, well. Keith, you might want to sit down for this one." Keith nodded, walked into the room, and plopped into the chair next to Lance, leaning his head on Lance's shoulder.

"So, as you know, Ulaz killed your mother, Keith. What you don't know, is why. Ulaz had absolutely no idea who Krolia was, as she looked Altean at the time. So, since his orders were to kill any Altean he came across, he killed her. When your father found out, he was beyond angry at Ulaz, and chewed him out. Poor guy was so confused until he saw you. Then he understood, and he wanted nothing but to help raise you. Though, Queen Evelyn already had custody of you until she died, and you were thrown out and into our lives." My father smiled softly at that last statement.

Keith looked up at him and stood up. He walked over and hugged me and my father. "So 'Laz was only doing his job. I thought he hated mamma. I'm happy I was thrown out, no offence, Lancey." He said tiredly, and sent a tired smile to Lance. Lance smiled back at him. "You're fine, babe. I'm glad you were thrown out as well." He said. We all laughed, knowing what Lance meant, but Keith's tired mind couldn't catch up, and his eyes watered. "Way to go, Lance. You made him sad." Katie said, a serious expression replaced her laughter. Lance looked at Keith. "Dammit. Babe, I didn't mean it like that. I meant I was glad you were thrown out because if you weren't, you wouldn't have had Nikolas, Thace, or Ulaz to raise you and you would probably never even know any of us, other than Hunk and I, obviously, but, you would have been treated as a servant when really, your royal as well." He said.

"Lance, your just trying to dig yourself a bigger hole, huh? I think he's still a bit hurt from what happened earlier today." Katie said with a smirk. Hunk and I groaned. She just had to bring that up, didn't she? I asked myself. Oh, wait, it's Katie, of course she did. I thought with a small smile, which faded as I saw the looks on Lance, Keith, and my father's faces.

"Wait, what happened earlier?" My father asked. Katie looked up and her smirk fell. "Uhhhh... oops." She said.

"No, I'm serious. Is someone going to answer my question? What happened earlier?!"

"Um... I found Lance in a... compromising, position with some girl when I went to his castle to tell him what was going on in Galra. Pidge yelled at him, so did Shiro, and Hunk just kind of gave him dirty looks, and I locked myself into a bathroom. When they got me back to Lance's room, he said he did it because he thought I was cheating on him with Lotor, so he decided to do it." Keith explains. My father looked livid and was just about ready to kill Lance who shrunk in his seat. Keith noticed and jumped between the two. "NIKI! It's okay! We already took care of it and he said he was sorry. He wasn't thinking. He was being normal, idiotic-" "Hey!" Lance interrupted. Keith looked back at him with a, are you really serious right now?, look on his face. "Anyway. He was hurt. I don't really blame him, since Pidge, Hunk and him were banished from the kingdom by "Shiro"," He puts air quotes around my name, "when he caught them in my room." He finished.

"Wait, what do you mean "Shiro"?" My father asked, mimicking Keith. "It wasn't Shiro. Apparently, he was on a trip for a few days, two years after he was poisoned. I didn't know because he was there the whole time. We figured out that it wasn't him because the real Shiro would never have banished Pidge since she's just like a sister to him. Hunk and Lance, maybe. But Pidge? He would never banish her."

My father nodded. "Alright. So this other Shiro. Who is he?" Keith shook his head. "We don't really know, Nik. All we know is he's not Shiro and he came from Lotor."

"Wait, your uncle? Why would your uncle try to make Shiro banish them?"

"He wanted to marry him." Lance states bluntly. My father turns to him with wide eyes. "Wait, what?!" Keith nodded. "Yeah. He's been trying to marry him since he was five. Shiro actually agreed to it, and then he called it off. Especially after what he did yesterday." He said. "Do I even want to know what happened yesterday?" We all shook our heads and Keith stiffened. "No, you really don't. If you thought Lance cheating was bad, which it is, this was way worse than that." Hunk said.

My father nodded. "Alright, then I won't ask." Keith relaxed. "Kit, as much as I love you, why are you still standing there?" He asked. Keith stood up straight, shrugged his shoulders, and walked over to Lance. Lance rolled his eyes, but smiled fondly and scooted his chair out. Keith sat down in his lap and curled up against him. Lance combed his fingers through Keith's hair and sighed. "Keith, you need a haircut."

Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to him. "What? He does. It's getting really long." We all shook our heads at him simultaneously. Keith looked up at Lance, and we could all feel the evil rolling off him. He stood up, and I had to do a double take because I thought I saw ears and a tail come out. "What do you mean I need to cut my hair? It's not too long." He growled. Lance put his hands up in defense. "Okay, okay. Your hair is fine, geez." He said.

Keith calmed down and sat back down in Lance's lap, resuming his position from before his anger took over. Why is he so obsessed with his hair? Lance mouthed at me. I shrugged. Comfort thing? Who knows. I mouthed back. "I can still tell y'all are talking about my hair. I suggest you drop the topic before I rip y'all to shreds." Keith threatened, though there was no real venom behind it. We dropped the topic, and Keith fell asleep.

"Well, it's late, and you kids probably need to get back, so why don't y'all stay the night, and then leave in the morning. Let Keith sleep for as long as he needs to. Lord knows what that kid has been through in his short fifteen years of life." My father said, getting up from the table. We all nodded, standing up as well. Hunk took Keith from Lance in order for him to stand. We headed to the living room and laid out a bunch of blankets my father always keeps in a closet. Hunk and I got the floor, Pidge slept in the chair, and Lance and Keith were curled up on the couch.

"Goodnight guys." I said, receiving a few grunts in response. 


Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a while. I got an idea for a new story and was writing that. For the Hamilton fans out there, I would like for y'all to check it out. Anyway, I might not be updating as much anymore. I'm trying to write some music for my clarinet for a camp this summer, and it's going to take a while. 

I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to call the piece, or if I'm even going to name it since I'm probably only going to play it once. It will be on YouTube before May, if I decide I'm going to go through with going to this camp, since its about twelve hours away from where I currently live, and its for five weeks. 

I'm going to write as much as possible there (if I go) and try and publish some more chapters if this book is still being written at that time. 

Thank you for reading this story. It means so much to me to see that so many liked it when I first published it (although Wattpad decided it wanted to be a douche, so I had to copy and paste every chapter into a different thing.) and even now.

I don't really know where I'm going to go with this story, but I think I have a tiny idea.

Anyway, bye! See y'all in one of my other books, or in the next chapter!

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