Poisoned [Korrasami]

Af Ayy_Tee_Ess

17.2K 574 1.1K

Team Avatar got into not good looking situation, they have to get out of there as soon as possible, but will... Mere

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 Pt 1.
Chapter 21 Pt. 2
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 14

611 22 131
Af Ayy_Tee_Ess

Okay so, short but IMPORTANT, note

For those who haven't read the post on my message board please go read it, there's some info you should know.

One more thing, I was writing this chapter during my breaks ON MY PHONE, I got a job and I didn't have my notebook with me and I write mostly on pc so there might be more mistakes and I was writing it quickly, but the chapter is a bit longer than the others for some reason.

Anyways I hope you guys will enjoy this chapter, please read the message so you will understand and I'll see you around!



*Korra's pov*

I was waiting in front of Future Industries building for Asami to walk out, I was wearing a white shirt and a black vest with some black pants and boots, I was so excited, I hope it will all work out.

It didn't take long and I saw the girl walking out of the door and towards me.

"Well hello pretty lady, may I accompany you?" I bowed and I could hear Asami laughing, her laugh is so beautiful

"Oh Korra of course, you look beautiful, but I have to change first I can't go in my work suit" she chuckled and we made our way to her car

"Thank you" I smiled "but please be quick, you know how long it takes you" I chuckled as we rode towards Asami's mansion.

It took her good 30 minutes to get ready, but for this woman, I would wait forever no matter what.

We got to the club, and we were about to go inside when I heard someone calling my name

"Hey! Korra! Here!" Uh...

"Asami could you please go up ahead?"

"Um sure?" She was just as confused as I was and she walked in. I walked into the small street from where the voice was coming. I saw two figures standing in the distance

"Took you long enough, now come on let's make this quick don't let the lady wait" one of the figures stepped to the light of the streetlamp and I could see it's Lin, right after her Kya came closer as well.


I was so confused, what did she mean by "make this quick?".

I saw Lin pull out a piece of metal.

"Look since we need to keep a close look on you, but I also don't wanna ruin your evening, I'll attach this to your leg, when you'll feel that it tightens, you need to step back if you'll be in danger" Lin looked at me with the piece of metal in her hand.

"Ugh whatever, go ahead" she kneeled on the ground and pulled up a piece of the pants then she wrapped the metal around my right leg. A small flashback came in but I knew Lin wouldn't hurt me so I kept it cool.

She then pulled down the cloth and stood up

"We'll be on the other side of the bar, if anything just wave at us" Kya finished and I nodded in agreement

"Thank you, for all this" I smiled and we went inside

I saw Asami sitting by the bar waiting for me as I soon joined her side

"Have you ordered a drink yet?"

"Nope but they shou-"

"Good evening ladies, my name is Joshua, so what can I get for you?"

A guy appeared out of nowhere, he seemed pretty nice

"I'll take a rum with cola"

"Avatar is drinking hmm?"

"Yeah, why not?"

"True, I'll have the same" that girl has a good taste

"Okay, anything else?"

"Yeah, could you please get us a champagne? The best one you have here" I quickly said

"I'll see what I can do" and with that, the guy left.

Asami looked at me and smiled, I smiled back and later the same guy came back with our drinks

"So... Wanna say something?" I chuckled as I grabbed my drink

"Well I'm just happy you're okay again, that we can be together other than on a deathbed or teaching you how to walk again"

I chuckled at her comments and she smiled.

"Okay then" we clinked with our glasses and both took a sip of our drinks, it was really nice, I was having fun and I could see Asami was having fun as well.

We were talking about random stuff, laughing and it was just nice.

Later Asami got the idea to go dancing so we left our drinks and went to the dance floor.

The song "Line Without a Hook" was playing, and there were just a few people, it almost made us look like we were a couple, in my dreams maybe... Once the song was done we went back to our place, I wanted to take a sip from my drink but I felt the metal on my leg tighten.

I looked at Lin with a confused look and she gestured 'don't drink it' with her hand. Great, someone is either trying to kill me or just get rid of me to get to Asami, I think the second option is right

I sighed and placed the drink down

"What's wrong?"

"Oh uh, nothing" I smiled and looked at her, she didn't seem to believe me but she let it go. We later opened the champagne, and kept on talking, it was now around midnight, Lin and Kya seemed to be also having fun.

But everything good once ends, a drunk guy walked up to us and started

"Hello there pretty lady, how about you leave your friend here and I'll show you some magic" he spoke to Asami, whatever, annoying one means dead one

Asami seemed really uncomfortable, he was really close, she had basically none of personal space.

"Uh excuse me?" I stood up and pulled him off of Asami "that's really rude to just go and touch her like she's free for everyone" I was getting madder and madder, the guy looked at me and took a step closer. I felt the metal on my leg tighten again, this time more, but I didn't care.

"Well hello, Avatar, what's wrong? Is she your toy or something?" That guy was laughing

"That toy you're talking about is a woman that could kick your ass if she'd like to" I took a step closer, I felt Asami's hand on my arm

"Come on Korra, it's not worth it" she said and I looked at her

"No Asami, I won't let some random drunk asshole touch y-" I was interrupted with a strong hit and a sharp pain on my cheek, and soon enough another hit to my head probably by the wooden bar we had our drinks on. Everything was spinning and I felt slightly dizzy, I could see Lin and Kya run up to us as Kya helped me up and Lin grabbed the guy probably ready to arrest him

"No no, wait" I said before she could do anything as I got my vision clear again, I walked up to the guy, grabbed him by the hair and slammed his head onto the wooden bar

"Now we're even, take him away please" I looked at Lin and she just nodded

"Korra are you okay?" I felt Asami's hand on my bruised cheek

"I'm okay Asami don't worry it's nothing" I smiled and hugged her

"You're such an idiot Korra, I start to think you enjoy getting hurt"

"Oh yeah definitely, so much fun" she chuckled at my comment and hugged me back

"Ehm ehm ladies?" NOT NOW KYA


"I think we should leave" I looked up and saw a group of people going towards us

"Are you serious? Leave? Now? No way" Asami said "let's fight them"

I was shocked but glad to hear it, finally some good action

I smirked and looked at Kya

"Girls no-"

"Hey! You hurt our friend, you fucked with him, you fuck with us" one of the guys said and me and Asami looked at each other and started laughing

"That's it you're both dead" they ran up to us and we just got into our fighting positions...


*Air Temple Island*

"That was...... Amazing"

"Yeah! Finally some action after all that boring time here on the island, I missed it"

"You are both crazy, what if something worse than this happened?" Kya lead the healing water from my forehead to my arm

"Oh come on Kya don't be like that, we can take care of ourselves" I smiled as I added more healing water to Asami's cheek

"Yeh Kya, I would expect this from Lin but you? Come on, you should've joined us!"

"Uh hello? I did?"

"Wait so it was you who threw that guy out of the window?" Damn Kya...

"Yeah no shit"

"LANGUAGE! AND WHICH GUY? WHAT HAPPENED?!" Shit that sounds like Tenzin... mad Tenzin

Not long after that, we heard loud footsteps

"Shit Kya please, don't you know some magic spell of invisibility? Or some water benders invisibility potion or something?" I quickly asked

"Nope you brought this on yourself, now deal with my brother" she smirked

"No way, Asami come on" u grabbed her hand and walked up to the window

"Quick go!" She climbed through and I went after her

"Korra! Don't-"

"Bye Tenzin! Miss you already!" I smiled and jumped off


"Asami come on run!" I grabbed her hand and we started running away, I picked Asami up bridal style and jumped on the water and made it carry me to the Republic City.

We were walking through the streets, well I was walking, I still held Asami in my arms

"Uh... Korra? Not that I don't enjoy this, but you can let me go now" she laughed

"Oh right sorry" slowly let her go and she hugged me "thank you for this evening though, it was really nice" she chuckled

"No problem Asami, guess I'll stay at the police station tonight, or I have one more place on my mind-"

"Oh come on silly, I have enough room, and I get you don't wanna go back on the island" that wasn't what I was hitting on but why not

"Are you sure? I don't wanna bother or-"

"Oh please Korra stop, you never bother" she smiled and I smiled back, she was always so kind to me.

"Thank you Asami, I really appreciate it" I hugged her and she hugged me back

"No problem Korra, I always enjoy your company" she chuckled nervously

I chuckled and let go of her.

We were walking down the street, it was like 1 or 2 am but we didn't mind, I had these needs to hold her hand, but I always pulled back because I wasn't sure if she felt the same way.

One time I almost did it but I just couldn't, I was too nervous.

Later we got to Asami's mansion and we walked in, it was dark and no-one was in there anymore, where are her servants?

"Oh yeah if you're wondering, they're going home after midnight" How did she-

I chuckled and looked at her as she turned on the lights

"Honestly, I don't know how about you but I'm not tired" I chuckled nervously

"Yeah me neither, wanna grab a few more drinks and talk?"

"Sure that would be awesome!" She's amazing, that girl is just... Amazing.


"Thanks for the healing Kor" she said as I got the water back to the bowl, I finished her healing since we didn't get to, back at the Air Temple Island.

We were both tipsy already, the drinks weren't so strong but we weren't done yet.

"It's nothing Asami, ugh it's so hot in here"

"That would be the aaaal-" she stopped out of nowhere, I haven't done anything, I just took off my shirt, I like being that way anyways, I had my chest wrapped in bandages.

"What?" I looked at her and she turned deeply red in the face

"Uh hello?" I chuckled and waved in front of her face a few times

"Korra your abs... Spirits you have a wholeass six-pack" she put her hand across her mouth

"Oh... Well I was working out more so I guess that's why" I laughed and she just kept staring it was so cute

"Ehm ehm, so where have we stopped?"


*No-one's pov (3rd person view or whatever that shit is called I don't have time to Google it)*



"I want sum fun"

Korra had a smirk on her face as both she and Asami were now leaning against each other, drunk.

"Aaand uh... what kind of fun?"

Asami looked at Korra with an evil smirk on her face

"I don't knooow, but this is boooooring" Korra whined "I'm not the genius CEO with bigass brainnnn"

"Hmm, you think I have a big ass?"

"What? No, buut, your boobs are something else" Korra started giggling, the truth was, Korra was a lot drunker than Asami, but Asami didn't mind the things that were happening

"I take that as a compliment" she said as she placed her hand on Korra's abs

"But you're horny and drunk so it probably shouldn't mean anything"

"Nooo I'm none of these things"

"Oh really? Stand up and walk to the door and back without tripping"

"Challenge accepted"

Korra stood up and with small problems, she got to the doors and back

"S-see? No problem"

"Yeah I knew it won't, but I got some good view on your body" she touched Korra's abs again and leaned closer

"But I'm sure you won't remember this so I think it's time for bed, I don't wanna do something you'll regret, and I don't wanna use you"

"Wha-what are you taaaalking abooou t? I'm PERFECTLY FINEE" Korra shouted the last part as she started laughing again, Asami just chuckled and helped her up.

Asami was the type of person that if they get drunk and they need to act mature and sober quickly they can, but Korra? It was her first or second time of getting drunk so she was a lot worse.

They both made their way upstairs as Asami lead Korra to her room, she had Korra's arm over her neck and held it as she supported her with the other hand.

"Come ooon AsAaAaAmIiIiIiI, we're aloooone, and you're soooo beautiful, I want you" she was chuckling again as Asami just rolled her eyes playfully and laid Korra on the bed.

"Nope, it's not you, it's the booze talking, go get some rest, this will be one hell of a headache in the morning" Asami covered Korra with a blanket and was about to leave but Korra grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"Please, don't goo" she gave Asami a puppy eyes. Asami couldn't resist how adorable Korra was right now, Asami just signed and sat on the edge of the bed

"Okay but only for-"

Asami was interrupted by Korra kissing her, Asami was first shocked but later kissed her back, this almost changed into a whole make-out session but Korra pulled back and said

"You're beautiful, I think I have a crush on you" she placed her forehead on Asami's shoulder and was slowly falling asleep.

Asami was still trying to process what just happened, and it took her long enough for Korra to fall asleep, when Asami noticed, she placed Korra down on the pillow and covered her with the blanket.

She looked at the clocks on the wall and she noticed it was 4:37 am, she didn't have any early meetings which was a plus.

Asami got up and walked to the doors watching Korra sleep peacefully, she smiled before she walked out and made her way to her own room...


So that's all for today, I'm kinda lost and tired so please don't look for the mistakes I really don't have the energy to correct them right now.

One more thing, not everything is what is seems to be ;)

You can comment on your theories below about what you think will happen next.

Thank y'all and I'll see you around.

- Alex

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