The Long Lost Mafia Prince

De Luna18Baby

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~~ "Torturami ogni giorno, ma ferisci chi amo, pagherai." ~~ {} Rayver Cruise is not your cliché male chara... Mais

Cast - Main and Parents
Cast - Rayver's Friends
Cast - Italian In-group
Cast - British In-group
Chapter 1 - My Confusion Level Just Hit Sky High
Chapter 2 - Some Things Are Just Impossible
Chapter 4 - I Felt Something
Chapter 5 - One Out Of Ten
Chapter 6 - This Is Why I Extremely Dislike Extrovert Professors
Chapter 7 - Who Says He Will Live?
Chapter 8 - Why Would She Even Bother To Look At Someone Like You?
Chapter 9 - And I Am Deadly Serious
Chapter 10 - Excuse Me While I Internally Vomit
Chapter 11 - I Am Cringing So Bad
Chapter 12 - 🖾🖾🖾
Chapter 13 - I Just Called Mr. Luciano, 'Dad'
Chapter 14 - He Is Someone Worthy Of Love
Chapter 15 - The Day I See Regina Care Is The Day I See Her Beg
Chapter 16 - And You, Are The Long Lost Mafia Prince
Chapter 17 - Tomorrow Your Training Begins
Chapter 18 - That. Was. Disgusting.
Chapter 19 - I'm In Love With Regina
Chapter 20 - I Know Your Mother
Chapter 21 - Silence Speaks Louder Than Words
Chapter 22 - Would We Be A Family?
Chapter 23 - Strong Sensuality, And A Deep Loathing
Chapter 24 - I Am Worth To Be Called Her Brother
Chapter 25 - Worthy Of The Luciano Surname
Chapter 26 - The Things I Do To Keep You Safe
Chapter 27 - I Guess We Were Both Pluviophiles
Chapter 28 - Help
Chapter 29 - The Cause Of Her Demise
Chapter 30 - I'm Already Forever Damned
Chapter 31 - Addio, IL Mio Re
Chapter 32 - I Know You Love Me
Chapter 33 - The Queen Bloodlust
Chapter 34 - Meeting Both Voices In My Head
Chapter 35 - Hope
Chapter 36 - Even The Powerful Regina Luciano Has A Kryptonite
Chapter 37 - You're Gonna Forget About This, Everything Here, Okay?
Chapter 38 - Hello, Darkness, My Old Friend
Chapter 39 - Desperate Male Indeed
Chapter 40 - Colors
Chapter 41 - Let's Play A Game, Shall We?
Chapter 42 - Awake
Chapter 43 - I Love You
Chapter 44 - Selfish For Now
Chapter 45 - I'd Rather Die On My Feet, Than Live On My Knees
Chapter 46 - Do With Me As You Will
Chapter 47 - Fino Ad Allora
Chapter 48 - A Part Of Him That He Couldn't Accept
Chapter 49 - Purple Hyacinths
The End
Bonus - Her Lullaby

Chapter 3 - You Can't Even Say One Word Straight

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De Luna18Baby


Rayver POV

I don't even know how long I've stood there waiting, but after some time I heard a loud slam. Like, a door kind of slam.

Soon, Mr. Luciano came through the door looking a bit stressed out, but as soon as he saw me, his eyes lit up.

"Let me take you to your room, alright?" He asked me with a kind smile.

I nodded as answer to his question. I hardly doubt that was a question though.

He silently led me out the door and into the hallway. Once again, I get the feeling that I am so out of place in this mansion. Even the white walls in the hallways look like they're taunting me.

We exchanged zero words as we reached a door leading to... Well, I guess it's my room. I think.

He turned and gave me what looked like a sheepish smile, "I wasn't really sure what you wanted your room to look like, so... I hope you like it."

He then opened the door and, might I say, what I saw made my eyes widen to saucers. To say the room was beautiful was the understatement of the year. It was amazing!

It had a large queen-sized bed and right across of it was a couch and a small table. At the ceiling was a light that was square-shaped. It was the kind where you can adjust the brightness. There was also a curtain which, by the help of a light, I'm guessing was a balcony.

On the far side from the door was another door. I'll look at that later.

While I was silent in awe, my 'father' probably thought that I didn't like it, "If you don't like it, I could call up the interior designers right now. Or you could design it however you want."

I quickly shook my head, "No, no!" I took a deep breath, "It's perfect."

He grinned triumphantly, happy that I was satisfied with the room he gave me. Satisfied isn't even cutting it close.

"Great! You can stay here and do what you want. Or if you'd like, you can explore the house."

House? More like mansion!

He continued, "Unfortunately, I have some urgent work that I have to do. Dinner will be at six."

I gave him a smile and a nod. We awkwardly stared at each other for a while before he nodded and started to close the door behind him.

I stood there by myself for a good few seconds, making sure that he would be far enough before I did what I've been wanting to do since I've opened the door.

I ran to the bed and cannonballed into it. The soft and bouncy mattress was what I first felt. It was like a cloud. I laid like that for a few minutes, then I stood to look at that door.

I opened it, leading to the... Bathroom. Wow, even the bathroom is screaming luxury! There was a shower which was covered by glass and a glass door. There were candles around the tub. The best part? There was a TV. A TV! It's my first time seeing a television at a bathroom.

I didn't even know that was possible.

Across the door which I was in was another door. I went in and, voilà! It was a walk-in wardrobe or closet.

It was brown and wood themed, some even had glass covering them. In the middle of the wardrobe was a couch.

I exited the closet and the bathroom and into the room. I tried to go to the balcony, but it was locked. Why would it be locked?

Because they don't trust you.

N-no, they probably forgot that it was even locked in the first place.

They think that you're going to steal and leave.

I would never!

They don't know that, now do they?


I guess not... They really don't know me. Just like how I don't know them. But that doesn't mean anything! We could learn and get to know each other.

But yo--

I forced myself to zone out on any thoughts that my demons tried to feed me. I looked at the clock that was on the top of the door and saw that it was half past three.

I decided to take up my father's offer to look around the house.


It's official. These people are filthy rich.

Not a single place that I've been looks even a little cheap. They really spared no expense to make this place beautiful.

So far, I've been at the kitchen, dining room, another living room, library, theater room, and I even found an underground pool!

Dont ask how I got to the last place. I was pressing random buttons in the elevator and that's where I ended up.

I think it'll take some time before I get used to these big halls.

As if they'll keep you around long enough.

Once again, I ignored that voice in my head, and kept on exploring. I finally came across a room which had a difference to the other rooms.

This one thing I noticed was, compared to the rest of the house that was quiet as a mouse, this one had some sounds.

I looked at the door, wondering if I should stop from going in, but my curiosity got the better of me.

As I continued to walk closer, the sounds I heard were getting louder and louder. With one last glance at the door, I turn the knob and entered.

The new room I've come across was a gym. At least I think it is... But I think I'm right. It was dark and wood-brown colored. There were your usual gym equipments which I had no idea what the names were.

But what was surprising, —actually it's not that shocking— was the sight of Regina in the middle of the room, beating the life out of a poor punching bag.

A little farther in front of her was a pile of beaten up and broken punching bags. I could only guess what happened to those.

On the far right was a guard and at his side was another pile of the bags, the difference was that those ones looked new.

I'm guessing that every time Regina knocks out a bag, the guy right there replaces them. Nice. And scary.

She's gonna beat you like her own punching bag.

Let's hope things don't go there.

Without saying a word, I near her, not noticing the wary look the guard was giving me. I reached her and tapped her shoulder to try to gain her attention.

Fortunately, it did get her attention; unfortunately, she flipped me in the motion.

It was all a blur. One second i was behind her, the next my she was pinning my arm on my back. And let me just say, it hurts.

When she saw that it was me, she scoffed and pushed me away, causing me to stumble and fall on the floor. I bashfully looked up at her, rubbing my arm.

She glared into my eyes and scoffed again, muttering, "Debole." And rolled her eyes. {Weakling.}

"Stand up." She ordered. I quickly did what she did, scared of what she might do.

She gave me a once over. A long once over. I literally felt like she could see deep into my soul with those silver and red eyes.

When she finally reached my eyes, she stared at them for quite a while, making me shift uncomfortably.

She snapped out of it, and narrowed her eyes once again, saying, "Here are my rules. One, don't bother me, like, ever. Second, stay out of my way. And third, I don't want you telling the world that we're related. Got it, debole?" {weakling?}

If I'm being truly honest, those rules hurt me. Especially the last one. I knew it; she didn't like me. And would never dare to.

I nodded, causing her to snap, "I want words!"

I flinched at her yelling at me, then answered, "Y-yes."

She clicked her tongue in irritation, "You can't even say one word straight." After saying that, she exited the gym, leaving me there with the guy. Oh, he left.

Woah, I didn't even notice that. Oh well. I wonder what the time is...

Luckily for me, there was a digital clock hanging from the ceiling at the right corner of the gym. It was already five minutes before six. Guess I'd better start walking to the dining room.

At least I think that's where I'm supposed to go. Mr. Luciano never specified where to go. Meh, it's probably there.


After a hundred twists and turns, I finally reached the dining room. Unlike earlier when I came, the candles on the chandelier were lit, and there was food on the table. I mean, of course there would be.

They are just feeding you because they think you're a charity case.

No. They. Don't.

Do you really believe that?

To my luck, the door opened, halting my mental conversation.

In came Mr. Luciano, and following him was Regina Luciano. The former's expression lit up when he saw me, his eyes crinkling by the side; while the latter was glaring daggers in my direction.

I cowered at her stare and quickly shuffled myself into a seat. In front of me was Regina and at the head of the table, which was beside us, was Mr. Luciano.

"Let's eat." He said.

Without waiting another second, Regina started to eat. I looked at what was put in front of me. On my plate was a... Um... I don't even know what to call it, but it looks like... Steak..?

I hoped no one noticed my slight hesitation, but, of course, I wouldn't be Rayver Cruise if they didn't.

"Is there anything wrong, Rayver?" Mr. Luciano asked worriedly.

"Probabilmente è un tipo schizzinoso." Regina mumbled rather loudly. Like she wanted to be heard. {He's probably a picky guy.}

"Mia regina!" Mr. Luciano raised his voice. I flinched at his tone, but Regina wasn't fazed. Instead she raised a defying eyebrow. {My queen!}

"Il mio re. Cosa?" She said at the same tone. {My king. What?}

The two had a staredown, probably forgetting the the fact that I'm in the room. After some time, Mr. Luciano was the first to admit defeat.

He sighed and looked at me. I was at lost for a split second as to why he was staring at me, but then I remembered that he had asked me what was wrong.

"Oh, um... I just wanted to ask, to ask what is this..?" I said, pointing to the food in front of me.

He opened his mouth to answer, but someone cut him off, "It's steak, debolo. Why? Don't like it? It ain't juicy enough for you?" {weakling}

I looked at Regina and she wasn't even looking back at me. "Oh, n-no. I eat."

They think you're a picky eater.

I saw Mr. Luciano give Regina a questioning and scolding look when she said 'debole', but she didn't bother explaining.

The three of us silently ate, not bothering to say a word to each other. When we were all almost finished eating, the silence was broke by Mr. Luciano.

"Rayver, you're starting school on Monday, so I suggest that you need to buy your clothes and school supplies tomorrow." I nodded at him, thinking he was done talking, but he continued, "And I want you to go with him, Regina."

"Che cazzo?!" She spat out, scowling at her father. This time, it was he who wasn't looking back. {The fuck?!}

"This isn't up for discussion, Reg."

"Ma, Padre--" {But, Father--}

"No, Regina!" His voice held a finality in them.

"Porca cane!" She snapped, standing up and marching out of the dining room. On the way, she made sure to add force in slamming the door. {For God's sake!}

Now I know where that slam from earlier came from.

We finished up eating, and when we did, he suggested to walk me to my room. Of course, me being me, I agreed. I wouldn't want him to not like me because I would say no to him.

When we got to my room, I was about to go in, when he stopped me by putting a hand on my shoulder. I turned and he had his hand out, giving something to me.

I took it with curiosity and when I saw what it was, I was adamant on giving it back.

"I-I can't accept this, sir!" I said warily.

He waved his hand in dismissal, "Nonsense. This here is for you."


"Rayver," His voice held such emotion that made me stop, "Please. This has been yours ever since me and your mom found out that we had twins."

I compared the pros and cons, and to my defeat, and his triumph, I accepted it. But that doesn't mean I would spend that much. I'm probably just going to hide it deep in a drawer.

He then left, leaving me to myself.

I turned the card over and over in my hands. It was black and just like the rest of this place, it looked luxurious. I wonder what a black card means... Or if it even the color any meaning.

I turned to the couch and saw that my duffle bag was there. I took it and opened it up, thankful that all of the few clothes I had were intact.

I took it to the walk-in wardrobe and sorted what went where to where I thought best fit. There was still a whole lot of space, though.

I took a pair of clothes and turned to the shower to take a shower since I hadn't had one since yesterday.

After finishing my business, I felt so refreshed. I then turned to the bed and fell on the pillow head-first. I lifted my head towards the small desk beside it and attached to the wall was a light switch. Only this one was circular.

I turned it to the right, and the light in the room became brighter; I turned it to the left, dimmer it got.

I settled on the dim and snuggled further into the pillow. I could get used to this.

They are going to make you leave before you know it.

They won't.

Or will they?




{A/N: Hey Cagna!

Does anyone even read these? I know I do.

One more thing, thank you so SO much for reading my book! I'm really happy that somebody is reading my book.

So, thank you, readers! I'mma giving ya'll a virtual hug right now. And here, a cookie.

( • . •)
/ >🍪 You want this?

( o .o)

Love ya'll!

From Me To You,

Continue lendo

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