Back to You

By cheercclu15

140K 3.2K 314

This is a Law & Order SVU fanfic and it starts at the end of season 15, picking up where it left off. Has 3 y... More

Back to You
Untitled Part 49
Untitled Part 50
Untitled Part 51
Ch. 53
Ch. 54


1.3K 25 4
By cheercclu15

"Are you excited to see Alex?" Elliot asked Olivia as he cooked breakfast at the stove while she sat with Noah at the kitchen table.

"Definitely, it's been too long," she replied with a smile, helping Noah with his cereal. "She's emailed me pictures of Julia, she's so adorable."

"How old is she now?" He asked, putting the eggs on a plate and flipping the pancakes.

"I think Alex said she'll be ten months in a couple weeks," she answered, giving Noah his sippy cup so he could drink some water.

"Crazy how time flies," he said, grabbing plates and bringing over the food. "Do you want some fruit?"

"Staw bawies," Noah mumbled through his cereal, looking up at his dad.

Elliot chuckled, running his fingers through his son's hair, "Alright buddy, I'll get you some straw berries."

"He's such a good eater," Olivia smiled, putting some eggs on Noah's tray along with a few pieces of a pancake.

"That's a good thing, kids get pickier the older they get," he said, filling a bowl with straw berries and some other fruit, bringing it back to the table.

Noah ate his fruit and pancakes, dipping the pancakes in syrup while the eggs got a healthy dunk of ketchup.

"He's never gonna shake this ketchup thing," Olivia chuckled, wiping Noah's mouth as he dropped a piece of pancake on the floor and Jax ran to get it, eating it instantly.

"Jax knows exactly where to go if he wants some free food," Elliot laughed, patting the dog on the head as he sat next to the high chair.

She chuckled, taking a bite of her own food, "Some real food here and there won't hurt him."

"No, I think he's good," he added, sitting next to Olivia and stealing a piece of her fruit. She rolled her eyes and stood up to put her dishes in the sink when Elliot's arm wrapped around her, pulling her back to him and onto his lap.

"What are you doing?" She giggled as her arms wrapped around his neck and he kissed her jaw.

"Three and a half more weeks," he smirked against her neck, pulling her closer against him and kissing down the front of her neck.

She let out a soft moan, her hands traveling to his hair and guiding his mouth back to hers, kissing him hard. She kissed back to his ear, "We gotta stop." She heard him mumble 'Why' against her skin and she tried to unwrap his arms from around here, "Because, our son's sitting here and we can't finish this."

He groaned pulling her back and kissing her deeply on the lips before fully pulling away, putting on his best pouting face.

"Awe, don't do that to me," she begged, cupping his face in her hands and kissing his pouted lips.

Elliot sucked on her bottom lip, pulling her face harder against his, "Man, do I love you."

"And I love you," she murmured, kissing his temple before finally breaking free from his grasp. "Can you finish up with Noah and I'll go change and feed Max, he should be up soon?"

"Of course. Us men can handle it," he smirked, giving Noah more pancake.

Olivia chuckled, coming up behind her son and kissing the top of his head, "Alright, I'll be back down in a little bit." She made her way upstairs, checking on Max who was sleeping in his crib before finally getting to her bathroom, turning the water on in the shower as hot as it would go and letting the steam fill the room. Her clothes made their way to the floor and she got in the shower, letting the water beat down on her back, relaxing and loosening her sore muscles.

Pouring some shampoo into her hands and scrubbing her scalp she thought about her life, how amazing her life was and she couldn't help but smile. Everything was incredible and she couldn't feel any more blessed than she did in that moment. She still couldn't understand how she got so lucky but she decided that would be forever grateful and always cherish the family she had, the happiness that filled her every day.

Olivia finished her shower, throwing on a pair of jeans, surprised when they were feeling loose on her and pulled on a tank top, wrapping her cardigan around her middle just in time to hear Max's whimpers coming through the monitor. Padding into Max's room, she scooped her son into her arms, kissing his cheek, "Good morning little man." His whimpers quieted and he looked up at his mom, rooting against her shirt, "I know, I know, you're hungry." She sat down in the glider, laying her baby against her legs so she could unswaddle him and adjust her nursing bra, "There you go, baby boy."

She watched her son as he ate, taking in all of his features. His eyes had gotten clearer and more blue, his curly tufts of dark brown hair had gotten fuller, his cheeks had filled out more on his perfectly round and plump little face. "Do you know how much I love you?" Olivia cooed, stroking Max's cheek. "I love you so much, little man...your Daddy loves you and your brother loves mean the world to all of us," she told him, settling in and enjoying the closeness with her son.

Whenever she nursed she tried to make sure she always told him how much they loved him and how much he meant to them, never wanting to take him for granted. Even in the middle of the night when she was exhausted and desperately needed sleep, she always gave him reassurances and the love he deserved.

There was a soft tap on the door and Alex Cabbot peaked her head in, "Mind if I come in?"

Olivia had a smile from ear to ear, "No, of course not. I didn't even hear you come in."

Alex closed the door behind her, making her way to her friend and giving her a hug, being mindful of the baby in between them, "I was quiet and it helps that Julia is with her dad for the moment."

Olivia hugged her back and then settled back against the glider, "Nap time?"

She nodded, sitting down on the foot rest, "Of course, we can't interrupt her nap God forbid we want a monster on our hands."

"I know what you mean," Olivia chuckled, all of the wisdom as a mother coming through.

"So, this is the infamous Maximus that I've been dying to meet," Alex cooed, rubbing her finger along the baby's leg.

"This is," Olivia smiled, stroking her son's head. "I'm sorry he's a little preoccupied but he'll be done in a few minutes."

"No rush, gives us a little bit to catch up...I've got some news," Alex said, looking around the room and taking it all in.

"Well," Olivia started with a chuckle, "You want to tell me or should I guess?"

Alex laughed and shook her head, "Well you are the detective." Olivia rolled her eyes with a smile, "Fine, I'll tell you...Jason's firm is opening an office in New York so we're moving back."

Olivia's mouth dropped, "Wow, that's great. When does he have to be back?"

"About a month so we're trying to sell our place and look for a new apartment in the city," Alex told her, the stress evident in her voice.

"I'm sure you'll get everything done in time. I'll give you the name of our realtor, she's great," Olivia said, hoping to reassure her friend.

"Thank you, that would be wonderful," she smiled, grateful for all of the help.

Max had all but fallen asleep on his mom, so Olivia took him off her breast, fixing her shirt in the process, "You want to burp him or do you want me to?"

"I'll do it," Alex nodded with a smile, grabbing the burp cloth and settling Max on her shoulder, gently patting his back. "He still has that baby smell."

Olivia chuckled, "He smells so clean, it's such a pure smell."

Alex brought Max down in front of her once he burped, "He's adorable, Liv."

"I think so too," she smiled, resting back in the chair.

"He is a perfect mix of you and Elliot," Alex said in awe, brushing a finger over the baby's soft curls. "Wow, it's still so crazy that you two got together and have two kids."

"You're telling me," Olivia chuckled softly, the enormity of what her life had finally become was just as unbelievable to her as well.

"We've come a long way," Alex said with a knowing smile.

"That we did," Olivia nodded. "How about we head downstairs?"

"Works for me," Alex agreed, standing up with Max securely cradled in her arms.

Elliot was sitting on the couch with Noah laying on his chest when the women made their way into the room.

"I'm not gonna have to check and make sure you didn't steal my son will I, Cabbot?" Elliot asked with a chuckle as Olivia sat down next to him, kissing his temple.

Alex laughed, sitting down on the love seat, "I can't make any promises. It helps I'll be able to see you all more often."

"Yeah, Alex is moving back to the city. Jason's firm is adding a location to the city," Olivia told her husband, kissing her almost sleeping toddler on the top of his head.

"That'll be great to have you guys within driving distance," Elliot nodded, thankful that Olivia would have one of her closest friends back in the area. He knew that his wife as well as himself didn't have many friends but Alex would forever be one that was close to their hearts.

"I'll be happy to be back," Alex smiled, truly happy to be moving back into the city she fell in love with years ago.

"What time is Jason coming out with Julia?" Olivia asked, taking a sip from Elliot's water that was sitting on the table.

Alex checked her watch, "I'd say in about an hour, her afternoon nap is usually shorter than when she naps in the morning."

"That's how he usually is too," Olivia added, nodding over to Noah who had finally passed out.

Two hours later found Jason and Elliot downstairs watching basketball by the bar while Olivia and Alex were with the kids in the playroom.

"Do you and Jason want any more kids?" Olivia asked, Julia sitting in her lap lolled against her sucking on her pacifier.

"Well...," Alex chuckled, rubbing her stomach and watching her friends reaction.

"No," Olivia said with a huge smile, completely stunned and trying to comprehend what her friend was telling her.

Alex just nodded her head, "Just over nine weeks."

"Oh my God! That's great," Olivia smiled, pulling Alex into a big hug.

"Thank you, we're very excited," she nodded with a smile, sitting back.

"I bet. I'm so happy for you," Olivia said, "When did you find out?"

"About three weeks ago...I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, we just wanted to wait," Alex told her, crossing her legs Indian style and reaching for one of Noah's toy trucks so she could push it to him.

Olivia shook her head, "No it's fine, I understand completely. We waited until after the first trimester too."

"What about you? Do you want any more kids?" Alex asked, pushing the truck to Noah.

"I always wanted a big family and now I have that. Two kids of my own and five step kids, it's pretty great," Olivia replied, brushing her fingers through Julia's blonde hair.

"You didn't answer the question though," Alex retorted, knowing that her friend was always one to dodge the tough questions.

Olivia shrugged feeling self conscious of herself, "I don't know...of course I would love to have more kids but let's face it, I'm turning forty eight this year...I'm no spring chicken. We have Noah and he's so amazing, he's everything I never thought I would have and then I had Max," she said, trailing off as she lost her voice, wiping at the tears that were filling her eyes, taking a moment before she continued, "And he's just so perfect and incredible...I don't see how my life could be any better. I have two healthy little boys and I think that trying for more would be selfish...having Max and him being perfectly healthy was such a gift and that might not happen with the next one...I would love my child for who he or she was regardless of any difficulties because they would still be completely perfect in my eyes but I would feel horrible if my baby had to struggle through life because of me."

"Oh Liv," Alex breathed out, moving towards her friend and hugging her tight. "It's not yours or anyone else's fault...sometimes things just happen that way because that's how the world could happen to anyone but I understand how terrifying and completely uncontrollable it is," she told her, rubbing her back.

Olivia pulled back after a few minutes, wiping at her eyes, "I'm sorry about that...I guess my emotions are still all over the place."

"Trust me, I know what you mean but you don't have to apologize," Alex told her with a soft smile. "Let's go see what the men are up to," she chuckled, picking up Julia while Olivia took Noah's hand.

"Hey," Elliot called as they came in, instantly knowing that something was off with his wife.

"Hey yourself," she smirked, sitting down next to him as Noah ran to grab his blanky from the other chair.

Alex and Julia found their way to Jason, while Elliot and Olivia got lost in themselves for a moment.

"You okay?" He asked her softly, brushing his fingers through her wavy dark brown hair.

She nodded, melting into his touch, "I'm okay."

"You sure?" He pushed, his thumb running across her lips.

"Yeah, I'm alright...we can talk about it another time," she said softly, finding his eyes and hoping he would accept what she was saying.

He nodded, moving in and kissing her lips, "I love you."

"Love you too," she murmured, kissing him once more. "Sorry," she chuckled, looking to Alex and Jason.

"No problem," Alex said with a good natured laugh.

"Why don't we watch the boys and you two go out to dinner?" Jason offered, knowing how rare alone time was with a new baby.

"We can't ask you to do that," Olivia said, shaking her head. Not only did she not want to impose on her friends but she hadn't left Max since he was born.

"You didn't, we offered," Alex replied, cuddling Julia close and kissing her daughters forehead.

"He's never had a bottle before," Olivia reasoned, looking to Elliot for support.

"Baby, he'll be okay...we'll just go to a place close by so that you'll be back in time for his feeding," Elliot said, giving her thigh s gentle squeeze. He saw she was still struggling with the idea so he wanted to give her an out, "If you don't want to go it's okay...we don't have to."

She sighed, resting her forehead against his shoulder and Elliot rubbed her back, "No, we can go. I'll feed him around six and we can leave right after that, he should be good until around eight thirty."

"You sure?" Elliot asked, kissing her temple.

"Well don't talk me out of it," Olivia quipped, picking her head up and moving to snuggle into his body.

Elliot wrapped his arm around her shoulders, kissing the top of her head, "Dually noted."

"Alright, little man," Olivia cooed, cradling Max after he finished nursing. "I love you very much and I'm gonna miss you but I'm sure you won't even notice that I'm gone," she said with a soft chuckle as Max fell asleep curled in her arms.

"Are you about ready?" Elliot asked quietly, coming up behind her and resting his hands on her shoulders, ducking down to kiss Max's forehead, "Daddy loves you, Max."

Olivia kissed Max's cheek, whispering how much she loved him as she lowered him into his crib, making sure he was swaddled tight and warm. "I think we can go now," she said turning back to her husband.

He took a moment to look her over. She was wearing a long sleeved black wrap dress that showed off her waist as well as her ample cleavage and then looked all the way down to the black leather booties with just the slightest of heels that brought her eye level with him. Her hair was down and wavy with her bangs swept to the side and she looked phenomenal to him.

"You look so beautiful, Liv," Elliot said with a smile, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her to him, his face nuzzling her neck.

"Thank you," she smiled, her arms finding their way around his neck and her fingers running through his hair.

He kissed her neck, gently moving up to her ear, "We should go."

She nodded kissing his temple, "That's probably a good idea."

"Okay," he mumbled, kissing her jaw all the way to her lips before pulling back and taking her hand in his, leading her out of the room.

"You ready to go?" Alex asked with a smile, coming out of the kitchen with two sippy cups and some snacks for the kids.

"Yeah, we're gonna head out," Elliot answered, helping Olivia with her coat.

"I have my phone if you need anything so just call and we'll come back," Olivia said, buttoning up her coat.

"We'll be fine," Alex assured her, giving one of the cups to Noah and setting the other one down for Julia. "Have fun."

"Okay, thank you," Olivia said, walking over to Noah and kissing the top of his head. "Love you little man, I'll see you in a little."

"Luh," Noah said, hugging his mom's leg tight.

"Have fun, buddy," Elliot cooed, picking up Noah and hugging him, "Love you."

"Dada," Noah mumbled, patting his dad's cheek.

He kissed his son's forehead before setting him back down on his feet, "Alright guys, thank you so much. We'll be back in a little."

"No worries. Have a good time," Jason called to the couple as they closed the front door behind them.

Elliot took Olivia's hand in his, lacing their fingers together as they walked to the car, "You okay?"

She squeezed his hand, "I'm okay."

"Good," he smiled, kissing her temple as he held the door of the SUV so she could get in before going around and hopping in the driver's seat. "I made a reservation at that quiet little Italian place."

"Sounds wonderful," Olivia said with a small smile, taking back his hand as they pulled out of the driveway and made their way to the restaurant.

"This is so good," Elliot mumbled through a mouthful of food, cutting up a big piece of steak and stabbing a mushroom with the end of his fork.

"Please don't choke. I don't really want to have to do the heimlich on you tonight," she said with a chuckle and an eye roll.

He swallowed, making it more than obvious before grinning, "I made it fifty years without choking and dying...I'm hoping I'll make it through the night."

"Oh shut up," she laughed, smacking his arm from over the table. "You better make it longer than just the night," Olivia said, slightly sobering just thinking about that possibility.

Elliot took her hand in his, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles, "I'll be around for're stuck with me baby."

"No other way I would have it," she smiled, leaning over the table so she could kiss his lips.

"I love you," he said with a smile when he sat back down.

"Love you too," she smiled, squeezing his hand as the band in the corner of the room started to play. "Will you dance with me?" She asked, taking him by surprise for once.

Elliot smiled, standing up and pulling her up with him, "You don't even have to ask." He walked her to the dance floor, wrapping an arm tightly around her waist and the other was clutching her hand against his chest.

Olivia held him tightly, resting her cheek against his chest as they swayed to the music. She kissed his jaw and he nuzzled his nose against her cheek, kissing behind her ear as they both repeated how much they loved each other and would always love each other.

"This is a little easier than it was last time," Elliot smiled, stroking his hand over the small of her back.

She chuckled, "It helps that there isn't a belly in the way."

"You were beautiful then and you're beautiful now," Elliot said honesty, squeezing her hand that was resting over his heart. He kissed her temple and then tilted her chin up so he could kiss her lips, gently sucking on her bottom lip before deepening the kiss. Cupping her face in his hands he kissed her hard once more before pulling away, running his thumb over her swollen lips, "I love you so much."

"I love you too," she smiled, resting her forehead against his.

"I'm so happy that we got out a little tonight," he smiled, kissing her lips again.

"Me too, it was nice to have some time for us," she agreed, caressing the back of his neck.

Elliot looked at the time on the wall, "As much as I love dancing with you, I think it's time for us to get back... and plus...I miss the boys,"

"I miss them too," Olivia nodded, kissing him one last time before they left the dance floor, leaving money on the table and making their way home.

"We're home," Olivia called, putting her purse on the table and patting Jax on the head as she made her way through the kitchen.

"Hey, did you have fun?" Alex asked from the couch.

"It was just what we needed," Elliot said coming in behind his wife.

"How long has he been up?" Olivia asked, walking to the swing where Max was contently starring up at the mobile that was circling above his head.

"About twenty minutes," Jason replied, coming in with Noah half asleep on his shoulder.

"Hey buddy," Elliot cooed, taking Noah from Jason and holding him close. Noah nuzzled into his dad, holding his blanky against his face as his dad rubbed his back.

"If you all want to stay, you're more than welcome to," Olivia told Alex and Jason, Julia was asleep on her mom.

"The couch downstairs is a pull out and you can let Julia sleep in the pack and play if you want," Elliot added, gently bouncing with Noah.

"Thanks, we'll probably just stay then," Alex replied, looking over to Jason who nodded in agreement.

Olivia picked Max up in her arms, kissing his cheeks and cuddling him against her. "Good night guys, let us know if you need anything," she said to her guests before making her way upstairs, Elliot right behind her.

They made it to their bedroom, kicking off their shoes and climbing into bed with their kids, Noah resting on Elliot while Olivia settled in to feed Max.

"I missed you little one," Olivia cooed, rubbing her son's head as he ate, making greedy noises at her breast.

"He's out," Elliot said softly, rubbing Noah's back and kissing the top of his head.

"He played hard all day long," she added, reaching over with her free hand to brush her fingers through Noah's hair. "Mama loves you Noah, sleep tight."

"We have amazing kids," he said suddenly, laying against the pillow with his son fast asleep on his chest, the other with his wife and he had never felt more content or more happy with his life than he did in that moment. "I have an incredible life and it's all because of you," he added, looking over at Olivia and knowing that his whole world existed and revolved around her.

She moved closer to him, careful not to disturb Max as she kissed her husband's lips, "We made this life...this family...together and I love you so much for doing this with me...for being with me and being in love with me."

He brushed her bangs from her face, kissing her lips once more, "There is no one that I could ever love the way that I love you."

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