Careful Rouge

By makayla8162001

1.3K 44 0

My name is Aiden Barnes. I was killed by the beast while camping. My girlfriend my mom, and my sister were al... More

Chapter 2: The Beast
Chapter 3: Beauty and the Beast
Chapter 4: A Single White Rose
Chapter 5: Sweat mold and games
Chapter 6: Maybe my mates crazy!
Chapter 7: Luna Wright=WHAT!!!???
Chapter 8: So now you want me?
Chapter 9: Boy was I in for something
Chapter 10: I think I'm falling in love with you again.
Chapter 11: bipolar disorder
Chapter 12: man I have a great life
Chapter 13: A month
Chapter 14: Forgive me
Chapter 15: Don't drown
Chapter 16:I am a queen
On hold
Chapter 17: You're a Luna.
Chapter 18:Memories
Chapter 18: Memories(part 2)
Chapter 19: Shoot him
Chapter 20:I remember
Chapter 21: Run
Chapter 22: Would I...
Chapter 23: Maya?
Chapter 24: I'm really queen?
Not an update
Chapter 25: Grown up?
Chapter 26: Pigs will fly.
2nd book

Chapter 1: The dare

262 3 0
By makayla8162001

Cody's pov

"Please be careful Cody," my mom calls just as I'm about to go to school. I sigh, not again. My parents have been telling me to be careful my seventeen years of life. I bet they even said it over my crib to make sure I didn't choke on a bottle.

I run my hands through my blonde hair and check myself in the mirror beside the door.

"I'll be fine mum," I assured her and started walking down the street to get away from her saying it again.

"Careful Cody careful careful careful," is all I ever hear.

I've even looked up the word careful when I was younger to make sure there wasn't a secret code behind it.

Careful 1. making sure of avoiding any potential danger, mishap, or harm; cautious.
Synonyms: cautious, heedful, alert, attentive, watchful, vigilant, wary, on guard, circumspect.

There's no hidden message in the word careful so why say it twenty four seven. My parents probably whisper it in their sleep.

"Careful Cody....careful...zzz careful."

"Hey Cody," my friend Sebastian says running up to me before getting on the bus. He runs his hair through his silky black hair and sticks his hands in his pocket.

"Hey, so what's planned this weekend?" I asked making his face light up. A goofy grin spread out across his face.

"I have something planned but I want Mackenzie to be here when I suggest it," he says. His dark brown eyes glimmered with mischief.

"Well you know my parents want me to be careful," I sighed. He rolled his eyes.

"Alright careful Cody lets drive my car. Make sure you don't slam your hand in the door. Your mom might never let you out the house again," he joked spinning his keys around his fingers. I rolled my eyes at the side of his head and got in the passengers seat of his blue Honda civic.

"If my parents could they would program the word careful in my brain," I said. It wasn't like they weren't already there but they thought they had to remind me every time. They tell me to be careful more then they tell me they love me.

Once we got to the school Sebastian locked his car and we looked around for Mackenzie's red buggy. We found it on the other side of the parking lot. She was in the car trying to stuff all her stuff into a book bag. She pushed her blonde hair out her honey brown eyes.

"Hey Mack, let me get your bags," Sebastian said moving to the side of the car and taking the heavy bag from her. She blushed and moved her face so he couldn't see it.

"Thanks," she murmured locking her car.

"Hey so I have a plan for today. Since it's Friday we can stay out a little later," he said looking to me for my approval. I nodded,"I say we got out into the forest and sleep there until twelve doing whatever we want."

"I don't know Seb, what if there's wolves or other animals and especially spiders," she shivered while her face turned deathly pale.

"Come on there's no wolves in this part of the forest and it has a perfect view of the full moon tonight," he pleaded walking into the school.

"I don't know if my parents want me out that late," I sighed.

"Sneak out," he suggested.

"Sebastian I don't think I can," Mack's hands started to shake so she put them in her pocket.

"Come on. I dare you both to come with me. If you don't come then...then...then you have to tell your crush to their face you like them," he said smirking. I rolled my eyes. Such a Sebastian move.

"Fine Seb," Mack said crossing her arms and stomping into the school.

"You in Cod's? All you have to do is show up. I'll take care of everything," he says trying to get me to go.

"Fine, I'll go," I gave up trying. I would either have to beg my parents to let me go or sneak out just like Sebastian suggested. Easier said then done.

It all started with a dare.

"Mum please," I begged. I was tempted to get on my hands and knees to beg her. Again she shook her head.

"No Cody, end of story. Don't ask your father either," she sighed. I wanted to shake her and ask her why I have to be so careful but I didn't.

Instead I sighed and went in my room and checked the clock. 9:00. Sebastian wants me to meet him at his house at 9:30 so we could pick up Mack.

I looked at my door one more time before I made a decision that would change my life though I didn't know that. I locked the door and grabbed my black north face jacket. Opening the window I climbed on top the roof.

Slowly I started crawling across it being careful not to fall or make noise. "careful careful Cody," Sebastian's mocking voice echoed in my head.

"I'm not being careful Cody now am I?" I whispered to myself. I looked over the edge of the roof. That's a long fall. I reached over and grabbed the ladder on the side of the house. Climbing down I started to feel it falling forward when I got closer to the bottom. It fell over making me hit my back on the ground. Groaning I pushed it off me and stood up dusting off my pants.

I ran back to the street in the dark. Taking a mini flashlight out my pocket I started walking to Sebastian's house.

"Glad you could make it careful Cody," Sebastian said patting me on the back and getting into the car. He started driving to Mack's house. In the back of his car were camping supplies.

"Just until twelve right? Two hours right?" I asked him.

"Unless you want to stay until morning," he smirked at me. I turned from him playing with the flashlight in my hands.

"Come on Cod's, it's not that bad. I promise you we'll have fun," Sebastain said chuckling.

This is my first werewolf story so I hope you like it.
By the way Cody's nickname Cod's is pronounced Cohd's


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