What it truly means to be an...

By Vladimikk

629K 11.3K 8K

He was Neglected, Bullied, Forgotten and now he is truly broken, what will our Izuku do when all hope is lost... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 27

12K 215 107
By Vladimikk

A little visit to U.A.

PS: If you guys forgot how his Mitsuki transformation looks like then just look at the top photo.

Nezu didn't know if what the figure said was true or not, but he knew from his animalistic instinct, that this person had no intention of hurting him right now. Nezu then calmed himself down before asking "From what you've said, I can then assume you're Mitsuki"

Izuku nodded before he asked with a calm tone "I know I just broke into your office, but in my defense you did ask for me" Nezu then tried to be welcoming and asked "Would you like to have some tea?" he then pointed at the newly brewed tea pot.

Nezu received a casual nod from the mysterious figure, and started to pour into another teacup. He then passed it to Izuku which picked it up, and put it down on the table beside the other empty chair.

Perplexed by his actions, Izuku warped his hand into his dimension and took out his own cup, telling him to pour it into the new cup. Before Nezu could ask him why he did that, Izuku signaled him to stop before removing his mask, and taking a sip from his cup.

He then nonchalantly stated "You should also start a brew of coffee". Confused by why he said that he asked "Why?". Izuku looked at Nezu with a carefree expression before stating "Well I presume you've already pressed the button sending out your distress call."

He then took another sip before continuing saying "I know that Eraser Head is one of the heroes, since your trust in him is above and beyond, someone might even say that he is your Vice principal. I also know that you wouldn't be so stupid, to just have heroes on your distress call, so I also assume that it's connected to the police station in the city, or to be more precise detective Tsukauchi."

Nezu looked at him with a shocked expression while thinking "His assessment was spot on. But why did he let me do it then, isn't he afraid to get caught? Or is he just so arrogant that he don't know the situation he's in"

Izuku knew that Nezu was trying to solve some questions, so before Nezu could ask him Izuku just answered what he thought Nezu was wondering about "I let you do it so that you'd feel more safe. I really don't care if you summon 100 or 1000 heroes. I would still be able to beat them all without getting hurt. I also want Tsukauchi here so that he can confirm my statements to you."

As soon as he said that the door flung wide open, and a scarf aimed at him flew towards him to bind him to the chair. Izuku put his cup down on the table before the scarf could reach him, within a matter of seconds Izuku was bound to the chair and a man came into the room.

Aizawa was out of breath but still asked Nezu if he was okay, Nezu just nodded to him to calm Aizawa down letting him catch his breath. With a smile on his face Nezu then said "You're all talk and no action, I guess I greatly overestimated you".

But his smile disappeared as soon as it appeared, this was due to Izuku gaining a huge smirk, he then let the scarf pass through him, making it seem that he sat on top of the scarf. Izuku then picked his cup back up before stating "I didn't hear you correctly, what were you saying?"

He stood up while taking a sip of tea, before turning around to Aizawa. Aizawa had already gotten his scarf back and was in a fighting stance, Izuku just looked him over before sighing and stating "Really? Fine, I'll give you a taste of my power".

Aizawa sprung into action. While running towards him he noticed that Izuku was still holding his tea cup, and his stance showed that he wouldn't even move from the spot, and the way he was sipping his tea showed that he wouldn't even attack him.

Underestimating your opponent isn't something Aizawa did, but he really didn't know how many levels, no leagues Izuku was over him. Aizawa used his quirk on him thinking that his quirk must be similar to the 1A Mirio's quirk.

Aizawa's eyes went wide as his fist still passed through Izuku, before his whole body proceeded to pass through him also. Before Aizawa could turn around and reposition himself, Izuku bumped his butt against him, making Aizawa lose balance and ending up with face planting into the floor.

Izuku then took out a phone, an took a few photos of Aizawa face planted on the floor, before sitting down on the chair and stating "I can leave if I'm unwanted her, but if you guys really want to fight then I can give you a sparring lesson"

Both of them were in a state of shock, that this person could take both of them out with ease, and that he was not joking around. Nezu apologized for that and turned off the distress call, he then poured a cup of coffee before saying to Aizawa to stand down.

Aizawa sat down on the other chair and took a sip of the coffee before he looked at Izuku with a face which told "I'm to fucking tired to deal with this shit" which made Izuku laugh.

Izuku then looked at Nezu who looked like he had an ocean full of questions, to which he just said "Ask way. I'll try to answer all of the questions you may have, but there might be some that I won't answer, It truly depends on how personal I deem them to be."

Nezu was happy by how forthcoming this person was, and asking all the questions he had. His first question was "Is Izuku okay?", to which Izuku smiled before saying "His just fine, actually he has never been better" it took a few seconds but then both of them became relieved.

They then began a direct back and forth conversation, it almost seemed like Nezu was interrogating him "Where is he staying?", "With my family".

"Will he come back to his family", "I thought you were smarter than that. Ofc he won't, and to be honest it shouldn't be shocking due to everything they did to him "

"How much do you know?", "I know everything that happened. From being neglected, to being bullied, to All Might passing his quirk to Izumi instead of Izuku"

The room went totally quiet, the only thing you could hear was Izuku drinking tea, as if he didn't just spill one of Japan's biggest secrets. Aizawa's first reaction was to spit out his coffee, as if his whole reality was broken.

Aizawa looked at Izuku with a shocking face before stating "Quirks can't be passed on. Even if they could, which they can't, then why wouldn't he pass it to his quirkless son?"

Izuku gave him a cold and dangerous look while saying in a terrifying voice "Because that f*@king bastards deemed him unworthy and too weak to have it." Aizawa was feeling like he was suffocating in his presence, Izuku then continued with "It was was the last straw that broke the poor boy"

He then noticed that Aizawa was starting to go pale, which made Izuku realize that he was releasing too much bloodlust, when calming himself down he noticed that his Sharingan was active. He could have deactivated it, but he truly didn't care right now.

Izuku then apologized before saying "Sorry it's a soar topic. The boy was so broken that he lost most of his emotions that day, it took months almost years to fix their mistake."

Nezu calmly breathed out, but before he could continue Izuku pointed at the door behind him before stating "We might as well let Tsukauchi inside" which shocked both of the others in the room, while also shocking the detective making him ask how he noticed him.

"You got here at the same time as him." Izuku said as he pointed at Aizawa, before continuing "I just let you hide, so that you felt safe, and made you believe that you had an upper hand."

Tsukauchi sat down before Nezu continued the interrogation. "You said that you fixed his mentality, but how is his condition physically?", "Well he's still missing his arm, if that's what you're wondering. He was offered a replacement, but he declined it."

"Why did he do that?", "Well he said that it reminds him how unfair the world is, and that it would keep reminding him to become stronger so that he can protect everyone else."

"From your experience how strong is Izuku?", Izuku looked up as if he was thinking, but he was actually thinking back to when he beat up All Might. He then answered "He could make what I did to All Might seem like a child play"

His statement caught everyone's full attention. The detective then asked "You really beat All Might that easily? I know he's stupid but did he really deserve it?"

Izuku looked at Tsukauchi like he was his prey, before he answered his question with his voice filled with venom "HE DESERVED EVERY DAMN THING, BE HAPPY THAT I DIDN'T LIVE STREAM IT"

Kurama then notified Izuku to calm down, and that he would keep telling him when he's losing control of his emotions again. Izuku calmed down again before stating "That piece of garbage would be lucky if he died, because Izuku and his new family is far from done with him. We won't kill any of his tormentors, but we won't stop until we feel like they have learned from their mistake"

Everyone in the room gulped, knowing full well that they can stop them even if they tried. Nezu then changed the topic to "Is your name truly Mitsuki?", "It's one of the names I go under, that is why you might have had a hard time locating me in an orphanage."

"What is Izuku's plan for the future?", "He wants to be the symbol of justice.". "Justice? Not Peace?", "Peace is a lie, the only way we can have peace, is if people understand that every action they do will also have a consequence"

Nezu then swallowed his fears before asking an uncomfortable question "Will Izuku help us calm the media down, so that the punishments are lessened?". Izuku took the last sip from his cup before warping it away, he then emotionlessly said "Why would he? They should be happy that they are alive?"

As he stood up to leave, the door flung open revealing All Might and Green Tornado in their hero suits. They laid their eyes on the mysterious figure before angrily asking "You know where our son is?"

Izuku just nodded before flipping them the finger and stating "And he won't come back to you f*@kers". All Might became enraged by this mysterious character that had 'Kidnapped his son' and went into a battle stance before jumping into action.

All Might was just a few cm/inches away from Izuku's face, that is when he noticed Izuku's red patterned eyes, these eyes sent cold shivers down All Might's spine making him feel despair.

From All Might's perspective, It looked like the mysterious figure was standing meters upon meters taller than him. It felt like Izuku was a giant who was looking down on an insignificant ant.

Izuku's facial expression was calm but cold. With an unamused and dangerous tone he then said "Have you truly forgotten you're place Trash Might" saying his nickname with as much venom as he could muster.

All Might took a knee while he started to breath heavily. He started to sweat as his face became paler, as all of the memories from two years ago started to rush in.

All Might slowly looked up from a crouched position, only to see a smirk on Izuku's face. Izuku was releasing so much killing intent at him, that he needed to hold his hand in front of his mouth, so that he didn't puke up his lunch.

Izuku put his hand on All Might's shoulder before crouched down to him. All Might saw straight into Izuku's eyes, the presence he gave off was of someone who had killed tens of thousands if not more, his presence made All Might feel that he was cm/inches away from Death's door.

Izuku gained a bigger smirk, and with a playful but deadly tone he said "Do you want to go for another round?". If All Might would describe this suffocating and deadly aura, then he could only describe it as "being in the presence of a deadly and pissed of GOD"

Posted 23. February 2021
2131 words

~Author note~

Whelp. I needed to split the chapter another time, it became too big to write as one chapter. Hope you guys enjoy hahaha.

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