Our Everlasting Journey - Sho...

By t0ky0wh0

33.9K 775 771

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.season 1.
.season 2.
.one; season 2.
.two; season 2.
.three; season 2.
.four; season 2.
.five; season 2.
.six; season 2.
.seven; season 2.
.eight; season 2.
.nine; season 2.
.ten; season 2.
.eleven; season 2.
.twelve; season 2.
.thirteen; season 2.
.fourteen; season 2.
.season 3.
.one; season 3.
.two; season 3.
.three; season 3.
.four; season 3.
.five; season 3.
.six; season 3.
.seven; season 3.
.eight; season 3.
.nine; season 3.
.chapter 10; season 3.


3.7K 68 122
By t0ky0wh0



7092 words

It all began so simple, yet so hard. I was born into this superhuman society. But I was born with wings, which I inherited from my mother. It was a rather rare occurrence, since not a lot of children inherited special body parts from their parents. My mom was someone who used a Fire Quirk, my father was someone who controlled a Shadow Quirk.

Like most children in today's world, I received my Quirk at the age of four. At first I was confused, as from my left, I was only able to control the Shadow Quirk. From my right, you guessed it, Fire Quirk. As soon as my biological parents found out about my Quirk being half-half, they immediately started having immense expectations for me. The fact that I even had a Quirk, was only the toss of the dice. But the fact that I had inherited both, which was already rare enough as it was, was the true pain. Their weight on my shoulder was too much. When something didn't go as planned, I was punished for it. Whether it was physical or verbal, didn't matter. They often used their Quirks on me. They had always wanted me to become one of the best, as they used to be in the Top 10 Pro Heroes back in the day. They wanted me to carry on with their results, and to bring the family name back into the charts.  Their whole legacy. I never wished for any of that. I always wanted to become just a regular hero, unpopular or popular, didn't matter. But someone who saved people for the better good. Recognition never played a part for me.

Always bragging about how the children of other families were so much more worth it than I ever was. How their spirits and Quirks were better. Everything about them was... better. Better, than me.

I never despised the children, I despised my parents. As a small child, I never was capable of understanding what I was doing wrong. Well to this day, some things have become clear, yet some questions still require an awnser. But it's too late for that now.

Escaping from home at the age of eleven, I ran through several cities, struggling to stay alive. It is true - My wings were an advantage, but I was harassed multiple times.
However beautiful this world can seem on the outside, it can be the ugliest thing on the inside. And that's the side I witnessed. I had run away from that hellish place, successfully putting a solid distance between them, and myself. I never liked calling it home, since it never felt like one. It was something that I despised coming home to. Somewhere I couldn't sleep peacefully, having the feeling of unsafety. I know - Tragic, right?

Once I realized I was finally at peace with the distance, I had stopped running, and eventually started taking little jobs for kids to do. I made some money that way, so I was at least able to put some food on the table. Warmth was never a problem, since my Quirk had helped me out with it.

Yet having witnessed several assaults, it often made me use my Quirks against my will, and I soon enough learnt how to use them in combat. It was my only protection.

At the age of 14, I was taken in by a foster home. The people there were so... kind. Even if they were just some average people doing their jobs, they felt more like a family, than my original one had ever felt. There was care, love, worry and so much more. Nobody ever hurt me when I did something wrong. They helped me out each time instead of scolding me, or worse. They had taken notice of how my Quirk was evolving, as it soon became too much for them to handle. I needed someone to teach me. Something to teach me.

After goodbyes, they had sent me to K.L preschool, as there I learned how to have more control over my Quirk. While going to school, I went to do smaller jobs, and after some time, I bought my own apartment, officially calling it my own home. I was 15 at that time.

For two harsh years, I prepared myself to go into the most well know hero school, U.A. A huge dream of mine. I studied hard, worked extra hours. And one day, it's as if fate had called me, some top heroes were sent out to schools, checking if anyone could be worthy for recommendation. We had done multiple tests, physical and logical.

I guess as they saw what I was capable of doing, having wings and having a Half-Hot-Half-Dark Quirk made me catch their eyes, and they showed deep interest. They were mesmerized how I managed to channel it all. I had enough time to master it, after all. They also talked about my wonderful family name, and how much they had done for their city back in the day. How nice human beings they were. But they didn't know the half of it.

I was given a recommendation, meaning I didn't have to take the final enterance exam into U.A.
I didn't want to miss this chance, so I gladly took it. I was so relieved that I had gotten a ticket into U.A. The school that many people can only dream of.

They told me that in two weeks it would start. My journey. I want to show my parents, by how I do things, they are right, and not wrong, as they used to say.

And without knowing it, those two weeks flew by just as quick as the day the recommendation was offered to me.

The Top Heroes had talked to me multiple times, of what I lacked, and what I was good at. I had to work somewhat on my stamina, and my... teamwork. So many kids get to experience teamwork at a young age, but I never did. That'll be something that I'll have to learn, taking baby-steps each time.

I landed infront of the gates of U.A. This was the first time I saw it first person. It was real.

It was massive there. I couldn't believe my eyes. The gigantic 'H' stood tall and proud right in front of me, in all its glory. It consisted of pure glass, the area around it well taken care of fields of grass. It felt like I was dreaming.

Looking down at my watch, I noticed that I only had a few more minutes to get to the classroom. Being late on the first day wouldn't leave the best impression, now would it?

I adjusted my skirt one last time, tightening my hairtie, I entered the school, and went up the stairs, all the way to the top, as the last classroom was labeled 1-A. The one I'd attend.
Looking at the door, for some reason, it looked like a giant could fit through it. I see no point in having such a huge door. But this wasn't my business.

I opened the door, only to be met with wide eyes. Was is because of my wings, or did they know who I was? No - I doubt that one. Or do they know that I got in through recommendations?
Either way, I closed the door. And walked to the back, as I needed a lot of space for my wings to fit. And it was also the only empty table. To my right, there was a boy, whose hair was split in the middle, as the left side of his hair was red, the other white. On the left side, he also had a massive scar, which looked like a burnmark. The same side of his face, which held his scar, he had a turquoise blue orb, his other one, an ash-like grey.

Infront of me, there was a... A person with a birdhead, who seemed awfully chill and relaxed, as well as full with composure.

And to my left there was a woman with long black hair, tied into a ponytail, and not to mention an amazingly stunning body.

Soon enough a few people joined my side, interested in me, well more like my wings.

"Whoa! You're that girl who got into U.A. via recommendations, right! You're so pretty in person.", spoke a girl with an unusual skincolor. A pink one.

"Yeah.", giving her a simple awnser, I was attempting to show her how I was not looking forward to have a conversation. However, that didn't stop her from blabbering on even more.

"I'm Mina Ashido, nice to meet you!", she said with a big smile plastered across her face, as she stuck her hand out for me to shake.

"(F/N). Looking forward to be working with you.", I said in a serious tone, sticking out my right hand, as my hand grazed hers, she pulled back in an instant, shaking it in the process.

"Oh wow! You have one hell of a hot grip there! Ouch..."

"I'm sorry. It is truly disgraceful, but I can't control it everytime." , I said as I looked down at my right hand.

"Oh right! What's your Quirk, (L/N)-san?" the girl next to me with the black hair came to my side, as her pupils scanned across me.

"I'm fairly certain that we are not allowed to use them in classroom, and especially with no permission.", I said looking up at her, before looking back at nothing again.

"Hey Pony Tail, don't you think if that idiot got in through recommendations, that she's gotta be hella strong? Well not as strong as me anyway.", said a boy who was looking at the group surrounding me. His hair was blonde, as it was a mess, sticking in all the directions. Somehow, it reminded me of a pomeranian.

"Kacchan, don't you think you should consider being a little nicer to people you don't know?", the boy behind him asked Kacchan. Is that his name? Freckles befittef his cheeks, as he seemed shy. His green hair was remarkable.

"Shut up Deku. I talk however I want to. Especially if they are just extras.", Kacchan barked back.

"Kacchan!", the boy whined, standing up.

"Whoa! Ease up there Bakugo!", said a boy with scarlet hair. Even if he had just his uniform on, he seemed to be built well. Actually, everyone here seemed to be built well.

At that point, I just zoned out, not listening to their pointless argument. What a fuss they made. Their argument seemed all, but interesting.

"Excuse Bakugo, (L/N)-chan. You'll have to get used to his behaviour, ribbit.", the girl next to Mina said. Her tongue stuck out the slightest bit, and what's up with 'ribbit' anyway? Is she trying to impersonate a frog? Or something with her Quirk.

And his name isn't Kacchan, then?

"Duly noted." I awnsered plainly. I have a feeling me and him won't get along the best.

"Isn't she beautiful, Mineta?", said a guy, who seemed to be cosplaying Pikachu. He was standing more far away, with a short boy next to him, who had purple balls stuck to his head.

"Look at her curves, man! I wonder if I looked under her skirt, what colored panties she'd have...", the little guy said in almost a yell, as there was a clear string of drool coming out of his mouth.

The whole class went silent after Grape Boy commented. I looked at him with a death glare. If looks could kill, this fella' would already be laying six feet under.

"I'm just joking, I'm just joking!" he said, repeating himself multiple times, as he shook his hands in the air in defense.

"Mineta-kun, I hope you know that act would be highly disrespectful and harmful towards a woman! It would also go beyond human rights! Please, do learn to have some self-containment!" a guy with glasses rushed over to Mineta, raising his hand up and down like a maniac.

Did I really attend the right school?

However, there were a few people who were quiet, if not then talking to eachother in a silent matter.

I sighed, leaning back in my chair, feeling out of place here slightly. The three girls left my side, feeling my discomfort.

Closing my eyes for a few seconds, I suddenly felt something pull my left wing. My wings were a no-go zone. They were very sensitive. Groaning in slight pain, my shadow Quirk left my left palm slightly, picking up the intruder in a matter of a split second.

Looking at who it was, it was the Grape Boy again. He laughed awkwardly, not too long after that it was replaced with terror, as the smallest partickles of my dark energy left my body.

"U-U-Uhm.. Uh... That... What the hell is that thing...?", he stuttered as he was beyond scared what would happen.

"Whoa! You have some kind of Dark Quirk? That's so cool!", Mina rushed back to my side, clutching her hands.

Realizing what I was doing, I put the boy down, apologizing to him. This was automatical, since the trauma still hasn't completely left my side.

He ran away, while yelling "Demon!", as tears left his eyes.

I sat back, my gaze locked on my feet. That's new.

"Are you sensitive there, or something?" Mina whispered, her hand rubbing my shoulder for a second, bringing somewhat comfort.

I shook off her hand, not needing comfort. Nodding slightly, giving her that as an awnser. Not only did I show a part of your Quirk, but a weakness, too. Pathetic.

"Ashido, leave her alone for now.", the guy beside me said. Turning my head, the boy was gazing forwards. Looking a bit closer, he looked like Endeavor's son. My parents had told me how he was such a better child than me. One of the comparisons they told me. Not that you get me wrong, I don't hate him for it, nothing as such. Hearing what he was capable of as a child, I had developed some admiration towards him.

"Ah c'mon Todoroki. You're no fun...", Mina pouted, as she went back to her seat.

"We're not here to have fun." Todoroki replied.

Stretching my wings, turning to Todoroki once again, I said a silent 'thank you.' To that he turned to me, and nodded slightly. Only then did I get a good look at his different-colored eyes. Something from some kind of fairy tale. Not too long after that he turned his head back, looking at nothing, as I repeated the

Looking towards the door, I saw the brokkoli boy talking to a girl about his height. It was already clear the both of them felt some kind of connection to each other. Embarrassement and the level of shyness was immaculate.

Not too long after, I heard someone say "Go somewhere else if you want to play being friends." out of the door. Both brokkoli boy and four-eyes looked out of the door, visibly shocked. The girl however, just confused.

"This is the hero course.", said the voice again.

"Okay it took eight seconds before you were quiet. Time is limited. You kids are not rational enough."

By his choice of words, I like his attitude.

"I'm your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa. Nice to meet you.", the teacher said in an absolute bored tone, finally stepping into the classroom.

Well... Considering he was a pro hero, he looked worn out. I couldn't help but notice the red veins in his eyes. What was he doing?

The whole class gasped for some reason. The most of them did, anyway.

"It's kind of sudden, but put this on and go out onto the field.", he said as he pulled out some kind of uniform from his sleeping bag that happened to be there with him.

Training, on the first day? Well, it is U.A. after all.

No judging intended, but the teacher looked very intimidating. I felt like it was certainly a misfortune, having him as the hometeacher. He wouldn't be taking things lightly.

— — — — — — — —

The class arrived on the field, as Aizawa explained what we'd be doing.

A quirk assessment test. Honestly surprising, considering this is the first day at U.A. for all of us.

Many people questioned, where the opening ceremony was, but Aizawa's answer was honestly expected. It wasn't necessary.

"You guys have been doing these since junior high too, right? Physical fitness tests where you weren't allowed to use your Quirks. The country still uses averages taken from results from students not using their Quirks. It's not rational.", he said, holding up his phone, showing several tests on it.

What's with this not rational thing?

"Well, the Ministry of Education is procrastinating. Bakugo, you finished at the top of the practical exam, right? ", Aizawa asked, voice not impressed.

Bakugo let out a confused 'Oh.'

"In junior high, what was your best result for the softball throw?", Aizawa asked in his usal bored tone.

"67 meters." Bakugo simply awnsered.

"Then try doing it with your Quirk."

Bakugo went into the white drawn cirlce, as it was the area you could use to throw the ball from. If you stepped out, you were out of bounds.

"You can do whatever you want as long as you stay in the circle. Hurry up. Give it all you have got." , Aizawa said, as he walked to us, giving Bakugo space.

Bakugo stretched his arms, looking unfazed by everything. "Then well..."

He stepped forwards, as his arm was pulled backwards, he threw the ball, creating some kind of explosion, and the ball pretty much turned into a rocket.

"Die!", he yelled as he threw the ball, creating a small blast around himself.

... Die?

"Know your own maximum first.", Aizawa said, as his phone made a 'beep sound', he looked down at it, before looking back at us.

"That is the most rational way to form the foundation of a hero.", he pointed out, showing us his screen. It read '705,2 meters'. Amazing what Quirks can do, isn't it?

Some people in the class gasped, creating another huge fuss.

"What's this? It looks fun!", Mina yelled, fired up.

"It looks fun, huh? You have three years to become a hero. Will you have an attitude like that the whole time? All right. Whoever comes in last place in all eight tests will be judged to have no potential, and will be punished with expulsion.", he said with a cocky smile across the face. I'm not buying it, it seems fishy.

However most of the class seemed to buy it, and they all let out a shocked sound.

"We're free to do what we want about the circumstances of our students. Welcome to U.A's hero course!", he said as his smirk got even wider. Yep, I'm sure he doesn't mean it.

Looking at the faces of others, they all seemed to lay in huge amounts of doubt and discomfort. The sight was almost laughable.

Slightly looking over at Todoroki, I knew that he was sure that this was just a way to boost people to their maximum. At least someone with a brain.

"Last place will be expelled?! Isn't that taking it a bit too far?! No even it wasn't the first day of school, this is unfair!", said the girl who seemed to be interested in brokkoli boy.

"Natural disasters, big accidents and selfish villains. Calamities whose time or place can't be predicted. Japan is covered with unfairness. Heroes are the ones who reverse those situations. If you want to go to talk with your friends at Mickey D's after school, too bad. For the next three years, UA will do all it can to give you one hardship after another. Go beyond. Plus Ultra. Overcome it with all you have got." he said. This seemed to be his own way/style to encourage us.

Everything he said was true. We are not here to have fun.

"All right. Demonstration's over. The real thing starts now.", looking over at Todoroki, for some reason he was already looking at me. I nodded, as he returned the gesture.
What weird interaction.

Test 1: 50 meter dash

Seeing others doing the run lifted my spirits, wanting to give it my all. Even though I planned to already, watching them made me want to put even more work into it. Though having wings is quite an adventage in situations like these.

Iida seemed to have some sort of booster or engine built into his legs, acting as an engine in a car, basicially.

Tsuyu... well. There is nothing further to say. A frog. My guess was right, she is definitely some sort of frog.

Uraraka has the ability to make things zero gravity, nullifying the gravitational pull of any object. She used it on her own clothes and shoes.

Ojiro has a tail-like body part, as he can lift his body weight with it, using it as some sort of trampoline.

Aoyama... Well... some weird laser coming out of his belly button. Interesting.

Weaknesses are clearly shown in these tests, ending up in room for improvement. Everyone has some kind of imperfection in their Quirks.

Bakugo ran forwards, blasting small explosions from the palm of his hands, using it to boost himself forwards.

Deku however just ran.

I was up against Sero, who seemed to have some kind of strong tape coming out of his elbows. He positioned himself, slightly pointing with his elbows to the front.

I slightly bent forward, adjusting myself. I extended my wings completely, as they fluttered a few times behind me. I could hear all the shock and admiration behind me. I slightly smiled at it. My wings came from my mom. I never really liked them to begin with, but when other people were mesmerized by them, I couldn't help but to crack a little smile everytime.

The countdown started, and as soon as the alarm rang, I descended from the ground, whipping my wings at once, as I created a huge wind blast behind me. Maybe i even knocked a few people over.
In a matter of a few seconds, I was on the other side if the track. I heard the machine say "4,86 seconds". I was satisfied with the result. Sero came in not too long afterwards, as his tape was against a metal pole.
"Wow (L/N)! You're good at this!", he said as he nodded at me, giving a slight thumbs up. I thanked him, bowing a bit.

Looking back, my assumptions were right. Ashido, Uraraka, Mineta and Kiminari were scattered actoss the ground. I hurried over instantly, feeling guiltier by the second.

"I'm truly sorry." I said, helping them up. Mineta looked up at me with a slight blush, and instead, I let him fall halfway. Not today.

"How the hell did you do that?", Mina asked.

"Well..." I said, looking at my right wing, stretching it out, giving her a hint.

"Ohhhh, right!" she said as she laughed slightly.

"Either way, it was really cool!", said Uraraka, right after Mina.

"It's true. That was impressive.", Todoroki said, as he looked into my eyes. They were softened, but yet still slightly bored. I seemed to have gotten lost in the moment, as I stared at him in the eyes for a couple of seconds, snapping out of it, by shaking my head the slightest bit.

"Thank you.", I said looking down on the ground. Not because I was embarrassed, but as I've mentioned earlier, I got these from my... mother.

"Whoa! T-That was so cool (L/N)! May I ask you a few questions after this is over?" Midoriya said, coming over to the small group.

"Questions?" I asked him, raising my eyebrow slightly, visible confused.

"A-Ah well I tend to ask a lot of questions about other people's Quirks..." Midoriya said shyly, as he rubbed the back of his nape.

"Sure." I awnsered plainly.

He smiled at me, leaving the group, probably going to praise others.

Test 2: Strength

This test was about how much pressure you could apply to something. We were handed some sort of measure for that purpose.

Pressing it together, physical strength was never really my thing. I looked at the numbers after hearing the little beep sound. 76,4 kilograms. Honestly, that wasn't too bad.

Suddenly I heard "540 kilograms? What are you, a gorilla?" asked Sero.

Shoji. A guy with six arms, or more like tentacles, as the tips of his tentacles could turn into hands, lips, eyes and ears. Not to mention, he was tall.

Test 3: Standing Long Jump

This was yet another easy one for me. Obstacles are something I'm good with. I used my wings in the last moment, adding more height and force to my jump.

Test 4: repeated side steps

Surprisingly, this was something Mineta was good at. He used his purple balls - grapes?

Test 5: Ball Throwing

This was a bit more tricky. As I went into the circle, I was thinking all along, how to make the longest throw my abilites allowed. Looking at the ball, I held it with both of my hands, as my left hand left dark particles float around the ball. My shadow Quirk can shake even the smallest atoms, if not destroy them whole. This could be used for it to fly for a longer time.
I placed the ball in my right hand, as it lit up, fire surrounding it, and not too long afterwards, I threw the ball upwards, as the fire was used as a little engine, or a rocket. Similar to Bakugo's. I watched it fly off into the distance, my plan clearly working. It flew a long way.

"Wait. She can control fire? Just like you man! That's so manly!", Kirishima said, as he went over to Todoroki, nudging him by the elbow. His eyes were slightly wide, not expecting there to be fire.

"Wait no actually, her Quirk is pretty much like yours. Just the sides are switched and she uses some kind of shadow-like thing instead of ice. That's so cool!" Kirishima corrected himself. Well he wasn't wrong, but why was Todoroki so fazed by it?

"Yeah." he answered silently, his gaze dropping onto the floor, as his figure stiffened.

"674 meters." Aizawa announced, turning the phone in my direction. I nodded slightly, going back towards the others.

After that it was Todoroki's turn. You were interested how his quirk would do. Also deeply interested in his fire, if there are any differences per se.

He held the ball in his hands, and I had believed that he'd use his fire, but in the end, he didn't. He still threw the ball quite an astonishing distance, having a total of 693,7 meters in the end. He used his ice to give the ball more speed, boosting it forward. Well, the coolness of it, I'd rather call it than the ice itself.

There must've been a more particular reason as to why he didn't use his fire. I have a slight assumption about it, but perhaps it is better not to jump into conclusions. Walking back, I studied his face, as his was locked on the ground.

If he had used his fire, it was possible that he could've outmached The Bakugo himself.

And soon enough it waa Midoriyas turn. I didn't know what his quirk was capable of, since he hadn't used it in the prior tests.

He walked to the front, the crippling fear becoming clear in sight on his face. It's true - All of the others have left great results in their training, in their own way anyway. But Midoriya kept leaving average, if not below average results. If he continued like this, it wouldn't be too long before he was kicked out of U.A. Not that you get me wrong here, I wish nothing as such upon him. He clearly has a goal set infront of him, that keeps pushing himself forward. Even going as far as destroying your own body for it. I really admire the determination in this boy.

Bakugo as always left some unnecessary comments on Midoriya. Those two have some sort of backstory there. Deep down, I know they both care deeply for each other. Bakugo just decides to show it in his own remarkable way. Iida asked Bakugo if he hadn't seen his quirk in the enterance exam, trying to defend Midoriya. Now I'm curious.

Midoriya stood perfectly still for a couple of seconds, before throwing it, only for the ball to go... 46 meters.

"I definitely just used my quirk...", he explained to himself, lifting his right palm, examining it.

"I erased your Quirk.", said Aizawa, as this seemed to get everyone's attention.

My eyes widened slightly, as the hometeacher's hair floated upwards, and his what-I-thought scarf were actually some sort of tapes. Or bands. Even if I only saw him from the back, it looked discomforting. It's something you'd rather avoid seeing in the dark.

"That enterance exam was definitely not rational enough. Even a kid like you was accepted."

My assumptions about this teacher were right.

"You erased my Quirk?" Midoriya asked, his face filled with disbelief and shock, before the realization hit him.

"Those goggles. Your Quirk... You can erase other people's Quirks with your Quirk just by looking at them. The Erasure Hero - Eraser Head!" said Midoriya.

Eraser Head, huh? I definitely heard of him before. Some sort of underground hero. Most probably he doesn't like the media's attention. But for him to be a teacher, is quite unexpected.

"From what I can tell, you can't control your Quirk, can you? Do you intend to become incapacitated again and have someone save you?", Midoriya took a step back, stunned by his words.

"T-That's not my intention-" , he was cut off as Aizawa's tape-band went around Midoriya, pulling him closer, face to face. He did that in a matter of two seconds. Intimidating, indeed.

"Whatever your intention, I'm saying that's what those around you will be forced to do. In the past, there was an oppressively passionate hero who saved over a thousand people by himself, and created a legend. Even if you have the same reckless valor, you'll just be decked and turn into a useless doll after saving one person.", he said plainly, with his hands in his pockets, and from what we could see, Midoriya was beyond terrified. Not from Aizawa, but his words. Well maybe Aizawa too.

"Midoriya Izuku" he continued. "With your power, you can't become a hero."

Those words for someone who have a goal and passion for that, is like a knife to the heart. I'd know.

Aizawa let his hair down again, his tape-band wrapping around his shoulders and neck again. Midoriya looked down, not being able to look up. He must've been scared from the truth. That is indeed how things seemed like, after hearing what happened to his arm after he used it once. But poor guy.

"I've returned your Quirk. You have two turns for the ball throw. Hurry up and get it over with.", he simply said yet again. His duality can be scary.

He walked towards us again, as Midoriya became clear in sight. His shoulders were hanging low, and his face in a frown.

Not too long after that, he went back to the circle. He was murmuring something to himself. I looked over at Todoroki, who stood beside me, as he was looking at Aizawa. I'm fairly certain he heard Aizawa's words. Most of the class didn't. He looked back, and after that at me, his eyes hinting some worry. I wore the same expression. Without knowing, the both of us had developed some kind of bond with Midoriya.
"He'll be able to do it.", I said, trying to ease not only him, but myself.

Todoroki nodded, focusing back onto Midoriya.

In a sudden movement, he threw the ball forwards, gritting his teeth, as the ball flew upwards, causing the air to blow forcefully around it. The ball soon came out of view, as my shocked eyes landed on his hand - his index finger. It was completely broken. He directed his power into his finger in the last moment. For someone I hadn't thought the most of, impressed me.
He did it.

Aizawa looked on his phone, before Midoriya spoke. "Sensei... I can still move!" he said with a proud smile across his face. What a spirit this boy has.

The curves of my lips went upwards slightly. I didn't know why, but I was proud of him. Todoroki let out a small laugh, as he looked at me.

"What is it?", I asked looking back at him, confused.

"Nothing.", he let out another huff of laugh, as he looked back at Midoriya again.

"He got over 700 meters?!" Sero asked, his voice filled with shock.

Pretty close to Bakugo's then, huh?

Speaking of which, I looked over at the Bakugo, and his jaw was hanging, barely touching the ground. His palms tightened, before there were sparkles, and I instantly realized what he was about to do. Seconds after that, my assumption was right. He started running towards the broken-indexfinger-boy, as he looked at Bakugo with a terrified expression. Oh boy.

"Hey! Tell me what's going on, Deku, you bastard!", his hand now travelled infront of him, ready to blast the poor boy, but not before Aizawa's tapes came into action again. They wrapped around Bakugo instantly.

"They're weapons for capture made of carbon fiber woven together with metal wire made of a special alloy. Jeez. Don't keep making me use my Quirk over and over. I have a dry eye." Aizawa said dryly, frustration filling his voice.

Oh. Right. He can you his Quirk to cancel others, by looking at them once, and then afterwards as long as his eyelids don't touch, it can stay that way.

But what's the matter with this angry pomeranian? Does he feel envy towards Midoriya? There's more to this than they both like to let on.

— — — — — — — — —

After that came boring tests, like Sit-ups, seated toe-touch and a long-distance run. Sit-ups I was able to do well, no trouble whatsoever. Todoroki was my partner, after we have become, well, how do you put it, known associates? We had a few conversations, but nothing personal. I believe if I want to have a real conversation with him, it'll take some time. But it's the same for me. Opening up isn't something I like to do. They say that it is the best option, to open up to someone, but I believe otherwise.

The seated toe-touch wasn't the biggest challenge either, since I am pretty flexible. Even if I and Todoroki were just sitting there in silence next to each other, having him by my side was comforting. Comfort, huh? Something I haven't felt in a long time.
To me it seems that we both are getting quite along, even if is just some weird conversation about school or things the other likes. I know. Cliché much.

The long-distance run, for me it was long-distance flight. These are times I am sort of grateful of having these flying buddies by my side.
My wings are just like my feet, I use them to move like any normal human being with their feet. But if I can, I'd rather stick to my feet. I get weird stares most of the time when I do so, since there aren't a lot of people with wings. Having wings isn't a Quirk for me, I was born with them. As for my powers, of course, it is a Quirk I obtained at the age of four, like most children in the superhuman-filled society.

Soon enough, the tests were done, and Aizawa said in his straight getting to the point way, that he'd announce the results. The results appeared on a hologram, being displayed by his phone.

I looked at the names, as they read:

1. Momo Yaoyorozu
2. Shoto Todoroki
3. (F/N)
4. Katsuki Bakugo
5. Tenya Iida
6. Fumikage Tokoyami
7.. Mezo Shoji
8. Mashiro Ojiro
9. Eijiro Kirishima
10. Mina Ashido
11. Ochaco Uraraka
12. Koji Koda
13. Rikido Sato
14. Tsuyu Asui
15. Yuga Aoyama
16. Hanta Sero
17. Denki Kaminari
18. Kyoka Jiro
19. Toru Hagakure
20. Minoru Mineta
21. Izuku Midoriya

What surprised me, is that I was before the boom-boom boy. I expected to be behind him. Or even completing worse.
But it seems I have underestimated myself.
It is true, that my wings allow me to proceed faster, but trust me, it has disadvantages.

But Midoriya? Last place? How? I mean true, he did average on the tests, but his throw was close to Bakugo's, if not better. That should've atleast gotten him infront of the pervert.

Turning to Todoroki, he wore a plain expression, but I knew he was glad on the inside. Not the best in expressing things, huh? Well hold your horses - neither am I.

I raised my hand, expecting a high five.
He looked at his hand before looking back at mine, and then my face. He proceeded this movement a few times before getting it.
He raised his hand to mine, and gave me a small high five, offering me a little smile. I returned the favor.

"Huh? That winged-chicken is before me?" said the angry pomeranian.

I knew he was walking in my direction. I could practically feel it in my bones. Oh boy. He turned me around by my shoulder agressively, but my expression didn't change.

"I'll whipe that smug look off your face, KFC wanna be! You know, you have the same god damn expression as Todoroki over there. I advise the both of you to change that, cuz' let me tell you, I'll kill you two one-", he let his anger out on me before I lightly gripped his hand, and put it down. He was about to bark again, before I said.

"And I highly advise you to change how selfish you are. Please, do learn to have some self temper.", I said plainly. I did not mean to be rude by saying this, but if he really does want to become a hero, this crusade of being overly confident in yourself and being selfish all the time wouldn't run along with it.

He looked over at Todoroki, who simply shrugged, before turning his head back again.

His angry stomps could be heard afterwards. Gee.

I gripped my shoulder, as that boy has one hell of a grip. He really will have to work on his anger issues, but that is no further my business.

Remembering Midoriya's situation, my head turned into his direction, only to see his gaze stabbing holes in the ground. His knuckles soom became white as he was pressing his palm together. Poor boy. Though I want to see his reaction once Aizawa announces that this was a lie.

My thoughts were soon interrupted by Aizawa saying "By the way, I was lying about the expulsion.", he said as a little smirk crept onto his face.

The whole class stayed in silence, as I bit my cheekbones, not wanting to laugh. Looking over at Todoroki, he was in the same situation, with his eyes shut slightly.

It was hilarious, since I knew all along that it was a lie. I thought it through, and it was quite outstandingly obvious. Well, to some anyway.

"It was a rational deception to draw out the upper litmits of your Quirks." he said with his smirk even wider this time.

Most of the class sighed in relief, as they were reassured that they wouldn't fail. At least not in the early stages of the next following three years.

"That's it for today. There are handouts with the curriculum and such in the classrom so when you get back, look over them."

I looked over at Midoriya once again, to see his worries gone, and relief was replaced by it, as his figure softened. What a nerve-wrecking experience that must've been.

"Even if it was lie, it wasn't the most appreciated act to some here.", I said, turning back to Todoroki.

"That is true, but it seems to have drawn out the best of them.", Todoroki replied simply. I nodded in agreement.

Adding on, I said "If he hadn't lied, most of the class probably wouldn't have been pushed to their breaking point."

We made our way back to our classrom, to collect the mentioned handouts.

Walking by Midoriya, I said towards him, comforting him "You might be last place, Midoriya, but I couldn't help but notice the determination you had. It is truly something to admire. With that derermination, you'll make your way up in no time."

He smiled, and nodded, appreciating my words, as he went in the opposite direction, to the nurses office.

— — — — — — — —

Walking out of U.A., Todoroki joined my side in the mean time. Well, to say the least, this day was a bit exhausting, as I haven't used my Quirks for such a long time, ever. It was pure exhaustion to my body, but I know, that that's an aspect I'll have to work on. That's why, I'll start little, taking bigger steps each time. I do not want to give up, and I want to show my parents, that I don't need their advice, their so-to-say 'support' and their expectations.

I'm doing this for me, and me only.

I was caught up in my thoughts when I heard Todoroki calling my name.

"Oh sorry. I got lost in thought."

"No worries. So I guess we'll see each other in the morning?", Todoroki asked, as we were already at the gates of U.A. Being next to him feels like time just passes by quicker than it usually does.

"Right. See you, Todoroki.", I waved at him, offering a small smile, as he retourned the favor.

"See you, (Y/N)."

With that I took off, flying upwards, and flying my way back home. Times like these were when I appreciated my wings the most.

Arriving home, into my little apartment, the atmosphere changed. It was so... lonely.

Before I had realized, I already missed having people around myself. Before I never felt like this. Even if I did say that I felt out of place at first, that evolved in just a day. Even if I don't get along with everyone in my class, I believe it's the best one I could ask for. I hope it is.

Setting my bag down, I stretched my wings, as it was late afternoon. Deciding to change into comfortable clothes, and cooking up some instant noodles, I hopped on my couch. Pulling my laptop to the side, and turning on Netlfix, calling it a day.


End of chapter 1

Next chapter: Combat Training

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