teenwolf short stories (mainl...

By marvelmood

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short stories about Stiles and the pack I do not own any of the teen wolf characters these are some fun short... More

Stiles secret
Pack Group chat
Pack sleepover
We knew each other before
FBI meets the supernatural world (criminal mind and teenwolf)
Uncle Scott
Secret sister
Before we met
Uncle Stiles
Fbi Part 1
Alpha and Luna can just be friends
The truth
Brothers part 1
brother part 2
we are like the pack parents
Why like Why
we should explain
our not so little secret
hey here you are
umm this is the groupchat
can we talk
Alpha Stilinski
steves secret

Who is this

111 0 0
By marvelmood

Kira pov

It was last lesson on a Friday and it was chemistry, for some reason Liam and Mason was in the lesson as well as Derek he was here as a supervisor for the lesson to see how pupils are behaving in lessons. Well once we got in to class we sat down and the teacher turned around and it was a substitute teacher, all we heard was Stiles say oh for Fuck Sake really loud, the teacher then said Mischief be quiet, Stiles respond fine but you owe me an explanation, on why you are here. She said ok. Lydia turned to Scott and said who is she to Stiles? He said I don't know. Derek said well she must  know him because he answered to Mischief, Scott when yeah that was his mother's nickname for him. There was a Loud bang in the hall way and the we hear people screaming, Stiles turned to the teacher and said you brought the Mikaelson, the Winchester and the Salvatore group with you? She said yeah I did you have your pack I have mine? The people who was not in our group had left as well as the rest of the school. I said um what is going on? Stiles said wait there get them all here and I will deal with what you have brought to my town.

In walked 15 people and Stiles says what the hell have you idiots done that has brought you to beacon Hill? The youngest girl said well dad may have bit someone and they need his blood or yours or they will become a demon, I said wait what is everyone.

Stiles pov

I said well there is Vampire's, hybrid and tribrid, werewolf and witches and I missing any? Sam said yeah supernatural hunters that works with idiots. I said oh yeah, Scott said ok but who is the teacher I said my big sister and I mean big sister as she is a 100 years old although I'm only 18,  look im a Vampire but I don't drink human blood I mean I have drank Scott's but I don't think that can count as he is animal as well, Hope said wait is that the boy you like, I said well it was but now I need someone to kill me as he did not know? She said oh sorry dad can you kill him? Klaus said you know I can't because he is the one that goes to all you dances, I went guys you do know I have not been to them for the past year right? Dean said why? I said because Hope said I did not need to, Rebekah, Bonnie, Hayley, Caroline, Freya and Elena said who is the boy Hope? She said It is no one I said Hope let not play the lying game where is he Mystic falls, New Orleans, or British Colombia? She went Mystic Falls i said ok what is his name? She said Landon I said ok, witches Teleport me to Mystic Fall and then bring me back in 5 minutes? Freya said ok I'm only doing it for you  so you can get there before the rest as they will kill the poor boy. I said yep, but is he supernatural any of you know? Hope said nope but he does no know either.

I asked everyone in the room if i can compel him? i did not care what my pack said but i need to know what the other said. My sisters Group said yeah the Mikaelson said yeah the Winchester said yes and my pack did apart from Malia and Allison, I said you do realise that your opinion don't matter i don't care what you say, Allison  said actually you do that, you done it for me before haven't you I said yeah I did, Malia  I also stopped you father from killing you so? I said look im going and I can't believe what I'm about to say but Scott you can come as I promised I will take you there one day. I said wait can I use my speed with two people? Stefan said well I did a few years back I said will I be able to get back here? Finn said you will be able too I said ok don't bring me back. Hope came over to me whispered and said please don't do anything in my room I said why you done it in mine with Roman? She went true you realise he is about to be killed now don't you I said love I killed him second he left my room. Derek said wait are you planning to Sleep with Scott I said nope it just what we say and Klaus I'm not joking about Roman he slept with Hope and then left her, he then done that again at the Mikaelson ball so I done what had to be done he is somewhere in the forest in the UK. The males in the room that is with my sister said well im glad you done that no body messes with the girls in our group I said nope they don't only us that includes you Lydia, kira, Allison, Malia.

I said Freya now please, she said who ever Scott is go and stand next to him he came over and then we was in Mystic Falls. I said welcome to Mystic fall we need to go to the Salvatore home then the Mikaelson mansion and then we can go to the boarding house to get Landon. Scott said this is beautiful I said yeah it is, i phone home and went the password for the Salvatore  gate please? My sister said it is 10092009 I said ok thanks and ended the call I said this is where I stay if I come with my sister  I pick up a hoodie, Scott said that's mine I said sorry I had it after one of the feed in the forest when we was with the pack. I got that then we left I locked up and we went to the Mikaelson's mansion and I got it and we went to my room we had a nap and once I woke up I heard movement down stairs, so I went down it was Marcel and I said what are you doing here? You should be in New Orleans he said I got a problem there and needed the originals but they are not here i said no they are not so you can go now. We then went to the boarding house and I said hello Alaric. I the went and found Landon I compled him to come with me and then we went back to Beacon Hills.

Hope pov

Once Stiles and Scott left I went hey everyone any of you know where we can go? Elijah said can't I just compel the head teacher to give me the keys and we stay here till Stiles get back because if we do something wrong you know he will find a way to kill us? Jessica said yeah that's a good idea I will do it now. She went to do that and I said so any of you got any stories about Stiles or want to here any? His pack said yeah I want to hear some and the group his sister  and I came with said yeah same. I said ok well were do i start oh I know his first kiss? They all said yes I said well we was at a school dance in New Orleans and we was slow dancing but we was all changing partners well i wanted to dance with this girl the school we went to was not supernatural so we used our speed to get close to the girl then he spun me off so I would end up in this girls arms and the boy then went to Stiles, Stiles did not like him might I had im surprised he did not die, Kol chimed in and said no he is I killed him.

I said oh OK anyway well guy was really drunk and started to grind on Stiles, Stiles tried everything to compel him but he was to drunk and could not keep his eyes open so the guy just moved closer to Stiles and kissed him Stiles just stood there me being the person I am decided I would put my witch powers to good use I did a spell that would make him kiss back so he did after about a minute they broke the kiss and then he grabbed me and we left and he said why did you do that I said because you are gay you need to realise it he did that night by the way. So that was how his first kiss went then my phone rung I said hello he said password to the Salvatore house? Jessica said 10092009 he said thanks and then ended the call. I said anyone got anything on Stiles? This kid at the back said yeah? I said what's your name he said im Liam and when Scott first bitbit was Stiles that taught me control well on my third full moon Stiles and Scott took me out in the the forest and they got in to a fight the jeep would then not start if you are in the pack you will know the jeep, the was fighting untill I screamed then Stiles got really angry and punched the jeep and was in pain he kept on telling Scott he was fine but he was in so much pain so Scott took the pain and they both broke down crying and say I'm really sorry and everything.

This other boy who was older than the rest said is that why they came in to the loft hugging and crying? Liam said yeah I said what is your name? He said Derek, this girl stood up I said you are Allison right she went yeah I said ok what was you going to say? She said the fight like a married couple over this pack or anything really Liam said yeah they do i remember I was in trouble a few week ago and Stiles and Scott grounded me and I listened like what the hell. Caroline's phone went off and she went how can I get this on to the white board? This boy said I can connect it why? She said thanks umm he went my name is Danny she went thanks Danny he did and all you can see is Stiles and Scott looking for Landon I went put the volume on? Danny does, Stiles went im hungry Scott went well you can't kill In the middle of the school Stiles he went but what if it is some who has hurt Hope, no Stiles you only drink animal blood go and hunt a rabbit or something Stiles went nah that is to far and then bit Scott, a warning would have been nice Stiles? He then said Scott im going to bit you. Scott slapped him and said let's get the boy and go? Stiles said ok

They found Landon and Stiles went to him and grabbed him and looked in to his eyes and said you will come with me no questions asked and you will never remember this unless I say so. My dad went look like I taught  him well, Damon said I did as well. We heard a Loud noise and I said they are back Sam Dean put the weapons down. I said Stiles where are you I will do a location spell? He said hang on Your crush does not do well with speed he is throwing up. I said oh OK. Then they came in and I said really  Landon you had to throw up and I said Stiles let him remember Stiles looks in his eyes and said you can now remember, Landon said where am I and why am I here? I said Beacon Hill and  your here because umm, Stiles said look we are supernatural  creatures and I want to meet you and i want you to look after Hope when I'm here. I ran to Stiles and started crying and saying thank you he went Hope we are not related well kinda of are as your dad did turn my mom  but I will always look out for you, you are the little sister I never had Hayley is the mother I gained as well as Elena and my sister and many aunties I gained another father figure and many uncles which now I think of Sam Dean how have you not killed my pack or me yet? Dean said we hunt demons and angles not your kind. I went back to Landon and said look i like you a lot I told Stiles and he wanted to meet you so he came and got you so will you please be my boyfriend? he said yes Stiles went you hurt her and they will never find your body I will make the original bit you which would mean his blood to fully trun you and I won't let him you got it? Landon said I won't hurt he I said I should warn you Two of my uncles Know God and Satan! Other have years of experience killing Stiles  sister and and my Aunt can also kill you as well  as every  other female stood there,  others there as witches and will curse you. Although I'm sure Stiles will do the most damage to you?

Allison said it true one of the boys I dated in between Scott and isaac well Stiles tournamented him and he was a werewolf so he put mistletoe and other thing around him he then done  my aunts specialty he zapped him and then left him to go when he could barely walk want to know what is the best part guys he was with the alpha pack no it was not Aiden or Ethan. I said Stiles is very protective even to my dad who is a thousand years old.

Stiles pov

I'm sorry are you complaining? Hope said nope I love that you are like that. I said also guys I know who it is, they said who is it? i said it is this boy called Cameron, i ran out of the room and to the forest and thats where I found Cameron he started to fight me so with my speed I grabbed his arms and then held him against a tree and bite him and gave him some of my blood in hopes it will turn him i then snapped his neck. i then picked him up and when i turned around to run back i seen the pack and the rest i said umm I could sense he was here i had to do it and he should survive he got my blood and Freya you alway said that my blood should save them as well as Klaus? Bonnie said yeah he is alive i can tell i said thank god. Hope came up to me and turned in to her wolf i said to Klaus can I you know what she want? he said how well do you know these forests? I said better than uncle Sam and Dean's area and we go out there? he said yeah you can go i go on her back and we run through the forest and then she change back at the other side and said you need to tell Scott how you feel, no i don't Hope maybe in time but right now he is happy with Kira so now.

we messed about for a bit and then i said race you but in vampire form? she said your on we get back to see a alpha pack of wolves fighting my pack and the vampire are all bleeding with claw Marks all over as well as the witches them i then speed over to them and fought against them Hope was also fighting and then she used her witch powers to push them away, once we was done well looked up to see the pack looking so shocked and the rest was the same. Kol said to us how did you fight so good together i said well with you being known and im with you lots we kinda have to because thanks to Stefan and Klaus we have lots of people Who are after us, so we kinda got used to fighting and everything.

Also kluas your son who is not your son is at the mansion in Mystic Falls as he messed something up in New Orleans. i may of told him to leave and to leave me alone and then locked him out. Elijah said why? i said because i was having a nap also i forgot to ask are all you humans ok? they all said yeah we are good. Lydia said how did you Scott find out you was a vampire? i said umm when I was 10 I got hungry and all the blood bag was gone my sister was not going to be home of another while, and Stefan was not answering to tell me how to hunt so i explained to Scott and i had his blood and only his i learnt control i knew the limits, and when he got turned it was even better as I did not feel bad about but it was very rare for me to drink his blood i still hunt and yes my dad is my dad but my mother is also my mother and I still have no idea how she reproduced as vampires can't and she was one? Freya said i put a spell on her 200 years ago which ment she could have kids she did die though when you was 7, ah ok. Hope started doing a spell and it's a love spell Hope stop now I have no idea who you are doing it on but stop, she did but it was to late i said hope Who did you  put the spell ok she said you and Liam as you shouted I said ok who was it going to be she said Scott I said to leave it and can one of the other witches undo it as I see Liam as a son so does Scott, Hope said are you mad at me? Before I could answer she ran off I turned to Klaus and Hayley and said look im not mad at her I hope you know that? Hayley said we know.

Klaus said you know what you need to do? My sister said do it even if it kills you, I said I have not done that since I was 4 and was with Mom and Rebekah, Kluas said you need to because she won't listen to anyone, I said Landon ran to the school and see if she is there if not I will do it. The pack said will it kill you I said it should not but who knows you all know what it's like in the supernatural world. He came back and said no she is not there, I then look at Klaus and said I can't do i don't want to hurt her, he said im giving you permission and you can just give her blood and she will be fine. I said ok I closed my eyes and said the location spell as well as the spell to link out mind so I can see what she it thinking but it will cause her extreme pain, i then  let out a scream and then speed off to the lake that she was in, I got her out and then I gave her my long hoodie and then I speed off with her in my arms and went to my house, I give her a pair of my underwear and sweatpants as well a top and sweatshirt, we then went back to the forest and i said Klaus blood please, he gave it to me but i still passed out once I got up we was at my house and Hope was in bed with me.

Hope woke up ten minutes after me and then we went down stairs, I said I have got rid of you problem so know you can all go back and I can live my life here in Beacon Hills with the visits to all of you. It has been lovely to see you sister, and thanks all for coming, I really need to do my assignment for tomorrow's class Caroline said what if you don't? I said which one of you done it? Stefan said me I know what it's like i have been to school for about 50 years now, I said that is no my fault you went back for a girl that ended up with your brother which makes it even better Stefan looked at me like he was going to kill me but my sister said you hurt one hair on him and you will be in one of Kluas's coffins. I said oh thanks sis any way I'm sorry I lied im a Vampire and these are the people who I spend my time when you can't find me in Beacon Hills.

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