The Royal Arrangement

By anamika200

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Jai Singh Rathore is the prince of Ajmer. Even though the monarchy is no longer at play in India, Royalties d... More

Brief Background
Chapter 1: The Meeting
Chapter 2: Who is she?
Chapter 3: Again So Soon!?
Chapter 4: Clumsiness and Cuteness Together is a Killer
Chapter 5: No More Embarrassment Please
Chapter 6: Start of Something New
Chapter 7: Talk about exiting in all Swag
Chapter 8: She swagged off
Chapter 9: He is such a big...
Chapter 10: Forgive Me
Chapter 11: In for a Surprise
Chapter 12: What are you?
Chapter 13: Best Sleep Ever
Chapter 14: Keep Your Hands Off
Chapter 15: I am not jealous
Chapter 16: The Dress
Chapter 17: One Step Closer
Chapter 19: You are the one for me
Chapter 20: All over the place
Chapter 21: Remember this Universal Formula
Chapter 22: Permission!
Chapter 23: Inappropriate Suitors
Chapter 24: Back Home
Chapter 25: Another Party, Another Suitor
Chapter 26: This is it
Chapter 27: New Day, New Beginnings
Chapter 28: Eating and Teasing
Chapter 29: Tricks and Treats
Chapter 30: First Date with Miss Sarcastic
Chapter 31: The Day of the Engagement
Chapter 32: The Surprise
Chapter 33: Midnight Conversations
Chapter 34: My Lioness!
Chapter 35: Surprise Meeting
Chapter 36: Knocked Off
Chapter 37: Oh Boy!
Chapter 38: The Marriage
Chapter 39: Post Wedding Rituals
Chapter 40: Sassy Mornings
Chapter 41: First Fight
Chapter 42: Marital Bliss
Chapter 43: First move
Chapter 44: I Like You Too
Chapter 45: Celebrations
Chapter 46: I Love You
Chapter 47: Revelations, Hurt and Confessions
Chapter 48: Rendezvous
Chapter 49: Love & Jealousy
Chapter 50: This is it
#Maira's Pregnancy Bonus#
New Story Announcement

Chapter 18: Fiancee?!

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By anamika200

Maira's POV:
OMG!! Why do I have to embarrass myself at such social events everytime. I MEAN EVERY FREAKING TIME!

I literally laughed so loud that everyone stared at me and if that wasn't enough I told Jai he look beautiful?! What's wrong with me? Everything? That's true.

I just had to prove myself right and so I decided to play a bit of devil's advocate. Though I don't object to anything I said and stand by it while I argued how beautiful is a terminology that can be used to describe males too.

I was impressed by Jai's chivalry when he asked if I was comfortable dancing with him. Honestly, before that I was planning a murder to kill Rishi for pushing me due to which I bumped into Jai. Not being able to say no we started dancing and it felt nice.

Everything was going just fine until I went to use the restroom. I checked the two nearest restrooms but they were occupied so I decided to look for another one.

After completing my business I was about to return to the party hall when someone pulled me into a room. I turned around to see who it is and see a young man around Rishi's age standing there.

"What the heck is this? Let me go you jerk." I try to leave but I think this guy doesn't understand simple language. He grabbed my hand that to too tightly if I might add.

"Leave my hand. How dare you?!" I tried to push him with my free hand but it was in vain.

" fierce. Show me your face atleast." "Let me do the honour of removing this mask and seeing your pretty face." The slurred tongue was enough for me to know that this person was hella drunk. Why do one need to drink if they don't know how to handle their liquor. Let me tell you, the way he spoke gave jitters to me and the way he roughly removed the mask I am sure, there will be a bruise on my neck near the ear.

"Just leave me. I don't think you'll appreciate what will happen to you if anyone comes to know about this. It's better you leave me right now." I say this to him calmly because he need not know what will happen once I lose my temper and patience.

"Ahhh such pretty face, if only you had good body anyone would have made you theirs..."

"Ohhh then why are you even here with a woman who has such bad body shape. Maybe you didn't get any other girl or is there some problem in you." I said implying his manhood.

This seemed to infuriate him but I am not scared of him. Such men think they can take advantage of girls by intimidating them and they won't say anything. It's because they haven't met anyone like me. In all honesty I am worried because I know I am not strong enough to fight him physically but I would like to buy all the time I can before resorting to violence to protect myself.

"Leave my hand this instance it's hurting me and get the heck away from me." He seemed to ignore me since he came close to my face. I turned my face but he touched my cheek with his nose. I feel so disgusted right now.

"Why such a hurry? Once I am done with you, I will get away from you."

"You don't know what will happen to you if you do anything wrong. I don't think you know me well enough to know what I am capable of." I didn't think I will have to flex someday about myself but desperate times call for desperate measures I guess.

I try to push this guy away but he is too strong for me. I start shouting for help but this damn music will make it difficult for anyone to listen and this guy keeps his hand on my mouth muffling my shouts. I bit his hand hard before shouting again.

"Seems like you don't understand. You want me to be rough with you right? Take this..." Slap. He slapped me. HE FREAKING DARED TO SLAP ME!!

I have had enough. He is now going to pay for it. Before I can think of an escape plan, I realise him trying to come closer to me. I push him back with all my might but he kept tugging me towards himself. In this tug-of-war he tore my sleeves. I knew I had to escape as soon as I can.

I did the only thing I could think of. Ohhhh God I hope it works. I gathered all the energy and raised me knee to kick him in his shins so hard that he would regret his actions. On the count of three...
He was so interested in my hair and cheeks that he didn't realise that my hands are pushing him.
I just hope I find someone as soon as I get out of the room. Once this guy recovers from the kick he will try doing something again and I need some help to deal with him. I might not need a protector but I need someone to atleast help me out.
Here goes nothing. I kick him and try running out but he caught hold my hand and fell down on the ground. I try to kick him as hard as I can to free my hand but he grabs the bottom of my gown tight enough for me to hear the fabric tearing. Thankfully, it was just some fabric below my knee. He then pulled my ankle due to which I feel on ground. I put my hands out to cushion my fall and save myself.

I get up before him somehow and with the rear of my heels try my luck and kick him again and again, pouring out my anger. This time he coils himself groaning in pain.

Using this to my advantage I run to the door trying to unlock the door with my trembling hands whilst banging against the door. I look back to see him trying to get up. I shout for help as the lock seems to have stuck. I see the guy getting up and decide to get something to protect myself. He was about to get up when I heard the some shuffling near the door and started shouting again. I go near the door and as soon as it opens, I run outside only to bump into the person who opened the door. I raise my eyes to see Jai standing there all furious.

"Maira! Oh God!! Are you okay? Who did this to you?" I was so shocked that I didn't answer anything and turned my head. But then I didn't have to answer because that guy got up and started making his way towards us but he stopped looking at Jai. I was shaking a bit and my torn dress were evidence enough for him to realise what had happened inside the closed room.

"Maira is he the one who did this to you?" I just nodded in confirmation. I mean I came out of the room looking like this and he is on the ground bruised, shouldn't he deduce what happened inside?

"Jai I didn't do anything. She tried seducing me and when I denied she said she'll frame me. Bro, you know me, I would never do anything like this. That too with a girl like her. I mean look at her, she's just some random ugly chic-" Before he could say further I see Jai's bloodshot eyes, even scaring me a bit.

"Just shut up Amit. You have said enough. I trust Maira enough to know who is right even without her telling me what happened. Today you crossed your limit. You tried taking what's mine and I won't spare you for that." His deep slow anger filled voice was enough to run a shiver down my spine making me grateful that it wasn't directed to me. Jai turned to look at me and shrugged off his court and put it on my shoulders covering my torn dress.

"Jai she is just a characterless bit-"

With the speed that Jai left my arms was lightening and he punched Amit square on his jaw. He kept on hitting him. Amit kept going backward trying to save him all the while trying to blame me. I stood frozen at my place. I have shifted to the opposite side of the door, taking support from the wall as my legs are finding it difficult to support themselves.

I see another known face coming towards us and a sigh leaves my lips. I let out a slight shudder and look at the scene unfolding in front of me when he soon engulfs me in his arms.

"Are you fine, Maira? I am so sorry I took so long to find you. Oh God! I am going to kill this man." He is about to leave me but I clutch onto him strongly cause I am kinda scared and anxious and I know I can show this to Rishi out of all the people I know.

Soon all the people come hearing the going on commotion and try separating Jai from unconcsious body of that monster.

I can see things going on in front of me but I cannot make sense of any of it. Soon everything starts going black in front of my eyes and I feel too tired to keep my eyes open so I decide to take rest keeping my head on Rishi's arm. I can hear whatever is going around me but am unable to make sense of anything apart from Jai's declaration.


Jai's POV:

I decide to give some pushes to the door but nothing's working. These doors aren't the modern doors and I am no Daya from CID. I remember we hide the key to all the rooms behind the paintings hanging next to the doors.

I took the key from there and turn the knob and open it. I open it and before I can assess the scene in front of me, I feel someone stumble into my chest and I see its Maira. Her torn clothes and the scene is enough for to make me see red. After confirming that it is what it seems to be I shrug off my blazer and wrap it around Maira's shoulders. I then turn around to see her perpetrator. I am shocked to see Amit there. Amit is son of the very famous businessman, Arvind Pratap who deals in automobiles. I can hear the slur and the stutter in his voice showing his level of drunkenness and when he tried defending him and blaming Maira, well that was the last straw.

I enter the room and punch his already battered body until he loses his ability to speak. No one comes to my home and tries to harass my guests. I come back to my senses when I feel being pushed away from that mammoth of a creature.

I huff and look around for Maira to see her holding unto Rishi tightly and this infuriates me so much that I go and punch Amit in his gut. Maira isn't really crying but she seems more in shocked and it's her dress and few bruises that tell what actually happened.

It is now that I notice a large crowd has gathered somehow outside the door and are looking at this scene being bloody spectators. I call the police and am about to go towards Maira when I hear some shit that people are talking about her. Before I can say something I see Maira losing her conscience and Rishi's fisted hand is enough indication that he has heard what people are talking about.

"What will people say?" "Do you know what happened in the room?" "Maybe she took Amit in that room." "She maybe a gold digger and just wanted to trap Amit after all he is so rich and she is just some random lawyer." "You know she is just a fat ugly lawyer, why would anyone want to molest her... I mean look at her." "Don't know how she will face the society now." "I don't think she is married, don't know who will marry her now." "No one is going to make her their daughter-in-law." "See, she isn't even crying rather she is just standing there, I am you this is all just a pretense."

"Enough none of you have to worry about Maira or who will make her their daughter-in-law. You guys are the epitome of filth. Instead of sharing someone's pain you are here rubbing salt on it."

"We are just saying what's true. This is how society works. It's easy to propogate such thoughts but difficult to follow the same." I can still hear the crude talks infuriating me.

"Do you even know who she is? She doesn't need this damn guy's money. How can you call someone a gold digger without even knowing them? Just because this guy is rich doesn't mean everyone will throw themselves at their feet that too just for money. Maira is not lying and what that guy did with her is visible to you all still you want to be blind to all this. Keep your cameras inside your bloody pockets and if any footage of what just happened leaks just know that none of you will live. You know I am no ordinary person, I am Rishi Agrawal, CEO of Agrawal Groups Pvt. Ltd, I have connections and let's make it very clear that Maira is important to me and if anything happens to her, your situation will be worse than Amit's." Rishi bursts out while Maira just tightens her hold on him with her eyes still shut.

Rishi's outburst might have stopped people from recording but the whispering continued. "What is he to her?" "Maybe she is a slut sleeping around with everyone and that's why this guy is so possessive over her." "I don't know what anyone will see in this fat girl to assault her." "I am sure it's her fault only and on being denied she played this age old trick of trapping the innocent guy." "God save whoever marries her." "I don't think anyone is gonna marry her now after all this."

"Everybody just shut up. Enough is enough, if you cannot share someone's pain atleast don't make them more miserable. Just leave now and you don't have to worry about Maira or her marriage. People like you only know how to speak but there are people out there who will see that Maira is a great girl and this incident has nothing on her, I can assure you that, not that it's any of your bloody business. So, buzz off. I hope this exact will be your words and thinking when its your sister, wife, mother, or daughter in Maira's place." I have had enough I cannot hear anything about her anymore. I turn around to calm my anger down. I turn to see Maira closing her eyes tightly as if trying to escape from here... not that I blame her especially here these people talk.

"We are just saying the truth that no man would marry a girl after such an incident how can you be so sure."

"Just SHUT UP. Maria already has a fiancé who would not mind this incident and would FREAKING APPRECIATE if you all can just FREAKING MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS."

This line gave them more to talk about Maira and I feel like jus punching all of these people standing here in this room. "I don't think any man would want to marry a girl with whom something like she has happen. Once her fiancé leaves her no one would want a girl with broken engagement and bad char..."

"I said her fiancé won't mind and I mean it. Maira is going to be my wife so you all better shut your mouth and respect her before I use another method to do the same. I won't hear another word from your mouths. MAIRA IS MY FIANCEE AND I WILL MARRY HER!!!"

I turn around to look at Maira's face but it seems as if she is about to fall. I reach forward to hold her though Rishi is already there next to her holding her. Maira is my first priority right now and so ignoring Rishi and his glares, I pick her up and take her to her room, next to mine. I lay her down and cover her body with the duvet before leaving the room. I look at her distressed face and I want to beat Amit all over again. I can see her red cheek, it better improve or else Amit has another thing coming at him.

Eishi is doing all the formalities as the police has arrived and has taken care of Amit. I also notice Rishi checking everyone's phones to delete any videos that might damage Maira's reputation. This is an interesting era where people want to record a person's most painful moments and instead of sharing the pain would do the job of rubbing salt on it. What a wonderful world we live in.

Despite all this, all I can think of is how I declared Maira is my FIANCEE.

Damn it!!! I hope she doesn't break my face tomorrow.


Hey guys,
I am so sorry for not uploading past few weeks. I just had way too many assignments lined up and I still do but I somehow managed to take time out to upload this one.

Also, what do you guys thi k is gonna happen next? And what about Maira's reaction?

Hope you guys like the chapter and please vote, comment and share the story of possible. It would mean a lot.

I hope you all are staying indoors and staying safe!!

Thank you!!
Have a great day!!
Love you all!!

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