The CEO's Wife

By Saaraaaxy

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CEO's wife? Check. Up on the carrier ladder? Check. Married to a hunk? Check. Is he a hopeless romantic? ... More

Prologue - Before the storm
Chapter 1 - Honeymoon
Chapter 2 - Durban
Chapter 3 - Whitsundays
Chapter 4 - We are what?
Chapter 5 - Well aren't you happy?
Chapter 6 - Painful memories
Chapter 7 - Deep rooted hatred
Chapter 8 - Finishing touches
Chapter 9 - I worry, mon amour
Chapter 10 - Protector
Chapter 11 - The next big step
Chapter 12 - Communication
Chapter 13 - The three of us
Chapter 14 - We are pregnant!
Chapter 15- New territory
Chapter 16 - Love
Chapter 18 - Nagging thoughts
Chapter 19 - Memories
Chapter 20 - Brothers
Chapter 21 - I know it's hard ...
Chapter 22 - Taking one for the team
Chapter 23 - Surprise after surprise
Chapter 24 - Last night together
Chapter 25 - The other woman
Chapter 26 - Butterflies
Chapter 27 - Gender reveal

Chapter 17 - Magoa

379 16 1
By Saaraaaxy

Sara's POV



Innocence and puriety.

Fresh life and rebirth.

Two simples types of flowers which such a strong, vast meaning behind them.

Flowers that would always bring me back to this unusual warm spring day in New Canaan. 

Fresh water filled the glass vase with a satisfying sound, instilling a ravenous feeling of thirst inside me with it. I reached for one cup while our friend's laughter echoed through the empty house, greedily drinking the cold water. 

April 30th. 

I looked over to the daisies and lilies that were seemingly glowing with life. So fresh and new. Some lilies hadn't even opened yet, still in the process of growing.

Like our babies.


„Coming!", I shouted over my shoulder, tore myself out of my thoughts and placed the vase hastily in the middle of the living room table. Maybe I should have chosen the light beige vase instead now that I look at it-

„Sara!", it was now Nina who called for me.

„Sara", Clarissa chimed in, laughing.

„SaRa", my husband called in a mocking tone, high pitched and making fun of them.

„Coming, coming!", I laughed, shook my head and hurried outside to them. 

„Duchess de Beaumont!", Philipp awed as I stepped out; he got up from his seat and bowed deeply and repeatedly. „It is such an honour-"

For the first time in my life I agreed with Michael throwing stuff at his friend to make him shut up. The napkin was tossed straight into his face and Philipp pulled a face as it hit the floor.

We broke out in roaring laughter.

„Enough of that, please", I giggled as I joined my husband's side. Michael reached for my hand and brushed it with his fingers as I sat down next to him. „Rather tell us what we missed during the time we were gone."

„Not much. Some figures. Some new faces, some old faces", Jess swirled her hand in the air and stuffed a handful of chips into her mouth „Fame old, fame old."

„Fame old, fame old", Michael mimicked her with a shaking head. „Finish chewing and then speak."

„Jesus you really are the oldest child", Jess rolled her eyes. „Sara understood me perfectly fine."

„It's called basic manners!", Michael countered and I just ignored them and looked at the others.

 „Nothing really. Job wise it was exactly the same, the same annoying people annoyed us, we thought we would have a blast now that Michael's gone but Hamish was up our asses all day long. We went to see many movies without yall though ... and taco tuesday isn't the same when you two aren't present but we can pick up on those again", Philipp thoughtfully mumbled.

„Rather, tell us how your honeymoon was! The pictures were beyond beautiful!", Nina swooned, placing her head onto her hands with a lovely sigh.

„It was magical", I looked over to Michael and he stopped bickering with Jess, his eyes growing soft and a loving smile spread on his handsome face. I could kiss that broad mouth all day long, even more so now that the pregnancy hormones were already making me crazy for him.

„Africa. New Zealand. Australia. So many places, faces, things we saw, learned, met, so much food we ate. The many beaches and trips we took."

„The weeks just flew by", Michael sighed and raised my hand to kiss it. „I almost wanted to add a few more weeks to them, but duty was calling us after all."

„Would you go there again?", Clarissa asked as she poured everybody but me a glass of wine.

„Oh one hundred percent!", Michael and I answered in sync, then smiled at each other. „I would love to go diving again with you", I brushed his face while I searched those sea blue eyes that were always the first thing I noticed in my husband. „Even if you suck at catching sea animals."

„And I would love to teach you more about wines and wood work", Michael countered while shoving me softly. „The figure wasn't half bad."

„You couldn't tell what I carved, stop lying", I rolled my eyes and broke out laughing. „It was so obvious that I sucked but you just wouldn't say it into my face!"

Jess rolled her eyes as well, smiling as Philipp nudged her. „You were the same in the beginning."

„I was never sappy!", Jess stated startled, nearly jumping up while Philipp was making smooching faces at his girlfriend.

Michael and I laughed and I leaned against his shoulders as they bickered like always. Everybody had a different love language, for us it was physical, for them it was witty bickering that ended in a kiss, no matter how much Jess tried to hide it. 

„Once we returned my uncle awaited us", Michael redirected their attention to him. „We got our titles and had to leave. France, Normandy was our goal, where the mansion of the de Beaumont's is located. Sara and I had to undergo training and had to be all snobby with other ‚royals'."

„And Sara got food poisioning as well", Jess reached over for me in worry and we linked hands. „Poor thing you ... but honestly, I would have expected your family to have something more fancy than spaghetti and sauce."

Michael tried not to let it show, but I knew the twitch in my husband's neck vein and the movement of his chin as he pressed his teeth together. It was a silent: that's what you came up with, Sara? 

„W-Well", I swiftly tried to divert, but stumbled over my words.

„Sara craved it and made it for herself", Michael answered instead, giving me a side long glance as our eyes met. „You were fed up with all the fancy food they were serving."

„It was fingerfood!", I honestly errupted. „Who can be full after eating itty bitty pieces like that? And the price of those is just-"

Michael spoke over my angry rambling about money and food. „And we got hit with great news there as well, just as we wanted to return to America."

„Already?", it came out of me as I turned to him, me not able to hold the question back.

„Well, when else should we tell them? When they leave?", Michael whispered sweetly to me as he brushed my hair back.

„Your phone", I whispered after I stared in his eyes for a while. I melted at the love they reflected.

My husband nodded and shot the others a big grin. „Listen to this."

Silence filled our surroundings - and then it started.

Badum. Badum. Badum. Badum. Badum.

I closed my eyes at the sweet sound. 

Michael's hand found mine at the same time, silently, happily, full of love and pride for our child.

„A ... heartbeat?", Philipp spoke first after the recording was over.

„A rather fast one", Clarissa switched her gaze between everybody's eyes. „Is somebody sick?"

„They said it's good news", Nina chirped. „Who's heartbeat is that?"

„I was sick though", I said into the round and Michael made a humming, sad sound at that. „Was ... good one honey."

„Because you had the food poisioning silly", Jess sweetly reminded me. 

„It's a form of food poisioning that will stay longer", I told with a grin.

„How long?", Nina slowly asked.

„Weeeell ... given that Sara is six weeks along", Michael slowly said with a growing smile.

„And it usually takes around 9 months ...", I continued in the same tone and couldn't help myself - I leaned over and kissed his cheek quickly.

„9 months. 6 weeks along", Philipp repeated undoubtedly, the first one to understand, meeting my then Michael's eyes. A grin started spreading on his face. „Will I be the cool uncle? Uncle P?"

„Oh god."

Nina stood up at the realization.

Clarissa went all mouth-wide.

Jess became quiet. „So no food poisioning?", she whispered.

„No", I shook my head softly and got up, putting her hand against my stomach. „But a baby."

I looked into the round with a smile, tears rising to my eyes. „I'm pregnant. 6 weeks already, can you believe it?"

Nina errupted in a happy scream, drawing me into a hug - and we both started sobbing.

„Congrats!!", Philipp and Clarissa yelled over our sobbing, high-fiving all around with big smiles.

„Now now", Michael softly mused, kissing the top of my head. „I'm so proud of her", my husband said to the others as he brushed my back. „The mother of my child ... I'm going to be a father!"

Jess got up.

Her lip started shaking heavily.

Philipp drew Michael in a tight hug, all while Michael reassured him that he would indeed become ‚Uncle P' to our little baby.

Jess wiped her eyes and got closer to my husband - and sobbed.

Michael opened his arm to her and they hugged tightly. 

„I'm so happy for you", Jess cried, thick tears running down her face. „You always wanted to become a father. That had always been your biggest wish ...!"

Tears shot to my eyes again as I heard it come out of her mouth.

„And I am - with my other half", Michael whispered happily. „I have gotten lucky beyond measure, haven't I?"

Jess nodded, hiccuping as she wiped her eyes again. „You have. But you deserved it. Sara deserved you. You deserved Sara. And you both deserve the cute little baby you are going to have! Oh god, only 8 months left!!", Jess now realized.

„It's way too early to know the gender right? God listen to me! I mean congratulations! I'm so excited I'm just blabbering nonsense at this point!", Clarissa laughed and kissed my cheek. „Are you showing?"

„We don't know the gender yet and no, sadly not. I'm still not showing."

„I think she is, ever so slightly", Michael added with a sweet, toothy smile. 

„But how did you find out? Oh you have to tell us!", Nina chirped while jumping on the spot.

„Well, we held the dinner", I started and turned to Michael. „Sara had been feeling under the weather for a while now, but we just blamed the event. She was so terribly nervous the moment we got our titles."

„One of the few pre dinner snacks was shrimp. And I had been quite sensitive to food up to that point", I admitted. „Then I saw the shrimp and well ..."

„We got her checked out by my family's doc and waited for the result. When he announced we were pregnant we were over the moon!", Michael laughed, pressing me into his arms. „And relieved of course!"

„Michael was so worried that I was seriously sick", I traced his arm. „Thankfully it's just the typical nausea."

„And the baby's heartbeat?", Jess asked with a shaking smile, tears still in her eyes.

„We visited the doctor's just a few days ago", Michael's voice broke in happiness. „And got to listen to baby's heartbeat."

„God guys that's so ...", Nina broke out sobbing. „God I'm so happy for yall! A little you!!"

„Our parents cried as well", I sing-sang and reached for my husband. „I just hope the baby is going to have Michael's eyes!"

„Nonsense! I hope the baby takes all after you mama!"

„Mama!", Nina sobbed and fell into Clarissa's arms. „My heart is literally melting omg!"

Jess wanted to ask something, but I saw that she held herself back. I raised my head at her with a smile, but she shook her head with a smile herself. „How are you feeling right now?"

„Good", I put my hands on my hips and grinned. „No sickness and no headaches!"

Michael threw an eye on the grill. „It warmed up."

„And I'm hungry", I stated after my stomach loudly rumbled.

We laughed, while Michael threw a victorious punch into the air. „Anything you want and I'll make it!!", he eagerly shook me. „Is there anything you are craving mon amour?"

I thought about it, pursing my lips. „Not really. I'm just hungry in general."

„Then I'll just wip up some food - and you will eat. Yes? Yes?"

„Anything for you", I laughed and brushed my husband's cheeks. „I'm off to get the food."

„I'll come along", Jess quickly decided and crossed our arms. 

I was washing the tomatoes for the salad when Jess got quiet suddenly, after she rambled about a new piece of furniture she was debating to get. I was just about to suggest for her to place a pop of colour chair in her lounge area when she got quiet.

I watched her take out the marinated meat and smiled at her with my hands on my hips. „Ok, out with it. What did you want to ask me?"

„No it's rude."

„The baby wasn't planned, if you want to ask that", I openly told her. I knew I could tell them and Emma, they would understand and not react strangely. „But Michael and I had talked about it. We wanted to start trying right about now weren't I pregnant."

Jess nodded quietly. Said nothing.

Then turned away and brushed her eyes. „Sorry", she sobbed. „I'm just so happy for you two ... so relieved for him. He really deserved a nice, loving family. You deserved a loving, attentive husband. And you both got what you needed, found what you searched for in each other."

I went to her and pressed her into a firm hug. „I count myself blessed everyday, Jess. I really, really do."

„As you should. You two deserved it after so much terrible stuff happened", Jess firmly pronounced. „Ok enough tears, I haven't cried that much in a while. I need to distract myself. What is in this container?"


Before I could explain further, she opened it.

And at the sight of the raw, fleshly red meat ... 

„JESUS! Oh god oh Sara - Michael!! Help! Sara -she-she threw up!"

Michael's POV 

„You are not going to work and that's final."

„You are being ridiculous, bebo", my wife rolled her eyes and put her hands on her hips.

Why was this now a typical morning banter we had? By this point we sounded like Jess and Philipp.

I ran my hand over my suit in frustration and let a deep, guttering sigh escape my lips. I raised my fingers at my dashing wife and watched her pull her lips in a disapproving twist as she knew what was coming up.

„First of all - you couldn't sleep the whole night. Threw up. Feel dizzy. Why am I the one who's being ridiculous? Also, that skirt is way too short", I counted out loud, putting down my finger with each argument. „You are staying at home. Boss's orders. And your husband's. And the father of your child's."

„You sound like Janet now good god! It's not too short."

„Sara it's literally a mini."

„It's not!! You know I couldn't wear a mini!", Sara went furiously red at that thought. „It's an inch shorter than my finger tips when I rest my hand next to my body."

„Too short, people will stare at my pregnant wife", I retorted and picked her up as she swirled around to walk to the door. 

„Michael!", Sara protested with a whine, then surpressed the urge to throw up.

„Mhm. Just proving my point."

„I just ...", Sara plopped her head tiredly against my shoulder and closed her eyes. „I shouldn't."

„Why not?"

„What if it becomes a habit? What if I call in sick all the time?"

„Worry-head, as if you would ever allow yourself to do such a thing", I whispered softly as she tiredly opened her eyes again. I kissed the deep shadows underneath those big eyes that made my heart skip a beat. „Just once baby, alright? You and baby need to rest. Even I can see how done you are."

„Only once", she yawned, nuzzling more into me. „Is it truly ok for me to stay at home?"

„I'll manage somehow. It's just one day. I'll work easier knowing you are resting up." I told her while opening the door to our bedroom. I softly put her down in the bed. „Do you want to get changed?"

Sara tiredly nodded her head no. „Alright, then lay down", I softly instructed her and brushed through her hair as I tugged her in. „I'll drop by in my lunch break to check up on you. Today I'll cook while you rest, alright?"

I looked up and Sara was fast asleep, softly snoring with her mouth slightly parted. I couldn't help the smile that spread on my lips.

I slowly sat down at the corner of our bed and watched her. Drew out my phone to take a picture of her, then traced it as I looked at it, my heart filled with happiness, warmth and a fullness to the brink. Something I hadn't known in my younger years.

I had never truly felt loved. Had always felt lonely.

But not anymore.

It's the little things that changed in my life that fill my heart with gratitude.

The fact I wasn't alone at home anymore. Even when people had surrounded me, I had felt alone, lonely, not at home.

Now I was.

The fact I had somebody to join when I went to bed.

Somebody I could eat my meals with, whether it was Victor, Marthe, Marie, Gerard or Sara.

The home cooked meals that always awaited me when I came home, the meals that always tasted good no matter how many times I ate them.

Sara's laughter, cries, chiding, her blushing face, her soft, graceful smile, her kind hearted nurturing nature.

When I sat in the office for too long and was reminded of a break by my wife, the same woman that brought me fruit without me asking to, always sudden and always a quiet reminder to get my vitamins and nutrients - but most importantly, that somebody cared for me.

My brother that always picked up my calls with my smile, my nephew and nieces that were always happy to see me, my brother's wife who took care of him in a way that made my fears quiet. Once it had been me, now he was grown, married, a father.

My own father that always picked up, always expressed his gratitude I had given him a chance.

My friend's banter as I overworked, their teasing that made Sara grow red, the laughter echoing into the night from our little jokes - to how Philipp had to count everything to Nina's addiction to movies, we always had something to laugh and muse about. 

My baby's heartbeat, the way my wife stroke her stomach, the little changes we noticed together - swelling, small bladder, sickness, mood swings - all signs our little one was growing. 

Sara's growth from woman to mother - I was more than thankful to witness it daily with my own two eyes.

How easily she blushes, both cheeks, nose and ears, when she gets embarassed or flustered. How her nose scrunches up as she laughs. How she always sees the good in people. 

The baby clothes that gradually arrived, for now gender neutral, that made me grasp the reality - in less than 9 months I would be holding a litle baby, our baby, in my arms. 

My parents in law that always called, a mother in law who gave advice and listened, a father in law I could chat to about anything, a sister in law that I loved dearly.

The memories of Sebastien. 


I laughed at myself as I tore myself out of my thoughts. I was reminiscing the whole time while watching Sara sleep. At this rate i would be late if I continued reminiscing.

I bent forward and kissed my wife's cheek and forehead, tugged her in again and got up to leave. I hope this nausea phase will pass soon. She's losing weight and is weak or tired half of the time. I just wanted her to feel better again.

One last checking look at my wife, then I softly shut the door close and was on my way.

Halfway down the staircase my phone vibrated; I pulled it out to see it was from my stepmother, Christine.

I hesitated, then declined the call.

Not while I was at home.

I had long decided I wouldn't tell her about this and I was not budging.

Christine called again and I shut my eyes. God this woman.

Good that I blocked her on Sara's phone while she was sleeping.

Sara didn't need to know.

She shouldn't stress over this, not over anything anymore.

Rest now, mon amour. I'll be back soon.

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