
By Sugar_And_Spice125

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Cast List and Welcome!
№1|Enter: Medusa Demgorgean
№2|Welcome to the WhiteClad Pack
№5|Eyes Of Prophecy
№7|Tell Me The Truth, Vanessa!
№9|It's Always A Price With You Isn't It?
№11|Some Things Science Can't Explain
№12|The Full Moon Festival (Part 1)
№13|The Full Moon Festival (Part 2)
№14|The Full Moon Festival (Part 3)
№16|It's Okay To Get Saved
№17|The Night Before Court
№18|His Medusa
№19|Werewolf Court
№20|Patient Zero
№21|International Phone Calls
№24|Here To Stay
№26|Care For A Doughnut?
№30|Lastachka Part 2
№31|No New Friends, Just New Lovers
№32|Tick... Tick... Tock...
№34|Stupid Dragons
№35|Lets Make A Plan!
№36|The 7 Mile Escape From Candyland
№37|Loved You Since The Beginning
№38|What Did You Do?!
№39|Aura Imprints
№40|How Much I Love You
№41|I'm Nothing Like You
№42|Don't Eat The Orange Chicken
№43|Costume Time!
№44|It's Been So Long
№46|The Price Of Knowledge
№47|My Most Precious Thing
№48|I'll Be Back
№49|The Camp Part 1: Help Me Understand
№50|The Camp Part 2: Poppet
№51|The Camp Part 3: Cake Walk
№52|You're Mine. I'm Yours
№53|Change Of Plans
№55|Scars On The Heart
№56|Wings Were Made To Fly
№57|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 1)
№58|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 2)
№59|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 3)
№60|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 4)
№62|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 6)
№63|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 7)
№64|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 8)
№65|Tick... Tock... Boom!

№61|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 5)

14 0 0
By Sugar_And_Spice125

№61|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 5)
◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

Alistair rested his hands on his knees, heaving as he tried to catch his breath. He looked up to see Yvette getting farther and farther away from him. “Yvette… slow down!” He rasped.

The moment the two arrived in the Memory Pool, Yvette panicked at the sight of her memories.

The omega frantically scanned around for some sort of escape, yet none was found. She glanced behind her, her eyes widening at the sight of her most haunting memories.

She sank to her knees, clenching her eyes closed. “Why… why…” she whimpered, holding her knees close to her chest.

Slowing down once he approached the omega, Alistair crouched down in front of her. “There there…” he soothered, stroking her hair. “I love you and all, Yvette, but gosh damn do you run fast!”

“Was I going fast?” Yvette sniffled, looking up at her fiancé. “I didn’t really think I was running that fast.”

Alistair laughed, sitting beside her. “What did you see?”

“Ev-Everything…” She muttered her reply. She groaned, shaking her head. “Gods… my gods… you must think I’m a weak idiot.”

“How dare you think I think something like that about my fiancé?” Alistair fake gasped. “Do you think I’m that shallow?”

Yvette snorted in laughter. “No… no I don't.” She rested her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. “It’s just… the memories I saw were from when I still lived with my birth -parents. They were married. They fought… all the time.”

“And you think we’ll end up like that?” Alistair questioned, earning a nod from her. “Well, we won't,” Alistair promised, kissing the top of her head, “if it was one thing the WhiteClad pack taught me, it was how to respect the people I love. Especially the woman who’s about to be my wife.”

Yvette smiled, wrapping her arms around him. “I’m such a scaredy cat… how could you want me as a wife?”

“Because you're beautiful, smart, courageous in your own way.” He lifted her hand, watching as the ring sparkled. Placing his lips on the ring, he gave it a small kiss. “You’re everything I’ve ever wanted.”

“I promise.” She muttered from his chest. “I promise I’ll try and be the best wife, Alistair.”

“You don't have to promise me anything, Yvette, I already know you will.” Alistair smiled, stroking her cheek. “I know we can face whatever this pool throws at us. Okay?

She nodded, hugging him tighter. “Okay…”

“Good.” He inhaled sharply as a memory began to form. “Oh shit…”

“What’s wrong?” Yvette asked, peering into the memory. “Awee, you and Ayame were so cute when you were little.”

“Yeah… we were cute.” Alistair tensed at the memory. “The world we lived in wasn’t as cute as we were, though…”

The grappling hook hitched onto Ayame's window seal, and Alistair climbed up the side of the building to reach his sister’s window. Heaving slightly, he knocked on the window.

Ayame sniffled, turning around to see her brother’s smiling face. “Ayame!” His voice was muffled through the glass.

Rushing towards the window, she opened it and allowed him to fall in. “Ow…” He groaned, rubbing his head as he got off the ground.

“What are you doing here, Alistair?” She asked, sitting down on her bed. “Mom and Dad are gonna kill you.”

“Don't worry about them. I’m coming to rescue you!” Alistair stood up tall, puffing his chest out. “Don't worry, princess! I’ll save you.”

Ayame snorted, shaking her head. “More like I’ll end up saving you.”

Alistair’s chest deflated, “you’re no fun…” he muttered, grabbing a duffle bag from under her bed. “After yesterday… Ayame… I can’t stay here anymore.”

“I can’t either…” She whimpered, putting her clothes into the bag. “But… where will we go?”

Alistair pulled her towards the window, pointing towards the group of wolves packing boxes into the truck. “Wherever those boxes are going… that’s where we’ll go.” 

“There’s guards everywhere, Alistair, there’s no way we can even get out of the compound.” Ayame warned.

“That’s why we have to go now.” Alistair replied, zipping up the bag. As they approached the door, a flash of silver zoomed past them.

Getting ready to attack, Ayame held up her fist, soon lowering them to see the silver flash was Demon Claw. “Demon Claw?” She muttered, holding out her hand for the sword to fall into. “How is it here?”

“Remember what Auntie said? The sword chooses when to move on. It must have thought you’re ready to wield it.” Alistair explained, picking up his own bag as well as Ayame’s.

With that, the two began to sneak down into the courtyard, hiding behind the truck that was transporting the weapons. Alistair pressed his finger against his lips, symbolizing to Ayame to be quiet as they listened in to the conversation their aunt was having with the movers.

“Are you sure these are all the boxes?” Saanvi asked, looking up from her checklist at the movers.

“Miss, you asked me that 3 times now. We’ve been moving weapons for your back for almost 20 years now. We know the drill.” The mover replied, rolling his eyes.

“These weapons are going to a very important pack in North America. If all of these weapons don't arrive in that pack, we’ll all have hell to pay.” Saanvi came in close, pressing her clipboard to his chest. “So unless you want to be the reason why we all lose our head… Get. These. Weapons. To. The. Pack.” With every word, she hit the clipboard on his chest.

“Al-Alright.” He shivered, chuckling nervously under her gaze.

“Good.” Saanvi smiled, moving away from the man, passing him the checklist. “Go through and make sure every weapon is here. I’m gonna go on ahead and meet you at the pack.”

At that, Saanvi shifted into a beautiful cream colored wolf and sprinted off into the forest.

Meanwhile, back behind the truck, Alistair and Ayame scanned the boxes, hoping to find one that would fit the both of them.

“What about this one?” Alistair pointed up towards the tall rectangular box marked HANDLE WITH CARE in big bold letters.

“Looks like it’ll fit.” Ayame shrugged, getting on her brother's shoulder to climb up onto the box. Unlocking the hatch lock, she climbed inside, landing on the packing peanuts.

Seconds later, Alistair joined her, closing the top on his way in. Darkness filled the box. The only light came from the moonlight that shone between the two small cracks.

“Ayame…” He whispered, his brown eyes illuminating the box.

“Yes?” His sister replied.

“This was a good idea, right?” Alistair asked, worried.

“I hope so.” Ayame whispered back, feeling around for her brother's hands. Once the two found each other, they both clenched the other’s hand. “Wherever we’re going, it has to be better than here, right?”

Alistair nodded, gulping slightly. “It has to be.”

“You two snuck off inside a box?” Yvette snorted in laughter. “That’s adorable. Where did you two end up?”

“Where do you think?” Alistair chuckled, focusing back onto the memory.

The sound of a high heel tapping on the ground impatient echoed throughout the WhiteClad Pack courtyard. A huff from the woman wearing them escaped her lips. “This is the last time I’m buying weapons from the Banik Pack. They’re always late.” The luna, Enyo WhiteClad, complained.

“It’s not our fault.” Saanvi held her hands up in surrender. “I tell them to use the GPS, but they’re all like ‘we know where going’.” She scoffed, shaking her head. “I swear… they’re the worst.”

“How’s everything back at the Pack?” Ulysses asked, sitting up from the patio chairs.

“Wonderful…” Saanvi growled. “My sister thinks she is Alpha and the real Alpha doesn't do anything about it.”

“Have you ever thought about leaving?” Enyo questioned, turning towards Saanvi. “We’ve been looking for a new Weapons Specialist.”

“If it gets me away from my sister, I’ll do anything.” Saanvi chuckled, smiling at the Alpha couple. “Thank… it means a lot.”

“Anytime.” Ulysses winked, turning towards the truck as it pulled into the driveway. “Finally!” He cheered, walking towards the truck. “What took so long?”

“There was traffic.” The movers replied with a shrug.

“Whatever.” Saanvi sighed, rolling her eyes. “Just get the boxes into the weapons vault. It’s the third room on the right up on the second floor.”

“There’s only three of us.” One of the movers said. “We’re gonna need more help. You got a lot of weapons, chica.”

“Fine…” Enyo groaned, rubbing her temple. “Grant! Epsilon!” She called out, waving over the doctor and the delta.

“Yeah, Luna?” Epsilon asked, smiling at the her.

“Epsilon, please, you can Enyo. Luna makes me feel so formal.” Enyo chuckled, patting her shoulder. “I need you and Grant to help the movers take the weapons up to the vault.”

She turned towards the movers, glaring at all three of them. “Since apparently they can’t do it themselves. Even there’s three of them.”

“We’ll be happy to help, Enyo.” Grant said, picking up a large rectangular box labeled HANDLE WITH CARE with the help of Epsilon.

“Why is this one so heavy?” Epsilon groaned slightly.

“Weapons are naturally heavy.” Saanvi replied simply, glancing at the movers. “Are you sure all the weapons are here?”

“Yes!” The mover groaned, raking his fingers down her face. “When will you stop asking me that?”

“Never.” Saanvi chuckled, grabbing the checklist from him. “Now go upstairs and recheck all the weapons.”

“You’re lucky you’re paying us good…” He muttered, slugging upstairs into the weapons room.

Upstairs, a white pup, golden sable pup, and a chocolate brown pup chased one another around the compound. They halted in front of the weapons vault to see all the boxes.

“Are all of this from the Banik pack?” Montego asked, shifting back into his human form.

“Yeah.” Barron replied. “Apparently Mom and Dad got a huge shipment of weapons from the Banik pack. For a good price, too.”

“I wonder what they got.” Lawrence wondered, moving out of the way of his step-dad and Epsilon.

“It must be something heavy. This thing weighs a ton!” Grant sighed, leaning over the box.

“What is in there anyways, Saanvi?” Ulysses asked, as him, Enyo, and Saanvi arrived at the vault.

Saanvi examined the tag on the box. “This is the new turret machine gun. Way better than the last model I brought over.” Saanvi reached for the crowbar, using it to pry open the box.

“Well hopefully this one dosen’t blow up.” Ulysses chuckled, standing over the box with wide eyes. “Um… Saanvi… I don't remember ordering two pups.”

“Two pups?” Saanvi questioned, approaching Ulysses' side to see the twins asleep inside the box. “My gods…” She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Alistair! Ayame!”

The twins’ eyes bolted open at the sound of their aunt’s scolding voice. Looking up at their angered aunt, the two chuckled nervously. “Hi, Auntie.”

“You two are in so much trouble!” Saanvi growled, pulling the twins out of the box and sitting them on the table. “I know you two wanted to leave the pack but that doesn't mean you hitch a ride inside a moving truck with thousands of weapons and explosives! You two could have been killed!”

“Sorry Auntie…” Alistair and Ayame muttered, hanging their heads.

“You better be sorry. Your parents are gonna kill everyone for this!” Saanvi warned, smacking both of them upside the heads. “I can’t believe-”

“How cute these two are!!” Enyo’s squeal cut her off, rushing towards the twins to embrace them in a tight hug. “Do you know how rare twins are in wolf culture?! EEK!! Why couldn’t we have twins, Ulysses?”

“Because we had a boy, a girl, and another boy. People would kill for that type of pattern.” Ulysses chuckled, attempting to separate Enyo from the children.

“Mom… you gotta let go.” Barron reminded her, tapping her slightly. “They can’t breathe.”

“Oh! Sorry!” Enyo laughed, releasing the twins. “So… I don’t recall ordering two cute pups.” Enyo giggled, tapping their noses. “Although if that was on the menu I’d definitely order you two rather than all the weapons.”

“Who are they?” Montego asked, morphing into his wolf form. He jumped up onto the table, licking Alistair’s cheek. “This one taste like honey!”

“Montego, stop licking them. They’re not food.” Ulysses laughed, picking up the pup.

“I’m Alistair and this is Ayame.” Alistair introduced, turning towards Lawrence. “What’s wrong with him?” He asked, pointing towards Lawrence's dumbstruck expression.

Grant followed his step-son’s gaze towards the female half of the twin, soon bursting out in laughter. “Go talk to her.” He nudged him slightly, smirking at his son.

Lawrence quickly shook his head. Much to his displeasure, his father began pushing him towards Ayame. “Ayame, this is my son, Lawrence.”

Once Ayame locked eyes with the British wolf, she couldn’t help the blush that overtook her face. “H-Hi…”

Her brother on the other hand, couldn’t help but worry as the two wolves stared lovingly into each other's eyes.

For the longest it had only been Alistair and Ayame against the world. Now it was Alistair, Ayame… and Lawrence.

A deep growl erupted from his chest at the thought of another man near his sister. Standing in front of her, seemingly breaking the trance that the two wolves were in, he extended his hand towards Lawrence. Roughly shaking his hand, he pulled him in close. “Don't even think about it. She’s my sister.” He snarled, harshly releasing his hand, causing the British wolf to fall to the floor.

He scoffed, walking out of the room, expecting his sister to follow. However, when he turned around to see, his sister was helping Lawrence up.

“Ayame…?” He whispered, fear and sadness filling his eyes as his heart sunk to the bottom of his stomach. A dark aura surrounded the young wolf as he watched Lawrence swoon over his sister.

His fist clenched till the point where his knuckles were white. “She’s my sister…” He marched off in a huff, his anger trailing behind him. “Nobody is taking my sister!”

“I thought that I was gonna lose Ayame to Lawrence… that was the worst moment in my life… thinking I might lose my own sister to some British wolf.” Alistair sniffled slightly, choking on his tears.

“You know you’ll never lose Ayame… At the end of the day, she’s still your twin. You two share a bond that’s stronger than the one you share with your mates.” Yvette kissed his cheek. “That will never change.”

“I know…” Alistair rested his head on her shoulder. “Ayame told me that someone got a little jealous of our bond.”

A blush appeared on Yvette’s cheeks. “She did…?”

“Yeah, and you don't have to worry. Me and Ayame’s bond is simply a sibling one. Ours is more of a passionate love one.” Alistair chuckled, kissing her nose.

“I’ll never doubt it ever again.” Yvette smiled, intertwining her fingers with his. “I didn’t know what I’d do if I didn’t find you…”

“I never doubted you wouldn’t come.” Alistair smiled softly.

“You didn’t? Why not?” Yvette scoffed. “I was honestly doubting myself a little.”

“I didn’t because I know you would come and save me.” He said, pulling her in close. “You may look like some shy omega but I know you have true strength in your heart.”

“At least someone thought so…” Yvette muttered.

“What do you mean?” Alistair asked, stroking her pink and black hair.

“My parents… my biological parents never thought I was strong… they never cared for me. They always fought and after that would make angry love. For the longest, the Moon Goddess was my mom.”

“What?” Alistair chuckled.

“You’ll see.” Yvette replied, pointing towards the memory that was beginning to form.

“You never loved me!” Shouted the mother.

“Like you ever loved me?!” The father shot back, the two getting into yet another yelling match.

The poor pup in the next room cowered in the corner of her room, covering her ears in a desperate attempt to block the screams.

Tears streamed down her cheeks as her parents’ arguing reached her ears.

“Do you think I wanted that pup?! You’re the one who didn’t use a fucking codom!” Mother scolded, a hard slap echoing through the house. “That little fuck stretched me out! I’m riddled with stretch marks!”

“Well it’s your fault she’s fucking scared of every little thing! Why couldn’t you have given me a boy?!” Father growled, slapping her back.

Yvette clenched the skin of her lower legs, her tears staining her legs. “Why… why gods and goddess… why did you place me with them?” Her nails dug deeper into her soft skin, blood beginning to draw. “Why do I have to be so weak?! Why am I here?!”

“My child…” The Moon Goddess whimpered, watching the shivering pup claw into her skin as tears streamed down her cheeks. She crouched down in front of Yvette, stroking her cheek. “It pains me when my children cry,” her hand moved down to Yvette’s lower legs, “it pains me even more when they bring pain to themselves.”

Her hand hovered over Yvette’s wounds, healing them with a swipe of her hand. “My sweet Yvette, why do you do this to yourself?”

“Because I’m weak…” Yvette replied, attempting to dig her nails deeper into her skin, but was stopped by the Moon Goddess’ soft touch.

“Pup,” she giggled, lifting up her chin, her blue eyes sparkling in the overhead lighting, “none of my children are weak.”

“I’m not your child though…” Yvette said, averting her gaze away from the goddess. More screams erupted from the room next to hear. “Those are my parents… not you.”

“Yvette, a good pup like yourself knows by now that the Moon Goddess is the creator of all wolves. That’s why I see you all as my children,” she stroked her cheek, “sadly, that includes those two over in the other room. I simply create them… I can’t choose the path they walk on. However, if it led to you being in the world, it’s worth it.”

“They should’ve chosen another path…” Yvette mumbled, glancing up at the goddess. “Moon Goddess, if you can put wolves in the world… can you take them out?”

“Well, sure, but I don't intend on taking any wolves out. Wolves are born, live out their lives, and when it’s their time – they die. I can't take it upon myself to disrupt the process. I can start it, but will not end it.” She explained, gripping the young pup’s shoulders tightly. “I never want you to ask me that again, you hear me Yvette?”

She nodded, urging her to continue.

“We all have a purpose in this wolf, while it may take us a while to find it and we have to go through many hardships on the way – we all still have a purpose.”

“Purpose…” Yvette scoffed. “Please… I don't have a purpose… I can’t hunt, I can’t fight, all I can do is run…”

“Stop saying ‘can’t’, Yvette.” The Moon Goddess shook her head. “You’re full of potential!”

“I’m not like you, goddess, I’m just some drunken mistake…” Yvette whimpered, more tears beginning to form.

“Yvette, you can’t possibly think you’re some drunken mistake.” The Moon Goddess scooted beside her, pulling her into her lap where the pup began to sob into her chest. “None of my children are mistakes, there are some who I don't help anymore – your parents are a great example – because they’ve done some horrible things. You however,” she lifted up her chin, smiling at the wolf, “you’re not a mistake, my child.”

“Yes, I am… don't lie to me Moon Goddess… I’ve been hearing it all my life.” Yvette frowned, clutching her knees close to her chest.

“You wont for much long.” The goddess assured her.

“How do you know?” Yvette sniffled, wiping her tears but more kept falling.

“I know all my childrens’ paths. It’s my job to guide them onto it. You, my blush pink pup, have a very bright path ahead of you.” The Moon Goddess giggled, tapping her nose.

“I do?” Yvette asked.

“Yes. Soon, you’ll find a nice family, two wonderful packs, a wonderful mate who loves and respects you, and pups of your own.” She kisses her cheek. “Don't worry, pup, it may look bleak now, but I know there’s light and the end of the tunnel.”

“Moon Goddess… this is all too much…” Yvette shook her head. “I can’t have a mate, or two packs, or pups!”

“Yvette, Yvette, Yvette…” She chuckled, rubbing her shoulder. “It won't all happen right now, I’m just telling you that this,” she motioned towards the yelling in the other room, “will soon pass.”

“Will it though? My parents always told me that you would lie to wolves… tell them that they get their happy endings but never do.” Yvette glanced towards the direction of the screaming. “One day… will I turn into them?”

“Yvette, if you play your cards right, you’ll never become them.” The Moon Goddess promised, kissing her forehead as she began fading away. “Sleep, my little blush pink child. Succumb to the wonders of sleep, drift far away from her…” she whispered, lowering the pup into her bed as she began to drift to sleep.

“Don't fret, pup, you shall never stuff the same fate as your parents did.” 


Ooooh! Hows everyone doing! Today is a good update day! I hope u enjoyed the chapter and I'll see u Monday!!!

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