Shake It For Me

By metalcountry

40.7K 1.3K 155

Sequel to "Baby's On The Way." We jump into the future where Nikki and Luke have been married 5 years. Ever... More

Shake It Intro
Faded Away
Spring Break Up
Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye
Tailgate Blues
Do I
I Knew You That Way
Pray About Everything
The Car Infront Of Me
Little Bit Later On
Roller Coaster
In Love With A Girl
Doin' My Thing
Harvest Time
Play It Again
Just A Sip
You Don't Know Jack
That Don't Just Happen
Shake The Sand
Baby's On The Way
All My Friends Say
Muckalee Creek Water
I See You
That's My Kinda Night
Drink A Beer
Crash My Party
Dirt Road Diary
Country Girl
Authors Note

Take My Drunk Ass Home

1.2K 43 6
By metalcountry

Luke has been home for the past few weeks. He hasn't been acting his normal self. I don't know what changed in him but I don't like it. When I ask him if something is up with him he says no, he is just tired or he is lost in thought. It seems like he is always lost in thought now. I don't quite like it because he is keeping something from me.
Tonight Luke said he was going out to meet up with Blake at the bar. Miranda headed home about 20 minutes ago. She said that Tyler was tired. Oh yeah, Miranda did have her baby. He was adorable and so quiet. I told her she had it pretty easy with the baby. He only woke up about once during the night. I know it will change on some nights and so did she.
It was past 11 when I finally lay in bed without Luke. Hopefully him getting out will lighten him up. I laid in bed thinking what could be up with him. Was it because we still haven't had sex? Luke always said sex was not a big deal, but maybe he was frustrated in that sense? I don’t think it is that. Maybe it's something more serious. I can't think of what it could be. He isn't doesn't have any flip outs on the kids because he controls his stress around them when it gets out of hand. It is not majorly hard anymore since the twins are bigger, and don't cry as much. Them crawling around are becoming a deal but I know he is more than happy about them getting bigger and soon talking.
I finally drifted off to sleep probably close to 12. I was awoke by my phone going off and then stopping. My eyes slowly opened and I turned to my night stand to grab my phone. As I grabbed it, it started going off again. I was blinded by the bright screen but soon recuperated and saw that it was Luke calling me.
"Hello." I said in a groggy voice.
"Baby girl! Finally. Hey can you come get me?" Luke slurred into the phone. I rolled my eyes.
"Why can't you take a cab or have Blake?"
"Cabs would take forever, I don't have cash anymore, Blake's gone. It's also 3." Luke laughed at the end. Oh great. He is beyond normal drunk.
"Luke, I have NO ONE to watch the kids and it is 3 in the morning." I told him in an aggravated tone.
"Please baby, call someone. Not mama, cause you know I won't hear the end of this. Call BM." I huffed into the phone. "I'll call him. When he get's there I'm at the Possum."
"Where is your truck and keys?" I asked him.
"I lost my keys in the bar somewhere and they're closed currently. I uh, don't know where I dropped them. Lemme call BM Baby bye." He said that quickly and hung up. I groaned. I got out of bed and put my uggs on and grabbed a coat.
Within 10 minutes BM was at the door. He looked as tired as I was. He just tried to make me smile by saying a few things but in those 10 minutes I became more pissed than anything at Luke. How could he do this knowing I was sleeping, that I got to get up, not him, and take care of the boys while he sleeps off his hang over. He has been drinking way too much since he has been home and the boys have seen him drunk. I didn't like that at all. I also thought about a lot more but I tried to stay calm. BM knew the deal on how to deal with the twins, and what to do for the kids. If the boys woke up just say mama, and daddy went to check out something and aren't home yet.
I got in my truck and let it warm up for a few minutes before heading to the Possum. I didn't like this bar because a lot of slutty women, and drunks hung out here. They were great people when they were sober but other than that nope. When I pulled in Luke was sitting on his trucks tailgate looking at his phone. I didn't get out of the vehicle. I looked over at him as he jumped off and put his tailgate up. I unlocked the door as he walked around and he got in.
I smelled the alcohol as he opened the door. This was more than just off of someone's breath. He must have spilled his beer or whatever he was drinking. When he buckled up I pulled out of the parking lot. Luke looked over at me and tried to say something but I shook my head no. He continued to try anyway.
"Thanks baby. I owe you." Luke said.
"Luke, we are NOT talking now. I'm pissed. It's now past 3:30 in the morning. If I knew you would have needed a ride this would be different. You are beyond drunk. You smell like an alcoholic trashcan, and you hardly speak English. When we get home, you're getting a shower and going to bed." I told him in the nicest tone I could but it still came out pissed.
"I'm sorry baby. I just kept drinking. I didn't think I was this drunk. I had fun though. I made a new friend Frank. He said he normally comes to the possum and I should come out Saturday night. He will be there with his wife. You should come. We can all drink. It will be fun. We can get away and just have fun like nothing. No one treats you like you're famous. Just like a normal person. That'll be nice wont it huh?" Luke said smiling at me. He disregarded most of what I said. I huffed.
"No Luke. I don't want to go out and drink. I don't want to meet Frank. I want sleep. I want to not be tired as fuck when the boys wake up or hopefully the babies will sleep in. This isn't fair to BM that you had to call him early in the morning, waking him up away from his girlfriend to make sure his drunk boss can have his wife pick his beyond drunk ass up." I said in a more pissed off tone. The more we talked about this the more I was pissed.
"I think you need a day out. You're stressed." Luke said looking away from me and out the window.
"I'm NOT STRESSED! I'm pissed I had to pick up my drunk husband from a bar at 3 in the morning because he chose to keep drinking, and didn't want a damn cab even though that would have been more than fine, and nice to let his wife sleep since she is home all the time, while her husband goes out when he is home to drink all the time." I yelled most of it at him.
He just looked over at me. I looked at him and huffed. I then looked at the road and noticed I was a little off to the right. Screw this. I am not talking about this right now. I will deal with this later. I fixed the truck but as soon as I did, I noticed a car was behind me. I then noticed it was a cop when the lights stated flashing. I groaned loud and pulled over quickly. I got out my license and registration turning off the truck and putting on my 4 ways. Luke looked over at me and I just looked away from him as I put my window down. The cop slowly made his way up to the front and he looked at me and didn't acknowledge Luke. I put my hand up showing I had my things for him and he just put the light on and put it in my face.
I flinched by the bright light in my face. I also closed my eyes because that was bright as shit. I felt him grab the things and then turned the light off.
"Ma'am do you know why I pulled you over?" He asked me. I nodded.
"I was over the white line back there and went back into the lane." I told him.
"Have you had anything to drink to night?"
"No. I haven't drank in over a year." I told him. He seemed doubtful.
"Can you step out of the vehicle ma'am. That's not the first time you swerved." I sighed and rolled my eyes.
I unbuckled my belt and slowly opened the door. I got out and felt the cold air hit my legs. I was still in my pajama bottoms. I shut the door and turned to him. I wanted to say some smart comment about just being woke up or something when he made me go to the front of the vehicle. This is embarrassing for me. I haven't been drinking at all. I just woke up to pick up my drunken husband who right now is probably laughing in his drunken state. I'm in my PJ's, Luke's hunting jacket, and my uggs.
He made me walk the line. I had to touch my nose, and balance on one leg then the other. I did all that perfectly. He then wanted to do a breathalyzer test. When he went back to his car I felt colder than anything. I was beyond pissed now. I was so aggravated. I was tired. I was cold. I mostly embarrassed. I have never been pulled over drinking and driving, even when I did, and now of all times I am and I haven't drank since before the twins. He came back and I did the test. It came out 0.00. I gave him the see I told you.
"Ma'am I'm sorry I doubted you. Your truck smells of alcohol. You also swerved twice." He told me. I sighed.
"I just got woke up out of my sleep because my husband lost his keys, and he is beyond drunk. He smells like an alcoholic trashcan. I probably swerved because of our talk." I told him. He nodded. He walked back to the truck with me. He then looked in.
"Oh shit, you're Luke Bryan." The cop said as we got to the window which was still open. Luke looked over and smiled.
"The one and only officer."
"I'm sorry for pulling you guys over. You should of just said you're taking home Luke." The officer said. "Huge fan Mr. Bryan.  Have a nice day you two. Just try not to swerve early in the morning." The officer told me. He handed me my things and opened the door for me. I got in.
"Thank you." I told him he nodded and waved and walked away. I put away everything. The cop left before I did. I had the heat on full blast. I put my foot on the break and was going to put it in drive when Luke talked.
"That was some funny…." Luke started but I looked over at him.
"Shut your fucking mouth. I don't want to hear you speak." I growled at him. He got drawn back from that.
The rest of the drive was quiet. I clenched the steering wheel so tight. We were only 5 minutes away from home and Luke was quiet as a mouse. The music wasn't even playing. When we got home. I got out and opened the door. I washed Luke stagger in past me. BM was on the couch watching TV. He got up quickly and said goodbye. I thanked him as Luke patted his back and just went onto the couch. BM gave me a sympathetic look and left.
I shut the door and turned around seeing Luke looking dead at me. I walked into the living room. I really couldn't take being around him at this point. I didn't want to. I sat in the recliner and just looked at him. The TV was on some HBO channel playing something odd. It was a background noise for what was going to unfold.
"Luke you can't keep doing this. You come home drunk a lot. You drink too much and the kids even see you drinking a lot. You never use to do this before. Once you came back you flip shit around and become so far into drinking you're at a bar more than you are in our bed." I told him.
"I can drink Nikki. I do it all the time on tour. I'm not an alcoholic if that's what you're trying to get at." Luke said getting a defensive tone.
"Tonight was unacceptable Luke. It's past 4 in the morning. I am so embarrassed having to wake up, have someone else watch the kids so I can come get you. I get pulled over while telling you how pissed off I am, and because you are so drunk and smell like alcohol the officer didn't believe I haven't drank in forever. I am in PJ's Luke. I look a damn mess after waking up and just going to get you. I was embarrassed because I have never been pulled over and accused of drunk driving and had to do a sobriety test. That makes me more pissed off than anything. I don't know what the fuck is up with you, but I don't like it. You're not the man I married. You don't even act like him sober. You're drawn away. You don't talk to me. You're secluded to your own self and the bottle. That's not how we deal with problems Luke. We talk them out." I told him. He just blinked and sat back putting his arms on the back of the couch.
"Nothing is going on. Maybe I just want to drink and have fun. You ever think of that? I went out with Blake and had a great time till you started yelling and getting pissed at me. I don't think I did anything wrong. I drank and responsible not to drive home. A cab at this time of night is never safe for anyone especially alone. It wasn't my fault you got pulled over. You drove to the side of the road because you were yelling at me. How do you think I feel after a nice day, my wife gets pissed and yells at me and tells me what to do when we get home? That's a buzzkill." He told me. That pissed me off more.
"I can't believe you. Something is wrong. If you're going to say I ruined your day then fucking fine. You ruined my god damn sleep. You ruin my day every time you drink and get drunk in front of the kids. If I'm such a fucking buzz kill you can sleep on this fucking couch away from me. Don't you dare yell at the kids if they wake you up and you are hung over or we are fucking leaving? I can't deal with you drinking all your sorrows of shit you won't tell me away. I love you to death and would tell you anything but you aren't doing the same. We promised Luke. Now I'm going to bed." I told him and got up not letting him say another word. I was so upset now.
He called me a buzz kill. He said I ruined his day. He won't tell me what is wrong and pushes me away. I can't take this. I love him to death and want to help him with anything but this has pushed the button all the way and I'm beyond pissed. Now I am basically in tears as I shut the door and lock it. I kick off my uggs and just crawl into bed and cry. Before I fell asleep the last thing that ran through my mind is maybe he is cheating again even though he promised.


Thanks everyone for reading. This is chapter 21 and there are only 9 left! Oh my it's going by so fast. When we get to the final 5 I'm going to make it 15 votes. I know it can happen. I have such wonderful followers of this story, i know it will get done.
What do you think is going on with Luke? What is going to happen between them? 10 Votes for next chapter. :)

Thank you everyone!
- Pup

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