Hesitation for Love

By wolfie_260

6.4K 196 80

Have you ever hesitated to do somthing? If you had someone right there and they were absolutley perfect. Wo... More

A Fun Day
Hiding Feelings
Truth and a Birthday
What First Date?
Lots of Feeling
Lose You To Love You
The Vacation
The Suprise
.Stay With Me
The Gift
The Birthday
Breaking Hearts
Back To You
Let's Have Some Fun!
What does she think?
Who Really Is Vortex?
Shopping For Presents
Early Christmas Present
I Will Love You Forever
Christmas Time
I Love You
Time To Ruin The Fun
Once Again Barry Fucked Up His Life
Authors Note


135 3 2
By wolfie_260

Caitlyn was about to get started on dinner when her phone bused. She looked down at it to see a text from Cisco. It was nine p.m. why was he texting so late.

"Hey Caitlyn I thought you should know later today Barry's heart stopped."

Caitlyn gasped


"He's fine now don't worry."

"What happened?"

"He got electrocuted."

Caitlyn knew if she would of been there for him this wouldn't of happened. She could of prevented this. She was so worried. Barry may not be with her right now but he was still her everything. She felt bad for leaving him. Could she move back to Central City? She'd have to ponder that some other time. She heard her timer on her phone go off so she took the pan out of the pan and added cheese.

{~Central City~}

Barry had just woken up from a nap. He looked at his phone it said 9:10 p.m. When he got home from the hospital they told him to rest. He was suprised when he got some sleep at all. He was to distracted by the fact the man who electrocuted him was still out there. He could be hurting innocent people right now. He had to fight him even if his body still hurt. He would push himself to his limits. He ran to Star Labs and got into his suit and ran around the city looking for him. He ran until he heard his phone go off. He looked at his phone signaling a meta human had been spotted.  He ran as fast as he could. When he got there it was the same man who electrocuted him. He was terrorizing the city. He ran up to the man and punched him in the face.  The man winced in pain. But he struck back at Barry. The man started draining energy from the storm above to attack. When he reached a good amount of energy he  threw the electricity at Barry. Barry fell backwards to the ground. The man stood over him and said,"Die Flash."

Barry acted quick he managed to stand up and punch him. He fell to the ground. Barry ran to him and put the meta human cuffs on him. He ran back to Star Labs and put him in the pipeline. He went to put his suit up in the Cortex when he felt dizzy. He started falling to the ground. He fainted. Cisco was driving back to Star Labs since he forgot his phone there on his desk. When he arrived he walked into the Cortex to see Barry sprawled out on the floor. He ran to him and checked his pulse. He was still alive. But, that's all he could figure out. Since he wasnt a doctor. He decided maybe he should call Caitlyn. It was 10:20 p.m and Caitlyn was getting ready for bed when her phone rang. She picked it up and answered. It. It was Cisco face timing her.

"Hey Cisco whats up."

"Um Barry got elecucuted again."


Yes, but he was fine after awhile but then he fainted.."

"Did you check his vitials."

"Uh no."

"Turn the camera to face Barry."


Caitlyn stared into her phone screen. He was passed out but he still looked so handsome. Caitlyn reminded herself she needed to make sure he looked ok.

"Where did he get elecucuted at."

"His chest and stomach area."

"Ok lift him up onto the med bed and take the suit off for me to examine."

Cisco lifts him up carfully off the ground into the bed. When Cisco removed the suit it reveled  Barry's bare chest. She saw what looked like a burn marks across his chest. While she was looking her eyes diverted off his chest to his lower abdomen. That was her weakness. She diverted her eyes off of his stomach and onto his chest. She examined the burns. It was hard to see since she was on the phone. But she managed to in struck Cisco through the whole process. When he was finished they waited for him to wake up. When he finally woke up he was confused.

"What happened to me?"

"You don't remeber anything." Caitlyn said from the phone

"Caitlyn." Barry replied

"Yeah Cisco called me and I instructed him." She answerd

"Cait I've missed you so so much." Barry said

That's when everything went quiet. Caitlyn did love Barry don't get me wrong. But, it was awkward. She wasn't even sure how to respond.

"Barry I missed you too!" She finally replied

Barry was so happy, wishing  he could hug the screen. He loved her. After it started getting real late Caitlyn got off the phone. She walked into the bathroom to brush her hair and teeth. While she was brushing she heard foot steps. So she turned to see who it was. Of course it was Emily.

"Hey I heard your little conversation."  Emily said

"What are you talking about?" Caitlyn asked

"You finally talked to Barry." Emily replied

"Oh, yeah." Caitlyn said

"So how did he get burned." Emily questioned

"Emily its none of yoir buisness." She snapped

"Ok fine."

Emily walked away. As she was walking to her bedroom she noticed her sisters phone on her dresser. It was Caitlyn's Boyfriend. Technically since Caitlyn was her buisness that means she deserves to know. So she walked over to her phone and unlocked it. She didn't mean to look but what showed up was her text messages with him. She only glanced and read somthing that said,"Don't worry I'm the Flash so I can be there within seconds."

Oh shit she thought. She wasn't supposed to know that. She dropped the phone and ran back to her bedroom.  Caitlyn walked out of the bathroom to find her phone on the floor. She didn't think anything of it and shrugged. She got dressed into her pajamas and then got in bed.

~Author's Note~
What did you think of this chapter. I loved the end the suspense. So yes Emily now knows that Barry is indeed the Flash.
Comment and vote😛
Thanks,Wolfie xo❤

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