Jizzie | Hand on Heart

By Featherinthewind

11.4K 193 318

Sequel to Jizzie Finding Love If you want to read this story, make sure to read the first book (Jizzie Findin... More

Chapter 1 | Take flight?
Chapter 2 | Back Again?
Chapter 3 | Promises?
Chapter 4 | Revisited?
Chapter 5 | Vidcon?
Chapter 6 | Opening Show?
Chapter 7 | Meet and Greets?
Chapter 8 | Love letters?
Chapter 9 | Nightmares
Chapter 10 | Relive it?
Chapter 11 | Bringing it back?
Chapter 12 | All my tears?
Chapter 13 | Thoughts?
Chapter 14 | Losing it all?
Chapter 15 | Revelations?
Chapter 16 | My hamartia?
Chapter 17 | Fight the tears?
Chapter 18 | My Sandwich?
Chapter 19 | More information?
Chapter 20 | Familiar lands?
Chapter 21 | Burning?
Chapter 22 | Clearer skies?
Chapter 23 | Coming Home?
Chapter 24 | Fear?
Chapter 25 | Find me?
Chapter 26 | Little clues?
Chapter 27 | Overcome?
Chapter 28 | Relapsing?
Chapter 29 | Deep breathes?
Chapter 30 | Love again?
Chapter 31 | Stumbling?
Chapter 32 | New doors?
Chapter 33 | Closure?
Chapter 34 | Backwards?
Chapter 35 | Innocent Victims?
Chapter 36 | Helping Hand?
Chapter 37 | Silently Screaming?
Chapter 38 | Tell me?
Chapter 39 | Scream louder?
Chapter 40 | Subsiding?
Chapter 41 | Home at last?
Chapter 43 | Breaking point?
Chapter 44 | Cliffside?
Chapter 45 | Silent threats?
Chaptee 46 | Celebrations?
Chapter 47 | One moment?
Chapter 48 | Beginning?
Chapter 49 | Middle?
Chapter 50 | End?

Chapter 42 | Fall with me?

139 0 2
By Featherinthewind

8 hours later.

8 hours of hysterical crying.

8 hours of pounding hearts.

8 hours of excruciatingly awkward silences.

But when that 8 hours was up.

I was free.

Free from the burden of my lies.

Free from the shackles my life had placed on me.

I'd told Joel everything.

With a minor break when we arrived home as I had to lug my stuff inside and get settled

8 hours seems like a lot, but most of it was spent crying.

From both Joel and I.

The story itself only took around 2 hours, the remainder that wasn't crying, was spent talking through everything.

It felt like a weight off my soul.

This fight was far from over, but I had hope, hope for something better.

I had no idea when that was, but it helped me push on.

The bright light at the end of the tunnel finally felt within reach.

I wipe my eyes with my sleeve, my head resting on Joels lap as he played with my hair, humming softly.

My fingers knot my shirt as I let out a content sigh, perfectly happy to forget about all my problems to love in this one moment.

Sadly all good things come to an end.

And my rude awakening comes in the form of my phone almost vibrating off the coffee table.

I reach forward and see Sebastians name on the screen, share a frustrated glance with Joel, before I answer it.


"Oh. Lizzie?"

I raise my eyebrows, "you called me, who else would it be."

"Nothing I just thought." He pauses, and I hear a voice in the background, a feminine voice, "when did your plane land." I hear him swallow.

Between him and Carlisle I am seriously considering throwing my phone away.

Speaking of Carlisle I definitely needed to figure out what the hell was going on with him.

"I missed my first flight, and I got in this morning at about 10."

"Oh you- you missed your flight?"

"That's what I said."

"That explains it."

"Explains what?"

"Nothing!" His voice raises and I hold the phone away at the sudden noise.

"Not that this isn't a highly enjoyable conversation. But I told you, I don't want to speak to you anymore."

"Yeah. Sorry, I just..." he trails off.

"Sebastian whats going on?"

"Nothing! Nothing at all!" The squeaky pitch shows that he's lying.

I'm about to press him further, but I decide that I simply don't care anymore, "okay, well I'm going to go now. And please, don't call me again."

"Oh don't worry. I won't."

Then he ends it.

I lower the phone, staring at it in confusion.

His parting words echo in my brain.

The harsh tone, with, almost anger bubbling up.

"Liz? What's wrong."

"That was so weird."

"He's not the most normal guy."

I laugh, lying back down.

I can hear Joel's heart beating in his chest, steadily. It's calming.

We haven't finished our conversation, while I may have told him everything, we never actually got to the conversation of us which I think scares me more then when I told him everything else.

I don't think I can handle him breaking things off.

We may be sitting comfy now, but what if with some thought he decides that he doesn't want a marriage, hell even a relationship, with someone carrying this much baggage.

That's why, I never ask.

For now, at least for now, I will take this weird limbo of almost lovey but not quite state we're in.

Better that then facing the reality.

"I need to call Carlisle." I murmur out loud, "he's sent me about a thousand texts, he's got this weird thing about Sebastian."

"I don't blame him." Joel snorts, "the guy kissed you knowing everything else that was happening, and even despite that, he's creepy."

"Mhmm." I feel my eyes dropping, the jet lag catching up with me, "I'll call him later."

I silence my phone and let it fall to the ground, letting the warmth of my environment take me over.

Not thinking about Carlisle, or Sebastian, or the scourge, or Katia, or Charlotte, or even school.

My mind fully present on my surroundings, and my heart finally feeling like it can heal.

And it's with that, I slowly drift off to sleep.

The peace is short, fleetingly short, agonisingly short.

This time, it's not my phone that disturbs me.

I wake up to a loud crashing, my fast movement as I shoot up from my position on the sofa waking Joel up quickly.

"What the hell was that." I say, too afraid to look around.

Joel rubs his eyes, "are you sure you aren't hearing things."

"No, I definitely heard that, it was loud, like something breaking."

"I'll take a look, just let me wake up first."

I can't bring myself to move, something tells me that this is wrong, something is rooting me with fear.

Joel yawns once, checking his watch.

We'd only been napping for about an hour, and it was currently 10PM.

The whole day had passed, a whole day of talking, crying, and sleeping.

And now this.

I don't move from the sofa as Joel stands up, looking around.

Nothing in the living room looks changed, so he walks into the kitchen.


Sheer terror takes over me, and I bolt to his side.

He's standing at the door, looking at the window that overlooks our driveway.

Or what used to be our window, but is now shattered, the glass decorating the white marble flooring.

My entire body is shaking, completely overwhelmed, scared and confused as to why the window had broken like this.

Then I spot it, lying on the floor directly beneath the window, was a red brick, now harmless, but it wasn't the brick that made me so afraid, it was the yellow post it sitting on top.

I slowly walk towards it, the glass sticking to my feet and cutting my soles, but I can't bring myself to care.

I hear Joel protesting and trying to grab me back, hissing as he accidentally steps on a shard.

My hand extends down to the brick, seemingly of its own accord as my brain is spinning in my head.

Lifting it at eye level, I feel my heart drop.

In crude handwriting is the very sign that this is not over, that I can't escape this, that I was foolish to believe I could be happy for a moment.

Even just a moment.

You can run, but you can't hide.

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