Two Types of Chemistry (Keved...

By alliandria

310K 9.2K 7.4K

Kevin Barr, a die heart football player is failing chemistry and needs to get his grades up to stay on the te... More

Study Date
All We Did Was Study....
Eds' Night
First Date
Warned Ya
Heart Rate
I Will Protect You
Hate Crime
Breakfast Secrets
Hospital Visit Part 1
Hospital Visit - Part 2
Sweet Short Breaths
A Needed Glass of Water
Shadows and Highlights
The Aftermath
Party Day
Judge Me?
Forget About Me
Spilled Secrets
Christmas Eve Part 1
Christmas Eve Part 2
Christmas Eve Part 3
Christmas Day

Thanksgiving Day

9K 306 312
By alliandria

-Kevin P.O.V.-


Hey, Bud. I can't make it this year. They screwed up my vacation times. Sorry I can't be there.


I threw my phone to the end of my queen sized bed from where I was laying. I didn't want to look at those cruel words anymore. What I really wanted to do was throw a fit, trash the house, put holes threw the wall, because I was so pissed, but I knew I couldn't. I can't change anything.

I looked out the window to the right of me, so I could clear my mind. What I see is Edd attempting to carry what looked like eight bags of food and ingredients from his small car to his house.

He definitely needs help.

I quickly ran downstairs to put on my shoes and jacket then go out and help the dork.

-Edd P.O.V.-

I juggled the bags in my hands and arms to keep them from falling.

Let's try to do this all in one trip. It's quite chilly out here.

As I walk up the driveway, I feel a bag starting to slip from between my arm and my chest.

Oh dear!

The bag finally fell and I closed my eyes, not wanting to see it hit the ground. But I didn't hear a sound of impact. I look down to see why I didn't hear anything and Instead I see a muscular, tanned, slightly freckled, hand holding on to the handles of the bag, suspending it in midair.

"If you needed help, you could have just asked, Babe." Kevin said to me.

I look up to see a lovely smile of kindness upon his face, which caused me to blush a little bit.

"Here, let me take some." He says, pulling some bags out of my arms effortlessly.

"Thank you." I mumble to him.

"No prob'." He says, before giving me a quick kiss.

This is so embarrassing.

We walk up the driveway and enter the house. We put the bags down on the kitchen table, glad to get rid of that extra weight.

"Hey Babe?" Kevin calls out to me.

"Yes?" I respond, starting to put the food away in their respectable places.

"When is ya folks gettin' here?" He asked.

I look up at the clock and see that it was 2:30.

"Oh good lord! I need to start cooking, they're going to be here at 4!" I said in a worry.

"Do you mind if I help?" He asks calmly, obviously seeing how skittish I am.

I go over to the bags on the table and pull out the fish and put them in a hot bath, to start thawing them out.

"Don't ya usually eat meat on Thanksgiving? Like turkey and ham?" He asks me.

"Well yes, most people do. But my family is pescetarian. We eat fish instead of meat." I say, turning around to him, seeing the confused look on his face. "It's a health thing." I say.

He shook his head, understanding the unusual way of life I live.

-Kevin P.O.V.-

I looked around, wondering what it is I can do for him and then all of a sudden he starts calling out orders. Like, 'Hey Kevin, can you cut up the carrots?' or 'Chop the cabbage smaller.' or 'No no, the oven needs to be on 350 degrees.' He was a bit bossy and sassy, but I kinda liked it. It turned me on to see him take control. Just as everything was about 10-15 minutes away from being set and done, we hear the from door open.

"Wir sind Hause!" (We are home!) His mother yelled to him from the foyer.

"Mom, Kevin is over! Speak English please!" He yelled back to her.

There was no response, just a bunch of mumbling before they entered the kitchen.

"The food smells great, son." Edd's father says to him.

"Thank you. I got tilapia and salmon with an assortment of vegetables, with rolls, and mashed potatoes topped with gravy." Edd says, basically telling him the whole menu.

"Mmmmm... Potatoes." His father said, smelling the air again.

They then sat down at the table as Edd started to set it with plates and utensils while I washed the dirty pans. Another ten minutes later, everything was on the table, ready to be eaten. I sat across from Edd's father as he sat across from his mother.

"We are thankful for this delicious food, the house, the clothes on our backs, and the ability to live a healthy life." Edd's father finishes his little speech. "Now, Eddward, pass the potatoes."

He certainly likes potatoes..

"Certainly." Edd says, passing the potatoes to him.

Everyone gets their food and starts eating.

"So Eddward, who is this friend of yours?" His father questions.

Edd quickly swallows his food before answering this taunting question.

"Dad, this is Kevin, he has lived in the cul-de-sac for many years now. Ed, Eddy, and I used to play with Jim when we were younger."

Well I more like bullied them, but he doesn't need to know that.

"How come he now comes over when he's been around for a while?" He asks another taunting question before putting some salmon into his mouth.

"Well, that is because..." Edd pauses.

"Honey," his mother speaks up, seeing how uncomfortable he is, "your father needs to know." She says with that heavy accent of hers.

His dad looks between them, kinda confused of the situation.

Oh Christ, is he coming out to his father? I don't think I'm prepared for this.

"Dad." He pauses again, leaving the room dead silent. "I am in a romantic relationship with Kevin." He says slowly.

The air stills.

It's like we all forgot to breathe it was so quiet.

Then his father swallows his food and puts his utensils down.

Oh I'm fucking terrified.

"How come you didn't tell me sooner?" His father asks, completely unfazed by this outing of sexuality.


"Uh.." Edd starts to form a sentence but produces nothing.

"Were you worried I would be disappointed?" He asks.

Edd merely shakes his head yes.


"Well, I won't be able to carry on the family name and be able to have kids normally with this some beautiful wife or whatever like most fathers would want."

His father takes off his glasses and sets them on the table so he could rub his eyes. Then he takes a hold of Edd's hand and looks at him with a very serious face.

"Son, that is not what I want. Your mother and I didn't take out that tumor for our benefit, we took it out for you, so you can live. We want you to live your life in ways that make you happy. And if that means being in a relationship with Kevin, then so be it." He said to Edd with tears in his eyes and a smile on his face. "We are always here for you and we are so proud of the young man you've become." He finishes, letting the tears roll down off his face and onto Edd's arm.


"See honey, I told you he wouldn't be upset." His mother smiled, reassuringly.

Edd was shocked by what his father said, but you can tell he was happy. Like a weight just lifted off him and into the ceiling.

"Thank you." He says, smiling back at him.

"How about some ice cream!" His mother's says cheerfully, springing up from her chair and going over to the freezer.

She sure does know how to change a topic fast.

She got out the dessert and put it on the table, along with bowls and spoons to put our servings in. Whip cream, chocolate fudge, and sprinkles were passed around the table to dressing our ice cream. Once we were satisfied with out creations, we started to chow down on our sweet treat.

A few minutes of silence went by before his father spoke up.

"How is Edwin and Eddison?" He asked Edd.

What now? Those dorks have actual names? Not just Ed and Eddy?

"Edwin has started a new job so he can buy himself a car, and Eddison has just started a new relationship with Natalie."


"I wish them luck on their relationship, Eddison is quite a handful.

This is too funny. It's so hard holding this in.

"Natalie is a wonderful girl and very strong willed. She will keep him in check." His mother said.

"That's true." Edd responded to her.

We finished up what we were eating and started to clean up. After cleaning the last dish, Edd announced he was going to wash up and he would be back.

"Kevin?" His mother called to me.

"Yes?" I responded in a shaky voice.

"Come here, I want to show you something." She says, beckoning me to the living room.

Panic mode has been set.

She goes through a funnier under the television set and pulls out this black book. She sat down on the couch and waved her hand towards me, telling me to sit with her.

"There is this tradition in my house hold in Germany, that you share baby pictures with your child's significant other to strengthen their bonds and give luck to a blooming relationship. I've decided to carry on this tradition. Well, without telling Eddward of course." She laughs.

Oh boy.

"Here we go." She says, opening up the book.

On the first page showed Edd when he was just born. He was wrapped up in a little blue blanket in a baby hospital bed. His eyes were so big and blue, just staring up at the camera that took the picture. His face was all pink and squishy looking. He was absolutely adorable. It was the type of face you would fall in love with over and over again. She turned the pages and it showed his milestones in life. When he first sat up, to when he could first crawl, to where we could first stand, and as his mother told me, fell down seconds after she took the picture, which made me laugh. There was also a ton of 'baby's first bath' pictures that were so cute. It made me feel like my inner girl is coming out.

"Mother?" Edd said, standing in the foyer, looking at us sitting on the couch. "Please don't tell me."

"Uh.." She responded.

"Mom!" He yelled grabbing the book as his mother laughed.

He blushed furiously before putting the book away and dragging me up to his room.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hey guys! This was such a joy to write. NOT. This is like my third time typing this because my computer just loves to exit the tab and not save my work. Annoying.

Anyways. I just wanted to say, that I dedicate this chapter to my best friend IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. Just about a year ago, in our now three year friendship, she realized that she is bisexual and she lives in a household that doesn't accept different sexualities and genders very well and is struggling to feel like her true self around them. So I wrote this chapter thinking about the parents I want to give her that are as accepting as I made Edd's parents to be and to anyone else who is stuck in the closet. I want so bad for her parents to accept her and love her like I do. She is so great and has been there for me when I needed her the most, even when she's going through stuff herself. I hope everyone finds as good as of a friend as she is. I also hope that anyone reading this who's stuck in the closet to gain the strength to come out as who they are and be proud. Gay, straight, asexual, agender, unisex, transgender, whatever you are be proud. Because everyone is unique and special. Please love yourselves and if you have a chance check out my friend, _AWayWithWords, she also writes on here and she's wonderful writer.
Just again, thank you for being there for me when I need it the most especially with my ex and his condition and all, I love you so much and without you, gray would no longer have the personality you give it. (You know who you are ma'am)

Thank you all for reading and the next chapter will be out soon! Edd just stole Kevin away to his room! How will Kevin respond? Is there a real reason why he stole him away? What will happen? Stay tuned!

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Love yourself and others!

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