Hesitation for Love

By wolfie_260

6.6K 196 80

Have you ever hesitated to do somthing? If you had someone right there and they were absolutley perfect. Wo... More

A Fun Day
Hiding Feelings
Truth and a Birthday
What First Date?
Lots of Feeling
Lose You To Love You
The Vacation
The Suprise
The Gift
The Birthday
Breaking Hearts
Back To You
Let's Have Some Fun!
What does she think?
Who Really Is Vortex?
Shopping For Presents
Early Christmas Present
I Will Love You Forever
Christmas Time
I Love You
Time To Ruin The Fun
Once Again Barry Fucked Up His Life
Authors Note

.Stay With Me

182 5 2
By wolfie_260

~{Third Person Pov}~

It was nine in the morning and Caityln had gone to get dressed. Well she intended to get dressed but, Emily called right in the middle of it. She answered it and put it to her ear.

"Hey emily what's up."

"I just got info on a job."


"Yeah I figured you were looking for a job."

"Emily I work at Star Labs."

"But, you don't get paid."

"Emily you can't just---tt."

Barry had walked into Caitlyn's room. He stared at her. Caitlyn quickly grabbed a shirt from her bed and hid her body.

"Barry I told you to knock before you just walked in." Caitlyn squealed

"I'm sorry Caitlyn." He replied

He walked out of the room. Caitlyn finished getting dressed. But forgot she was still on the phone with Emily.

"Caitlyn are you still there."

"Uh-h yes."

"What just happened."

"Uh-hu Nothing."

She hung up the phone and organized her dresser. She hadn't been home in so long. So, her dreser had been a mess. While she was finishing up she saw a necklace that she'd worn in high school. She left this place with a dream of being a scientist. She was only twenty-five and she felt like she'd lost hope in her dream. Caitlyn had reached her dream but, since the particle accelator four years ago it kind of failed.

{~9 Years Ago~}

"Hey mom I'm going out with Erick." Caitlyn said as she was walking out the door.

"Ok sweetie have fun." Her mother replied

Caitlyn walked over to Erick's car and opened the door. He started driving to the movies. When they got to the movies Erick got out of the car and opened the car door for Caitlyn. They paid for their popcorn and drinks and walked into the movie theater. They took a seat in the third row. They were watching Friday The 13th. Caitlyn screeched throught the whole movie.
They recieved dirty looks from people around them. As the credits rolled people started walking out of the movie theater. They threw away their trash on the way out the door. They walked back to his car.
Erick drove her back to her house. On the way back it started pouring down rain. When they arrived he gave her a kiss on the lips and Caitlyn walked into her house. She walked into her bedroom and got out of her dress she'd worn and got into the shower. After her shower she went to her bed and fell asleep.

☆~Present Time~☆

Caitlyn looked in the mirror and on the side of it was a picture. A picture of Eric Johnson. The guy that she had left. They were still good friends after they broke up. A week after they broke up he had gotten with another girl.
Didn't take him too long to replace her. She did miss him a lot. Wondering if she'd run into him or not. While she was in town she figured she might as well give him an awkward visit. They hadn't seen each other in twelve years. She had left Jacksonville when she was 18 years old. Caitlyn decided not think about him anymore. She walked out of her bedroom and walked down the stairs into the living room. Barry was sitting on the couch watching a movie. When he saw Caitlyn he looked up at her. He tapped the seat next to him as to say come sit by me . She walked over to him and sat on the sofa. They finished the movie and Caitlyn got up to go on a jog. But Barry insisted she stay and watch another movie. She couldn't resist his puppy dog eyes. So she sat on his lap and watched another movie.
As the movie was starting Caitlyn said, "Barry were being lazy sitting here all day."

"Well then after this movie we can take a walk." He replied

After an hour the movie was finially over and they could now go on a walk. They stepped outside and walked to the beach shore. Caitlyn was running when she tripped on sand and fell to the ground. Barry ran to her side swiftly. He helped her up and made sure she didn't have any marks. But, she was fine. They continued their little stroll around the beach. They found a nice place on the shore where the sun hit just right. So they sat down and stared at the sun. Caitlyn looked at the seashells she had in her hand. Examining every single one of them. That was her favorite thing about the beach. Barry laughed as she examined each one. She nudged him in the shoulder. Trying to tell him to shut up. She intended to make a seashell bracelet and a necklace but, never got the time to. She stuck the seashells in her pocket. Caitlyn started staring at how beutiful the ocean looked at that very moment. Barry looked at her eyes as they glisten in the sun. He thought they looked beautiful. After A couple of minitues later they decided to walk back to the house. Barry helped Caitlyn up and they walked together back to the beach house. When they arrived Emily was there making lunch.

"You two lovebirds have fun." She said as she saw them walking towards the kitchen.

"Yes." They said in sync

When she had finished she passed out everybody's plates. After they ate they decided to play Uno. This was Caitlyn's favorite game. Too bad she wasn't the greatest player ever. Barry had won every single round. Emily and Caitlyn had suspicions of him cheating.
When they confronted him he said, "Hey come on hero's don't cheat."

"Yeah right." Caitlyn said rolling her eyes at him.

Emily was completely oblivious to what they were talking about. They both laughed. Emily wondered what they were talking about. Kind of wanting to know, but, it was probally just an inside joke between the two. They stopped playing Uno After a couple more rounds since it got boring. Emily walked off to her room since she had nothing else to do. Caitlyn walked off to her room and Barry followed after her.

He walked into her bedroom and sat on her bed. Caitlyn sat next to him. She started staring into those beautiful sea green eyes. She could get lost in them. She lost her focus when he spoke.

"Caitlyn should we tell Emily my secret."

"I don't know should we." She questioned

The two spent the next four hours decifering the decision. It could lead to an awkward conversation or just bad consequences.

~Author's Note~

Ok so I have a question should Emily find out about Barry being the Flash. Tell me in the comments. Do you guys have any ideas for this story?

Vote and comment❤
Thanks, Wolfie🤗

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