Rise of the Order: A Star War...

By lexibmarie

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"Master Skywalker, can I ask why?" Poe tilted his head. "Why, what?" "Why you vanished to begin with?" Poe c... More

In a galaxy far, far away...
Chapter 1: Arkanis
Chapter 2: The Resistance
Chapter 3: New Plan
Chapter 4: Hide and Seek
Chapter 5: Meeting
Chapter 6: Rey and Jennica
Chapter 7: Preparations
Chapter 8: The Millennium Falcon
Chapter 9: Celanon
Chapter 10: Followed
Chapter 11: Rogue
Chapter 12: Lightspeed
Chapter 13: Away
Chapter 14: New Strategies
Chapter 15: Assurances
Chapter 16: Gala
Chapter 17: Questions
Chapter 18: Dinner
Chapter 19: First Impressions
Chapter 20: Brion
Chapter 21: News
Chapter 22: Worries
Chapter 23: Voices
Chapter 24: Moving Forward
Chapter 25: Tunnels
Chapter 26: Running
Chapter 27: Familiar Faces
Chapter 28: Sneaking Around
Chapter 29: Fears
Chapter 30: Zerek
Chapter 31: FN
Chapter 32: Terror
Chapter 33: A Force Bond
Chapter 34: Pursuit
Chapter 35: The Battle for Gala
Chapter 36: Peril
Chapter 37: Hurrying
Chapter 38: Communications
Chapter 39: Jennica
Chapter 40: I'm Sorry
Chapter 41: Omereth
Chapter 42: Masters
Chapter 43: Monk
Chapter 44: Poe
Chapter 45: New Destinations
Chapter 46: A Call
Chapter 47: Memories
Chapter 48: Given Names
Chapter 49: Getting Cleared
Chapter 50: Lockdown
Chapter 51: Splitting Up
Chapter 52: Regarding
Chapter 53: Elevator Rides
Chapter 54: Explosion
Chapter 55: Operation OR
Chapter 56: The Chosen Weapon
Chapter 57: Panic
Chapter 58: Old Magic
Chapter 60: Confrontations
Chapter 61: Duels
Chapter 62: The Skywalker Legacy
Chapter 63: Vicrul's Life
Chapter 64: Escaping
Chapter 65: Aftermath
Chapter 66: Hope
Epilogue: Order 99

Chapter 59: Out of Options

10 2 0
By lexibmarie

Finn guided the group back to the hangar easily. It felt so natural that it unnerved him. But in no time at all, they found themselves back in hangar 15. Their shuttle sat waiting patiently, unaware of the panic of passing squadrons of stormtroopers evacuating. It was enough chaos for the group to run in with the freed-troopers, unnoticed.

Poe sprinted ahead and opened the boarding ramp of the shuttle. He leapt inside without a glance back. BB-8 wheeling after his master in his own haste. 

Finn was about to join them, when he noticed the lack of running feet behind him. He paused on the ramp, turning to see the freed-troopers hesitating at the bottom. 

"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked. "We gotta go, so come on!" He gestured them forward, but they didn't budge.

The man stepped forward. "We can't."

"Not with so many others still here," the red-head explained further.

"We have to make sure everyone gets out," the man continued. "Not just from this station, but from the First Order in general."

Finn frowned. "But-but we don't know how much time this station has left. There's no guarantee you'll survive helping everyone."

"That's exactly the point," the other woman said, with a curt nod. 

Finn felt a knot twist in his stomach. He opened his mouth to protest when the man stopped him. "Thank you for saving us, Finn. But this is where we part ways."

"It's been an honor, sir," proclaimed the red-head. She straightened, a hand sharply connecting with her forehead in a salute. The two others joined her. 

Finn stared, his mouth agape. 

He was torn from the moment by Poe frantically shouting behind him, "Let's go, guys!"

Finn spared the cargo hold a glance before turning back around to see the red-head right in front of him. His eyes widened at her sudden proximity. 

She smiled softly at him. "We, the FN, are at your service, Finn. So take this." She held out a small, blinking device. It was no bigger than his thumb, and contained only one thing: a blue flashing button. 

He eyed it before taking it from her. 

"Whenever you need us, just press the button. All available forces will come to your aid. And we shall strike as one," she explained further. 

He gave a nod, blinking at her in surprise. This rebellion was more organized than he truly pictured. And it all revolved around him. 

The red-head joined back up with the other two at the bottom. "May you bleed red, Finn."

"And may your helmet be discarded," the others finished for her. 

They then ran off without a farewell, perhaps not needing one. Leaving the chance they might meet again in the air.

Finn watched them go, a little stunned. 

"Finn!" Poe's voice rang out once more. 

Finn gave a quick exhale. "Coming," he called back. He hesitantly turned around, afraid to see the figures of the freed-troopers disappear from view. 

He placed the beacon in his pocket, thumbing it lightly. Although there was so much going on around him, and a barrage of thoughts bouncing through his brain, he couldn't help but feel a smidgen of pride. 

There was a rebellion. He had a rebellion. Things were going to be okay. At least, he hoped.


The explosion rang out, the door to the lab bursting out into the hallway. With the lock busted, it was the only way Luke and his companions were going to get out of there. And as expected, a squadron of Sentinels were there to greet them. The troopers had set up blockades on either side of the hallway; which would explain their lack of attempts to open the door in the first place. 

The instant the smoke cleared, the troopers started shooting, blasting away in the hopes of hitting the imposters. Luke took the time to deflect the bolts, while Lando and Chewie used that opportunity to throw out two more detonators--one to each side. The group took cover in the lab as the hall burst into flame. 

"Alright, let's move," commanded Lando when they seemed in the clear. 

They all started running, R2 beeping out directions as they left the lab. They didn't even acknowledge Bixby as the doctor exclaimed, "Wait, can I come with you?"

The blockades were now charred black, the troopers thrown to the ground. Their unconscious forms stared at Luke, listlessly, as he passed. He didn't pay them heed though. His mind so set on getting out of there, collecting his padawan, and explaining to Leia everything that he learned. 

He almost couldn't believe how prideful he was--to think that the First Order was hunting the Resistance down to find him. Granted, Ren did want him dead. But if the First Order attacked the Resistance--took out Leia--the ashes of such an action would be near impossible to rise from. How dumb was he?  

Right now, his sister posed as the First Order's biggest threat. While he was just an aging symbol of a dying art, who disappeared for ten years in hiding. It was almost no competition. 

He quickened his pace, his body aching at the effort. Gosh, he hated being old. 

"We getting close, R2?" he asked. The droid wheeled as fast as he could to keep up. He bwooped out his affirmation. 

Chewie roared, turning Luke and Lando's attention to the intersection ahead of them. Two Sentinels had spotted them, probably in the midst of their evacuation, and raised their blasters. Lando and Chewie got them before they even had the chance to shoot. 

"We better be close," Lando mumbled, "I don't want to stick around here any longer than we have to." 

Then the station gave a horrible rumble, and Luke could've swore the hall started tilting to the side. The group ran on despite this, taking a right at the intersection. On and on they went, R2 guiding them through the labyrinth of halls that all looked alike. 

Luke was just starting to think that they surely were nearing the escape pods, when they turned a corner and skidded to a halt. Chewie released an exclamation of fear, as the crew all stared out with wide eyes. 

The hallway before them sat split in two. It was almost as if it had been torn in half, the frayed metal of their side reaching desperately for the other half about a kilometer away. In between, pieces of debris hung about sporadically, floating in space. The only reason Luke and his companions were still standing was because--by some miracle--a magnetic shield protected them and their oxygen. The blue veil preventing them from being sucked into the destruction beyond. 

Lando whistled and took a look out. Luke joined him, his eyes following up the wrecked layers of the two rings. Wires sparked in the devastation, the ruptured hallways blinking on and off in panic. Space vacuumed out anything that it could. A yawning black void sucking out the life the halls once had. And if Luke squinted, he could see a few Stardestroyers beyond the rings, sitting so peacefully for the chaos that had happened. 

"This was quite an explosion," mused Lando. 

R2 bwooped, and spun his head back to the little sliver of hall before them. He obviously didn't care to take in the view, rolling away. 

"Yeah, yeah, we're going," Lando said, him and Chewie following after the droid. Lando paused when Luke didn't follow. "Luke?"

Luke didn't respond, staring intently out at the wall of metal before him. He was being drawn towards something, and despite all his adrenaline and fear, he knew better than to not listen to what the Force was saying to him. 

"Just wait a minute," he whispered. His eyes roamed up the destroyed halls, trying to pinpoint what he's feeling. That's when he saw it--a flicker of movement, a mere four floors up on the opposite side. 

Luke's eyes widened. He turned, proclaiming, "Chewie, duck!"

The Wookie obeyed just as a red bolt soared through the magnetic shield, hitting the wall Chewie was just in front of. The Wookie grunted in surprise, eyeing the wall. 

"What was that?" Lando asked. 

Luke shook his head. "Isn't it obvious? We have company!" His body already moving, pushing Lando forward. "It's one of Ren's knights."

"How many of those things are there?" Lando voiced, bolting down the hall towards R2. 

Another red bolt streaked past, just barely missing Luke. "I don't know, just go!"


Meanwhile, Ren stood watching from above, safe from the vacuum of space by his own chance magnetic shield. He followed Luke's presence as far as he could, and now he was out of options to get below. Sniper had taken the opportunity to slow the Jedi and his companions down, but his bolts would soon not be able to penetrate them once they left the splintered hall. If Ren didn't get down there soon, his chance to confront his own Master would disappear. And he absolutely could not let that happen. 

His eyes roamed the debris beyond, thinking for a split second that perhaps he could jump. Propel himself down to Luke with the Force. But that sounded too risky. Bordering on idiotic. 

Just as he was thinking a ship would work, a TIE zoomed down the gap of the two rings. Ren watched with delight as it soared down to him, already recognizing the presence that sat inside the uniquely designed ship. 

The TIE carefully hovered down to the shield. It's pointed wings shifting upwards as the TIE inched its way into the hall, just barely fitting it's cockpit in. It's circular hatch popped open, revealing Heavy. 

"Need a lift, my lord?" he simply asked. 

Ren smiled. 


Luke dodged another bullet, finally deciding that he should take out his saber. Lando had started returning shots back, but was unsuccessful so far. So was Chewie. 

"Gosh, who is this guy?" mumbled Lando, up against the wall.  

"I don't know," grunted out Luke, blocking a red bolt. "But we don't have time for this. Just run!" 

The crew all collectively agreed, moving down the hall towards a patient R2 as fast as they could. Another red streak whirred past, almost hitting Chewie. They kept going though. They'd be easier targets if they didn't. 

Luke was so focused on getting them out of there that he almost missed the TIE fighter that was zooming towards them at an alarming rate. His eyes widened. "Watch ou--" his warning shout was drowned as the TIE crashed into the hall with a twist.

It released a horrific screech, as metal collided with the sparkling linoleum. The world slowed, Luke's heart echoing in his ears. He watched as a being rolled out of the cockpit, the ship spinning forward despite the escape of its occupant. The walls protested against the advancement of the ship further, smoke starting to hiss through the air. A shadow rose from the floor, unbothered by the destruction he just caused. 

Luke stared, his mouth agape. His body unable to respond from the outburst of emotions he felt at seeing the being--the face of his nephew hiding behind a mask. 

Kylo Ren unsheathed his saber, the red crackling to life indignantly. "I've been waiting for you, Skywalker."

All Luke could manage to say in response was, "Now, we really don't have time for this."

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