Tuckamore Bay

By BillTemple1957

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Matty Dove had 18 months to try and find a buyer for her late grandmother's lighthouse. A buyer who, she hope... More

a new direction
finally, a buyer
Tuckamore Bay
Tucker's General Store
Harry Tucker
Henry Tucker
the night before
Mutant Rodent
Matty Dove
what have i gotten myself into
documents 201, 202, 203
lies and blackmail
Nanny Dove
sanity , dignity, gone
truth revealed
a weeks reprieve
seagull wars
grocery shopping
Tuckamore Bay council
the morning after
the famous shower scene
leaving the Bay
a debt paid
lighthouse slasher
blinded by the light
first cousins
seagull wars (part 2)
the morning after
Matty's night in hell with William and Jarge
Matty's night in hell with William and Jarge (2)
leaving the Bay again
returning to Tuckamore Bay
math and cigarettes
leading me on
night cap
Frank Pittman
Emily Rose
Silas and Elizabeth
Williams' Hill
welcome home
a shadow of doubt
Henry and Lizza
da old girl
cemetery gates
Nanny Dove shit-disturber
let the manipulation begin
July 5, 2020
July 5, 2020 (2)
July 5, 2020 (3)
July 5, 2020 (4)
the talk
the talk revisited
Pub chat
cut yer losses
youse done enuf
the Spirits of the Bay
Tuckamore Bay Ltd
coming into the 21st century
private property
apology accepted
just another Friday in da Bay
stately old house
Sandy Cove
texting Tuesday
we are family
hundred pound anchor
Matty the Mangler
Tiny, Snake and the Boss
Fred gets plugged
starter's pistol
spirits of the day
country doctor
cod jigging
strangers in town
Tuckamore Bay is my town
no youse don't
a determined Simon Hirst
Issac Matthew Dove
Emily Rose
Tuckamore County
Captain Webster
the wreck of the Emily Rose
the beginning of Tuckamore Bay
golden mountains
a new home
a huge problem
always a but
turn the table
the weakest link
my past catching up with me
Parsons vrs Tuckamore Bay
the sad end of Maggie Dove
private function
baby talk
spermy tings
the meeting
the setup
the document proposal
Freddy's Ford Mustang
manic Monday (1)
manic Monday (2)
manic Monday (3)
manic Monday (4)
manic Monday (5)
manic Monday (6)
pulled groin
Cammie & Simey
Frank's encounter
Frank's realization
who can we trust
the Best day ever
proposal to Simon Hirst
Gail Hirst
Vatcher's vanquishing
head of the family
Sunday nutty Sunday
Sunday nutty Sunday (2)
counter proposal
a round for the house
two women talking, twice
a younger direction
Jackson Lamont
new Mayor
new committees
Daniel and Wendy
best for last
all bes forgiven
life after death
what to do with you two
justice served
long live Tuckamore Bay
ulterior motives
Xavier Parsons
coming out
this stays with us
Oct 27, 1st Committee meeting
the best possible care
any Mummers 'lowed in
I want to get married
a perfect day
Randy / Randi
2nd best friend
Lindsay / Randi
baby bop
the Wedding (1)
the Wedding (2)
Parsons Pond Club
caught red handed
Tanya & Quinton
our family needs us
we gots problems
breakfast contacts
something absolutely crazy
taking more time
what happens in Vegas
jack-ass double cross
there's NO gold in dem dar hills
Silas & Paddy
take care of business
TBL has a new partner
the cave
Gertie & Freddy
a perfect life
getting in the Christmas spirit
another reveal
traditional wedding
it's time
the end


5 2 0
By BillTemple1957

When Matty awoke on Christmas morning, Bill had already been up for over an hour. The house was warm, a fire burning in the fireplace. The Christmas tree was alive with lights and Christmas songs played quietly, in the background.

She walked to her husband and kissed him gently on the lips.

"Merry Christmas my darling man. I love you so much."

Bill returned the kiss, hugging his wife tightly.

"Merry Christmas, Mrs. Williams."

He kissed her again.

"Now you go sit in front of the fire and I will get you a hot chocolate."

When Bill returned, Matty was looking under the Christmas tree.

"I thought we agreed on no presents."

Bill shrugged.

"What makes you think they are for you?"

She showed Bill one of the beautifully wrapped boxes.

"My name is on it, Santa."

Bill passed her a hot chocolate.

"Well if its from Santa, it don't count."

"Well I really didn't get you much."

Bill sat on the floor next to her and rubbed her belly.

"You are giving me the best gift ever."

He kissed her quickly and got back to his feet.

"I have something to show you."

Bill put on a winter coat and toque.

Matty got to her feet.

"What are you doing?"

Bill passed her cellphone to her.

"I'll call you in a sec."

He then passed her a small wrapped box.

"Don't open 'till I call."

He hurried out the veranda door.

Seconds later Matty's cellphone requested FaceTime.

"You look like you are frozen. Get back in here."

"Just a sec. I have to show you this."

Bill turned the cellphone around, to show a new car sitting in the driveway, near his truck.

"What is that?" Matty gasped, excitedly.

"That, my love is a brand new cherry red Rav4 Limited, loaded with all the bells and whistles."

Bill walked around the outside of the car showing Matty the design. He then opened the front door to show the interior.

"Leather seats with butt warmers."

Matty laughed.

"Romantic darling."

"All wheel drive, four wheel drive, fog lights, heated steering wheel, back up camera, blind spot monitor, sun roof, hands free back door, bluetooth and in the back seat."

Bill turned the camera ro the back seat, to show two baby seats, already installed.

"The best baby seats that money can buy."

"It is absolutely beautiful, my love. Now get your ass back in here, you silly man."

A minute later, Bill was back in the house.

Matty hugged and kissed him, even before he had his coat off.

"You are a crazy man, but I love you so much."

"I just want my family safe."

"I have something for you."

Matty walked into the bedroom and returned a moment later with a small box.

"I know you are not one for jewellery, but it would mean the world to me, if you would wear this."

She opened the box and took out a heavy gold chain, with a golden lighthouse attached. She held the lighthouse in her hand and showed to Bill.

"The diamond, for the light, is a symbol of the love I have for you and the love that I will always have. The light will never fade.

The ruby and the emerald are for our babies. Like us, they will forever be a part of our family and this old lighthouse.

The golden lighthouse represents the strength of our family. And that is you. You are the man I love and you are the head of our family and you will be, as long as this lighthouse stands and Tuckamore Bay is, as it is."

Bill leaned down, so Matty could attach the chain to his neck.

"I love you, Bill Williams and the happiest day of my life was the day that we agreed to be as one. We will always be family and our marriage is truly, 'till death do us part and far beyond."

The two kissed long and gentle and then held each other, both crying softly in the others arms.


Valerie looked at the pile of gift wrap and empty boxes that littered the floor in their living room.

"Ise never understood why peoples wrap presents. Wese just tears the shit out of the paper and then throws it away."

Randi jumped to her feet.

"That is half the fun of it my love."

"Where are youse going?"

"I have one more little gift for you."

Randi ran into the bedroom.

Valerie got to her feet and kicked some of the boxes out of her way.

"I will get a garbage bag and start cleaning this up."

"Just wait a minute," Randi quipped, as she walked out of the bedroom, into the kitchen.

"You got somewhere you need to be?"

"No. Jest bes a mess 'ere."

Valerie heard a cork pop.

"What's are youse doin'?"

"Don't be so nosey, woman. Just give me a sec here."

"I'm going to start cleaning up."

"Not yet."

Randi walked into the living room, a bottle of champagne in one hand and two glasses in the other. She put the bottle and glasses on the coffee table and sat on the couch, patting the couch, indicating for Valerie to join her.

Valerie smiled and sat.

"This is nice. What are we celebrating?

Cleaning up this mess?"

Randi rolled her eyes.

"No.  This is our first Christmas together and I want it to be a real memory."

She poured both of them a glass of champagne.

"A toast."

Valerie took the champagne flute from Randi.

"To the first of, what I hope, are many, many Christmas mornings."

"I'll drink to that," Valerie smiled, as she clinked glasses with Randi.

The two kissed quickly and Randi filled the flutes again.

Valerie reached for her glass, but Randi stopped her.

"Not yet. I have something I want to say."

Randi took Valerie's hands in hers.

"I never thought I would find that special love. You know, that magical love that they show in the movies and sing about in songs?"

Valerie just smiled.

"I love you, Randi."

"And I love you, Val. More than you will ever know. For the first time in my life, I actually feel that I belong and for the first time in my life, I actually feel that I am with someone that I am supposed to be with.

And I don't ever want that feeling to go away."

Valerie wiped a tear from her eye.

"You knows Ise feels the same way, Randi. And what we have will never die.

You are the love of my life. I know that now."

"Good," Randi smiled, as she reached into the pocket of her housecoat.

"I don't know how this is supposed to work, so I did what I thought would be the proper thing."

She showed Valerie a gift box and opened it.

Inside were two diamond rings. Randi took one ring and took Valerie's hand again.

"I don't know if you want this, but I know I do.

I am so in love with you and I want everyone to know. So, I am asking you, Valerie Amanda Pike, if you will be my wife and life partner."

Valerie wiped her eyes and sniffed.

"Talk about romantic," she laughed, as she reached for a tissue.

She blew her nose.


She took a deep breath and looked at the ring in Randi's hand and the second ring in the box.

She took out the ring.

"Randi Joanne Oxford. I loves youse with every fibre of my being. Youse are truly my soul mate and there be nothing I want more in life than to have youse as my wife.

Will you marry me?"

Randi wiped her eyes.

"Of course I will."

The two women put the matching diamond rings on each other's fingers and, amid the laughter and the tears.

Valerie wiped her eyes again and stared at Randi.

"Can wese clean up this mess now?"


Quinton stood outside the bathroom door.

"Is youse okay Tanya?"

"I'm fine, sweetie. I will be out in a minute."

"You sure youse okay? Ise a bit worried out here."

"Go and pour me a coffee, Quint. I'll be right out."

Quinton had just laid the two coffee cups on the small dining table, when Tanya walked out of the bathroom, a huge smile on her face.

"Youse looks like da cat what swallowed da canary."

Tanya walked to Quinton and kissed him long and passionately.

"I love you."

"I loves you too, Tanya. Is youse okay?"

Tanya nodded.

"I am perfect. I have a gift for you."

"There bes lots of gifts under da tree, hun. Lets me get one fer youse."

"No," Tanya laughed.

"This gift is actually for both of us."

She passed him a small rectangular box.

"Sorry I didn't have time to wrap it."

Quinton opened the box and looked inside.

"Is dis one of dem digital thermometers?"

Tanya rolled her eyes and started laughing.

"No, my love. Think sweetie."

She looked at the box.

"Oops," she laughed harder. Quickly she turned over the implement in the box.

Quinton stared at it for a second and then stared at Tanya, as the reality kicked in.

"Wese 'avin' a baby?"

Tanya nodded.

Quinton put the pregnancy test on the table and grabbed Tanya, lifting her off the floor and spinning her around, screaming like a little girl.

"Ise gonna bes a Daddy."

He put Tanya back on the floor and kissed her gently.

"Shouldn't youse be resting. Youse sit down and I will get youse a blanket."

"Sweetie, I'm okay. The baby is no more than a pea right now, but I will have a tea instead of coffee. I don't want to hurt the baby."

"Okay youse sit and I will get youse a tea."

He ran to the stove and put on the kettle.

"Wese should celebrate."

He went to the refrigerator, but stopped when he opened it.

"Youse can't drink booze now, can youse?"

Tanya shook her head, as she sat down on the couch.

"No, sweetie."

"Ise gots an idea."

Quinton walked into the living room, holding two wine glasses with orange juice in them. He passed one to Tanya and sat next to her.

"This is sweet, hun."

"Tanya Rideout."

Quinton laughed.

"I mean Tanya Pike. I promises youse that Ise will bes the best Daddy in da world and Ise will always looks after youse and our baby."

Tanya nodded.

"I know youse will. I love you, my husband."

Tanya clinked the wine glasses and drank her orange juice.

"Okay lets open dese gifts."

About an hour later all the gifts were open and Tanya and Quinton were sipping on their tea.

"Wese gots to let our parents know."

Tanya nodded.

"I has an idea."

Five minutes later Tanya and Quinton both had their parents on speaker phone.

"Ready?" Tanya smiled.

Quinton nodded.

"One, two, three."

"Good morning Nanny and Poppy," they both yelled in unison.

There was silence for a second and then the sound of the two mothers screaming could be heard, as the reality of the situation kicked in.


Billy and Carl sipped on their scotch as they watched their wives hugging and kissing and crying, as the excitement of suddenly realizing they were going to be grandmothers, was rushing through them.

"Good ting wese not likes da women," Carl whispered, his voice cracking.

"Good ting," Billy stammered, wiping his eyes.

"Wese be real men," Carl sniffed.

"Yep, real men."

A few moments later, the four walked to the front window, in the living room. Outside Quinton and Tanya and Randi and Valerie were screaming and hugging and laughing and dancing around, in the middled of the snow-covered cobblestone road.

"Ise tinks our kids 'ave lost der minds," Carl offered.

Lindsay walked to the front door and opened it.

"Git in here, you crazy kids."

All four ran up to the front door and as each walked inside, they hugged Lindsay and then hugged the other parents.

Valerie hugged her brother.

"Isn't it just the best. Never thot I'd see da day me little brudder would be 'avin' a baby."

She started laughing.

"Didn't tink I'd sees da day he'd find a woman."

Lindsay playfully slapped Valerie in the shoulder.

"Be nice to youse brother. He gonna bes a Daddy."

Quinton put his arms around Randi and Valerie.

"Ise tinks dat these two 'as some news too."

Randi and Valerie held out their hands, showing the matching diamond rings.

Lindsay walked to her daughter, taking her hand, looking at the ring.

"Does this means?"

Valerie nodded.

"Randi and I are getting married, Mom. I just hopes youse are happy for me?"

"Are you kidding me."

Lindsay hugged both women and started crying.

"I couldn't be happier for the both of you."

She kissed Valerie on the cheek and then took Randi's hands in hers.

"Welcome, officially to our family, daughter."

Once again, the tears, laughing, hugging and screaming took over, as the five women congratulated each other.

The three men stood back, sipping their drinks.

"Good ting dat wese men," Quinton sniffed.

Billy slapped his son-in-law on the back.

"Real men," he sighed, barely able to hold back the tears.

Carl looked at Liam, who was celebrating with the women.

"'e ain't bes a man yet."

He looked at Billy.

"Guess Ise not either."

Carl put down his drink and joined the celebration.

Quinton and Billy soon followed.


Gail looked out through the window of her motel room. Outside a lazy snow was falling, making it the perfect Christmas morning scene.

"It is beautiful."

"That it is."

Jackson walked up and stood by his daughter.

"Thank you for allowing me to be here with you."

Gail sipped her coffee.

"I am still mad at you, Daddy. But you are the only family I have and family should be together on Christmas morning."

"I only wait I could have given you something."

Gail turned to her father.

"You have, Daddy. I finally have peace."

She turned back to the window.

"I am finally home."


Harriette kissed Brian, as she let him in the front door.

"I hope I am not too early?"

Harriette took his coat.

"Not at all. Ise were waitin' fer youse. I needs to talks to youse alone before wese 'as breakfast with the family."

"This sounds serious."

Harriette nodded, as she took Brian's hand and led him to her bedroom.

"Sit on da bed Brian."

She walked around the room staring at the floor.

"This isn't one of those Dear John talks, is it?"

Harriette sat on the bed next to Brian.

"Ise knows Ise just a girl from da Bay and Ise not as sophisticated as da women from da big cities."

"Harriette, I don't ..."

"Let me finish, Brian. Dis bes very 'ard fer me."

"I don't like this," Brian whispered.

"Are you breaking up with me?"

Harriette looked at Brian.

"No. Why would youse tink dat?"

"You are so serious. You are scaring me."

Harriette took a deep breath.

"Dis bes serious."

She stared into Brian's eyes.

"Ise in love with youse."

Brian let out a long sigh.

"Is that all?"

Harriette jumped up from the bed.

"Dis bes a big ting fer me. Ise never said dat to anyone before."

Brian got up from the bed and walked to Harriette, putting his hands on her cheeks.

"I fell in love with you, the first time I saw you. That will never change."

He kissed her gently.



Harriette reached into her pocket.

"Ise talked dis over wit Mom and Dad and dey are good wit it."

She passed Brian a key.

"Ise knows dat no one locks dere doors 'ere in da Bay, so dis bes more of a symbol den anyting."

"You want me to move in?"

"Da ways Ise sees it, youse always 'ere anyways.

So what does youse tink?"

Brian kissed her long and gentle.

"I think yes."

Harriette screamed and jumped in his arms.


Ryan Pike passed Dave a beer.

"Yuse looks awful serious for such a wonderful day."

"I have a lot on my mind."

Yolanda walked into the room and sat by Dave.

"Good ting youse off duty today."

Dave nodded.

"I have to talk to you about something."

"Youse wants da rest of us to leaves?" Ryan wondered.

Dave shook his head.

"No. This sort of involves everyone."

Yolanda took her boyfriend's hand.

"What's wrong hun?"

"I got an email last night from the RCMP. I am getting transferred to Halifax."

Yolanda felt her heart jump to her throat.

"Halifax?" she whispered.

Dave nodded.

"I put in for this a long time ago and in all honesty, I had almost forgotten about it."

"Why Halifax?" Lisa wondered.

"My family is from there."

"Dat makes sense."

"When do youse 'ave to go?" Yolanda choked, almost in tears.

"I have to report to the Halifax detachment on the 12th of January."

Tears filled Yolanda's eyes.

"I can't breathe."

She tried to get to her feet, but her legs gave out.

Dave put down his beer and quickly hugged Yolanda.

"Don't. Don't."

"Youse leavin' me?"

"No. No."

He looked at Lisa and Carl and then back at Yolanda.

"I want you to come with me."


"I want you to come with me."

Yolanda sat up, wiping her eyes.

"Youse wants me to come?"

"Of course. Do you think I would leave you behind. I love you."

"You love me?"

"Of course I do. I know I haven't said it aloud, but I think I have shown it."

"I loves youse too," Yolanda cried, hugging Dave tight.

"I loves youse so much."

Lisa wiped a tear from her eye.

"So, my little girl is leaving home?"

Dave turned quickly.

"It would only be for two years and then I can request to be stationed here again, permanently.

I have already talked to Commander Lukeman and he has arranged for a two year assignment only. I want to take tests to become a Sergeant. Then we can come back here and build a home."

He turned back to Yolanda.

"And you can fly back for a visit anytime and we can rent a place big enough so your family can visit."

"Ise tinks Dave dere 'as it all figured out," Carl spoke.

He stood up and walked to Dave.

"Youse best looks after my little girl."

Dave looked at Yolanda.

"I will, is she agree to come with me."

Yolanda smiled.

"Of course Ise will. I loves youse."

Dave stood and offered his hand to Carl.

"With your blessing, Sir."

Carl shook his hand.

"Youse 'as me blessing, me son."

Carl leaned in close.

"Jest remembers what 'appens to dem what fucks wit da Bay's women.

Tucker's jest got in a new shipment of 'undred pound anchors."

Yolanda jumped to her feet and slapped her father in the chest.

"Seriously Daddy."

"Ise jest bes joking," Carl winked.



All through Tuckamore Bay there was peace and love. Laughter and tears.

The incidents of the past year were all but forgotten, as the families of the Bay celebrated what they had accomplished and revelled at what the future held, for the Bay.

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