I Was Abducted

By sammyhansen21

10K 567 32

Jackson Peter discovered the boogeyman is a real person at 8 years old. He was abducted. He was missing for n... More

Chapter 1 Jackson
Chapter 2 Nadia
Chapter 3 Jackson
Chapter 4 Nadia
Chapter 5 Jackson
Chapter 6 Nadia
Chapter 7 Jackson
Chapter 8 Nadia
Chapter 9 Jackson
Chapter 10 Nadia
Chapter 11 Jackson
Chapter 12 Nadia
Chapter 13 Nadia
Chapter 14 Jackson
Chapter 15 Jackson
Chapter 16 Nadia
Chapter 17 Jackson
Chapter 18 Jackson
Chapter 19 Nadia
Chapter 20 Jackson
Chapter 21 Nadia
Chapter 22 Jackson
Chapter 23 Jackson
Chapter 24 Jackson
Chapter 25 Nadia
Chapter 26 Jackson
Chapter 27 Nadia
Chapter 28 Jackson
Chapter 29 Nadia
Chapter 30 Jackson
Chapter 31 Nadia
Chapter 32 Jackson
Chapter 34 Jackson
Chapter 35 Jackson
Chapter 36 Nadia
Chapter 37 Jackson
Chapter 38 Nadia
Chapter 39 Jackson
Chapter 40 Nadia
Chapter 41 Jackson

Chapter 33 Nadia

183 12 1
By sammyhansen21

It's another Thursday afternoon. Jackson never came to school Monday. I texted him that day and he answered. I asked him why he didn't come and he said he had other commitments. I wanted to pry more, but I didn't want to get him upset.

"Do you want some of my celery juice?" Emma asks with a hopeful smile. I've been off since Jackson didn't come to school. Whenever he's not around I become a mess. I can't get sleep.

"No thanks," I say dissecting a grape hidden in my black hoodie and grey sweatpants. My parents were mad at me for keeping them out of the loop. I reminded them that I can take care of myself. I got my phone back Monday. Although, it was dead I was glad to see that I didn't lose it.

"Jackson's back," Abby informs us and my head immediately shoots up. I look in every direction and when our eyes meet. Like a magnet, I run to him. I stop when I'm right in front of him.

I scan his face. Under his eyes are dark and he looks paler than normal. Without thinking I wrap my arms around his waist squeezing him like a teddy bear. Jackson's hand lightly taps my back awkwardly. I pull away and look up at him.

"What's wrong?" I ask, but before he could answer I'm shoved to the side. I turn to see who shoved me and I'm met with Paige's furious eyes.

"Don't touch him!" Paige says getting so close to my face she could bite my nose off.

I tried to ignore Paige in the halls and I was successful until now. Jackson immediately steps between us. I notice a girl with long dark hair and green eyes behind him. She looks scared for me, but who is she?

"Don't do this right now," Jackson tells Paige sternly.

"No, I'm going to beat her ass!" Paige yells whipping her face closer to me. Her eyes burn with hatred.

"Your not," Jackson says pulling Paige by her wrist away from me. I'm not surprised by her actions. I did rip her hair out at the party.

I stand there blinking at everyone's stares. I turn my head watching Jackson say something to Paige then her storming off. My eyes go back to the girl with dark hair. "Hi, who are you?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Amina, who are you?" She asks playing with her fingers nervously.

"Nadia," I say and Jackson returns in front of us. "What happened?" I ask, ignoring the fact that Paige and I almost had a round two.

"I'll tell you later. Let's go, Mina," Jackson says leading Amina away.

What the hell? Are they together? I've never seen this girl before.

I try to ignore the jealousy pinging in my chest. My eyes burn with tears as I suddenly feel emotional. I stand there watching Jackson get her food.

I hate this feeling. Jealously has never looked good on me. I feel like an idiot running up to him and hugging him. He probably would have walked past me anyway.

I walk back to the girls feel their eyes burn holes into my head. "What's going on?" Abby says seriously.

I slump into the chair sighing. "Jackson and I have been hanging out." Emma and Abby both gasp.

"And you didn't tell us?" Abby question with her eyebrows furrowed.

"Did you kiss him?" Emma asks on the edge of the seat. I nod sadly. Missing kissing him. The girls gasp again.

"I don't want to talk about it," I say with a cracking voice. I miss Jackson and he's in the same room as me.

"Can you at least say why you didn't tell us?" Abby asks sipping on her juice box.

"I didn't know what would come of it. And I still don't know," I sigh glancing at Jackson across the cafeteria talking to Amina.

"You should go over there and confront him! Who does he think he is?" Emma growls, frustrated for me.

Abby gives Emma the death glare. "Don't get her worked up. The last thing she needs right now is a fight," Abby says as if I wasn't here. She turns back to me and tilts her head. "Maybe you should ask him when you guys are alone? All him later," Abby suggests reasonably. I nod, chewing on my cheek.
After Dinner, I chew at my nails waiting for Jackson to answer.

Me: Hey.

I feel so left out of the loop. At school, I could tell something was up. I wish he would have told me right away instead of ignoring me.

Jackson: Hey Blondie.

My sweaty hands palm my phone, trying to figure out how to ask him what his problem is.

Me: Is something going on?

Jackson: Don't worry about it.

Me: I am worried.

Seen 2 minutes ago...

I can't stop the tears that threaten to fall. I feel so vulnerable and exposed. In a weak moment, I click the call button before I can stop myself.

The ringing vibrates through my ears until it ends. There's a slight silence before he speaks. "Blondie?" I ask.

"J-Jackson," my voice cracks as I let the tears flow. I can't pretend that he doesn't hurt me.

"Nadia, what's wrong?" Jackson shouts through that phone, clearly worried about me.

"You tell me what's wrong," I cry some more.

"Is this because I didn't go to school?" Jackson asks, his voice cracking like mine.

"You tell me you that you're going then you don't. And when you do come to school you're with another girl and don't give me any explanation. Is she your new whore!?" I shout the last part. My delusions sir a storm.

"What? No, Blondie." Jackson says calmly. Too calmly that somewhere in my mind it confirms my suspicions.

"Whatever," I say immediately hanging up. I curly up in my bed pull the covers over my head.

When my eyes get heavier a knock at my door pulls me out of the trance. "Who is it?" My tiny voice asks, completely gone.

"Me," the voice says. I already realize it's Jackson and my heartbeat quickens.

"Go away," I say through the muffled blankets. I hear the door creak open and shut. A dip in my bed appears and I wipe at my wet eyes. My covers get ripped off me, but I face the wall. "I said go away," I mutter.

Jackson leans over me so I can see his face. He looks exhausted, but still beautiful. The moonlight coming from my window cascades onto us. His face gets so close to mine I can feel his warm breath fan onto my face. His mouth opens slightly and his eyes close. His pink lips press against mine as he kisses me slowly. His hand clutches mine and butterflies try to escape my stomach.

When he pulls away I scoot to make room for him. I watch him kick off his shoes and pull the covers over himself. I lay on his chest as his hands play with my hair.

"My aunt lit her house on fire with herself and two sons inside," Jackson says stopping his breath for a moment.

My stomach drops. "W-what? Are they okay?" I ask clutching his hoodie.

"My aunt and one of the boys didn't make it. Carson is getting treated at the hospital in Idaho."

My heart hurts for him and his family. "I'm so sorry Jackson," I say feeling like an idiot.

"My mom wants Carson to stay with us until my grandparents take care of things. The funeral is on Sunday and we have to go," Jackson sighs.

I nod, rubbing his chest. "Why did she do it?" I ask not thinking about how rude that must of seemed.

"She couldn't live with herself," Jackson says twirling my hair around his fingers.

"What'd she do?" I ask curiously.

"She didn't do anything, her ex-husband did," Jackson growls.

"What happened?" I ask sitting up slightly and Jackson forces me back to his chest.

"He abducted me."

"What?" I asked, wondering if I heard correctly.

"Listen carefully because I'm never going to tell you again," Jackson says sternly and I nod rapidly. "The day after my 8th birthday my uncle kidnapped me. I was missing for almost 3 years." Jackson clears his throat before continuing. "During this time I was sexually assaulted and abused, I'll never forget it and never forgive him."

Jackson's words stick to me like glue. I'm shocked. I never knew or inclined that he was kidnapped. "I'm so sorry Jackson," I say holding him tighter.

"Don't give me pity Blondie. I don't need or want it," he says kissing my forehead.

"I had no idea... But I'm glad you told me," I say, my thoughts swimming around in my head.

A moment of silence passes until Jackson speaks again. "I was talking to Amina because her dad is a Sheriff. She contacted me when she heard what happened. She had a couple of questions so I met her at lunch to answer them." Jackson tilts my head up to face him. "So, no, we are not fuck buddies Nadia. And she's not my new whore."

My cheeks flare up red from my statement that was out of line. "Jackson, be my boyfriend," I say almost shocking myself.

Jackson smiles, a real smile that makes my heart flutter. "I'd love to Blondie," he says kissing me and gripping my face.

The starry night sky is nowhere near your beauty, inside and out...

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