Train to Love ☑

By __Miss_Fantasy__

50.9K 4K 2.3K

Her soul was torn He came as her stitches She was humiliated, so He became her praise She was cheated once... More

Platform No. 1
Platform No. 2
Platform No. 3
Platform No. 4
Platform No. - 5
Platform No. - 6
Platform No. - 7
Platform No. - 8
Platform No. - 9
Platform No. - 10
S - 11
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M - 21
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M - 29
Time for good byes

Train reached its destination of Love

1.6K 117 82
By __Miss_Fantasy__


Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem. 

Mubeena couldn't take it anymore, she wanted to breathe so badly and the hospital atmosphere didn't let her. 

The chaotic surroundings of hallways and passages rang reminders of the turbulent past her daughter had gone through and when she thought she was going the same now, made her heart thud inside her chest. 

These days, we're the hardest of their lives. It wasn't any easy and when finally Shabna was admitted, the stretcher carrying her pushed itself away from her, the sight lingered through her mind, causing havoc. 

She always didn't embed the strength to see her daughter in pain and after everything turned pleasant, she not once imagined it would eventually turn down into haywire. 

She crooked her neck to the side to see her husband sit beside Saad and she couldn't be more thankful for his presence around her. It calmed the storm which was raging inside, the thought of what if everything goes wrong caused her to stop beating completely. 

She not once did give a thought that they would live in a situation like this. 

She fondled Saad's hair and he looked up, his small complexion clearly showing the distressed his state, though he couldn't understand what was happening around him, he could understand something was going to happen to his mother. 

She could hear the clicking of the clock on the arch amid the corridor they were seated and she rubbed her sweaty palms over the soft material of her Abhaya. 

Each passing second created more anxiety to fill her stomach. 

She parched her dry lips with her saliva and stood up glancing at her husband, "I am going to go see her," she announced but before he could reply in denial, she added, "I can't sit here anymore. I am going to see her for at least once," with that she asserted her footsteps to lead her along the pathway. 

She passed several wards and corridors to reach the destination she desired. She placed her hand over the glass door of the intensive care unit and gazed at her daughter who was lying unconscious on the plump hospital bed and Maahi was seated beside her holding her hand, his lips continuously whispering something inaudible, maybe, perhaps he was reciting duas for her daughter's well being. 

Shabna's face has turned so fragile that she wanted to run away from there. She didn't know how long they had to wait for her to become alright. 

Her hand-cranked the glass as if she was running it along her daughter's face and her heart was holding itself tight, in order not to shatter. 

She stood there for a good five minutes before she couldn't find it in herself to see her only child's state anymore. The sight caused more agony to pile up as if it wasn't already there inside her being. 

She took a slow backward step to go back to her husband and rest her head on his shoulder and never think about the reality that was unfolding lethally quietly. 

When she turned around, she bumped into someone, knowing what has happened, she immediately withdrew and her hand went to scratch her head which got a slight hurt. She looked up at the person who was apologizing for hurting her but she couldn't hear the apology, for the world around her, started to spin and a surprised cry left the both of them when their gaze met. 

"Armaan." She stepped back her palm running to her mouth in shock. 

"Aunty!" He replied, resembling with the same pinch of shock but he was quick to recover, "Assalamu alaikum! I am sorry I was in a hurry and didn't see you coming," he said running a hand through his hair, "How are you doing Aunty?"

"Wa Alaikum Assalam! It's okay! I have been doing good lately," she replied, still not believing she bumped into Armaan of all the people. 

He nodded, "Don't think I am being persistent, but I do have a concern about your health. Is everything alright Aunty?" He asked looking up at the sign of ICU before them, and as a stranger now to her, he needed to know whether she was alright and why she was standing there all but alone. 

"No! No!" Mubeena shook her head, "I am fine. Really. It's Shabna.." she hanged in mid-sentence when his brows borrowed together. 

"Aunty! What happened to her?" He asked with a tinge of panic, but before she could reply, someone came rushing to Armaan and made him turn towards them. He abruptly turned towards the seeker who was seeking his attention to see his wife standing there with reports clutched in her palms, "Armaan! Finally got the appointment for IUI." 

" Really?" He asked bewildered and she nodded in reply with tears brimming her eyes. 

"Alhamdulillah! Yes." 

"In shaa Allah! If everything goes well, we will be having a child of our own." On the brink of the joyous moment, he had forgotten Mubeena who was standing behind his back. 

"In shaa Allah." His wife smiled with tears and when she glanced back at him, her gaze landed on 

"Armaan! Were you speaking with someone?", she asked, making him come out of his reverie. "Oh Yes! I forgot," he turned around, "Meet my wife Naila,"  

When she was addressed, Naila said, "Assalamu alaikum Aunty! Nice to meet you. I am sorry I didn't recognize seeing you before. Did you attend our wedding?"  

Mubeena was too stunned to reply. She has so many reasons behind it. For one, she met Armaan before the unit Shabna was admitted. Second, he was cordially being nice, which wasn't his thing. Third, his wife arrives the next second. Fourth, his wife claims to have an appointment for IUI. Of course, she knows what it is abbreviated as and what is its purpose. 

IUI is abbreviated as Intra-Uterine Insemination, a type of fertility treatment that involves placing sperm inside a woman's uterus close to the fallopian tubes to increase the chances of conceiving. Which only means one thing, Armaan's unable to have children naturally. They are trying, and getting themselves treated. Ya Allah! How people reap what they sow. 

"Aunty! What happened to Shabna? Is she alright?" Armaan asked once again, making her cringe back to reality but she couldn't find in herself to reply. 

When he reluctantly stood there waiting for a response, realization dawned in his wife's eyes but she didn't budge him to walk away, rather stood quiet to listen to Mubeena. 

Mubeena's throat went suddenly so dry that she couldn't form a single verbal sentence. Instead of speaking out loud, she slowly held her hand pointing to the glass door of the Intensive Care Unit. If one could note closely, they would find her hand trembles a bit. 

Armaan glanced in the direction and he stalled towards the door and when at last he saw what was inside, his hands flew to his mouth. Naila put a hand over her husband's shoulder as she saw the site ahead. 

They both stood right in the middle of the hallway too astonished to react. 


This is the moment, Maahi knew when he pushed the surgical cap over his head and then pulled the gloves beneath his outstretched palms. 

We are going to accomplish this. 

His wife's last words before going to a state of unconsciousness rang bells in his ears. He was surprised to see so much positive light on her even in the toughest of situations. Maybe she had learned the art with experiences. 

Two Nurse staff brought a separating rod containing a curtain and made it stand before him. The rods came to the height of his neck and from where he was standing, he got a clear view of Shabna faintly lying in the middle of the bed surrounded with the hustle-bustle. Machines were connected to her and the Nurses were making the arrangements for what has to come. 

The Doctor walked in with pristine green operating scrubs with another nurse in their toe, showing her the recent reports of the patient. She came to a stop near Shabna analysing her one last time before everything commenced. Then her eyes landed on Maahi who was standing a few yards away and she smiled reassuringly. 

No matter how much he tried, he couldn't resemble that gesture. 

The Doctor was a Muslim, he knew because he had already met her, "So all set?" she asked the four Nurses who were all occupied with one task at hand, and when they were addressed they nodded their heads to let her know that they were ready. 

Maahi took a deep breath preparing himself. Though he wanted to crumble down to ashes for he couldn't stand there acting like anything was wrong, he knew deep in the pit of his heart that he ought to be strong, he precisely had no other chance, not for him, but her. 

The green drapery was folded in such a way that it exposed the skin which needed to be cut, the Doctor rubbed disinfectant solution and then draped the green cloth over the operating site, exposing the skin. 

She made a low horizontal Incision of the skin just above the pelvic area. Blood oozed out and dripped down but she didn't care instead followed by making another incision on the subcutaneous fat and muscle lining beneath the skin. Then she retracted the lining using retractors which the assisting staff gradually took a hold of in four directions to view the operating site.  

" Bismillah," the Doctor uttered before making a similar horizontal incision over the place and cutting the amniotic sac, and there gushed out fluid all over the place. Maahi clutched one of the rods with his gloved hand and his heart was erratically beating so fast that he didn't have any control over it. 

"Shabna, wake up," Maahi shook her still holding her face. 


Saad who was seated in the living room heard the commotions and rushed to his parent's room. "Dad, what happened to Mom?” He asked, jumping on the bed, reaching over to see Shabna was lying. 


"Saad, I think she fainted," when the boy looked puzzled, "Do you even know what is the meaning of the word faint?" Maahi asked and the boy shook his head in a no. 


"Ya Allah! What do I do now?" Maahi placed Shabna's head over the pillow and ran a hand through his hair. 


"Sprinkle water," Saad said cautiously not to annoy his Dad. 


"You said you don't know about fainting. Then how in the world you know about sprinkling water,", Maahi blabbered as he ran outside the room to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. Within a second, he was back in the room. 


"Once Uncle Bilal fell to sleep in the middle of the corridor and the housemaid sprinkles some water in his face and then he got up."  


"Boy! You are useful," Maahi smiled despite his state, seeing Shabna in this situation Maahi's brain went numb not knowing what to do. 


He gently sprinkled water over her eyes and a few moments later Shabna opened her eyes to instantly close them back, for the room's lighting was too bright for her to blackout the vision. 


"Alhamdulillah! You are awake,", Maahi chimed, kissing her forehead and when she got the realisation of the things around her, he made her sit leaning on the headboard of their bed and Saad held her hand in his small palm. 


Maahi kneeled beside her, "How are you feeling now Shab?" He asked like a small boy looking at his mother asking permission not to go to school. 


"Good but I feel.." she searched for the exact word in her dictionary, her brain still not in order," tired. Yeah! I feel tired Maahi."  


"I have called Jesima. She is on her way, alright?"  


"Trust me! It's nothing serious."  


"Nothing serious? Shabna you don't have the slightest clue what I went through to wake you up."  


" You sprinkled water Dad. That's all." Saad joined in the conversation. 


"Seriously Saad?" Maahi turned to the little boy and then back to his wife, who was eyeing him amused, "Shabna, My heart almost stopped beating, my mind went blank, my world came to an abrupt stop, my inside churned hollow, my soul withered when I witnessed my everything fall." His voice cracked at the end and he hung his head low. 


Shabna bent down a little and cupped his face in her palms and looked up to see anything but the truth in the eyes she loved so dearly. 


She couldn't reply to that so she hugged his face to hers. 


Saad coughed and the couples jolted up, "What should I be doing now?" He asked in his childish tone making the other two flush red. 


Before she could search for a good answer, she was cut short, "Astaghfirullah! Guys, you keep the door open to peek at a view of your romance," Jesima barged in and when she peered over Saad who was seated beside a perplexed Shabna she added along, "Astaghfirullah! In front of your son? Have some shame people." she plopped her handbag on the edge of the bed. 


"Jesima." Before he could begin putting forth a comeback she cut him off, "I think you should probably change to clothes which aren't naked." She made a face of disgust.  


"You didn't just insult the most handsome man in the face of the earth,” Shabna asked, horrified when Maahi exited the room. 


"I just did. For all I know, he isn't that handsome, he is just stupid",  


"Meanie! Why would you call him that?",  


"Come on! He doesn't know the basic things to do in an emergency. If not for Saad, you would probably be lying fainted on the bed and he would be worshipping your frame with his love-filled-numb-brain."  


"Were you eavesdropping on us?",  


" Ew! No. Your voices were audible throughout the hallway." Jesima crawled in the king-size bed to reach where Shabna was sitting. 


"What's the guy’s name who is coming to meet you?" Shabna asked. 


"Are you kidding me?" 


"No. I am serious, what's his name?"  


"Why do you care?"  


"Tell me already."  


"Give me your hand."  


"What?" Shabna blurted out on the sudden change of topic. 


"You fainted, remember? I for one, don't think something is wrong with you, you are as crazy as before," Jesima snickered, " Give me your hand, will check your pulse". 


"Only if you tell his name." Shabna folded her hands in her chest. 


"You aren't going to leave me that easily, are you?"  


"I am never gonna leave that until you finally let your stupid ego go and tell me his name."  


"Go to heaven!" Jesima cussed under her breath and Shabna's amused gaze flickered towards her friend's face, "Fine. His name's Aashiq," and Shabna was surprised to see a tinge of pink color on Jesima's face before she burst out laughing. 


"What is so funny?", Jesima asked, slightly annoyed. 


"What is your story then? Aashiqui 3?" Shabna clutched her stomach as she laughed her heart out, and seeing the exchange between the two ladies, Saad slowly slipped out of the room the equivalent time when his Dad was reentering the room. 


"They are boring Dad," he commented before storming out of the hall. 


"I know right?", Maahi replied to him and it fell on deaf ears. Shaking his head, he walked up to the headboard to find Jesima holding Shabna's hand and reading the pulse. 


"Oh My Allah! This can't be true," she shrieked leaving the hand to fall on her lap. 


The Doctor gently took hold of the head and pulled it outside, clamping and cutting the umbilical cord in the meantime and heavenly cries filled in the atmosphere of the room.  

One of the Nurse took hold of the baby, " The first is a boy", The Doctor announced and thousand of Alhamdulillah left Maahi's mouth and his eyes were glassy when the Nurse took the baby to clean off the blood, and once she was done she weighed him before walking towards Maahi whose eyes never left the small bundle of happiness. 

"Here," she gingerly placed him in Maahi's arm and Maahi wiped his eyes with the clothing of his elbow and glanced at his hands holding the cherished one. A surprised yelp left his mouth when small brown eyes were blinking at him so innocently and his heart soared to no bounds when he realised the resemblance. The boy looked exactly like his Mother. 

There was no time to think otherwise when the room was filled with the cries of another baby after the Doctor had clamped and cut the umbilical cord. "The second is a Girl", the Doctor handed the baby to the same Nurse and she took the baby to repeat the process. 

"Is the operation successful?" asked Maahi holding the baby near his chest line. 

"Hopefully until now," the Doctor gazed at him once, and then she was back to the task in hand. 

Maahi looked back up at the floor beneath the bed and was sincerely praying for the safety of his wife when a drop of blood dripped down on the floor. Before he could react, the drop was replaced by a rain of blood. The crimson fluid like an open tap was flowing down the bed to the floor. 

He was about to notify the Doctor when she whirled towards one of the staff, "Premature separation of the placenta leading to internal bleeding. We need help." At once the Nurses became serious and ran towards the bed Shabna was laying. 

The machine adjacent to Shabna started blinking rapidly, "Her pulse rate is rising rapidly, Doctor the patient is turning pale and each passing second the blood pressure is decorating." One of the nurses pointed out. 

"Crap!" the Doctor cursed under her breath, "To stop that we should give the uterine compress by packing the uterus with a sterile balloon catheter. Go get the balloon catheter." She hurriedly spoke and the Nurses followed her lead. 

Maahi stood frozen to his stop, his heart completely halting its pace. 

"Maahi right?", the Doctor called and he instantly looked up, "Though she isn't in a state of consciousness, she can hear you. Go talk with her, cheer her up."  

One of the Nurse took hold of the boy baby from his hands and on the back of his head, he still heard the girl baby crying and for that moment he ignored the world and ran to his dear wife's life. 


Maahi held Shabna's hand as they took a seat in the hospital's waiting room. 

The beeping machine constantly calls patients to name one after the one. They both were nervous and anxious at the same time. 


"Maahi, you know I understand if you have work. It's not a problem to me Maahi, I would have adjusted."  


"Shush! Shabna, do you think I am going to miss this golden chance to meet my baby on the way."  

His reply made her heart soar and a smile twitched her lips. 


"I still can't believe this is happening." Shabna put a hand over her stomach. This was her first scan after three months of being pregnant.  


"Shab! Don't you remember what I always say?" Maahi asked and she remained quizzical so he put forth, "Allah never deprives of our Happiness. He just gives them the exact moment we need." Shabna kissed his hand, "Why am I so lucky?" She wondered out loud. 


"Because Allah loves you."  


 For what? I am sure I haven't done anything to be worthy of his love?" 


"Don't say that. He loves us no matter what sin we commit and no matter who we are. But He is blessing you because you were patient throughout His test. Fought the battle the way he wanted you to, and doesn't he tell us in the Quran that 'Indeed! Allah is with the patient'?" 


She just held his hand with firmness as a reply. 


The first ultrasound brought them to double with joy but at the same time warned them to be careful because Shabna's uterus was very weak and the twins residing in it would make it more vulnerable. 


The following months were a blur of events. Shabna was on complete bed rest but that didn't stop her from having morning sickness. If she didn't have medication, she would end up her day staying rooted to the bathroom floor near the washbasin unloading bile. When she lets the vomiting medicine one, she would sleep like a hog, not knowing whether it was a day or night. 


Maahi would always be on her side, giving her the much-needed love. If the medication soothed her body, he soothed her soul to calm amidst the storm. 


The days flew like the birds in the sky and they were already at the start of her last trimester. Her belly was now the size of a huge size watermelon and her health constantly varied. She would faint down and cry with pain all the time.  


Though her stomach was growing, her face would look like she was drained off. She wouldn't be able to even stand straight on the ground, her back would ache as it would break anytime. 


Sometimes Maahi would carry her to the bathroom, even then she would feel uncomfortable. 


She would always feel horrible and Maahi would always try to help her. And their pregnancy time was nothing like compared to the usual couples, it was rather too risky and dangerous.  


But they had unwavering trust in their Creator. If he had willed, then it would be for good. 


Maahi was the first one in his office to take a two months maternity leave being a male. Alhamdulillah, if Allah wills, he somehow makes it happen. 


They flew back to India at the end of her seventh month because even though he and his family took care of her, he knew deep down in his heart that it would be anyhow less than the care Mubeena would shower on her daughter. It was something special and he didn't have the heart to deprive Shabna of having it. 


When they came and started living with Shabna's parents, he realized how true he was, for Mubeena took care of Shabna in ways he didn't even imagine existed, maybe, perhaps he lacked it. He lacked a mother who would shower her love for him. 


He would find peace and serenity when he laid back down with Shabna on the bed at night. He would remain like the moon, always uprooted in her night sky. 


Sometimes when she feels suffocated, she would pull her sweatshirt over her belly and make it rest near the start of her chest, along the way keeping the baby bump visible.  


Maahi would always go awestruck when tiny Lil limbs play inside her stomach. Her skin clearly showing the outline and her belly rising up and down with a continuous moment. 


He would be left to marvel at Allah and how beautiful he creates life with simple things. 


"You didn't sleep?" once asked Shabna to get up and after sitting for a minute she laid in the direction, facing him. It was one of the perks of being heavily pregnant, you cannot twist and turn as per your wish. You should get up and sit, and turn towards the direction you want to.  


"No!" He whispered and she nodded. 


"How do you sleep when someone is constantly playing football in your stomach?" He asked, his eyes never leaving the small moments visible from her belly. 


"Not just one but two," she gleamed, placing a hand near her belly button and it instantly bounced up by a kick. Maahi's eyes jerked up, amused. 


"Do you want to?" she asked but didn't wait for his reply, instead took a hold of his palm and placed it on the same spot and it bounced up and Maahi could feel a small foot touching his inner palm. 


"Subhanallah!" He leaned in to kiss her, and then they both lay wide awake, with not an ounce of sleep, tears brimming in their eyes looking at the spot which rekindled happiness in their hearts. 


The other day Shabna was unhurriedly making her way to a sitting position near the edge of the bed, but suddenly cried out loud holding her lower abdomen. Maahi who was placing his research books on the table instantly went to her. 


" Ah!" she cried biting her lips and Maahi sat Indian style ahead her holding her lap, crease lines forming in his forehead. 


"What is it Shab?" he asked, concern lacing all over the niche. 


"My uterine sac feels like it's going to tear apart and it's paining like..", she couldn't even complete her sentence, for the pain was immense and she clattered her teeth, her eyes becoming watery. 


"I think I am going to die," she said, closing her eyes and a drop rolled down from the closed eyelids. 


Shabna's pregnancy was the hardest. At first, they didn't know she would be carrying twins but later they found out that Shabna became pregnant carrying two fetuses in her womb but her uterus didn't have the strength to endure them, it was very weak due to the earliest miscarriage. At first, she was so happy to be pregnant and couldn't be more grateful to her Rabb but when days passed she suffered a lot than she had thought she would. 


"Shab, look at me." But she shook her head in a no because the pain was getting stronger with each passing day. 


"Shabna, Allah will make this easy for you." Maahi pressed his lips to her the back of her hand and held it right. 


"In shaa Allah." Another drop peeked and flowed down. 


"It breaks me to see you like this," Maahi voiced out the current feeling of his heart. 


She opened her blurry eyes to see him mirroring her expression.  


"You Maahi," she started but clutched her belly hard in agony, "You are the one who is making me survive this torment. It's just that, it is getting hard to manage." She choked. 


"I don't believe that. I am the one who made you suffer all this." He shook his head. 


She leaned to place her hand over his lips, "Never say something like that," she breathed, Maahi made her sit back to the same position leaning on her forehead by kneeling beside her and cupped her face, their glassy gaze meeting each other. 


"Habibti! You are my everything and I can't even think about a moment without you. Sometimes I am just terrified of what if Allah chose us to depart from each other. And that single thought creates havoc in me. I trust him enough to not take you away from me, because I can't live a life if you aren't beside me."  

"The same here Maahi, you are my anchor for breathing my life."  


Shabna's bed was only a few inches away, so he reached there in a blink of an eye. He evacuated the required amount of space for the staffs to work on her and leaned near her ear, a sob coming deep from the pits of his chest, "Shab, my brave wife", he cried out her name, his mind going numb while he blinked back his tears and the cries of the girl baby in the room irked hope inside him, "Shabna, we have accomplished this. You are now a mother of three children. Apart from Saad, a new version of you and me have been added to our list, darling." He smiled amidst tears thinking of the brown eyes of the boy baby. 

"Our girl doesn't stop crying. I hope, perhaps, if you are awake you would know how to calm her down. We need you Shab, to at least be there for us. You have survived the hardest of battles, I am sure you would win this too and make me proud." He clutched her hand which was connected to the IV. 

"Shab, I don't know what I did to deserve you, to deserve so much of your love. I am sure, I am not that handsome as you quote me to, but I always find my heart soar with pride whenever you compliment me, my features. Your eyes would glisten when you admire me, my eyes and the sight would be to marvel for. Those were the moments I will always cherish to behold in the novels of my life's journey."  

"Don't leave me yet Shab. Don't break me in ways I couldn't heal," he breathed his throat clotting even more. 

"I have always been amazed by the love of yours to me. How beautiful it is to be loved by you. And do you know something? Oftentimes, I wonder about something which I haven't talked about with you. When you explain each of my features with so much adornment, it always irks me because you have given a note to even a small precise detail but Shab, you have missed one. I anyway think that one day you would note it and tell me how lovely it is, nonetheless, you haven't noted it yet."  

"You haven't even mentioned anything about this mole on my nose, which is small yet good looking just above the flare of my nostril. Fathima would always mention that it is the most attractive feature of my face. It always has kept me pondering about why you didn't notice that."  

"Please Shab, I beg you to wake up. Please Jaan, I can't take this anymore, to constantly see you in pain. If anything happens to you, I wouldn't be able to live a life with this burden gnawing my insides because if it weren't me, you wouldn't suffer any of this. There is a sweet world waiting for you to accept with open palms, please accept it. Please accept my world. Please.." he couldn't take it anymore and his heart ached with sorrow to the extent he broke down crying profusely holding her hand. 


A hand gently caressed his hair and he opened his eyes to the bright lighting of the hospital room and took a hold of the soft hand in his and looked up to see Shabna's eyes already staring at him. If his heart was broken a while ago, it shattered to see her face so vulnerable. Her lips twitched up to the slightest, and he instantly got to a seating position. 

"Shab," he whispered her name, "Alhamdulillah." His hand gingerly touched her cheek and his face reached her within a second and kissed every nook and crook of her face, "Finally, my Jaan is fine," he wiped the tears that welled up his eyes and she chuckled down a sob which was forming down her chest. 

"Maahi," she called her voice so low that if he was not paying any attention to her, he wouldn't even hear. 

"Yes, Jaani?" He pecked her cheek one more time. 

"Alhamdulillah! We have survived," she breathed. 

"Alhamdulillah! Shab, I can't thank Allah more."His hand left her face and he stood up and prostrated, laying his head on the ground and did Sajda e Shukr. 

When he lifted his head from the ground, he heard cries of a baby approaching them and he turned around in the direction of the door to find a Nurse walking in with his girl baby, " I don't know how to make her stop crying," she shrugged and immediately the edges of his lips curved. 

"Can you hold her for a minute, so I could lift the bed?" She asked and he nodded and went to her and she carefully placed the baby in his arms. 

This was the first time he was glancing at the girl baby apart from hearing her constant cries and he felt serenity plunge inside him at her sight. The pinkish-white face was a xerox copy of the one who was holding her. Her black eyes resembled his, and he felt like jumping up and down in joy. 

Indeed, the fruit of patience is sweet. 

The nurse twisted the knob attached to the railing of the bed upwards and the top part of it elevated a bit making Shabna almost in a seating position yet she was lying in the bed. 

"Now, give her to me." The nurse consulted but Maahi felt like holding her in his arms, forever. Begrudgingly, he handed the baby and she went to place the baby near Shabna's breast, to give space of privacy he turned around running a hand through his hair. 

"Maahi, You can come now," Shabna called once the nurse left and he happily obliged. 

"She looks like me," he gleamed at her, "and you haven't seen the boy. He looks like you."  

"Really?" she asked and he shook his head in a yes. 

"I think he's still in the incubator.",  


"I miss him already," Shabna pouted. 

"In shaa Allah they will take him to you soon."  

"In shaa Allah, can't wait to have him in my arms," she smiled. 

When she felt the weight in her elbow increase, she realized that the girl had gone to sleep. She swiftly removed the baby and Maahi helped her to lay on the cart beside them and shook the cart ever so slightly. 

"Shab," he called her when she was so observed in the sight of her husband shaking the cart of her baby. 

"Have you thought about the names?" He asked, turning to her when he felt sure the baby was sleeping properly, "You didn't want to discuss the names until they are born. Now Alhamdulillah they are here, have you any thoughts on what to name them?"  

"I have."  

"What? Really?"  

"Yes." She bit her bottom lip. 

"Tell me about it."  

"Do you remember that day when you proposed and we went to leave Saad at the orphanage?" He nodded, "And you told me an analogy of our Prophet which to make for."  

"Yes. What about it?"  

"I think that's the base of the start of our story, the anchor which uprooted our bond", she added along when he remained quiet, "I want to name after them..."  

"You mean to say Khadija and Muhammad?"  

"Yes, Do you like them?" she asked her voice unsure. 

"Like? I love them." He stood and came near her face planting a kiss on her forehead, "There is no other nice name in option because you have selected the best." 

They sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes glancing at Khadija who was sleeping so innocently in the cart. 

"Maahi," Shabna called him after some time and he turned to face her, "You asked whether I noted the mole on your nose or not, right?”  

Hearing the question, his eyes glowed, "You heard?"  

"I did." Shabna's hand grabbed Maahi's in hers. 

"I noticed it the first day I lay my eyes on you Maahi."  

"Then how come you never mentioned it?" he asked, amused with the piece of new information. 

"Maahi, like I always say, I often wonder what was Allah even thinking when He made you, so handsome, and many times seeing you, I would marvel the thought that if you, a normal person is this good looking then how beautiful would be the looks of our Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) and Prophet Yusuf (Pbuh)," she beamed," I didn't talk about the mole because I for one know, I wouldn't do justice in describing how stunning it looks with my low knowledge of words." 


Ten months later. 

Shabna fastened the white cloth over Muhammad's small shoulder and pinned it near his waist. 

"That's all, you are ready now," Maahi said when he was sure Saad was wearing it properly. 

Maahi pulled the cotton material of the Ihram cloth over his arm, and stood up straight, twirling to Shabna who handed him Khadija after wrapping a white scarf over her little face. 

"Everyone's ready," she beamed, hanging her sling bag on. 

Maahi attached his phone to the selfie stick and captured a photo of his small family in the Ihram attire. All of their faces were radiant and beautiful. 

As the kids were too small, they preferred wearing them in the hotel room rather than in the airport. Maahi kissed Shabna's forehead and together they walked out of the room. 

"Alhamdulillah for blessing me abundantly Allah," he whispered under his breath, locking the room's door with one hand because the other one was holding baby Khadija. 

Shabna carried Muhammad and she held Saad's hand on the other while Maahi reciprocated the same, Saad walked in the middle holding both of their free hands. 

Shabna reminisces old memories as they headed towards the house of Allah, a place she cherished to walk into. Once, when she and Maahi were returning from their small mission of finding the twins and had walked like couples returning to their respective homes but now she lived a reality, creating a cute family with her love on her side. 

When you have Allah in your heart, remain patient over what befalls, he makes all your dreams to reach the destination. 

And here she was breathing the air of a place, which was always attached to the core of her heartstrings. She had wished to walk inside this place and behold the sight of the black-dressed Kaaba and sit underneath the chirping of birds above to thank her Creator for bestowing his abundant favors on her and her family. 

Subhanallah, Allah had made it happen. 

Enchanting views lay ahead and she was walking towards the right path, with her lovable ones on the toe. 

Life was filled with rays of sunshine but it never guaranteed them that the dusk wouldn't dawn over them, yet, they were all set to fight the demons of the night because they have each other's back. Together, forever. 


Her soul was torn 

He came as her stitches. 



She was humiliated, 

He became her praise. 



She was cheated before, 

He gave her assurance. 



She was depressed  

He made her smile. 



She wanted to die,  

He taught her to live. 



She was a bud 

He made her bloom into a beautiful flower. 


At last, 


Duas get answered. 



Love's strongly anchored. 



Dreams turn into reality 



Life becomes 

The love fantasy. 

 (Ps. The true name of this book is The love fantasy)


***The End*** 





Moral of the Story: 


Trust, though a five letter simple word, requires a lot of strength to endure. 


Trust in Allah and trust in Allah's divine decree; when your world rips apart when your dreams come crashing down to the ground when you lose the shoulder of your loved one when you suffer the wimps of hunger and thirst when you shiver with the rustling wind because of no shelter to protect you when your people question your modesty when you are bombed when you are uprooted of your sanity, when you fell ill, trust is the hardest thing to pursue. 


But, with constant trying you can attain it. When you let off your plans and start living your life as per your Creator's norms, life becomes easy. 


Allah never deprives us of our happiness, he never rejects our sincere prayers, he never withholds you of your dreams, he never wants you to suffer. If only you open your eyes, and let go of the love of the world which isn't anything but the joy of delusion, you see the real meaning of your life. 


Why are we created? Though the question is quite easy, many of us forget among leading a life of lies. We have created nothing but to worship Allah and when we fail in our duties to our Creator, he tests us to bring us back to him. 


No matter, what happens in life, never stop worshipping Allah. It will rekindle hope in situations when you can't breathe. 


Be patient over what befalls you, everything happens for your good. Even if things aren't going as you wish and taking a turn where you get nothing but wounded, have patience, time will pass healing your scars and life will eventually bring forth happiness your way but never assume you wouldn't be tested again. You would be tested until your last breath. 


If Jannah is your destination, Allah prepares you in the best way to graduate and attain a degree in your hand. 


Always answer your best in your examination of this life. 




This book is solely dedicated to all housewives who undergo a lot of tribulations, who suffer all alone, and to whom there is no one to help except Allah. 


My dear Brave Sister's, In shaa Allah your life will change and you would one day smile the brightest of smiles. 


May Allah, grant everyone solace in their hearts no matter what they are undergoing, Aameen. 




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