My Alpha Mate

By FanGirl24601r

57.7K 1.5K 214

May was a normal werewolf. She was a great tracker, but was third in the pack. She longed for her mate, but h... More

My Alpha Mate
Something Like a Prologue
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Author's Note
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Author's Note
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Five

3.5K 102 15
By FanGirl24601r

Harry and I run quickly through the territory. He knows where to go, where to find the "underground", the people who are able to reject the old Alpha's orders and who are still loyal to Tyler.

Eventually, we make it to the edge of the territory. We're both breathing heavily, and my legs are weak. My human self isn't used to this much exercise.

We're almost free, when I stop short. I stare at the terribleness in front of me. Harry, who hasn't noticed I'm not with him, keeps running, until he hears my choked sob. He turns back, and finally sees what has scarred me.

It's my dad.

Hanging from a tree.

I can't breath, I can't feel. I'm numb. I get the message loud and clear, "I know who's important to you, and I know what to do to them." I wonder who else he hurt? Isobel, his own daughter? The pups I train to track? The other pack members I love: Steve, Bobby, Lola, Monica?

What will he do to those who helped me? To Harry? To Tyler, if we return?

To me when he finds us?

Harry walks to my dad's dead body and checks for a pulse. From his cringe, I can infer that it isn't the result I want.

Harry then walks over to me and hands me a note. I don't want to look, but I know I need to.

Tyler thought you were safe. He must think me a fool, because the way he looked at you, talked about you, thought about you made it obvious. I've known since you were a baby. The natural power you had over your parents, your friends. And now that you've been told, I need to take drastic measures. Your dad was the first to go and he won't be the last. I have all your little trainees tied up and kept in a cell. As soon as you leave, I'll kill every single one of them, slowly and painfully. Think about that, because any Luna that leaves her pack in harm's way isn't fit to rule.

P.S. Isobel's waiting for you. I poisened her, and she won't be saved without her mate. And if Harry just comes and goes, I'll do it again.

That's all the note says. I show it to Harry, crying silently, espacially when I see tears roll down his cheek. Probably for his mate.

"We have to go back. I know Tyler's waiting for us, but my pack comes first. I wouldn't be able to stand in front of the pack knowing I've abandened them now." I tell Harry sadly.

"I know, we'll go back. I've told Tyler about what happened and he wants you to stay. I'll figure something out."

I know he wants to help, but what can he do? He thought we could leave and look where that got us? I need to think, and rigt now that's inpossible.

The two of us head back into the village, where people are just now coming out to the streets. I can hear worried parents go house to house, looking for their kids. When they see me, they rush over to ask me if I've seen them. It breaks my heart to say no, but they wouldn't believe the truth. When the 'underground' people see us, they look sad, and angry. Harry must have linked them.

Finally, I get to the Pack House, where the old Alpha's office is. I link Harry, telling him to go find Isobel and take care of her. I need her to be safe, and the only way anyone could get through Harry is with a flamethrower. And maybe not even then.

I take a deep breath, then push through the old Alpha's office door. I'm scared to be honest. I may be a future Luna, but he's a retired alpha. He could call on the pack's power and defeat me like a bug. I have to do this I tell myself. The whole pack depends on me. Plus, I should be able to attract at least some of the pack power. I hope.

The old Alpha looks up, mad at whoever interrupted his evil planning. When he sees that it's me, however, he grins a wide, sadistic grin. Well that helps the nerves.

"Ah, May, so glad you could make it! How are you?" He asks me pleasantly.

"How dare you! What kind of a person kills a pack member?! You are a disgusting, horrible, awful man! Don't you dare act like this is just some social visit. Stay away from me!" I spit at him.

"I see you get right to the point. Very well. I know you're my son's mate. As much as he wanted to keep it a secret, it was so obvious I was sure even you would catch on. I realized that you would be the only way to get to him. I waited and waited, wanting to get to you at the best moment, wanting to crush you when he would least expect it, when it would hurt him the most. Then he left. I watched you, saw that maybe you would be a good Luna. I hoped you wouldn't be. I wanted to see some incompetent child who didn't know right from left. That would make it easier to kill you, to leave the pack without it's Luna. But then you turned out to be a great person. You were right for my son, you were right for the pack. So I knew killing you would not only be harder but also worse got the pack. I waited for my move. I was going to kill you a couple days ago, but then the pack wanted you to go look for my son. I was going to kill you yesterday, but that insufferable Beta knew what I wanted to do. He kept you guarded all night. So, when you left this morning, I went and got your dad. He was easily persuaded, weak-minded. I took him to the border, hoping you would be going the way I assumed you would be. I put him there, got all your other little friends, and waited for you to get back here. And looked, it worked. Now, I'm not a bad man, so I released all those members I was holding captive. Now, I can finally do what I've wanted to do all along- kill you."


Heeeeey! Cliif hangers are great aren't they? Hahahahha!

Anywho, hope you enjoyed it, sorry it took a while. I want to get on a shedule for updating, but who knows. Next chapter should be out HOPEFULLY next week, so be waiting for that!

Lots of love,


P.S. I really want comments from my readers- thoughts, opinions, anything really. Just let me know what you think about it!

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