In Silence (Book 1) || Loki X...

By KatLovesFictionalMen

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Tony Stark is an expert in finding hidden 'talents' in people and he didn't resist doing the same with you. A... More

Chapter 1: I think he'll shoot you
Chapter 2: But I am not a superhero
Chapter 3: Meeting the Avengers
Chapter 4: Alone with Loki
Chapter 5: Wrong room
Chapter 6: Your first mission
Chapter 7: Your second mission
Chapter 8: Your idea
Chapter 10: You say the truth
Chapter 11: Shopping
Chapter 12: The party
Chapter 13: The illness
Chapter 14: Asgard
Chapter 15: You get better
Chapter 16: A tour to Asgard
Chapter 17: The guest of honour
Chapter 18: A magical night
Chapter 19: The day after
Chapter 20: The vault
Chapter 21: Back in New York
Chapter 22: Hungover
Chapter 23: An unpleasant assignment
Chapter 24: Leo Marcus
Chapter 25: Disaster
Chapter 26: Why are you here?
Chapter 27: Really?
Chapter 28: That's not me
Author's Note
Chapter 29: Decision making
Chapter 30: Unexpected guest
Chapter 31: Back on Asgard
Chapter 32: The voice in your head
Chapter 33: Training with Frigga
Chapter 34: The legend of Freyja
Chapter 35: Your mother's house
Chapter 36: The whole story (part 1)
Chapter 37: The whole story (part 2)
Chapter 38: I know you
Chapter 39: The only way
Chapter 40: Goodbye
Author's Note
We are back!!!

Chapter 9: In your mind

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By KatLovesFictionalMen

You went into your room and waited until everyone had got to sleep. You walked from your room to the kitchen and back countless times to make sure that everyone had gone to their bedrooms for the night, but is was wortg it because you had a plan.

The last one to leave was once again Thor, some times you wondered if this guy even slept at all. When he was finally in his room, almost in the begging of the corridor you waited for a few seconds and then paid a visit to your neighbor. You opened the Mischief God's door and saw him sitting on his couch, again with his book in hand.

"Come on, get ready." For a moment he looked you like you were a crazy person that had just invited his personal space. "We are going to train remember?" You sighed and roll your eyes.

"I didn't expect you to act so soon. I did think you of such a rebellious soul." You smirked.

"Oh shut up." You span around and got out of his room waving him to follow you.

You slowly both got into the elevator heading downstairs to the training room. You didn't speak at all untill you arrived in your destination, though it was not an awkward silence, it never had been. You knew very well by now than Loki was not really the type of person that liked to talk but the silence never bothered you, not with him at least. With everyone else this silence was wired and you always tried to break it but with Loki it was so different, it was something you could not explain.

You got into the training room and left your stuff on the side and then you both moved to the middle standing opposite form each other. Loki looked at you in the eyes and you returned the look. You started at each other and he seemed to be scanning your with his deep green eyes. This went on for a few seconds but patience was not your strongest quality.

"So?" You whispered. "Can you help me."

"You have a lot of energy." That was weird.

"Thank you...?" You said and Loki does his eyes.

"It was not a compliment, but that is not important. I can indeed help you find out and control your powers properly." He hesitated for a second.


"But I would have to get inside your head."

"Can you do that? Will it hurt."

"Yes and No."

You closed your eyes, took a deep breath and nod for him to start. He hesitated for a second and then gently pressed his palm against your forehead and a small a mound of pain spread all over your head. You tried to relax and fully let him into your mind and in a few minutes everything was dark and it felt like you were falling.

After that you felt nothing, you were no longer in pain nor you felt fear of any kind, you were just existing. You were floating into the darkness not knowing were you were or what you were supposed to do. Suddenly a door appeared some feet away from you and you started floating towards it. While you approached it the door was getting further and further but more doors kept appearing left and right. You stopped and opened on one of to take a peak inside.

A very bright light struck your eyes and then you saw yourself, but it was not the now you it was actually little you.

This was a memory, of course! So that meant Loki had made it, you were inside your mind.

You walked further into the memory and started to see a lot of familiar faces. It was you and your parents, the day they taught you how to ride a bike. You were so scared but they were both there to hold you. Such a beautiful memory. You remembered what a happy family you and your parents once were and your eyes started watering. You quickly turned around to leave the memory and saw Loki standing on the door with his eyes fixed on you. You didn't say anything, you got out and closed the door behind you.

You both kept looking around, opening doors and wandering around your mind with Loki until you finally reached the big door in the end. This one looked different from the other; it had strange cravings on it. You looked at Loki who seemed quite suspicious and as if he was very familiar with this. He gave you a signal and you slowly placed your hand to the door knob, you turned it but nothing happened.

The door would not open.

It was...locked?

How could it be locked? It was your mind nothing should be locked from you. You looked at Loki in concern but he seemed more sceptical rather than concerned, as if he had already given up, but you had to intend to do the same. You continued trying to open the door; you pounded on it and pushed it with all your strength but nothing would happen. It was locked for good but you would just not give up. You didn't know why but opening this door was suddenly the most important thing in your life. Loki tried to stop you but you wouldn't listen so he put his palm against your forehead again and got you both out of there.

Once you were out the amount of pain that you felt was awful and made you immediately fall to your knees. Loki quickly caught you and sat you on a chair. You tried to take a few deep breaths and soon the pain was all gone, leaving just a few tears running down your cheeks. You looked down on your hands for a second and then stuck your terrified eyes on Loki. He looked at you with a more concerned look.

"What the hell was that?" You asked.

"I don't know." He said but you knew he was lying, you could clearly see it on his face.

"Loki..." You tried to stand up and walk to him but failed tragically. Your feet could not hold you and you ended up falling on the raven haired God's hands. "You know something." You continued anyway.


"Loki this is no time to play with my nerves. These doors...they had my memories behind them."


"Then why was that big door locked? How could my memories be locked from me?"

"We don't know if there really are memories behind it." He finally said.

"What? What could-"

"Your powers, obviously. I told you you have barely scratched the surface. The reason for that may as well be this locked door."

"Then we go back and open it." You stood on your feet, more confident this time.

"Forget it." He sat you down again.

"Why? And don't tell me it's dangerous, because you know it is more dangerous to continue using my powers like that."

"Your powers are not as stable as you think. Maybe we should focus on that first and then go back there. Besides I should do some reading on what we saw." He sighed and turned his back on you.

"What aren't you telling me Loki?" You stood up and walked towards him. "You recognized these craving didn't you?"

"They look...familiar." He turned and looked you in the eyes.

"Familiar how?"

"Look y/n, you are tired. I propose we call it a night and continue another day." You couldn't argue with him. You were indeed very tired so you sighed and nodded.

You took your stuff and both snuck back into your rooms. You still had a minor headache but it was nothing you could not handle. You decided to take a shower before going to bed to relax you.

It was a big day for you; getting into your mind with Loki, finding the locked door, it was a lot. But seeing that old memory was not easy either. You had almost forgotten that your family once was happy and healthy. You had so many beautiful memories, before your mother's passing. Your family was just perfect. You were the only child of happy couple that had made excellent parents.

That night you kept replaying that memory until you had finally fallen asleep, and it was the best sleep you had ever gotten. More beautiful memories came back as you slept, memories that made you feel like ten years ago, when everything was peaceful.

You woke up the next day and you felt so relaxed and peaceful, you didn't want to leave the bed but you knew you had to. You had an early morning training with Nat and you would never dare to be late. Obviously you knew training all day with Nat and all night with Loki would eventually exhaust you but for the moment you were fine. You took a quick shower, got into your sweatpants and got to the kitchen for breakfast. Everyone was already there, as always, and they said good morning to you as you walked into the kitchen. You said good morning back and sat next to Tony to get your breakfast. It didn't take you long to notice that Nat was missing from the morning table but soon she entered the kitchen in a hurry.

"No." She looked at you and everyone was confused. "I told you training at 9. It's 9.15 and you are still here. Come one there is now no time for breakfast."

"Ok I woke up a little late. Just give me five minutes."

"Not a second." She grabbed your hand and dragged you out of the room. Before you left you gave Loki a funny look and he returned you a smirk.

You both entered the training room and started training. For some reason Nat had decided to make your training even harder that day which was quite the inconvenience. After a few painful hours of hard training you were finally done for the day and headed to your room. Only when you entered the penthouse you realised that is was already afternoon. Had you been training all day? Everyone was sitting on the couches and looked at you as you entered with exhaustion written all over your face. You moved towards them and collapsed between Thor and Bucky on the middle couch.

"Someone trained hard." Bucky said mockingly.

"Shut up." You said with your eyes now closed.

"You shouldn't be that exhausted, I have done way worse to you and you've never been like that." Nat said.

"Maybe she didn't sleep well at night." Clint said.

"Is that so?" Nat laughed. You opened you eyes and quickly stood up.

"Well I am going to go now." You pointed towards the corridor and awkwardly tried to walk away.

"Oh I think our y/n maybe has a crush." Clint continued.

"Clint I am not five. I obviously don't have a 'crush'. Just grow up!"

"Then what is it?"

"I am tired you know." You left the room before anyone could say anything back to you.

You entered your room and immediately went to the bathroom and enjoyed a nice, hot bath before getting into your pajamas and collapsing on your bed. Your exhaustion was huge and it didn't take you longer than a minute to completely fall asleep.

You woke up about two or three hours later, around 2am and after making sure that everyone was asleep you went into Loki's room. After him protesting for a while and insisting that you needed sleep you managed to persuade him to go to the training room with the only condition that you would not get into your head just yet.You trained for about three hours before you were too exhausted to continue. 

Loki mostly taught you the things he knew about magic and the mind and you even got to try a trick on him but of course it did not work, but after all Loki was a great teacher. He was very supportive and patient and he really seemed like he believed in your abilities which helped you a lot more than his tips and made your time together even better.

But still as fun and simple as your training was it still drained you from all your strength. This continued on for a while; training with Nat in the mornings and sneaking to train with Loki at nights with some sleeping in between trying to gather as much strength and energy as you could. But besides the exhaustion you were feeling you had been noticing many improvements. You were now a quite skilled fighter and you felt your powers growing stronger every day. As for the rest of the team, you and Loki had made sure they wouldn't find out what you two were doing behind Tony's back, you were both very good secret keepers so it was not that hard.

But then a few weeks later everything was going to be brought to the light.

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