Destiny Of the Butterfly Neck...

By NurainiSalleh

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Get ready for a juicy side story, a spinoff of the Aurora series! Meet Risa Yamamoto, the ultimate right-hand... More

Chapter 1 (Edited)
Chapter 2 (Edited)
Chapter 3 (Edited)
Chapter 4 (Edited)
Chapter 5 (Edited)
Chapter 6 (Edited)
Chapter 7 (Edited)
Chapter 9 (Edited)
Chapter 10 (Edited)
Chapter 11 (Edited)
Chapter 12 (Edited)
Chapter 13 (Edited)
Chapter 14 (Edited)
Chapter 15 (Edited)
Chapter 16 (Edited)
Chapter 17 (Edited)
Chapter 18 (Edited)
Chapter 19 (Edited)
Chapter 20 (Edited)
Chapter 21 (Edited)
Chapter 22 (Edited)
Chapter 23 (Edited)
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 8 (Edited)

83 4 8
By NurainiSalleh

Hi guys! another update is now up! Hope you guys like this chapter because i really am happy with this chapter hehehehehe

Well on with the story!

Ryo's POV

"I AM GETTING MARRIED AGAIN! but of course not with Jordan this time."


I didn't know what to say as I was too shocked at what was going on and also at the words that came out of my sister's Risa's mouth. She is getting married today?! What?! Who?! When?! Where?! Why?!

"Ryo? Hello? Earth to Ryo, are you okay lil brother?" Risa asked me and I wasn't okay, I felt dizzy and confused.

When I finally suggested for all of us to sit down and talk about it, she told us how this situation happened. It was kind of a cute and sweet story.

Risa's POV

*I really hope the kids are okay, maybe i should follow them back home and give them support?*

In our family when twin babies are born there will always be a possibility that one of them not surviving after their birth or gets a very long unknown sickness. I really want to be there with them to see if they needed support. I was about to leave until I heard a stranger beside me suddenly speak out.

"Yes?" called the stranger. "Strange, I thought someone called me Senpai just now."

*Senpai? Why does this stranger sound so familiar?*

I looked up and saw the stranger's face and my eyes widened as I saw who it was.

"B-Brandon?! Brandon Johnson?" I stood up immediately to get a closer look at him and he finally looked back at me.

"Uh, yes? Are you the one that called me just now?" he asked me and i shook my head.

"Nope, I wasn't but i am surprised to see you here, how are you? Have you been feeling better since you were discharged from hopsital?" I asked him.

He looked at me with a confused expression on his face and then a shocked one.

"What? How did you- who are you?" Brandon asked me

*Hmm? He doesn't recognise me? Well, it has been 8 years I guess? I do look different now compared to what I used to look like 8 years ago. I think I should maybe make him remember me? Aha! I know what would make him remember me, I have a hoodie, now I need...*

I dug into my pockets and took out my extra hair ties I have and tied my hair back into 2 ponytails that I used to wear in high school.

"Remember me?" I asked grinning at him as I used to in high school as well.

He looked at me still confused and then his expression changed quickly, I finally got him to remember me.

"Risa? Risa Yamamoto?" his eyes widened and he started smiling widely at me.

"YES!" I exclaimed.

"Oh my god! How are you? Wow! You look so grown!"

"I'm fine, yeah I do look different don't i? Are you with anyone?" I asked him and he shook his head.

Eventually we agreed to sit together at the table that i was already at and Brandon brought his soda can and cup with him and brought it over to the table i was in. We then started talking about the good old times in high school and I told him about how Ryo is married with kids and he had a shocked expression on his face. I also told him what i have been up to for the past 8 years, my occupation as an actress anyway, not my job as this gangster-ish spy girl.

"Wow! So, little scared Risa Yamamoto finally did it, she became an actress like her sister-in-law" he said while looking at me so happily with those brown eyes i admired and a smile on his face.

"Hey! I am not scared of anything, I just needed time to find myself in the industry but eventually I had to ask Aiko for help. They really are a cut throat business." i explained to him and he seemed unconvinced with my explanation and just chuckled at me.

"And now your brother is Married?! With twins?! Wow! A Lot of people are getting married fast, I see." he said but mumbled some of his words while looking afar.


"So what about you? Did you get married too?" he asked me.

I was surprised he asked me that question and i was a little nervous with a drop anxious to tell him the whole story of my relationship with my ex-husband. So I just figured I would tell him a broad version of my story with my ex instead.

I took a deep breath and began to speak. "Well, I was married once but let's just say that sometimes things don't go as planned." i said while caressing my ponytail nervously.

"Tell me about it, things just never go as you planned it. No matter how hard you try." he spoke out.

I was confused about what he meant by that, it's like he understood what i meant by it and actually went through it himself, and then it clicked on me. Alessandra.

"So, what about you? Obviously, you and Alessandra must be married right? Or at least engaged?" i said as trying to get him to talk to me about it, but also i kinda suspect they would have gotten married anyway.

"Obviously? Well, obviously not! Allie and I broke up about...." he shrugged. "More than a year ago i guess." his face changed, he seemed so angry and uninterested but i know my stubborn butt won't let this go.

"What?! What happened, I thought you guys were good together." i actually thought they would be together since they have history together and their familes are all friends. It sounded like a love story.

"Well, it seems that we weren't good together after all. Umm, Allie and I kinda got into a fight and I did something. Well, i'm just going to tell you the whole story of what happened, since we are friends right?" he said and I nodded my head.

He then told me the story from his point of view and the more I listened to the story I noticed that it has a very similar beginning, middle and end of Ryo's friend's story. I then realised what was going on, Ryo's 'friend' was Brandon!

Suddenly, i got angry and frustrated for Brandon, because it turns out Brandon had to suffer all that heart ache for a girl who just left him like that! Are you kidding me?! Poor Brandon!

"And then now Allie got married to the guy around new year's eve. Which only 2 days before i was admitted to the hospital due to drug overdose." he continued.

I snapped back to reality after I heard the last words he said. "What?! You were in the hospital due to drug overdose?"

"Yeah, i was kinda depressed after Allie dumped me and i went and took some anti depressants, i guess i just took too much and..." he paused to breathe deeply. "Yeah, i know what you are thinking, it's a weak move right. Feeling that way, doing that over a girl."

I looked at Brandon in disbelieve of what i am hearing, the words that is coming of his mouth is unlike the guy i have met 8 years ago, he used to be so cheerful and happy but now seeing him like this makes me feel sad and i know that it's his depression saying all this, not him. "Brandon" i said and called him so he could look up and face me as I went a little closer to him.

"Brandon, you are not weak, you were never weak, you were just sad and depressed and you shouldn't be ashamed to say that you are. There are a lot of people who make mistakes and have very difficult and different tasks and situations that they have to face. You shouldn't think that needing help is a weak move, Allie broke your heart and you didn't know how to deal with it, it's fine Brandon. Remember, you are not weak but a strong man that i lo-" i stopped my speech and my eyes widened at what i was going to say to Brandon, i almost said love.

*Damn! I was getting emotional there!"

"Woah, thanks for saying that Risa and... Were you about to say love? Like you love me?" he asked me and my face went red like a tomato again.

"Oh my god! You were, didn't you! You were going to say you love me right?"

"Shut up!" i yelled at him

"Well, I couldn't blame you, I am good looking. You just couldn't resist my charm." he then started chuckling.

*What an ego he has now, has it gotten bigger since high school?*

"What? did you have a crush on me in high school or something?" he said while chuckling a little but i was stunned.

He then stopped chuckling when he saw my changed expression. "Risa?"

"Well, look at the time" I said while looking at my phone to look at the time for real as to avoid eye contact with Brandon. "I think i best be going back home"

I stood up and was about to walk away until I heard Brandon's voice "Risa" and then I stopped and looked at the ground trying to not turn around and look at him. I then heard his chair moving and then i heard him called my name and started talking to me from behind me. "Risa, please turn around and look at me. please, Please Risa, i just want to talk to you." I then turn around to face him.

There I saw it again, the eyes I remembered falling in love with. He then told me to sit down but I didn't want to but i know that i needed to talk to him about this, about the past and my feelings for him. I eventually sat down, still facing him with his worried expression stuck on his face. He is going to ask me questions, but i don't know which one of my answers I should give him.

"Hey Risa? Were you in love with me in high school?" he asked me that question again.

"Yes" I softly said but somehow felt ashamed to answer him.

We had an awkward silence but i realised that since the cat is now out of the bag, i should just reveal my feelings i had for him. Because I don't want to hide it anymore, I won't hide my feelings for another 8 years to see him again, it's now or never for me to tell him and show my feelings i had, no! have for him. Whatever his reaction he is going to give me after this, at least I knew that I was brave enough to confess to him.

"Brandon, i have been in love with you" i paused for a while to catch my breath again and was shaking. "For years, ever since we met I guess. I found out my feelings for you when I was 14 but I truly understood what I felt, the very next year."

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked me.

"I didn't tell you because I was nervous to see your reaction to my confession. I wanted you to not feel weird seeing me even if you turn me down. I know it will hurt me and be awkward for us but I still want to be your friend and not ruin the friendship we had." i chucked

"The funny thing is, I was so cliche that I wrote you a love letter when i was 15 and wanted to slide it into your locker. But i didn't and decided to wait, but i actually wanted to give that letter to you as soon as possible, so i went to the carnival where i heard you and Allie were going and..."

"Oh no, Risa" Brandon said while holding head.

"Yes, I saw you and Allie kiss so I kinda thought it was too late, so I crumpled the letter and threw it away." I really felt like crying because I pictured the whole situation all over again in my head. I was so young and heartbroken.

"Risa, i am so sorry. I didn't know and you were there " he paused for a while. "That was the day that I went on a date with Alllie because I asked her out a few days prior. We kissed and... I am so sorry Risa."

"It's okay Brandon, you were interested in Allie and you asked her out. You have every right to ask her out and plus i shouldn't stop you from loving her." I told him.

"Yeah well, jokes on me. The girl I have been with for 5 years dumped me for a guy she met only for a few months." he told me "Maybe it's like payback for not noticing your feelings." he looked at me with sadness and guilt in his eyes.

*Risa! This is your chance to steer the conversation to that!*

"Yeah, i am so sorry for your break up by the way." i said

"Yeah, Well she did have amnesia, so i can't blame her for that, but the whole situation was kinda messed up for our relationship and our family."

"Well, you can't just blame amnesia for everything. You told me just now that when she got her memories back and confessed to you that she is in love with another man. She was kinda responsible for her own actions after her amnesia, you did tell me that, when her mother was persumed dead , she did just sneak out her and her parent's house and kiss a random stranger in a bar right? Not judging, but she was responsible for that.

"Yeah, she is kinda responsible for that but i think that is how she was greiving for her mother when we though she presumed dead but she wasn't, she was alive. I think some people would grief differently. I know i kissed someone when we kinda broke up and i was wrong to do that but she was giving me so many mixed signals all of a sudden. But it is still not an exuse of what i did. I think i kinda knew that our relationship is cracking but i didn't want it to, we spent so many years together and been friends for that long, i didn't know what to do. When she told me she love someone else, it broke my heart, how could this have happened."

From that on, the conversation became something of an emotional confession between his relationship with Allie, it was kinda heartbreaking for me to see him like this, he did really loved her, they spent so much time together, they are friends and their family are friends, people, meaning our classmates or even schoolmates thought they were good together.

"When i found out that they were getting married, meaning Allie and then other guy, i was really upset with her, with him and with me. Everyone was happy but i was still heartbroken, i didn't know why but i feel that i should have just be okay and accepted the fact that Allie is getting married to another guy but no, my wounds are not healing like it should."

"Brandon, i know what you mean, sometimes some woulds just becomes scars as a reminder of that experience of that past."


Brandon went quiet for a while after we talked about his relationship with Allie.

"But I don't know, maybe they are really in love. Or should i say they fell in love when they saw each other, maybe a few months is enough to make a big decision like marriage. I really don't like talking bad about Allie." i just feel bad for Brandon as mentioning of Allie is making him sad "But we really can't judge them in any way as we don't know their situation, who knows what happened to her when she was abroad. If she feels like he is the one then he is the one."

I looked at Brandon and he looked really sad and depressed , as i realised what i said was a sensitive subject to him. It's like I'm saying that Brandon's 5 years relationship with Allie meant nothing, like he had wasted years with her. Brandon deserves better, he deserves a woman who really cared and loves him with every fibre of their body. A woman like-.

"Risa?" Brandon called me. "Why don't we try it?

"Try what Brandon?" I asked him curiously.

"Why don't we get married ourselves? Like we have known each other for like 2 years right?. We may have lost contact in a while but here we are now, it must be a reason that we met again. See this" he said while showing the back of his han, it was the ring that I gave him after he and Allie graduated high school "I still kept this ring that you gave me when i was about to leave for college and somehow out of all of New york, we ended up in the same Cafe. Don't you think this could be a good reason that we should tie the knot?"

"Brandon? Are you really asking me to marry you?" I asked him.

He then stood up and went down on one knee,I heard gasps from the customers in the cafe and the place went quiet for a while.

"Risa Yamamoto, will you marry me?"

*Is this happening? Am i dreaming? Oh my goodness! Is he really asking me? Quick answer him you Risa!*

"Yes! Yes! I will marry you Brandon!" I said and the rest started cheering for us.


"And then one of the employees gave us free lava cakes for each of us and that's about it! Oh and that we decided on getting married at city hall as we thought that maybe we just want something really small" i said while I saw my best friend and my brother's faces changed from shock to happiness in a matter of seconds.

They then congratulated me again and I was really happy, I heard my phone ring and saw it was Brandon's number. He and I exchanged pgone numbers last night, so we can plan the details of our 'small wedding'.

"Hello, Brandon? Yeah, it's funny that you called, I just told Ryo and Vienna that we are getting married today."

What happened next shocked me and my heart just sank and i felt like crying. "Yeah Risa, i'm sorry but we can't get married."



What?! why is Brandon backing out?!

Find out in the next chapter of Destiny of the Butterfly Necklace!

Please like, comment and share this story with your friends and family who like romance and fantasy!

well, see you guys in the next chapter. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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