Im surrounded by idiots

By gamergirl0409

16.5K 375 146

this whole book is going to be marvel one shots most of it will probably be Peter Parker and field trip, bu... More

Codes are key
Codes are key part 2
The siblings
Sleepover at my house!!??
Sleepover at my house part 2
sleepover at my house!! part 3
who are they??
Im Leading??
Date night
Father Son
Bucky's secret daughter
The Christmas Umbrella
The Quiet day


530 10 3
By gamergirl0409

so I have like 2 chapter that have been sitting as drafts because I keep coming up with other ideas and I also dont know how to write them, but hey heres another chapter hope you like it


(Peters prov)

Hi im Peter Parker...well I guess you already knew that since it says Peters prov and most of these chapters have been in my prov, anyways...umm... I dont know what to spiderman...I guess you guys would already know that to. You know what Im just going to tell you what is going on so that you guys are caught up

So since my parents died I lived with my aunt and my uncle. When I was 14 my uncle got shot and died, I wasnt able to save him even though I have powers. I pushed through that dark period of my life and now im here. I just got adopted by the Tony Stark aka Iron Man aka the person ive looked up to for so long. Some of you might be wondering "well Parker what about aunt May what happened to her" dont worry she is ok, her and Happy got together and are now married so its all good. Its only been about a week since I got adopted by Tony, he already had one son, his name is Harley we became good friends right away

So now you guys are basically caught up on what is going lets get on with the actual story now. curently im at school even though I dont want to be. Today has been boring to no end, nothing is happening other than the teachers teaching to a half dead class

"Hey Pete, do you want to hang out after school" Ned asked

"Is this just a way for you to meet Banner again" I asked

"Possably but I also have a suprise in my bag that I think you will like so, how about it"

"Sure why not, you want to come to MJ"

"Hang out with you losers" MJ asked

"Yeah, but you will also get to talk to Nat again and plus be kinda socialble" I said

She looked at me and just went back to reading. Me and Ned looked at each other and shrugged, guess we will be finding out at the end of school. The bell finally rung telling us the end of class was finally here

"See you guys after school then" I said and then walked away

I went to the rest of my classes and then meet up with MJ and Ned at the front of the school. Wade was also with them so I guess he is coming over also

"Hey Bambi" Wade yelled

"Hey Wade, what are you doing here"

"Oh what I cant come and see my boyfriend"

"No you can, just didnt know you were coming here, I thought we were going to meet at the building again"

"I couldnt wait to see you" Wade said and then he kissed me

"Ok can we get going now" Ned said

"Calm down loser, we have to wait for Happy to come anyways" MJ said

"Wait Happy isnt here yet, hes always on time"

"No we have been waiting here for about 5 minuets and he still hasnt shown up" Ned said

"Mmmm...something is up then, let me text Tony"

I texted Tony to see what was going on but I got no response, so I tried to call him. Nothing, I tried Nat, nothing, then I tried Clint since I know the other two would have answered if there was nothing going on but he didnt answer either

"Mmmm... no one is answering, well I guess we have to walk to the tower, good thing its not that far" I say

We all started to walk to the tower, me and Wade were holding hands. We were all talking about random things by the time we got to the tower Me, Ned, and Wade were in a argument and MJ was just reading something on her phone chiming in when she felt like it. Once we were in the elevator the argument started again

"You can not tell me that Batman wont be able to take down superman, the dude has already done it" Ned said

"Ok but all superman has to do is take away all of the Bats toys and he wins" Wade said

"But supermans biggest weakness is a stupid rock. Plus Batman took down the who justice league by himself with like barely any of his toys" I said

The elevator opened and we all walked out still fighting. We didnt notice the people in the room until someone said my name making me freeze in my tracks and for the other two to stop talking. It also made MJ look up from her phone


When I looked up I saw all of the avengers either standing or sitting down and in the middle of all of them was Nick Fury. Oh no Im dead im so dead now. There are two things that Nick dosent know and there is one thing that my friends, boyfriend, and avengers dont know about me and now they are going to find out

"hehe.... Hey Uncle Flurry. Wh....what are you doing here" I said nervously

The tower went dead silent after I said that. Everyone was looking either at me with confused or shocked looks or they were looking between me and Uncle Flurry. Uncle Flurry though was looking at me kinda annoyed but amused that I still call him that, I guess I probably shouldnt have called him that in front of the avengers but I call him that all the time out of the costume that its just habit now

Everyone was still in shock but the one to get out of it first was Tony

"WAIT WHAT" He yelled

That seemed to snap everyone out of their trance and look to me and Uncle...ugh Nick for answers

I laughed nervously "Umm....I think im going to go room"

"Oh no you dont, you started this you explain" Nick said

"Technically if you would have just texted me telling me you were coming to the tower then I wouldn't have been surprised"

"Well I didnt know you would be coming over to the tower since you live in queens"

That got even more confused looks from everyone

"OOOhhh, yeah so I forgot to tell you something" I said nervously

"It looks like you forgot to tell me a lot of things" Nick said pointing a look at mine and Wades hands

"Yeah. umm... well take a seat because this is going to be a shocker for most of you" I said

I know there is no way to get out this so I might as well explain. Ned, MJ, Wade, and Nick all sat down same with the avengers that were standing

"Soo...ummm.. im just going to start from the beginning i guess"

"That would be smart Kid" Bucky said

"Ok soo, My parents when they were alive worked for SHIELD and since they were passionate about their work there we practically lived there. Of course we had our own house and everything but there was multiple occasions where you would find my dad passed out in his lab. As embarrassing as this is, it wasnt uncommon to find a little 5 year old me running around the SHIELD plane"

"Wait, so your telling us that you grew up on the SHIELD plane and you would just run around it like you owned the place, how does this translate to you calling him (points to Nick) Uncle Flurry" Sam asked

"Yes I did, of course I knew where I could go and where I couldnt. I mostly stayed in the labs though helping my mom and dad, if you let me continue then you would know"

"So anyways there would be times when I couldnt help out in the labs so I had to find a way to entertain myself, and my younger self thought it was a good idea to go bug the scary man also known as Nick Fury. After many times of me doing this it wasnt uncommon to see me and Nick around each other, the other workers compared us to being like a nephew and a Uncle, so thats how that started" I said

Fury had a look of amusement on his face remembering all the things I did to bug him. Wade was trying not to laugh same with many others in the room since they couldnt picture Nick with a little 5 year old bugging him to no end

"Where does the Flurry part come in" Nat asked

"Oh that was because it became like a tradition for us to go and get some kind of ice cream on Fridays, Uncle Flurry started to join us for those outings and he always got a Flurry so I started to call him Uncle Flurry and it just stuck"

"The name or the tradition" Cap asked

"Both, even after my parents died he still took me out to get ice cream and he still got a flurry every time, honestly it helped me get through the death of my parents and then death of Ben"

"Ok so that catches everyone up on why you called me that, now why are you here and not in queens. And why the hell are you holding hands with Wade Wilson" Nick asked

"Yeah ok so, I was going to tell you. So last week you know how Aunt May and Happy got married"

"Yes I was at the wedding"

"Ok so after that about a week after Tony over there adopted me, its only been a week since I moved in here so I didnt have the time to tell you about me moving in here with him" I said

"So you got adopted by an idiot who can barley take care of himself"

"Yeah basically" I said

"HEY, I already had one kid and I took care of him perfectly fine" Tony said

"No comment" came Harley

"Ok I think I can look past this. Now the thing I might not be able to look past is why you and Wilson were holding hands a few minuets ago"

"Aww what, me and your apparently nephew cant hold hands eye patch" Wade asked

Fury looked like he was about to kill Wade, which is not happening on my watch

"Uncle Flurry no killing my boyfriend" I said sternly

After I said that Sam, Clint, and Bucky broke out into laughter

"Sorry, I was trying really hard not to laugh but after hearing that I cant hold it in" Sam said and then went back to laughing

I rolled my eyes at him and turned back to Fury and Wade who seemed to be having a staring contest

"When did this happen" Nick asked

"ummm... so... about a year and a half ago" I say

"A YEAR AND A HALF!! How and why am I just now hearing about this"

"Because we all know how you feel about Wade! plus I wasnt sure how to tell you Im gay"

"Peter. Ive known for a while you are gay, I knew before you"

"Wait what!?"

"Peter, your outfit is the first indication, then all the dates you went on with girls. Also the fact that ive known you since you were born" Nick deadpanned

"Hes got you there loser" MJ said

I glared at her

"Ok well that takes care of the whole talk and coming out part, well now you know that Im dating Wade, and no its not changing. Or at least I hope it doesnt" I say saying the last part under my breath

"Oh trust me it wont" Wade said

I smiled at him. It got suddenly really quiet, Sam and them were even done laughing. I didnt know what to do so im glad when Bruce spoke up

"Ok so let me get this straight. You two (points to Fury and Peter) Have known each other since you (points to peter) have been born, hence why you call him Uncle Flurry. Then when your parents died you lived with your aunt and uncle until of last week when you moved in here. And you (points to Tony) had no clue that those two knew each other" Bruce said

"Yeah sums it up" Me and Nick said at the same time

"I really should have done more research into you kid" Tony said

"Well now I dont have to try and explain why every Friday I will be hanging out with Nick Fury, which we are still on for tomorrow right" I asked

"I actually cant, I have a very important meeting which im sure is going to take all day long, sorry Blue face. There is blue moon ice cream in the freezer though, I was going to bring it to you after I was done here but you made my job easier" Nick said standing up

"Aww... come on Uncle Flurry we go every Friday, you cant just change it up on me now"

"Sorry Blue Face, next week we can go twice if that makes you feel better" Fury said and then ruffled my head

I just pouted and mumbled a fine, he smiled and then walked out. I walked over to the kitchen and got my Blue moon out of the freezer and started to eat it. When I walked back into the room everyone was staring at me again


"Blue Face" Ned asked

"You made Fury smile" Tony said

"Yeah, I always got blue moon ice cream and it would get all over my face by the time I was done, so he started to call me that. If I hear any of you call me Blue Face though I will not hesitate to kill you. Also I can always make him smile, hes not that heartless" I said then took another bite

"I still cant believe you have known him since birth" Clint said

I just smiled and sat in front of Wade eating my ice cream


This idea popped into my head on a late snowy night and I knew I just had to write it so here it is. Hope you like it

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