Alpha's Babies

By cataquiroz214

202K 5.5K 686

What happens when the person you are destined to be with, rejects you after meeting for the first time and ha... More

Chapter 2
Authors Note
Chapter 3: JROTC issues
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Expect the unexpected
Name Choosing
Names Chosen
Moving On
Not a Chapter
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
The BDSM lifestyle
A song that I found
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 1

20.4K 529 124
By cataquiroz214

Chapter 1

It is said that when a she wolf turns 16, they are able to shift into their wolf and find their Mate. Well today is that day! I finally turned 16 I haven't shifted yet, but I have met my wolf, and her name suits her, Melody... hm who would have thought.

I say it suits her because I love music and the melody from it, and what a coincidence that my wolf's name is Melody!! I giggle at that.

'Ya ya ya, I know that you love me, and I also love you.' My wolf says, god can't I be happier at her!

'Yes I do love you and lucky to have you! I can't wait for us to meet our Mate and see his reaction to finding us!' I say to her without hiding my excitement.

You must ask yourself why I'm excited to meet him. Well if you knew how my life is you would understand.

Ok so let me introduce myself.

My name is Catherine Knight, but everyone calls me by my nickname Cat, I'm 16, and if you haven't guessed it, yes I am a werewolf.

I'm not like other she-wolfs, that look anorexic to try and be skinny like them, that wear excessive makeup that make them look like clowns. Wear skimpy clothes that barely hide anything from plain view.

No, I'm what they call a Tom boy. I wear jeans instead of skirts or shorts. Wear T-shirts instead of tank tops. Tennis shoes instead of heels. I play soccer instead of doing cheer leading.

And you ask yourself why? Well my dad is overprotective of me, and I learned from him how to play soccer. That's what my mom hates about it. I rather be playing instead of going with her to the mall and shop for dresses, skirts, etc. Well I'm not about to spend my entire day of going into store after store and buy almost the entire stock of clothes. Nope, that's why I have a dresser with the necessary clothes.

So yes with those things combined, I'm always been making fun of. Girls in the pack make fun of me because of how I dress up. The guys, ugh, they just see me as another player in the game. They don't turn their heads when they see me, they only do it when I'm going to play, but not for being the center of attention.

Of course they do make fun of me. They always mock me for playing in an all 'guys' sport. Pssh, ya right. I don't care, I guess they just jealous that I can beat them in any game. Of all of them the worse is Blake, our soon to be Alpha, I consider him to be a jock and a jerk. He's the one that torments me every day. And it doesn't help that I have a major crush on him since childhood.

We used to be friends in elementary, hang out at the pack house when we were out of school, but that all changed when we turned teenagers, and he saw nothing in me. Oh, but he does sees that in my no good but slut of a sister, Lauren. But in every one's eyes she the perfect angel when I know she isn't because she sleeps with any guy that gives her the attention she says she deserves.

But whatever, I know it hurts me every day to see her hanging onto his arm and showing off what I wish would be mine. That's why I'm happy that I get to meet my Mate.

Once I'm ready, I head downstairs to the kitchen to eat some quick breakfast before heading to school. When I get there, I notice that my mom is already at the stove cooking something. Before I say anything she surprises me.

"Good morning honey, sit down and I will serve you a plate of breakfast, don't look at me like that. I smelled you the moment you came downstairs. Happy Birthday honey." she said.

"You always freak me out when you are able to tell when someone comes in!" I said. She always does that, no matter how many times I try to sneak behind her to scare her, she's always been able to catch me in the act.

"Honey, I'm your mom, I could tell that you were behind me the moment that I was able to hear you getting up from bed, and smell you the moment you stepped into the kitchen. Now, sit down and let me serve you your breakfast, don't want the birthday girl to go with an empty stomach to school do we?" She said while smiling at me. God, that's why I love my mom. I can't stand to be mad at her no matter what.

Just as I was getting into my breakfast my dad comes into the kitchen and hugs and gives me a kiss on the cheek while saying Happy Birthday then heading to where my mom is at the stove and goes behind her and hugs her. Love, I'm lucky that my parents don't ever have to get a divorce because that's the kick in being a werewolf.

Once you find your Mate, you are linked together from the beginning, they are your soul mate, your other half. Nothing can compare when you find him/her. That's why it doesn't grosses me out when I see my mom and dad kissing or anything because it reminds me when I find my Mate, that's how we are going to be.

"Good morning Cat, I hope you slept well?" my dad asks me.

"Yes daddy I did sleep well. But not all night long. I'm happy but at the same time worried, what if I don't find my Mate, or if I do, what if he doesn't accept me as their Mate?" I say while my voice cracks at the end and my wolf whimpers at that thought.

Well why I wouldn't worry about that. If you saw me, I'm not your typical teenager. Other girls wear skirts or shorts with tank tops or blouses or dresses. I'm the opposite, I'm your typical tom boy nerd, wearing glasses, jeans and shirts with a jacket with tennis shoes. Who would be interested in me?

"Honey, your Mate will accept you no matter how you look. And if he doesn't, let me know so I can kill him for hurting my princess. You deserve the best, if he doesn't accept you, then it's his lost." my dad said, you have to love him. That's why he is the Beta of our pack. Always looking for the logic in everything.

"Thank you daddy, I hope you're right. Well I have to go, I don't want to be late to my first day of my senior year! Love you both!" I say, then go to them and hug and kiss them goodbye.

But before I even get to the front door with my belongings, they shout out to me.

"Honey before you leave, we have to give you your birthday present. Now I'm going to put a blindfold over you since I don't want you to see the surprise." my dad said to me, than he put the blind fold on and that's when I noticed why we were walking outside by the sounds. I could hear the sounds of vehicles coming from the front of the house, and from that I got major excited. Then they stop me and count to three, and when my dad takes off my blindfold, I scream from the excitement!

Right in front of me was my dreams come true! A 2014 Cadillac CTS, four door and in my favorite color, RED!!! OMG, I hear a jingle of keys next to my face, and look at my dad hand that holds what I guess the keys to the car. I scream and hug him and my dad and kept on screaming "thank you" over and over.

Once I said my goodbyes, I got into my car and headed to school. Now you have to understand, just because we are werewolf's doesn't mean we don't have to go to school, nope, we still have to make a living, and going to school is what helps.

Once I get to school, I gather my stuff and get out. When I get to the front of my school I am greeted by my BFF, her name is Emily Patterson, and she's the coolest person to have as a friend. Behind her are my other friends, Trent, Peter, Joseph, and Brittany.

"Hey Cat, happy birthday! Aren't you excited?! You get to meet your Mate today! Here I got this present for you on your special day!" she said all excited. God that's why she's my BFF, she's the kind to make your day from being lame to excite in a matter of seconds.

I take the present that she gave me and when I open it, I'm shrieking in excitement by what I see. I'm looking at the new Mini Ipad that just came out, but what makes it more awesome, she got it in my favorite color, red. I know I have tears in my eyes because I see blurry when I look at her. I throw myself at her and kept on saying thank you.

My friends come over and say the same thing, in within minutes I have more presents, I got a gift card to make purchases on my Ipad, some jewelry, but I don't go for the expensive kind, I told them to get me the kind that is for dress up, I don't want to be those kinds of people that show off. And then I got other gift cards from my favorite stores worth up to $500 in total that they all chipped in. I couldn't ask for better friends then them.

"All right, enough with the tears and screaming, so Cat, have you found your Mate yet?" Peter asks me.

"No, not yet, I don't smell a scent that stands out, but I do feel a pull. That means he hasn't arrived yet. But hey, no worries, I'll let you guys know when I do find him." I said to them, while holding the smile from forming on my lips, of course I smell him. But I just don't see him yet. What if he knows I'm his Mate, and doesn't want me?

'Don't say that about our Mate! He will love us no matter who we are.' Melody my wolf said to me growling at what I said.

'Are you sure? Why I can smell that he's in the school, I know for sure that he must have smelt me by know? Shouldn't he be looking for me by now?' I ask her with concern in my voice. Well look at me, I'm your typical nerd/tom boy looking girl. Of course I will be asking myself that. She just whimpered at that thought.

"Cat, are you ok? You been spacing there for a while. It's time for us to head inside, the bell is about to ring warning us we will be late to class." Joseph asked me.

"Sorry I was talking with Melody, she keeps on asking about our Mate, but I keep on telling her we will find him soon. Alright let's get inside before we are late to class." I say, then we head to class. Since the school emailed everyone their schedules, I already know what I have, and let me tell you I'm not happy, except for two classes.

1st Period: Math

2nd Period: U.S. History

3rd Period: Science

4th Period: JROTC

5th Period: Spanish

6th Period: Office Help

7th Period: Choir

8th Period: Computer Tech

Ugh, well at least I have some of my friends in my classes, for that I am grateful. My two favorites are JROTC (I loved that class in High School) and Choir. I love singing so that's why I have that class too.

So I head to my first period class which is Algebra (not my favorite class) good thing that at least Peter is in my class. Everyone else said goodbye and we headed to our class. We take two seats that are located in the middle since I don't like to be in the front of the class because it usually lets the teacher choose you to answer some of their questions.

While we are for everyone to get in, we heard a commotion and when I looked up front guess who stepped into the class. Yep you guessed it, the school's number one jock that's a jerk Blake King our Future Alpha and the head cheerleader/school slut Cindy Davis. The teacher wasn't too happy to see them be arriving late to class, that's why I heard the commotion.

Well whatever, once the teacher gave them a warning, they headed to the only available seats which I didn't like since one of them was next to me. Obviously one of them had to sit next to me, but I just hope it wasn't the *cough* slut *cough*.

I hear someone clear their throat, and when I look up I see that both are looking down at me, and I just raise my eyebrow at them asking hem "what"?

"Do you mind getting up and moving to the other seat? I don't want you to be next to me or next to my boyfriend." The bitch said to me.

"Oh really? I don't see your name on the desk and also, you should have been here early to this seat. So yes I do mind sitting there or he does, because I'm not moving." I sneer at her, who does she thinks she is to talk to me like that?!

"Bitch who you think you are talking to?! I'm the Luna, don't you dare disrespect me! I said for you to move or I will make you move!" she screamed at me. Luna ha!

"Oh really, how come I haven't heard in a meeting that you have been introduced into the pack as our 'Luna', and also with that tank top I can tell that you haven't even been marked, so yeah, I don't need to respect you at all, when clearly you aren't our Luna. So if you don't mind, move out of my way, I'm trying to concentrate in the class. Do whatever you two decide to do. I'm staying in this seat." I said getting really pissed off.

With all the commotion, I wonder why the teacher hasn't said anything, and when I look to the front, ha, no wonder. He's just standing there with amusement in his eyes, and also everyone else is looking at me with their jaws open, oh did I forget to mention, if you ever get me pissed off, you will see a side of me, that will leave you speech less.

When I look back at the two, I noticed that Blake sits next to me, great now I have to deal with him by the expression on his face.

'Don't think I won't forget about that confrontation Catherine, I expect you in my office when we get to the pack house. You just disrespected you future Luna in front of me.' Blake said to me through the pack link.

"Yes Sir." I said to him. What?! I can't say anything in retaliation to him. Even if he's still not the Alpha, if I disrespect him or anyone, I'm in trouble.

Before I knew it, class was over, wow, I guess we did take up the whole class time. Which I'm grateful for.

The next two classes pass by quickly and before I knew it, hello JROTC. Last year I was voted Battalion Commander, which in terms means I am the leader of all the JROTC classes. The Major (Teacher) told me from my freshman year I was a born leader, and it didn't surprise him last year that there wasn't any objection when it came to being voted as Commander. I take my position seriously, don't take shit from no one, it's almost like being an Alpha or Luna, and have those that are your commanders below you, but in every class. Hmm, I wonder if I will ever be a leader in my life, but ha, who am I to be kidding with something like that?!

I get introduced to the new members in my battalion, before starting class. Once everything was in order, I looked over the schedule to see the upcoming events and see what is needed to be done to be prepared. One of my favorite is where we get together with other schools, and battle in between with other JROTC classes, my favorite is the drill team.

The next classes passed by quickly, and next thing I knew it was time for Choir. One of my least favorite things about this class, is that I'm in competition with another snobby girl that thinks she's all that, but it's not my fault since that teacher can't decide which of the two of us would be the leader in the choir. He just can't make up his mind, but whatever, most of my classmates support me in being the head leader in the class.

He told us that there's a talent show coming up next week, and gave us the option of doing a group performance or solo. I opted for solo, that way I can show him and everyone that I can be the leader that they need.

Once that was done, the whole day passed by with a breeze. And for some reason, I know my Mate is here, and I'm terrified that he doesn't want me. How is it that I can smell and feel where he is, but he doesn't come looking for me? I know you are asking yourself why don't I go and look for him, well I have, but when I'm close to wherever he is, it's like he runs away from me. My wolf doesn't like that her Mate hasn't seeked her, and I'm starting to lose hope that he wants us. But whatever, it's his loss if he doesn't.

When I go to my locker, I see my friends there waiting for me to leave, when I go to them, I see they're fidgeting, hmmm, I wonder what's going on with them?

"Hey guys what's up?" I asked while putting the books that I don't need till tomorrow.

"Hey Cat, so what are you doing tomorrow? Me and the guys are going to a party tomorrow and we were wondering if you wanted to go with us." Emily said while looking at me with puppy eyes that she knows works on me because she knows that I won't resist them.

Now that I think about it, yeah I need to go out and have a good time. It's my birthday, of course I need to!

"So are you coming? It's at 3 tomorrow or do you want to spend the night today?!" Emily asked me.

"Whatever Emily, you asked me, you decide for me."

Emily squealed before saying "Okay then! You better be at my house in 45 minutes! Bring all of your makeup and your outfit!"

"Okay well see you later." I sighed. I head to my after saying goodbye to everyone. When I arrive at my house I head upstairs but not before saying hi to my parents. I get inside my room and looked around my room while thinking what to wear.

Tomorrow night is my best friends Brittany party my birthday. Like I don't know that they been planning it for weeks! Ha, serves them right, I just made sure to act as if I didn't know anything.

Jumping off of my big white and blue queen size bed, I grabbed my overnight Vera Bradley bag and stuffed all of my makeup in a pouch before walking over to my walk in closet.

While looking around at my party worthy clothes, I grabbed a black lace panties and a push up strapless bra. After stuffing those away, I picked out a strapless black lace and silk dress that separates fabrics below the breasts and goes mild thigh.

The top of the dress is lace and bottom is silk and flows. Picking out some black ankle boot heels I grabbed my bag and headed to my Baby. I looked at my phone to see what time it was and noticed that I had 30 minutes till the party started. What I did notice that my wolf for some reason was acting all excited and whimpering in excitement.

'Ok what is up with you? Ever since this morning you're acting like a puppy in excitement.'

'I don't know why, but for some reason I feel that our life is about to change tonight. Remember that we smelt our mate this morning at school, and yes, I know he didn't seek us out, but for some reason I know for sure that tonight we might meet him.'

'I hope you're right. I can't believe he didn't seek us out this morning. He must have had a good reason to not look for us. But whatever, let's go have some fun tonight!'

Once I got to the party I parked my car and grabbed my belongings. It didn't take long before I got inside and looked around. Ugh, one of the reasons that I hate about parties is everyone is drunk and doing all kinds of stuff. There where people drinking, making out on the dance floor or anywhere else in the house, smoking, grinding on each other.

Ignoring everyone around us, I started looking for my friends, but in the process I smelt that amazing scent that is driving me and my wolf crazy. But it keeps getting away from me when I search for it. Whatever, I don't have time for this. Making my way around everyone again, I finally found my friends.

"Hey guys, good to finally find you. I've been searching everywhere for you guys. So, what's going before I got here?" I asked while Emily handed me a red cup that contained I guess some beer in it.

Oh, well like you see there's your usual, drinking, smoking, people making out. But what's more disgusting is our future Alpha is in the corner over there, making out with the schools slut, Cindy and it's like totally disgusting. And obviously his friends are doing the same with her slut team." Peter said while looking at them with disgust. When I look over there, I see what he was referring to. Yep, our future Alpha, is making out with the 'slut' and his friends and his commanders are not far behind. There's Nicholas, his Beta, and Christopher as his Third in command.

Now those three are known in school as the school's players. Sleep with any girl that are willing to open their legs. And obviously the ones that do, are the cheerleader slut team. What?! That's what I call them! They're nothing but sluts, sleep with whoever they want to. It won't surprise me if one of these days one of them or all of them are going to be treated for some kind of STD's or any of the girls wind up pregnant.

But I guess if they do become pregnant, it will only be for high status. So I hope those idiots have a working brain and use birth control so that we don't have any sluts as Alpha female, or Beta female, or the Third in command female.

I was brought out of my thoughts again by that smell, but before I could look for it, Trent said something to me.

"Hey Cat, also just to let you know, Blake's brother Nathaniel from Crescent Moon Pack is here with some of his commanders. I know that we don't like them, but Blake just had to go and invite them too." Emily told me.

Now you have to know this, our school is split into two packs, our pack the Full Moon Pack and Crescent Moon Pack, the reason why Blake's has one pack and his brother another is because their uncle lost his mate and didn't have any children with her, and he died months later but before that, he passed his Alpha title to Nathaniel.

One of the reasons why I don't like Nathaniel is because my ex-best friend Christy told him I had a huge crush on him in middle school that she humiliated me in front of the whole school by bullying me. Even to this day, I still have a crush on him, but now he's in a relationship with her. He's stopped bullying me, but doesn't pay attention to me at all.

"Thanks for the heads up. Look guys, I keep on smelling my mate around here, and my wolf won't leave me alone to go looking for him. So I'll talk to you later." I said before walking away. They cheered me on.

'Find mate, go to mate!'

'That's what I'm doing!'

I don't pay attention where I'm going by arguing with her, that I hit a brick wall. Wait a minute, I don't remember there being a brick wall. When I look to see what I hit, I see the person that has been giving me such a pain in the ass these years. But at the same time, have a crush on. But the next words that my wolf says to me, stops me in my tracks from walking away from him.


"Well hello there Mate, this is a surprise you bumping into me. I thought I would have need come looking for you." He said while looking up and down at me checking me out. My body shivered reacting to his gaze.

"Funny, I thought the same thing, what's your name?" I asked him while checking him out, and let me tell you, OMG H.O.T!

He's 6'5, brown hair, smoking dark brown eyes, muscles in the right places, and those biceps (sigh) imagine the things he could do to me with those hands! And is that a 8 pack that I see underneath that shirt that clings to his body?! I get snapped out of my daze from him clearing his throat. Omg, great I got caught checking him out, and I can feel a blush creeping up on my neck.

"Done checking me out babe? Why don't you take a picture it will last longer?" he said while smirking for catching me in the act. Ugh, I just want to go over there and wipe that smirk off him.

"Naw, I seen better." I said knowing it will make him mad thinking I've seen another male.

"What do you mean you have seen better?! Who was it, you are Mine! You shouldn't be seeing anyone else like that!" he said growling at my response.

"Babe, I was just joking. Can't I just joke at you question? What could I say that will change the fact that you caught me checking you out?" I asked while looking up at him, since our height difference I reach him just beneath his chin.

"Ok, never ever say something like that to me again. I don't want to think the worse of you by saying something like that. Now, why don't we look for a room to get to know each other?" he asked, but before I could respond, he grabbed my hand and we headed upstairs. Passing rooms, where we could hear people 'cough' having sex 'cough', we finally found one that was empty.

We spent the next hour getting to know each other, doing the 20 questions. At the end we started making out and before you know it, well, you can imagine what happened.

*Smexy Time Skipped*

I woke up the next morning with the suns rays coming into the room and hitting me in the face. I pat next to me, expecting to see my mate next to me, and find it empty. Weird, where could he be.

I got up, and regretted it, since I'm all sore after our activities from last night. I blush as I remember the things I did! Of course I'm all sore since I was a virgin since I was saving myself for my Mate.

Once I got the courage to get up, and headed to the shower expecting to see him there, I see the bathroom empty. I take advantage of it, and take a quick shower. Once I got out, I grabbed my clothes from last night, and got changed. I headed downstairs because I could still smell his scent that directed me outside.

When I head outside, I see him talking to my Alpha which is his cousin and hear him saying that he's heading back to his pack. I clear my throat since none of them even noticed me outside to grab their attention. He looked at my direction, and instead of me seeing happiness that he saw me, I saw anger in his eyes. Please, don't tell me what happened last night was what I think it was?!

"Um, hi Alpha's, good morning. Alpha Nathaniel, are you leaving?"

"Yes, I am heading back to my pack. I didn't find my Mate here last night, that's one of the reasons that I came here, other than partying too."

When he said that, I felt my heart shatter to a million pieces. I thought after what we shared last night he was accepting me. But I should have known that he wouldn't since he didn't mark me at all! While I was thinking about that, I felt someone trying to get into my mind link.

'Catherine don't make this harder than it is, you aren't fit to be my Mate and Luna of my pack. What happened last night was a mistake, and won't ever happen ever again. I'm heading back to my pack and don't bother looking or contacting me again, you got it?! I Nathaniel Davis hearby reject Catherine Knight as my Mate and Luna to my pack The Midnight Pack.'

The moment he said that, everything around me starting spinning around and before I knew it I welcomed the darkness that was creeping up on me.


Nathaniel's P.O.V.

What did she expect from me?! Of course I won't accept her as my Mate! Look at her! Yes she did look good all dressed up, but that was for the party, outside she looks like a tom boy!

My Mate should be someone beautiful, sexy, gorgeous all that she isn't. That's why I have someone like Christy that's stunning. She's everything that I am looking for, and plus she's popular.

'Don't talk like that about our Mate! She's beautiful and everything we need to lead our pack! Christy nothing but a slut, unworthy to be our Luna!' my wolf growled at me.

'No, she's not our Mate! I rather have Christy next to me to lead the pack! Catherine isn't nothing compared to her!' I said to him.

'You don't know what you have done. You will regret this day I guarentee you that!' he said than block anymore conversation to that. I will never regret this day in my life.


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