Us (Bellarke Fanfic)

By livvstories

42.8K 922 716

In this alternate reality, Clarke and her best friend Raven are starting school at Ark High. Little do they k... More

[chapter two - bellamy]
[chapter three - clarke]
[chapter four - bellamy]
[chapter five - clarke]
[chapter six - bellamy]
[chapter seven - clarke]
[chapter eight - bellamy]
[chapter nine - clarke]
[chapter ten - bellamy]
[chapter eleven - clarke]
[chapter twelve - bellamy]
[chapter thirteen - clarke]
[chapter fourteen - bellamy]
[chapter fifteen - clarke]
[chapter sixteen - bellamy]
[chapter seventeen - clarke]
[chapter eighteen - bellamy]
[chapter nineteen - clarke]
[chapter twenty - bellamy]
[chapter twenty one - clarke]
[chapter twenty two - bellamy]
[chapter twenty three - clarke]
[chapter twenty four - bellamy]
[chapter twenty five - clarke]
[chapter twenty six - bellamy]
[chapter twenty seven - clarke]
[chapter twenty eight - bellamy]
[chapter twenty nine - clarke]
[chapter thirty - bellamy]
[chapter thirty one - clarke]
[chapter thirty two - bellamy]
[chapter thirty three - clarke]
[chapter thirty four - bellamy]
[chapter thirty five - clarke]
[chapter thirty six - bellamy]
[chapter thirty seven - clarke]
[chapter thirty eight - bellamy]
[chapter thirty nine - clarke]
[chapter forty - bellamy]
[epilogue - clarke]

[chapter one - clarke]

2.7K 34 9
By livvstories

A/N: Hi! I finished watching The 100 recently, and thought it would be fun to write a fan fiction about my favorite couple (wink wink). Anyways, there are a few things I want to say - first of all, this isn't gonna be accurate or anything, I'm just using the characters and creating my own reality. They'll have their same personalities (at least, I'm hoping I can make those accurate enough) and I'm hoping to throw in some references about the actual plot lines, but mostly it's gonna be an original story! Also a little note - the ages aren't gonna be accurate either just for story purposes. They'll all just be around the same age and I'm sorry if that bothers people but it would be SO confusing to make them all different ages (lol). Anyways, I'm gonna stop rambling and get to the story! I'm super excited to start, and thank you so much for reading! Feel free to comment any suggestions or feedback! <3


"Clarke, school starts in fifteen minutes. If I knew you walked this slow, I would have driven."

"And if I knew you complained this much, I would have found a different best friend," I tease, hurrying to catch up with Raven. She's right, I'm walking slower than usual. Of course, it's mostly because I don't want to get to school, which she'd know if she would stop talking about how amazing it's going to be. 

Raven Reyes is basically the best friend I could ask for. She's kind, smart, and she makes sure I'm on time for everything. But she also knows how to have fun, which is something I didn't really do until I met her. In fact, the first night we met she took me to a party, after finding out my first boyfriend, Finn, was actually her boyfriend. It's confusing, and we don't talk about it anymore. 

Honestly, I should thank him for making it possible for me to meet her. 

"Oh, shut up," Raven says, nudging me with her elbow. "You love me."

"Most of the time," I reply, elbowing her back. I can see the school at the end of the street - Ark High, the 'best, most normal public school in the area', as my mom put it. If it were up to me, I wouldn't be going back to school at all. Last year... wasn't the best. There was all the Finn drama, for one, plus I was still grieving my dad, who died almost three years ago. I didn't have anyone to lean on, and I didn't want to put all of my stress onto my mom. 

At that point, I was enrolled in a private school, where I had to wear a uniform and eat weird fancy private school foods. I'm sure most people would have loved it, but I just wanted to go to a public school where the kids would look at me like I didn't just kill their cat. 

To be honest, I'm not completely sure why everyone didn't like me. I mean, I'm self conscious about how I look, like most teenagers. But I'm trying to work on that, and I'm hoping those kids wouldn't hate me just because I'm not up to the beauty standards. Don't think like that, Clarke. That's just your opinion. 

Raven, on the other hand, would have fit in perfectly. Her silky brown hair, bright eyes and more than genius brain... she's the picture of perfection. 

"We're almost there," Raven squeals, grabbing my hand and breaking into a brisk walk. "Come on, Clarke! I want to get there early so we can say hi to people!"

Raven didn't go to Ark High last year, either. She's been home schooled pretty much her whole life, and this year she decided to step into the school system with me. 

We're fast approaching the school yard, and I finally crack. I come to a stop, forcing Raven to stop walking as well. 

"Clarke," she says. "What's wrong?"

"I-" I begin, but Raven cuts me off. 

"You're nervous," she says, touching my arm gently. "Don't be. You have me, remember? Worst case scenario, we sit alone in the cafeteria and we get really good marks because we study all the time. What could go wrong?"

I smile at her. "Thank you, Raven."

"Don't thank me yet, I might abandon you for a cute boy," she jokes, and we start walking. I can hear the chatter from the school yard, feeling only slightly less nervous. 

We finally reach the grounds, and Raven looks like she wants to start running in every direction at once. 

"Let's just... stand here until someone comes to us," I suggest helplessly. Maybe we won't have to talk to anyone. 

"You're gonna make loads of friends, Clarke Griffin," Raven says sternly. "Now stop stressing out and follow my lead."

She starts walking confidently towards a dark haired girl standing alone by the fence. She's on her phone, probably texting her bazillion friends. 

"This is a bad idea," I mumble. Raven just shushes me. 

We reach the girl, who looks up from her phone with a smile. 

"Hi!" she says happily. "Is it your first year too?"

Raven and I nod. 

"She transferred and I was home schooled," Raven explains. "We're in grade eleven."

"I'm in grade nine," the girl says. "Octavia," she adds, holding out her hand. Raven shakes it, and I cringe at the awkwardness. They don't seem to notice. 

"Raven Reyes," Raven says. "This is my best friend, Clarke."

"Just Clarke?" Octavia asks, giggling slightly. 

"Clarke Griffin," I say. Okay, maybe this isn't so bad. "Nice to meet you."

"She's a little nervous," Raven says, winking at me. "I told her people would be nice."

"Oh, she's probably right to be a little worried," Octavia says, smirking slightly. "My brother goes here, and he kind of runs with a... powerful crowd. I've heard lots of stories. But as long as you don't get on anyone's bad sides, you should be fine."

"Told you," I whisper to Raven. She just rolls her eyes at me. 

"I can introduce you to some of my friends, if you want," Octavia offers. "My friends Jasper and Monty should be here somewhere. They used to hang with my brother, but they kinda split off when Bellamy started hanging out with John Murphy."

There's a bit of a silence for a moment as Octavia texts someone else on her phone. 

"Sorry," she says, tucking her phone in her pocket. "That was Lincoln, my boyfriend. I'll have to introduce you guys after school, he's running a bit late."

"That'd be amazing," Raven says. "You seem to know a lot of people for this being your first year."

"I blame my brother for that too," Octavia says, sighing. "I love him to death, but he's a jerk sometimes. An overprotective jerk, too," she adds, glancing over my shoulder. "Um, I'm sorry about this."

"Octavia," a deep voice says from behind us. I turn around sharply, startled. 

"Bell," Octavia replies. "These are my new friends!"

"You were supposed to meet me after you said hi to Lincoln," Bellamy says, ignoring me and Raven. I glance at my best friend, who is staring at Bellamy as though he's made of gold.

I can't help being a little surprised myself. I don't know what I expected when Octavia said he was 'powerful', but it wasn't quite this. He's tall, with sharp eyes and soft freckles littered across his nose. Not bad to look at. 

"Shut up," I whisper to myself. Bellamy glances at me, a look of annoyed confusion on his face. 

"Lincoln isn't here yet," Octavia says, clearly not noticing what I said. "I was just gonna head over to find Jasper and Monty."

"I'm going inside," Bellamy says. "Don't be late for first period."

"Wait, Bell," Octavia says, reaching between me and Raven to grab her brothers arm. "You're just gonna completely ignore Raven and Clarke?"

Bellamy sighs. "Hello, Raven and Clarke," he says, his tone mocking. "Find me at lunch, O."

He turns and jogs off, waving to a group across the yard. 

"He's nice," Raven says, looking back at Octavia. 

"He'll warm up to you," Octavia promises. "You should come over after school, give him a chance to get to know you. I'll invite the others, make it a party!"

"That sounds like fun," I chime in. Raven looks at me proudly. 

"Then it's a date," Octavia says, and we start walking towards the school doors. An annoyingly loud bell rings through the air, meaning we have five minutes to get to class. Maybe we should have timed this better. "I'll find you guys at lunch, too. No one should sit alone on their first day."

She holds open the door for us, then takes off down the hallway with a bright smile and a wave.


A/N: So that's chapter one! I thought I'd give more of a character basis, show you where everyone stands. It's shorter than the rest of the chapters will usually be, and I'm hoping to update at least twice a week! Thank you so much for reading <3 

(Note - I haven't edited this yet, so if there are typos or inconsistencies, I'm so sorry!)

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