How to Date an Asshole

By AlanisKorali

503K 21.3K 2.3K

Like most people, Lauren had a big crush on a celebrity when she was a teenager. Unlike most people, she met... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67

Chapter 29

6.6K 307 134
By AlanisKorali

Chapter 29

The distinct sound of clinking glasses welcomed us as we entered the reception area again.

A girl in a flowy emerald green silk dress made her way towards us, "Oh, so this is the infamous Lauren Grant."

Axel cleared his throat, "Katie." He nodded.

Oh, so she's Katie Swanson.

"Lauren, this is Katie Swanson. Katie, Lauren."

"Hi," I held out my hand to shake but she just looked at my hand then back up to meet my eyes and smiled sweetly as she raised her brows in acknowledgment. A piece of her ash brown hair falling on the side of her face. I felt the corners of my lips turn upwards, hiding the embarrassment away and letting my hand go.

"Would you mind if I borrow your date for a second? It's just that the project is kind of confidential."

"Oh, not at all." I looked at Axel and he nodded to signify that it's okay. "Hm," I forced a smile. "I'll just be by the bar. I need to get a drink anyway."

She grinned as if I'm a dog that needs to be shooed away then snaked her hand around Axel's arm, leading him down the hall.

What just happened?

The chatter became louder and I found myself alone in a sea of people, backed-up on a column fancier than any pillar I've ever seen. Girls in ball gowns and boys in their finest tuxedos dancing in the middle of the ballroom. Servers going around with their full plates of champagne. Middle-aged women almost toppling over in their laughter while their husbands were clustered around, talking about their businesses and accomplishments in the past year.

I had a whiff of some of their conversations, all different but all sums up to who has the bigger dick – the thicker wallet, the larger mansion, the fancier boathouse. And that's when I knew. I don't belong here.

If these are the guests, what more of the hosts? I walked towards the bar. I need something stronger if I need to face Axel's parents.

Open bars have always been famous at parties and this was no exception. Where there's booze, there are people. And I had to wait if I wanted to be served.

"One Gin and tonic, please," I said to the bartender.

"Coming up." He replied.

"Did you see Axel with his 'date'?" I heard someone on my right say.

"Yeah. I saw them going to the garden earlier."

She scoffed, "I know, right? So cheap. I bet they did it outside."

The other giggled, "From the moment I saw her, I knew. Just another social-climbing whore. She doesn't even look that pretty."

"So true. Very underwhelming. I think that's why Axel hid her from the paparazzi."

"Oh my God, stop," she laughed. "But I agree. I mean who would want to be seen with someone like her? I refuse to believe that Axel picked her over Katie."

"He must be blind or something."

The other nodded and they clinked their glasses, champagne spilling over the brim.

"Here you go." The bartender gave me my drink.

"Thanks," I said. The two girls turned at the sound of my voice and turned paler than dough.

I gave them my best smile and raised my glass for a toast. Their faces sunken in guilt. Or shame of being caught? I don't know but the latter one seems more feasible.

I walked away, trying to pull off a dramatic exit. I want to laugh at myself for still trying to portray the strong girl even when I'm close to breaking down. A lot of feelings rolled into one Lauren. Too much, if you ask me.

Play it cool, Lauren. You're okay. It's not like they broke your bones or something, you're alright.

God, who am I kidding? Broken bones seem a lot better than a crushed spirit right now.

I downed the Gin and tonic and placed the glass on a nearby cocktail table. Decorum be damned.

"Lauren," Liezl called.

I dabbed the edges of my lips with the back of my hand, "Liezl. What's up?"

"Where's Axel?"

I rolled my eyes, "He's with Katie Swanson."

Her brows raised instantly as if it's muscle memory at the sound of Katie's name. "And you're good with that?"

"Yeah? I guess? I don't know. I don't think there should be anything to be worried about."

"Wow, well then I guess you're way cooler than I thought you to be."

I chuckled under my breath.

She shook her head disapprovingly, "Axel and Katie's relationship is... complicated. For the lack of any other word. They're on again, off again but always camera ready. D'you know what I mean?"

"Not really," I admitted.

"Show business is different. You have to hang out with people you don't like and hide your relationship with the people you do like. Your personal life is not your own. It's out in the open. When you sign your name in a contract, you sign away your privacy, together with the privacy of the people around you – almost everyone you come into contact with if you're caught. The price you pay for the bread you would get."

"But the cost of the benefit should be lower than the benefit itself."

"Yeah, well that's where the line blurs in the show business. The benefit varies but the cost just gets higher and higher most of the time. But anyway, it's better than living a mediocre life." She chuckled then sipped on her champagne.

I just looked at her, not really knowing what to say.

"Liezl. How you doin'? Good to see you." a man with a British accent said from behind me.

"Hey, Henry. I'm good. You?"

He moved next to me and I almost choked on my own spit.

The man isn't just any man. It's Superman.

"I'm alright and I'm also sorry for not making it to your show. You know how hectic the set can be."

"Of course. Maybe next season?" Liezl smiled and Henry chuckled deeply, looking down, sporting the most perfect 5 o'clock shadow I've ever seen.

"This is Lauren Grant, by the way. Lauren, Henry Cavill."

"Pleasure to meet you, Lauren." He said as he shook my hand. "Can I call you that?"

"Absolutely. Pleasure's all mine, Mr. Cavill. I'm a fan of your work." I smiled, focusing on the tip of his nose as I was trying to calm myself down. I hope the nose trick works this time because I can't look at the entirety of his face without freaking out.

"Oh, really? Thanks. And please call me Henry."

"So, what brings you here?" Liezl asked. "I haven't seen you in this event for... As far as I can remember attending the James' Charity Gala. I thought the suit was for another event."

Henry smiled, "Thought it'd be a nice surprise," he wiped the front of his suit. "Well, this year's cause is a cause I believe in. And I happen to be in New York for an ad with Boss. I figured I could make use of my invitation for a change."

I smiled sheepishly, "This is incredibly rude of me to not know, but what is this year's cause?"

"No, it's okay. It's raising money for wildlife. Trying to stop animal species from going into extinction. Although, half of tonight's fundraising will still go to the James' perpetual charity, as a rule."

"And that is?"

"For teen moms and orphans, of course," Liezl said.

"Right, I should've known."

"It's alright." He offered a friendly smile. "You know," he winced. "I'm terribly sorry but I really do have to kidnap Liezl for a while." He turned to Liezl, "The guys were asking me all about your collection. They thought I was in your latest show."

"Are they really?" Liezl nodded in satisfaction. "And that's why you're the main face of LM." She turned to me and touched my arm in apology, "I mean, Axel is also one of the faces."

I grinned in amusement, "None taken."

"Oh, you're with Axel?"

"Wh-No-What? That's crazy." I rolled my eyes, "I don't know why I said that."

He let out a laugh.

"Yeah, we're sort of dating."

"Sort of?"

"It's complicated."

"Ah, I see. Well, it was nice to meet you, Lauren. I'll see you around?"

"Yeah. And nice to meet you too."

I watched their backs as they walk away from me and towards a group of men.

Suddenly, my dress felt too tight. Did that just happen?

Good Lord, did I just meet Henry Cavill and he was so nice to me? And did I make him laugh?

"Hah." I exhaled a short breath.

I looked over to where they are. Liezl was chatting with a man in front of her.

I closed my eyes then opened again. Henry was laughing with the man next to him.

I pinched my arm then looked again. They are still there!

Oh my God.

It was reality.

Not knowing how to react and where to go, I made a beeline to the restrooms. Maybe I need a splash of cold water to soothe my starstruck heart.

I can't wait to tell Hailey.

I opened the bathroom door and the scene floored me.

Katie was sat on the sink, legs wrapped around a man's hips, making out like their life depended on it.

"Oh, I'm sorry–"

They halted and the man looked my way, "Lauren?"

I stood there stunned at the satisfied smile on Katie's face and at the horror etched on Axel's. My mouth went agape for a hot second, frozen at the picture before me, then the emotions washed all at once – shocked, betrayed, and utterly confused.

I nodded, realizing how big of an idiot I am, then walked out of the bathroom.

"Lauren." what I heard next is the slam of the door behind me and footsteps following me.

"Lauren, let me explain."

"God, I just wanted a cold water, not a cold shower," I murmured.

"What do you mean?" he grabbed me by the arm and I jerked it off immediately.

"Don't touch me."

The look on his eyes looked hurt, "I deserve that."

"Ha," I stopped in disbelief. "You deserve that?" My mouth opened to say something but I was at a loss for words, my hands shake involuntarily. "What?" I put them in fists to steady, "What was the one thing I asked of you?"

He moved his lips, but no words came out.

"One simple thing?"

"That I stay with you throughout the event."

"And what did you do? Play hooky with your ex-girlfriend?"

His jaw clenches, "But you let me come with her."

"So, this is my fault?" my teeth gritting in rage.

He comes near me.

"No." I held out my hand to put some kind of wall between us.

Katie came out of the restroom.

"How daft can you be?" she said behind Axel.

"Excuse me? I don't really want to talk to you right now."

"I thought Accountants were supposed to be smart? Well, there's always rut in the litter."

"It's the runt of the litter, you buffoon."

"Whatever. At least, I wasn't fool enough to not realize that Axel orchestrated everything."


"That's right. The paparazzi. All of it. And you thought he was protecting you," she chuckled. "So cute. Everything he told you was a lie."

I turned to Axel. "Is that true?"


"Why would you do that?"

"Because he's fucked in the head." Katie pointed.

"I'm not talking to you." I snarled. I looked down, shaking my head in disbelief.

Do not cry, you idiot. Do not cry.

"What about that story about your Mom?"

"The teen mom and the orphan child?" Katie snorted. "Haven't you watched The Gate? His first feature film when he was 7?"

It felt like my world was spinning.

I turned to Axel, desperate for answers. "Is it true?" I demanded but my voice cracks.

He kept a straight face, looking past me. "I told you, it was a game and I'm winning."

I felt a fat tear roll down my cheek, betraying me. I wiped it away immediately.

I looked at Axel's stoic face one more time. Unyielding. Without remorse.

"I gotta get out of here." I walked away with my head down, not caring how I looked to these people. I don't care anymore. I just have to make it outside. That was my sole mission.

How can I be so stupid? He made it clear from the very start.

Game on. Get ready for our dates. I guarantee you'll fall for me. His voice ringing in my ear.

Tears fell on the ground I walked on. Stupid tears.

I did not fall for him, so why am I crying? Maybe it's because I'm livid with myself.

I'm so fucking stupid.

To even have the slightest belief that he's a good person. For asking him to be my friend. That night at the diner. When he apparently had someone take a picture of us and publish it for everyone to see.

What gain would he have in humiliating me?

Just for the fun of it?

Fucking sadist.

I wiped away the tears that streamed unwarranted, blurring my vision. Then I bumped into someone. Great.

"Sorry," I muttered then continued walking.


I glanced up, "Dean?"

He flashed a smile only to be washed down as he saw my face, "What's the matter? Are you okay?"

He touched my shoulder but I flinched. "I'm fine." He let go of his hand. "Allergies."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah," I nodded reassuringly, maintaining my composure. "What are you doing here?"

"I was just about to leave. It's, uh," he looked at a distance then back to me, "Kind of not my thing. Mum just asked me, nay, forced me to make an appearance. I'm assuming you're here with Axel?"

"Hm, I was." The words taste bitter slipping from my mouth.

He smiled, "So, why are you out here alone?"

"Well... It's stupid that I came here."

He chuckled under his breath. And there was silence amidst the loud chatter of people. I can't take this anymore.

"Where's the exit?"

"Pardon me?"

"You said you were just leaving."

"Right. Um, are you asking me to leave now?"

"No, I'm asking you where's the exit. I just want to leave."

"Oh, um..."

"Because I can't get out of the entrance with all the cameras."

"Right. Um, follow me."

We walked towards the end of the west wing, ignoring the glances and the slimy stares of girls our age. I bet their thoughts were just screaming whore – entering the ball with a man and leaving with another.

I don't care anymore. I just want to be anywhere but here.

We reached the double doors and the night was silent as Dean closed it behind.

A valet approached us, "Leaving so soon, Sir?"

"Yes, Michael. Can you fetch me my car, please? And thank you."

Michael nodded and jogged to the parking space.

I can hear the rustling of the leaves despite the muffled noise of the party.

How can this evening be so... eventful?

"Are you sure you're okay?" Dean spoke.

"Yeah," I said briefly. Even I can't convince myself.

He just nodded then there was silence, the evening breeze biting at my feet. I rubbed my arms to ease from the cold.

"Aren't you cold in that dress?"

"I am," I chuckled. "But I only recently learned that holding a coat in the red carpet is quite unbecoming."

"Here," he began removing his suit.

"No, it's okay. It's not that cold anyway."

He laughed under his breath. "Don't be ridiculous." He placed his suit around my shoulders.

"Thanks. But you really shouldn't have." I muttered.

"It's alright. I want to." He smiled at me. I smiled back but the longer I look at him, guilt eats me away.

"I'm sorry-"



"You don't have to explain anything."

"Oh." I looked down, trying to focus on anything but the awkward electricity in the air.

We stayed silent for a moment, calculating each other, side by side. At least that's what I think.

I cleared my throat then faced him, "This is just a big ask, provided, tch..." my eyes closed for a second, ashamed at the absurdity of the situation. "everything."

He nodded for me to go on. The car rolling in front of us as if on cue.

I let out a small sigh, "Would you mind if I carpool with you? Well, you know, I came with..." I can't even bring myself to say his name. "And I'm leaving without him. Um, you can just drop me at the station. But it's totally alright if you don't want to. I can just call an Uber or something."

"No." his voice abrupt.

"No? Oh." I was about to remove his suit.

"No," he chuckled as he grabbed my shoulder, stopping me from removing the suit then he shook his head slightly, "No, um, you can come with me. Don't- Don't Uber."

"Oh," I said and he let go of my arms. "Okay." I nodded.

He smiled, "Let's go?"

I offered a weak smile then I followed him to his car and we rode the night in silence, under the street lights, and with the windows down.

I saw him glancing at me a couple of times on the way home, no doubt worried about my unusual demeanor. I want to tell him everything, even if he didn't ask for it, but I just felt so tired. My lids started feeling heavy and I can't help but doze off with my shattered pride and the wind hitting my face.

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