The Sketch of a Bee {Tubbo x...

By _Lostinspace

277K 8.2K 14.2K

Small youtuber Mintmochi has always been a fan of Tubbo. After grabbing the attention of the boy the two star... More

Things to note
Wait he saw that?
Lost puppy
Fire escape
The outside world
Mochi is better
Minecraft Ultimate
Trip planning
Family Reunion
Rivers place
Weeks pass
Critical times
In his arms
Hugs by the pool
I can be your pretty girl
A day of photos
Late night adventures
A heart to heart
A lot of yelling
Home sweet home
Goodbye kiss
True feelings
A day to remember
Glossing over
Not so perfect way
My Little Bee boy
Together again
A sketch of a bee

Zombie Kid

7.9K 220 245
By _Lostinspace

~Tommy's POV~
Slightly opening my eyes I see that I had fallen asleep on Tubbo's bed but no Tubbo in it. Getting up to go use the washroom I glance down the stairs and see Tubbo on the couch. After using th washroom I made my way down the stairs and made the best decision of jumping on Tubbo to wake him up.

"SHIT!" Tubbo shouted as he felt a whole human jump onto of him. "TOMMY!"

"Good morning." I laughed.

"My parents are probably sleeping! Shut up!" Tubbo grumbled as he pushed me off of him."

"Why did you sleep down here big man?"

"Well for one you were on my bed but also I was outside for a while."

"At midnight?"

"I was um looking at the stars."

"What! I didn't know you liked space and shit."

"I don't really. I just had an urge to." Tubbo explained as he stared down at his hands. Standing there I knew why he wanted to go look at them. He had told me about the night where Mint and him talk about stars. And kept going on about her and how cool she was and I can just tell she's stolen his heart. And as his best friend it's my job to help him realize that.

"I'm hungry!" I say cutting Tubbo off from his rambling about stars.

"Well your in luck! I'll start some food." Tubbo's Mum says as she walked out of her room ready for the day it looks like.

"Sorry mum about the yelling." Tubbo said as he began rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"It's ok just make sure you didn't wake your sisters."

"Oh I would've known if I woke either of them up." Looking over at Tubbo's phone I see he has the song Crazier things playing which is not his usual music so I found a bit odd. Noting to listen to it later. Just below that I see a Good morning next from Mint.

Did she really send a good morning text as she was going to sleep?

~Time skip~

"Wowowo Tommy listen we are very peaceful in this world!" Mint shouted as I chased her around their Minecraft world.

"PEACE WAS NEVER AN OPINION!" I shout as I chase her. Tubbo had let me get on with Mint joining unknowingly. I immediately went to her and now we are in a chase.

"TOMMY STOPPPP." She shouted running past I see a bunch of mini statues dotted around the place and I see me. Walking up to the sign that was under it and it read: zombie kid.

"WHO DID IT!" I shouted.

"Did wha-...." Mint asked confused as I had stopped chasing her. See the sign she went quiet.

"Funny story." She giggled

~Y/n's POV~
Tubbo and I decided to build a couple of statues of other Mcyts because it seemed fun. We had been working on our village a lot so this was a fun side project.

"Hey what if we spun a wheel to get random ones?" Tubbo suggested.

"Yeah that sounds fun!" I agreed. After setting the wheel up online we spun. I got Wilbur and Tubbo got techno. Next I got Phil and Tubbo got Dream. After a couple of spins all that was left was Tommy as we didn't realize that we had added an odd number of people.

"How about we just both build Tommy?" Tubbo suggested as we had been building for a while and wanted to finish at this point.

"Deal!" I agreed. We build him like normal and once we were finished I thought of a cute idea. Running around to every statue I added a sign titling them.

Dream: Dre
Sapnap: A R S O N
Wilbur: Banana man
Phil: dad
Techno:potato man
Skeppy: m o n e y

Finally getting to Tommy's I wrote Bitch boy. Tubbo who has been listening as I read out the signs as I type them walked to Tommy's and broke it. Replacing it it read: Clingy. Breaking it once more I had the perfect one for him:
(  <—Thomathy
Tubbo bursted into laughter.

"wow you really went there!"

"Bet you can't top that!" I giggled.

"You want to bet?" Tubbo asked.


"Bet what?"

"Hmm an I owe you?"

"Oh ok anyway beat ya!" Tubbo said as he had already replaced the sign. Zombie kid. I bursted out into laughter.


"I'll take that I owe you." He laughed.

"I'll send it your way soon." I giggled

~Present day~
~Tommy's POV~

"Funny story... that we don't need to talk about."


"Listen Tommy sometimes nicknames leave, sometimes they stay, all you need to know is that there is a group of people that know you as Zombie kid."

"Tubbo I don't like her."




"ITS STILL MY PAST." I shouted back at her. We all bursted into laughter. Mint and Tubbo showed me around and it ended at their house.

"You guys have too much time."

"We know." Tubbo laughed.

"Alright you two I have to go do things."

"BYE WOMAN!" I say as I mess with Tubbo's stuff.

"I'll text you later." Tubbo said before she hung up.

"Now what?" I asked.

"Want to go walk around?"


~Y/n's POV~

I have been sitting here working on commissions for the past couple of hours while listening to a random assortment of songs. Tubbo has been streaming with Tommy shouting in the background.

"I am not asking her that!" Tubbo laughed.

"Ask me what?" I questioned.

"What is the worst word you know?" Tommy asked as he came out of no where.

"Why are you like this?"

"what do you mean?!? Why are you like that."

"Like what?" I asked curious how Tommy was me.

"Like, oh I'm Mint I like drawing and talking to Tubbo all the time."

"Well at least I'm not like, Oh I'm Tommy I yell and curse all the time because my vocabulary isn't large enough for any other words."



" Flabbergasted."

"Do all you two do is argue?" Tubbo asked.

"Yes." Tommy said.

"It's always Tommy's fault."

"I beg to differ!"

"Keep begging but you know its true." I say. Finally finishing the last commission I said I would do today I laid down and enjoyed talking to Tubbo and Tommy till they ended their streams. Once finishing we continued to talk and cause havoc until my dad called me down.

"Be right back guys." I say before slipping my headphones off and walking down stairs. "What's up pop?"

"Ok so can you please clear your room!" He asked almost beggingly.

"Why dad?" I asked confused. They both joke about how messy my room is and nag me to do something about it. But they don't really mind since their room is also really messy.

"Because your father's parents are coming tomorrow."

"Wait daddy has parents?" I joked to try and lighten the mood.

"Not the time but good one. He hasn't seen them in years and they finally want a relationship with him again so they are coming tomorrow."

"Wait am I actually will get to see my grandparents?"

"Christ the last time I did I was in your fathers bed."

"I- please saying doing homework."

"We were doing something."


"I'm only joking. We were watching a movie! Ok now please go clean your room." He said shooing me away. Walking back I put my headphones back and and hear:

"I'm just saying Tubbo murder isn't that bad."

"W h a t!"

"Oh hey Mint! What did your dad want?"

"Oh um I have to make my room spotless. My grandparents are coming over for the first time."

"Like the first time since you guys have moved?"

"No like in ever."

"What!" They both shout at the same time.

"My grandparents distanced themselves from my dads when they came out to their families at the same time. It's been years since they have seen them so hearing that my dad's parents are coming is new."

"Wait dads?" Tubbo asked.

"Holy crap I forget to mention that. Yeah I have 2 dads."

"Wait how were you birthed then?" Tommy asked. "If you want to explain if your uncomfortable I'm fine."

"Ah my dads got a surrogate."

"What does that mean?" Tubbo asked confused.

"It's a woman that has children for people who can't." Tommy explained.

"Oh I see."

"Do you guys want to stay as I clean?"

"Sure!" They said once more at the same time.

"We are too in sync today." Tubbo added.

"Definitely!" Tommy agreed. Running around organizing, cleaning and folding I looked like a mad man. Even hanging up some old art work I had done. Thankfully I had both Tommy and Tubbo to verbally cheer for me and try and help clean up some.

"Put those by the other books." Tubbo said thoroughly invested in this.

"No these are sketchbooks I have a special spot for those. Going under my desk I find a sack of them laying there. Slipping the 2 onto of my stack I crawl back up and try and finish. By the time I was finished it was 10 and the boys seemed to just be mumbling at this point. Tired myself I plopped on my bed and drifted off to sleep.

1617 words

Double upload next time =D

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