Savior (RoyalChaos)

Oleh bikergal12

9.2K 406 87

Lebih Banyak

Forced Out
First Night
LiveStream Pt 1
LiveStream Pt 2
Livestream Pt 3
Post Stream
Found Out
First Date
First Time Mistake
I'll Take Care of You
Gaining Clues
Fan Meet-Up + Caught
Growing Older
Halfway and 3/4 There
Back to Normal?
Back to Normal...Somewhat
More Problems
Trying Things Out
Splitting Up?
Finding Out
Telling Everyone
Realizing It
Finding Out


399 13 0
Oleh bikergal12

[Ze's PoV]

I had finally graduated. My parents did get almost front row seats but I didn't even look at them as I accepted my Degree. They were the ones forcing me out of my house right now and to move in with Chilled. 

"Congrats Steven." My parents said and met me outside. Some of my other family like aunts, uncles, and cousins came by as well but I was somewhat a grouch during the time except for when we went out to get food. Of course, I got a normal Cesar salad.

"Steven, why do you always get a salad?" My aunt asked.

"Because I like salad. It's healthy and also I'm a vegetarian." I replied. Someone always asked this whenever I went out to eat with family. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and saw that it was my Skype ringing. I put in some ear-buds and answered the call from Chilled.

"Hey buddy. I know I cant be there right now but I wanted to say congrats on graduating." He said.

"Thanks Chilled. I'm actually with family right now." I said.

"You mean the family that's forcing you out of your house even though they said when you turn 26 but you're only 22?" He asked.

"Well, I am with those two people." I said, eyeing my parents. 

"Steven, stop talking with your friend and put your phone away. This is supposed to be family only right now." My mom said.

"Well Chilled is my family. He'll be even more of my family when I go and move in with him by the end of the month since I can't live with you anymore." I said.

"Wait, I thought you said he could stay with you until he turned 26." My aunt stated.

"Yeah, that was the original plan until some people didn't want me anymore and decided to kick me out and give me 3 months after I graduated to move out." I said.

"So wait, that Chilled guy did offer to house you?" My dad asked.

"Yes. He's a very nice guy. He's my best bud that I've met over the internet. Yeah we do piss each other off a lot but it's all in good fun. We're always best friends again in the end. He's like a brother to me. More than a friend but not in a gay way." I said.

"Are you sure Steven?" Chilled asked. I peeked over to see him wiggling his eyebrows and it made my face go slightly red.

"What did he just say?"

"Nothing. He's just pissing me off again and saying things at the wrong time." I hinted. Chilled just laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry to bother you Steven. I'll leave you be." He said. "Bye."

"See ya bud." I said and ended the call. Well that was awkward. I got home that night and went straight to bed. The next few days were spent mentally prepping myself. I made a quick vlog saying that I was going to be moving in with Chilled for personal reasons but I capped it off with saying that it soon, by July, there will be a whole lot more shenanigans, maybe pranks to each other or maybe even Jess, and a whole lot more fun.

About a week later I started to take down the basic stuff of my furniture like my bed, my geek shelf, and my extra desk for my room. I made sure to check chipping costs and to label like- for my bedroom. I shipped it and told Chilled that same day that I had shipped at least those two things. He said that he would get Tom to help him since Tom lived only like an hour and a half away. I bought boxes from the Home Depot and continued to pack away everything special to me. Game consoles, geeky merch, all my games, bedsheets and blankets, clothes except for a few shirts that I wore over the time before I moved, toilet and shower utilities, my tv, and the last thing on the day that I was to be moving out, my computer and moniters. I shipped it all away to Chilled's and looked around the now empty room.

The only thing that was left in the room was a couch, and that was all. I had left my viking helmet on the couch and picked it up and looked at it. My plane was leaving in an hour and it was a 30 minute drive to the airport. My parents had offered to take me so I took it. Better than paying for cab fare. I stood in place with two suitcases behind me and my backpack on my back with my viking helmet in my hands. I placed the helmet on my head and sighed.

"Steven, you ready to go?" My mom asked, coming down the stairs. 

"I think so. Just let me take one last pic for my fans. They've seen this room before when it had everything in it but I think it will be nice to show them what it looks like clean. Actually, can you take it?" I asked, handing her my phone.

"Of course but after this we got to get going." She said.

"I know. Now stand there and I'll be right here." I said. I stood with my arms open and my suitcases at my side with my helmet on as my mom took the picture. I posted it on Twitter and Instagram and climbed into the back seat of the car. My parents drove me to the airport and parked the car right by the terminal I was going to be in. They came inside with me and went through the luggage check with me. 

"Flight to Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks, Connecticut, your plane is ready for boarding. I repeat, the flight to Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks, Connecticut, your plane is now ready for boarding." A lady said over the intercom. 

"Well, that's my flight. I guess I really have to say is thanks anyway for dealing with my shit for the past 22 years. I'll be sure to call when I get there and I'm settled." I said.

"Alright Steven, we love you. Take care." My mom said and left. I went to the terminal and handed them my ticket. I put my backpack into the overhang for the time being and got into my seat. I had the window seat so I looked out the window, not even caring to see who sat next to me. I fastened my seatbelt, popped a piece of gum into my mouth and prepared myself for the flight. I always hated planes. Right before I put my phone on airplane mode, I tweeted out saying 'I'm on my flight to CT. Can't wait to see @ChilledChaos in 8 hours! help me!' 

"Excuse me sir, the plane is about to take off, please put your phone on airplane mode. Thank you." A flight attendant said. I did as told and put it back in my pocket. I felt the plane start to move and watched out the window as the ground from beneath us grew smaller in size but larger in land scape. The plane shook and there was quite a bit of turbulance at the beginning but eventually, we evened out and it calmed down. I got my laptop out of my backpack and went to edit some video since it didn't require internet. I made sure to save the footage from the past DerpCraft session for this time plus a few Gmod videos as well from Murder to Prop Hunt. 

The flight landed about 20 minutes early which was good for me. I texted Chilled and he said that he would get here asap which I knew would take probably at least 30 minutes. I sat in the waiting area. It was 10pm at night which wasn't to late but it was still late enough. I had gotten some water from the airport food shop as well as some poptarts. I was on my laptop, munching on the poptarts as well as every now and then looking for a familiar red Mario hat to appear with a thin but tall man under it. I had my viking helmet on so he could easily spot me if necessary. 

"Hey, you're ZeRoyalViking aren't you?" Someone asked from beside me. I looked to see a young girl.

"Yeah. Hello. I'm not very much used to meeting fans not at conventions." I said somewhat groggily. "I'm sorry if I may seem off but an 8 hour flight from California to here isn't something I do every week."

"It's fine. I know how you feel about flying. Could I get a signature and a picture?" She asked.

"Sure." I said, putting my stuff down and getting up to sign a piece of paper in a notebook she had out. "Where are you heading just out of curiousity?"

"I'm actually gonna be going to California. I'm probably on the same plane you were on but they just need to refill and get everything ready." She said.

"That's cool." I replied as I handed her notebook back to her. She got out her phone and I put my arm around her as she put her phone up but I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw someone else appear in the screen as she took the picture. I turned around to see Chilled.

"Hey Chilly Willy." I said.

"Hey bud. Glad to see that you're in one piece. Ready to go or am I gonna have to sign something?" He asked.

"If you can spare the time it would be great and the picture is fine too." She said, handing him the notebook. He signed right next to mine and underneath wrote '#ZeRoyalChaos' He gave the notebook back to her and we left together. On the way back to the place, he told me about how he and Tom got everything I sent set up but if we needed to move anything we can. Once we got there, he showed me around the place even though I have seen his house tour vlogs. 

"Alright Ze, so we did set up your desk to the point where in our facecams we can actually see each other but I didn't set up your computer stuff or your desk since I figured you want to set it up yourself but some this way and I'll show you want I've done." He said, guiding me to the office. He closed the door behind him I'm guessing to show what he's done.

"So, I see your desk so I'm guessing that this desk to my left is mine correct?" I asked.

"Yes but turn around." He said. I did and right above my head on the wall was a sign that said 'Ze's Geek Wall' and on the other side of the door was a bunch of geek stuff set up but the sign said 'Chilled's Geek Wall'

"This is so cool Chilled." I said. "Thanks so much for this." 

"No problem bud. Anything to help a friend out. I'm actually kinda really excited for this." He said.

"I've been excited since February when the problem occured but I don't think it's a problem anymore." I said.

"Anthony, you back with Steven?" I hearn Jess ask.

"Yeah Jess. We're in the office." He yelled back. The door opened to reveal a sleepy Jess. Since it's Friday I'm guessing she worked today which would explain her appearance.

"Hey Jess. Long time no see." I said. She went by me and hugged me. I looked at Chilled to see that he was acting tense or angry.

"Don't worry Chilly Willy, nothing is going to happen. I promised remember? I even pinkie swore it at Pax East when we went together." I said. Just then his Skype went off. Chilled answered it as Jess left the room and I went off camera. I saw that it was a call from Galm and Smarty.

"Hey Chilled. What's up?" Smarty asked.

"Nothing much. Why?" He replied.

"Have you seen or heard from Ze recently? I've tried to call him like 20 times but he never answered." Smarty said. He briefly looked at me but his eyes went straight back to the screen. 

"Yeah. He said that he was moving though. Didn't you see his vlog he posted about a week ago?" Chilled asked.

"No I have not." Smarty and Galm said almost together.

"Well what great friends you guys are!" I yelled from off camera.

"Wait, Ze?" Galm asked. I made myself visible to the camera and waved at Smarty and Galm. Galm gave his normal wtf face as he looked around and Smarty's eyes just widened to the size of saucers. 

"Wait. What the fuck?" Smarty asked. Chilled and I both just laughed. 

"Remember how a while back while playing Mario Kart 8 we were talking about an agreement and how I would break it? Well, teh agreement was for Ze to come live with me since he had some troubles with his parents about age he should start living on his own or with a friend. So, he chosed me." Chilled said.

"Well then. I can already see the fanfictions coming in as soon as we record our first videos as a full group again." Galm said. "So, how did the move actually go?"

"It was terrible." I said and left the room for a split second before coming back in. "Alright, the plane ride here was terrible from the amount of turbulance while coming off and going onto the ground. Other than that shipping wasn't too bad. Chilled said all my stuff got here safely and he and Tom spent a few days setting everything up but I'm pretty jetlagged right now. Jumping ahead 3 hours of my time is definitely gonna take some getting used to." I said.

"Really? Tom came by your house and helped Chilled? So he knew about this?" Smarty asked.

"Yea. He knew some parts mainly that someone was moving in with me but he has no idea that it's Ze."

"Are you serious Chilled?" I asked.

"Ah ha, ha, ha. Uh yeah." Chilled said, doing his normal 'I'm innocent' laugh. I've heard it many times while playing games, mainly Minecraft and Town of Salem with him.

"I'm done. I'm going to bed even if it may be 8:30 where I used to live." I said. The guys all laughed as I left the room. I went to my bedroom and found out things were set up in a way I liked. Mainly because I didn't really care or wanted to make anything or make it more of a hassel to Anthony or Jess. Then I realized something, I haven't taken my medicine or changed my perscription to be at a local pharmacy. I don't even know which pharmacy is in the area. 

The reason why I take medicine is because I have a blood condition called hemophilia where my blood doesn't clot so I have to take prescriptioned medicine to make sure that it will clot.

I grabbed my medicine out of my backpack and went into the bathroom. I had a small travel case so when I go to conventions I can easily put all the medicine I needed into each specfic day so I don't have to worry about remembering how many pills I need to take and on which day. I grabbed the cup that was there and got some water. I took the pills easily like I have been for the past many years now. I grabbed my little machine since I knew that it's been well over a month since I last tested myself and the little pen. I held the pen over my finger and pressed the button, making the pen poke my finger and I dripped a small amount of blood onto the small piece of plastic that went into the machine. I read my numbers and took out my phone and made the necessary call.

"Hello, this is Steven. I know it has been a while but my recent numbers for this month are a bit high so give me a call back for what can be done and I will arrange my perscription to arrive at a local pharmacy near me since I did recently move. Thank you. Bye." I said and ended the message. I heard a knocking on the door.

"Hey bud, you ok?" I heard Chilled ask from the other end of the door.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just normal stuff." I said, trying my best to clean up my stuff.

"Are you sure it's normal? Who were you on the phone with? Steven, I want to know." He said. When he said my real name, I knew he meant business. I unlocked and opened the door to see him standing there in just a tank top and sweatpants. He looked around me and saw my stuff.

"Steven, what's all that stuff?" He asked.

"You know about my condition. The fact that I have hemophilia. This is what I have to do daily. I have to test myself every month to make sure that my daily medicine is working, yes I do take daily perscriptioned medicine. You know that after all the conventions we've been together. Trust me, it's not fun." I said, leaning against the counter. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around only to have him embrace me in a friendly hug. But for some reason, this felt like more than a friendly hug. My stomach turned a bit from the hug and for some odd reason, I felt nervous around him. Probably just a phase of thankfullness for him and it will probably will blow over within the next week or so.

I hope you all enjoyed this slightly (Not so slightly) longer chapter of my story. If you did please make sure to leave a like/vote on it as well as comment down below if you like this story or want to give some feedback on how I did or what you think will happen that'll be great as well as follow me if you're new and I will talk to you all later! BYE!! :D

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