His Beta of Submission

By YOLOwriting101

241K 7.5K 3.1K

"Be mine." I flinch, my mind being brought back to reality. When I hear him say such a thing it instantly ma... More

twenty one
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twenty seven

3.1K 99 75
By YOLOwriting101

____infamous truth; 15____

"What are you talking about?"

My mom looks at me first, her eyes widening only to soften quickly. I see my dad gesture for me to close the door behind me and I didn't do that.

"Xavion close the door real quick-."

"No." I snap, and their eyes widen. "What are you talking about? Why are you talking about Ezra like that?"

I see my mom look away awkwardly as if she had no answer. My eyes narrow on them, now closing the door fully behind me. I lean against it and inhale sharply, I felt like throwing up.

"I...I don't get it. Why are you talking about Ezra like that-?"

"Xavion, your brother is 'Class X'." My dad confides to me, and I did feel a chill run down my spine.

"So...what does that have to do with you guys trying to find out ways to kill your own son?" I snap at them, and my mom slams her hands on the table.

"They will kill us if we don't deal with this correctly and accordingly! Ezra shouldn't...have crossed that realm. It shouldn't even be possible! Only one person can be that class! Xavion...they will kill us if we don't do this - a-all of us!" She cries, her hands hooking tightly onto her hair. "This can't be how our family is disgraced! Our family line will be eradicated completely and the branch no longer. We can't lose that!"

"Who will kill us?"

"The top, the complete head. The true Vol." My dad says simply, staring forward idly and with no emotion. "Ezra hasn't enjoyed the joys of life yet. I would be much more content if he has yet to experience so much. It makes it more...worth it-."

"N-no!" I cry, gasping at their words. "So what if Ezra is a 'Class X' - doesn't that mean he can bring our family to it's highest peak? Why do we have to listen to those old, crusty Vol's anyway-?"

"Xavion don't ever say that!" My mom shrieks at me. I just stare at her in disbelief to her behavior.

My father had no emotion to it. It didn't bother them that they were going to...take their own son's life.

"How...do you call yourselves killing him? You can't...just do that."

"He...he can become Head Alpha! It was originally going to be you, but we can go about this accordingly.  How about that-?"

"Wait...you're only making him Head Alpha for purposes like that? Don't do that!" I yell at them. "If he's Head Alpha instead of me, okay - great! But if you're letting him become such a thing for purposes that involve his death...fuck that-!"

"Xavion watch your mouth." My dad says calmly as if that would defer my anger. "This is for all of us."

"Really?" I raise my eyebrow at him, and he nods. "You both really think it's for us?"

They both nod again, and I scoff as I rush to the doors.

"Don't bullshit me." I growl, leaving their room.

It's only about them.

____parents downfall; 16____

I let my pheromones rivet throughout the room, seeing them both collapse to their knees before me. I see them hold the knives in their hands and them be directed at themselves.

My own eyes glare upon them as I saw that they wanted to cry. How could they cry...as if they weren't going to do this to Ezra? If not worse?

"You should be thanking me." I say softly to them. My eyes divert off of them as I hear the sound of the knife piercing their guts.

I didn't want to use my pheromones in such a way...but it had to be this. There is a better way for this. I know the way to do that. I know that it will look suspicious, but I'd rather suspicion than anything else.

They were going to make Ezra the Head Alpha just to charge him for something he didn't do. How evil can you be to do something to your own child like that? I don't care if they're our parents. I choose him over them any day.


I flinch, looking as I heard my dad gasping for air. I grin as I shove the knife further into his gut. Seeing his eyes become larger in pain to these circumstances.

"I am taking down the Vol dynasty. This isn't a family, at all. You're slave to them...and I won't let anyone take the one person I love most from me because of power. Power isn't what's important-."

"Then what is? Without power you're nothing!" My mom whimpers, and that's when I shove her shoulders. Her body falling onto its side as I sneer.

"Without family you're nonexistent. Fuck power, I choose family over power any day. Power can cease at any moment..." I look away, sighing. "Family can't."

I see my dad start crying and I snicker, rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly.

"I guess that can't be said for the two of you, huh?" I chuckle at them and back away now. I face the doors and saw that one of them was slightly open.

My gut told me that I closed it all the way...but did I really? I brush it aside as I leave the room, knowing I'd have to put on this act...like they really did the unthinkable.

How could my parents die in such a way?

I'll...blame the restraints and laws of the Vol dynasty.

I want to say I'm...sad, but I can't. There isn't much sadness if I am being honest here.

I don't think our parents saw us as their kids. We were more of a commodity - something to easily have and I guess get rid of as well. We're just an addition to all of this and nothing more I suppose.

Nothing more than a product.

When I have that in mind and know that...it makes the pain hurt less. I don't really feel...anything about it.

I'm not really sure if that makes me the evil one here. I want to say otherwise...but how would Ezra see me if I told him the truth?

I don't think he could take it...knowing our parents planned on killing him. Everyone did, but me... I'll keep that to myself.

He'll never know anyway.

____after deaths; 16____

"Ezra!" I exclaim, and he looks at me like I was the bad one here. "Why are you mad at me?"

"You knew...that mom and dad wanted me to become Head Alpha. Were you that jealous that you could kill them like that? I...I saw!" He cries to me.

At that moment I felt like...this was a punishment, huh? Of course - it has to be.

There's no other way that I can see this going. I am...becoming Head Alpha, to protect him.

I step towards him, but he stepped back from me.

I did that to protect them from killing you! I yell in my head at him. I just couldn't bring myself to saying that. He wouldn't believe me...anyway.

"You're evil." He croaks, shaking his head wildly. "You really killed them because they didn't choose you to become Head Alpha?! There's no other reason why... I thought you were happy for me!"

My eyes close tightly because the word 'evil' was echoing in my head.

I'm not...the evil one here.

I'm doing this for you...!

"I'm doing this for me." I smile as I see him glare at me. "It's about the power, of course - it's undisputed."

"O-oh really? So you really killed them to be-."

"Don't ask the same questions twice, it's annoying really." I interrupt him, not wanting to hear the quiver in his voice anymore. "If I'm so...evil, then turn me in."

Ezra looked at me like I was crazy. His hands shook and I just wanted to hold them. I wanted to hug him and say...to not be afraid.

I did this for you!

"I did this for me. What more could I have done?" I question him. "Turn me in-."

"No!" He shouts at me. I grin at him and his eyes soften with tears. When I see one fall down his cheek I instinctively reached towards him to wipe it away.

Only for him to slap my hand away, rubbing the tear away himself. That immediately broke my heart.

"If you can't do that...then why not try your darnedest to become greater than me? Take me down...if you can. Become the greatest thing ever to take me down, because that's the only way you can. Be the best-."

"I will then! You will regret killing mom and dad! They didn't want you to be Head Alpha, they wanted me to be! You're going to regret this!" He shrieks as he shoved his way past me.

Before he was fully gone I grab his wrist. I yank him into my arms and hug him to me, hugging as much as I could. Even though he fought against me I hugged him as much as I could...

I knew this would probably be the last one.

"Let me go! You're crazy!" He cries in fear as he practically drops to his legs. Just getting back onto his feet and running away from me.

To see him running away from me made me want to...I wanted to vomit.

I turn away from the direction he went and had to rush to the bathroom. I truly felt like I was going to vomit.

This wasn't supposed to be this way! I don't know...why it had to take this route. Never did I think I'd be using my parents beliefs...to help get Ezra stronger.

He was never going to get stronger under that mentality. The way they had him going...they wanted him weak so that when they struck he couldn't fight back. I'm not doing that.

If I'm going to be the bad guy here, I want fair competition until the very end. I will protect him from those Vol meetings. If we even go to one...I know that will result in his death ultimately.

They have no guts when it comes to messy things. This has become messy now...they wouldn't dare come here.

If they hate messes, then I'll make it messier.

Anything for Ezra, even it means...he hates me.

That's what kills me most. I'll get used to it soon...his hatred for me. I can use that as strength to know he's getting stronger against me. That's for the best...

I believe...

____meeting Stellan; 16____


I flinch when I hear Ezra call my name with so much excitement. I wondered what could've happened for him to be this way.

We had our parents funeral a few months ago, but...I didn't think he'd move on like this. He's doing pretty well...


"Yes?" I raise my eyebrow at him, and I see him raise his finger at me.

"You won't believe this...I can't not tell you this great news. I'll put aside all your bullshit if you just...pretend to at least be happy for me at this very moment and time." He says very quickly and this sparkle was in his eyes.

I actually...was becoming very excited for him.

I nod quickly, resting my hands on my lap. I couldn't wait now!

"What is it? I won't pretend - I'm genuinely excited." I chuckle, leaning back against my seat. "Please, show me this great 'news'."

Ezra nods, and then he rushed back to the door. He reached around the corner and I see him pull someone from behind him.

My smile dropped instantly at the person I saw. My whole being felt like it was going to rush at...Stellan and just rip him to shreds.

"Why...what is this?" I seethed very quietly as Ezra grins down at him. "What...what the hell is this-?!"

"Xavion stop! This is my Mate, Stellan. This is a sign...from mom and dad. They gave me someone to be happy with and I was debating even telling your crazy ass; but I think you'll respect me enough to not kill him too." Ezra says confidently, and I stood up from my chair.

Stellan had his eyes trained on me as if I was to keep some secret. They really did it... They really made the drug, huh?

"I won't kill him." I promise him, and I really meant that.

I'm going to take him from you, and destroy him before he destroys you first.

"Thank you..." Ezra thanks me in a tone that made my heart break. He really thought this was his Mate.

"I'll keep all your secrets, I promise. I love Ezra enough to do such a thing. Ezra is my Mate, and I am his... I hope it's not too cheesy." Stellan blushes when Ezra rubs shoulders with him.

I honestly...wanted to throw up and at the same time cut his throat. Wonder if I could make that work-.

"Xavion you must be of assistance for me, please." He begs me with so much happiness. I knew that Stellan knew Ezra was my weakness. The fact that I couldn't...deny him was obvious for him I think.

"What assistance do you need Ezra-."

"Let there be a room available for him. He's moving intro the castle with us, he just has to!" Ezra exclaims happily as he runs shoulders with Stellan. "I can't be away from him for too long. Oh! I'll be right back, and don't try any funny business Xavion. This is your chance."

My chance, huh...?

I sigh sadly as he walks away from us real quick, but once he's gone I glare at Stellan. I grab a pair of scissors from a drawer, pointing them at his throat.

"Give me...one good reason as to why I shouldn't cut our your throat while vomiting all over your ugly ass face." I growl at him.

Stellan rolls his eyes, trying to nudge the scissors away from his throat; but I didn't budge.

"I have one amazing good reason, Ezra. You heard him, 'this is your chance'-."

"I don't need chances when it comes to protecting my baby brother. Why should I...hesitate?" I step back some as I set the scissors back. "You involved yourself in a family that doesn't care about you at all. You're a commodity, and I think you know that."

I see Stellan's smirk falter from his face. That's when I fold my arms to my chest, chuckling.


"You heard me. What did they say they'd give you if you rejected my brother to the point of death, hmm? Money, houses, clothes?"

Stellan's whole face turned pink, and I roll my eyes.

"I can't get into the spec-."

"I can give you triple of what they can. You hear me that time?" I snap him into quietness. His eyes narrow on me instantly.

"Oh really? What is that-?"

"You do what I say. Fuck the Vol's - all of that. They will get rid of you when you are of no assistance, they won't give you shit. I, however, will. I want Ezra to hate you...and I want you away from him. You have been groomed into bringing him pain anyway...there's only one way I can go about this without killing him; so agree to this or I'll slit your thro- Ezra!"

I smile as I see him jog back our way. He held a key in his hand and I realized he really got Stellan a room.

"Xavion I chose a grand bedroom that's right beside mine, the suite. My Mate deserves the best, got it?" He points at me seriously and I don't respond. "Got it-?"

"Yes. I...got it." I groan, leaning against my desk now. Watching them walk away, I see Stellan turn his head slightly.

Except I didn't miss his slight nod.

...good choice.

If he hadn't decided right then, I was going to kill him in his sleep.

____rejecting; 18____

"This wasn't a part of the deal!" I shriek at Stellan as I continue to hear the painful cries of Ezra echo throughout the castle.

My hands clamp over my ears - I couldn't take this. Hearing him be in such pain...drove me crazy.

"I had to reject him! The drug...they wouldn't give me the medicine to remove it. We're not really mates anyway - it doesn't really do anything-."

"I don't give a fuck! I don't know if you're just dumb, stupid, or both; but I said wait. We are not really together, I fucking hate your guts!" I shout in his stupid face. "There was no rush, at all! I shouldn't be standing here before your dumb ass and hearing Ezra like that!"

I looked around the room for a sharp object, contemplating stabbing Stellan with it. He completely didn't keep his end of the deal and I was done with this. I pretended for far too long...pretending to like this bitch made me nauseous every step of the way.


"I hate you!" I howl at this point as I knock over a table. Knocking a glass onto the floor, I shake my head frantically at the mere pain he was suffering.


"I didn't want him to be in anymore pain than he already is. I just needed...the medicine, all you had to do was wait. If you took it and I told him the truth of it all, he'd think I was his savior. That I really did care about him and was saving him from a wretch like you! You...you ruined everything. You fucking bitch, you ruined everything!" I grab the collar of his shirt and shook him wildly.

I couldn't control myself from just shaking him. I wanted to do more than this!

"S-stop! I really thought you li-."

"Shush...shut up." I interrupt him, realizing that Ezra's screams ceased. My eyes widen in fear at the worst possibility.


"You better hope he's still alive or you're life is over." I growl that promise surely. That's when I rush up the stairs and when I go to his room it was empty. The only thing I saw was the fact that it was a great mess.

I can only imagine how...discombobulated he is right now. Where did he run off to?

I can't seem to do anything right.

It's like I have some cursed fate. Ever since our parents deaths...I'm not allowed the blessing of having a nice relationship with him.

We can't be the same...all because I wanted him safe. They wanted him dead, so they got what they deserved. I...I don't deserve this. Just to save him he ends up seeing something he shouldn't see.

No I'm the bad guy, and our parents left hero's in his eyes. Even though it's the opposite...

And it makes me sick...every step of the way.

____meeting Theo; 23____

He found another problem.

The fact that he just...easily let this random person into the castle says a lot about his character. I thought...I had removed all of the issues surrounding him, but I was wrong.

Who the hell even is Theo?

I could wonder that all I want, but there is absolutely nothing on that guy. All there is on him is that his ex placed a huge debt on his name, and now he has to pay it off to Ezra.

I don't know if Ezra is just...losing his mind, or what; but we can't risk random people entering our lives! I have been around him...long enough to see that there is something different about him.

The way he holds himself...and the way he handles pheromones is different from anyone I've ever seen. There's something different about him...and I will learn today.

I make my way into their house that Ezra bought. It was perfect that he was going after Theo's parents. There wasn't harm placed on them whatsoever - I wouldn't dare! He'll come to see that once he arrives there.

As I walk through I saw that a light was on in a certain room. That's when I smile and go towards the door, peering around the corner.

That's when I see Theo sitting in Ezra's chair, reading over papers. My eyes couldn't help themselves at this point. I would be lying if I said he wasn't pretty. It was always nice to look at him.

This is my last test for him...and if he passes, I'll give them what they want. It's getting too out of hand. No more of these games. Stellan is sleeping around with my guards and I can't stop him there. I hope there isn't a misconception that it's me...

I would never.

"Why are you going through Ezra's things?"

Instantly Theo looked up at me in absolute fear. Even when he looked afraid he still looked so pretty-.

"Wh...why are you here?" He croaks a question, closing the binder instantly.

At that point I let myself in. "Because. Why wouldn't I come here to say hello to my friend, you? Ezra is coming back tomorrow afternoon, so I've been informed. I just want to see what's been going on." I shrug because I was genuine there.

I grab the chair sitting across from him, and I sit in it. I clasp my hands before him and smile. The look Theo gave me was...very impressive. He was trying his best here.

"I also want to be here when he comes. I'll be so happy to see his reaction, I've missed him - and you!" I couldn't help but smile at him, except he just shakes his head. "How have you been?"

Theo shook his head again at me, and that's when I shake my head with him. He just looked so cute doing such a thing.

"You stole my parents."

We're going to start like this, huh?

"Yeah, so? It was just for fun! I didn't hurt them or anything. I wasn't there...I don't know what the guards did to them. I wipe my hands clean of that. I won't hurt your son." I state, feeling bad that I have to go this route just to...see if he's trustworthy. "I won't dabble in such coward moves - going after a child. That's so boring... Don't you think that's boring?"

Theo starts frowning at me, but it soon turned into a glare. I understood why he'd switch like that...I would be that way too.

"Not boring, just crazy! Why would you attack a child? Use your mind...you're crazy. I don't even know how you found this place-."

"Ezra is bringing your parents home, so congratulations. I gave him what he wanted and I let him find your parents. I'm not stupid, I know he's there. If he can get his way, why can't I get mine here?" I ask him, and I saw a pencil near me.

I grab a piece of paper too...and immediately in my mind was something great. If I am certain of who Theo is as a person...this can be the start to fixing it all. This can be the answer...finally!

I can end this once and for all.

The time has come...

As I drew the characters I memorized by heart, the thought of Theo being pregnant struck me. I knew he was...but just how far was he willing to go to protect Ezra?

Would he deny the babies existence for his sake?

"I know you will have a child eventually." I start, waiting for his response. For a couple of minutes, there wasn't one.

"Your confidence is nauseating."

"Is that a confession?" I snicker, only to hear Theo scoff.

"Of course not. You as a person has always made me nauseous...who could do this to their own family. All for what? Power?" Theo snaps at me, and now I had to look at him.

This was never about power.

I forget that that's what they think I want sometimes. That stupid thing called power.

"Family and power...in my mind don't work. Our parents had their minds made up and they couldn't be changed no matter what I did. I was my father in every way, shape, and form; but they still wanted to appoint Ezra. My parents ultimately let me down. I wasn't on their radar...and that is very unsettling, it pissed me off." I lie through my teeth, realizing I messed up on the latter and erased a part.

I was nothing like my father. I'm not a coward...or let fear control me.

"My family didn't believe in me, and I definitely believed in myself. I wasn't going to let someone younger than me take that from me. It was either I take their lives and they give me the power, promising that I will protect Ezra for life; or I take Ezra's life and we all lose something. They lose an heir, I lose a brother, they also lose two sons. They'd definitely punish me, but they lost a son because of me. You can clearly tell what option they chose because Ezra is still here." I say as I lie...again and again.

I used my pheromones and the fact that I am of a higher class than my own parents to take them down. There is no other reason why. They'd love if I was to take him down instead!

I slide the paper to Theo, and he looked at it nervously. I knew he'd think I was crazy...but it says something. It says what I feel and the truth:

I love you...more than anyone in this whole world, Ezra. I did this...for you. It may not seem that way, but I really did do this for you. Everything I am doing...is to protect you.

Our parents were going to harm you...to protect the Vol family line. You are something they can't control, and that frightens them. When I learned of what they were going to do to you...I couldn't let that happen.

I'd rather...be the enemy in your eyes and you hate me, then know of what our parents were going to do to you. I know that would destroy you more than I ever could. It's better this way...and I'm sorry if you believe otherwise, but I can't let you die.

I love you too much, I will do anything to protect you. Even if it means making me the enemy in your eyes; and that's what it has come to.

Listen...I even deemed Theo as a threat at first, but as of today, I know that isn't the case. He really does...love you, even if he doesn't realize it yet.

I want to tell you the truth now, because it's beginning to get out of hand. War is coming and I've tried to keep at bay for as long as I can...but they are growing with hatred of your existence. The longer you're alive, the more powerful you become. I know this...I want this. Except you're becoming increasingly powerful against me, and I love it; but I want to tell you the truth now.

I can't keep hurting you anymore to protect you from everyone. You need to know now. I will tell you the truth, because I can't keep hurting my little brother just to protect you from everyone else's rage.

If you are able to translate this...I want to leave one last message here.

I love you, Ezra.

Vol always prevail!

Wrong, the Volek's always prevail. You always prevail...you have to Ezra.

And again... I am sorry. I truly am...sorry.

I hope truly he can translate this, so he knows.

How much I love Ezra.

What I've done for him isn't in vain.

"Why are you giving me this? I don't know what this says." He says which is to be expected. I couldn't help but snort at his cuteness sometimes.

"I don't expect you to know. Ezra and I used to have a secret language. If anyone can understand this, it's him-."

"Why on earth would he remember something like that with a person like you?" He interrupts me with the most evident disgust in his voice.

He's not wrong...why would he remember such a thing? With a person like me...

"It may just save you if he can read this." I inform him as if that was anywhere close to the truth. The color left his face so fast... "I said I wasn't going for Remi anymore, that'd be cowardly on my part. Why not go for someone who can fight back and who will one day have Ezra's child?"

I grin at him and wait for what he would say. What will he do...impress me.

"I'm not having Ezra's child, what don't you understand?" He hissed at me. That...shocked me more than I thought it would.

"You're not? Then..." I grip my chin, trying to not give myself away right now. I was genuinely impressed with him...he's fascinating me. "Why aren't you having his child? You realize that's what he wants from you - is a child."

"I know, and I don't care. He is only using me for his gain, that's it. Why would I want to give him a child and it all be just for himself? For all I know, he'll abandon the child." Theo sneers at me.

In his eyes I saw the determination, and I grin softly at him.

We both...are putting up acts for Ezra's sake...

One more test. Please pass it.

"You're absolutely right. Ezra can't stand messes, loud sounds, and I know he won't want to clean any other human up. He would be using you if you had his child for him. He doesn't love you, he loves revenge; and that's all there is to it. You are absolutely nothing to him, but the main piece on his chessboard." I say calmly, and my words definitely hit a nerve there. I could tell...please don't let it get to you. "I'm a good actor, and so is he. He is fine pretending to love someone so that he can get revenge on me. He doesn't love you at all, you're being used. Once you do what he needs of you - you'll be useless, and he'll release you out into the wild."

I noticed Theo trying his best not to falter. My words were getting to him...but he was trying not to show it. His hands were an obvious indication.

"You might as well leave now. I'll make things easier because I think you're too pretty to hurt. Leave him, and then he'll find another replacement. Stop suffering all for his behalf. You're just a-."

"Chess piece," Theo interrupts me, now standing up from his seat in a manner that impressed me, "I know that. You don't have to remind me-."

"But I do! I don't want you to get warped into anything. I'm just trying to help. That is all. He likes your face, your body for sure, and I can tell he has grown protective over someone else's son. Though if we're talking about you as a whole...on the inside... The only inside he'd love is your...perhaps I've said too much." I chuckle at myself, feeling horrible that Theo looked so hurt.

I let myself stand up while snickering, resting my hand on his shoulder. While I looked at his face I had this notion to just kiss his cheek. I'm sorry, Theo.

I press a kiss on his cheek, and he yanked away immediately. When he rubbed the kiss away as if it was a stain I had to stop myself from smiling at his cuteness.

"You can always...come to me. I won't let you go like how I let Stellan go. I find you as a person astonishing. Why should he get you, but I can't? Just come to me and you could have everything you want." I suggest to him softly, cradling his face in my hand.

He had no expression or emotion present. What...will he do now? If it was Stellan's corrupted ass he'd be all for this.

Don't be all for this.

"What is that everything?"


"You could have any amount of money, clothes, food, houses, toys for Remi - anything." I tell him, and I see a very strained smile on his face.

I smile back, absolutely disappoi-.

When he yanked away from me I was startled. His glare was even more startling. He pointed at me whilst shaking his head.


"If anyone knows me at all...they know money doesn't work on me. I don't want your money - I want no ones money. Just...love." Theo whimpers quietly.

I felt my whole body fill with relief. Yet...my heart was beating for him at that moment. He wants just love...how much...cuter could he be?

He couldn't be more perfect for Ezra.

Except I found myself wanting...

"I can give you love-."

"Not from you. Maybe I want no love from anybody, but Remi. You're crazy...Ezra is crazy...you're both crazy. I wish I wasn't involved." He shakes his head and rushes past me. Right when he did it felt like...I was floating.

I don't know why...but I was absolutely enamored by him at that moment. He is in fact Ezra's Mate.

I need to calm down my heart.

"What are you doing?"

When I hear Theo's nerves in his voice, I look. Seeing Ezra's best friend, Caden, wagging his phone in Theo's face.

"Ezra is gonna hear this, finally!" Caden laughs in his face so rudely, and I see him run away. Theo stood there in shock it seemed, but I wasn't...going to let anyone tarnish him as a person.

He's a good person.

I rush past him, going for Caden easily. I used my pheromones at this moment to cause him to crumble right then and there. When I get close to Caden and grab the phone he cries out in pain as if I'm torturing him.

Yanking it away, Caden tried to grab it again and I was surprised my pheromones weren't really working. I just shove him to the ground and look, seeing Theo looking at us.

Just what I thought...he's a Vereille.

There's no other way I can see this. He has to be. No...

I know...this recording has everything I said. Everything that can be used against me...this is actually perfect.

"You're a fool, absolutely dumb, an idiot, and completely enthralled with Ezra. He will never fall for you - stop this pathetic charade." I insult Caden, tired of his trifling ass.

I...send the recording myself. This will definitely start everything...everything will have been worth it. As long as Ezra uses this right...this will be perfect. If he hates me as much as I know he does right now...he'll use this against me.


"Do what you want with it." I tell Theo as I walk to him, handing the phone to him as if I didn't already send it.

"I...I don't know-."

"You can either send it, or delete it. Whatever you think will help you out." I say to him, and he nods. I see him about to delete it until a message from Ezra came up.

Ezra-> Caden wth is this?

Theo looked up at me as if I was crazy, and I grin at him. If only he knew...

I'm doing this for Ezra, and you too.

For me too.


What now? 😗

How do you see him...now? 🤔

(I know it's long...it's just the important parts that you need to see.) 🤷🏽‍♀️😌

What...of him...now? 🤭

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~ YOLO❤️

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