Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader...

By lndlover

525K 12.3K 3.2K

See title More

Another one
Prompts contiued
Somebody Else
Mother dearest (daughter!reader)
Lie to me
This seat taken?
Movie night
Since when?
Thats my shirt
She'll kill me
A bitter Goodbye
Call me, beep me, if you wanna reach me
Thank you, and goodnight
Mothers of 7
We'll meet again
My Way
Til Death Do Us Part
Til death do us part (ending 2)
3 am
Story updates
Early Mornings
Back Home
Because of You
Parents' Visit
Band Double Date
Pillow Forts
Coffee Talk
Old Friend
A Rookie Mistake
Of Tops and Bottoms
A Steady Breath
Make You Love Me
Disapointment pt.2
Unreqited pt.2
Dinosaurs fell in love
Hymn for the missing
Series announcement
Smoke and Mirrors
Quick announcement
A New Reality
My mother's friend
Curiosity killed the Cat
Our Friend Mari
Not His
Her Highness
Can't Let Go Annoncement
Fingers crossed
Sleeping Beauty
Gonna be okay
By Your Side

Striking out

5.7K 149 82
By lndlover

A/N: This is a mama!Nat request by @moonlight_veve. I'm so sorry this took so long to get out but I hope you enjoy. Had to tweak a few things to make it a bit more realistic.

You were frustrated and growing more and more restless by the second. Having to be stuck to the confines of your aunt and uncle's homestead was usually a welcome getaway. You loved being able to visit your cousins and forget about being a superhero every now and then, it was nice to be able to pretend to be normal. Well, it was usually nice because usually, you weren't hiding with the rest of the Avengers from a threat that had completely handed the team their asses. The once welcoming getaway of the Barton farmhouse was now starting to resemble more of a prison that was keeping you from your very dangerous objective.

You sighed and looked down at the small cup of coffee in your hands, you were already picking up your mother and uncle's bad habit of indulging in the caffeinated drink daily. You leaned against the balcony railing before taking a sip of the warm liquid. The sun was beginning to set which painted the sky in pretty pinks and oranges. The scene would have been peaceful if not for the hushed whispers coming from the window behind you.

The team was inside deliberating on what to do next. You couldn't exactly tell if they were trying to keep everything hush hush because of you or Laura and the kids. Whatever the reason they weren't being very good at it, then again it wasn't very hard to pick up on what they were saying with your enhanced hearing. The gist of it was Fury ordered you all to stay put until further notice.

The prospect of having to stay where you were while that maniac was still on the loose and most likely doing unspeakable things to people made your blood boil. You couldn't just stand idly by while there was a chance you could get the bastard and end his reign of terror, direct orders be damned. Your mind was made up.

Upon hearing the screen door open and shut behind you, you turn and look over your shoulder and are greeted with your mother's face. She gives you a soft smile on her approach to which you give her a soft nod and turn back to look at the setting sun. Natasha walks over and leans against the railing beside you. It's silent between the two of you for a moment before her eyes find your cup of coffee. "You shouldn't be drinking those at your age, it stunts growth."

You chuckle and smirk over at her, "Still taller than you." She shoots you a playful glare to which you look away from her playfully. "You know," she starts "There was a time when you respected your elders." A scoff leaves you. "Since when is pointing out facts disrespectful?"

Your mother merely laughs and shakes her head before going silent for a moment. "I know you heard some of what we said. I also know my kid and I know that staying here doesn't exactly thrill you." Your silence was all the answer she needed. Natasha heaved a heavy sigh before looking over at you. "Y/N, I want to go out there and get this guy just as badly as you do but it's far too dangerous. We can't risk having the team go out and risk their necks on the little intel that we have right now." She paused to see if you had anything to say and frowned when you continued to remain silent. "Just, be patient alright? We'll be back out there in no time."

This time you relented and gave a small nod. "Okay." You said softly. Your mother grinned before leaning in and pressing a gentle kiss to your temple. "Thank you sweetheart. Now try and get some rest, we've all had a really long day."

With that Natasha gave you one last smile until walking back into the house. You decided to stay outside for a little bit longer and enjoy the sunset, it would be the last time you could for a while.


The next morning Natasha woke up a bit later than usual. She had allowed herself to take a break and get a few extra hours of sleep for once. There wasn't any need for her to be up too early seeing as there wasn't anything she could do work-wise with Fury's orders.

When she did finally make her way downstairs she was greeted with a smirk from the archer. "Like mother like daughter I see, you Romanoffs just decide to sleep late or something?" Clint asked from over his steaming mug. Natasha chuckled and raised an eyebrow. "I take it Y/N hasn't woken up yet then."

Tony shook his head from his seat. "The little widow hasn't left her room yet so we assumed she was asleep." Clint nodded in agreement as Natasha walked over to the coffee pot and poured herself a mug. She fixed it up the way she liked before taking a sip and letting out a satisfied hum as the liquid warmed her chest.

Her eyes found the clock on the stove and her head cocked to the side a bit. It was nearly 10:00, for you not to be awake yet was very unusual. She pushed off of the counter she had been leaning against and headed towards the stairs. "I'm gonna go check on her." She announced to the men in the kitchen before walking up to your room.

She gave a soft knock upon arrival and pressed her ear against the door. "Y/N? You alright sweetheart?" She waited a moment and when you gave no response she frowned. She knocked again but was still met with complete silence. She had expected to at least hear the soft rustling of your sheets or something but there was nothing but still silence.

Natasha took hold of your doorknob and felt her confusion deepen when she found your room to be empty and devoid of any sign that you had ever been there. The bed was made with the sheets tucked so tightly into the bed that you could bounce a quarter off of it. Your small duffle bag that had your essentials in it wasn't where you usually placed it in your stays here.

She moved further into the room and looked about seeing that everything was seemingly untouched. All the clothes left in your closet were clothes that you stored here just in case you didn't pack enough initially.

Frowning, Natasha made her way back downstairs to Tony and Clint. "Yeah...she wasn't in her room." Tony gave her an odd look before opening his mouth to suggest she may be helping Laura with the chores before Steve came barging into the room.

He was sweating, it was evident that he had been out for his daily run. His eyes darted around the room slightly panicked before he spoke up. "We've got a problem. The Quinjet's gone." All color completely left the other three Avenger's faces at his words.

"You don't think..." Clint said cautiously as he sat up. Tony shook his head in disbelief. "She wouldn't." Natasha took a shaky breath and rushed out of the kitchen. She had to make sure you weren't just with Banner, Thor, or Laura.

Steve turned and watched as Natasha rushed away before looking back to the mumbling archer and billionaire. "Is there something I'm missing here?"

Tony and Clint shared a look before looking back to Rogers. With a heavy sigh, Clint finally spoke up. "Y/N's missing. No one's seen her since last night."


It was getting dark now and the team had gained no new information on your location. After checking with the others it had become glaringly clear that you had indeed taken the Quinjet without anyone noticing. They had tried everything from checking with JARVIS who had revealed that you had disabled his systems so that he couldn't report your leaving to the team or any of your superiors. You had also disabled the Quinjet's tracking abilities so they had no idea where you could have gone.

Steve called you too smart for your own good and for once, Tony agreed.


On the second night of your disappearance, they deduced that you must have gone after the man who was the reason the team was cooped up on the homestead in the first place. Tony was thinking of retracting his statement of calling you smart. Going after the man as a team had proved to be a feat that almost cost them their lives; going after him alone was nothing short of a death wish.

Steve agreed.


On the third night of your disappearance, the team found that their request for a second Quinjet had been denied. Not only would it put Clint's secret in danger but Fury was not about to send his team back out and risk losing all of them.

Thor got angry and decided to strike out on his own. He was determined to come back with you or not come back at all. The god had always had a serious soft spot for you.

Natasha had nearly burned a hole in the floor with the amount of pacing she had been doing. The team, Laura, and the kids had done their best to try and calm her nerves although it did little to help anyone in the situation. Just about everyone involved was angry with how powerless they were in this situation, your mother above all.


It was the fourth night when Thor came back empty-handed. He was beside himself with anger and grief that he wasn't able to find you. It took all his willpower not to go back outside and level a few trees on Clint's land. Instead, he merely walked up to the red-haired assassin and pulled her into a tight hug.

It was the first time Natasha allowed herself to cry in front of the team. The other's silent tears soon followed.


On the fifth night, the team sat around the dinner table trying to decide if they should strike out on their own and call in a few favors to try and find you. Their voices came out in hushed whispers with a harsh urgency to them. Suddenly the door was thrown open catching all of their attention.

Bruce was the first to see you as his chair was the one facing the door. He was on his feet in an instant barking out orders to the team like they had never seen before. When their eyes finally landed on you they needed no further prompting.

You had limped into the house, blood running down your leg from a nasty gash in your calf. You were bleeding from various parts of your torso. Your body crumbled into Bruce's arms once he had reached you. A soft groan of pain left you as your vision began to blur and fade. You couldn't make out what anyone around you was saying, they sounded so far away.

You felt yourself being lifted up and rushed in some direction, you couldn't tell which. The rushed and muffled voices continued to bounce around you. You soon felt your body being placed on a hard surface. In your haze you decide they must have placed you on a table or something, it's the only thing that made sense.

You could feel the adrenaline slowly leaving your body which meant the pain from your injuries would hit you full force any second. You wanted to panic and scream but your body simply didn't have the energy. You felt hopeless and it was becoming harder to breathe, it didn't help that you couldn't tell if it was because of your rising panic or because you were dying.

Fear began to grip your heart at the prospect of your death. It hadn't seemed so real up until this moment. You could feel your life slipping away from you and it was terrifying. You wanted to cry out to the people around you and let them know of your distress although you were sure they were well aware of how fast their blurred forms were moving around in your vision.

Just when you thought you wouldn't be able to take anymore two delicate yet shaky hands were placed on your cheek. The person's thumbs rubbed over your skin in a slow and soothing motion. You knew these hands, they were your mother's.

"Shhh, you're okay," Her voice came through the fog of your mind like a guardian angel. You allowed your eyes to slip shut as a new sense of safety washed over you.

"You're going to be okay."


The team had worked tirelessly to clean and mend your wounds. It didn't take much to know that it was a miracle you had survived, even with your enhancements, Clint had always called you a fighter.

Once Bruce had gotten you stabilized they had Steve and Thor gently move you upstairs and to your room, your mother hadn't left your side since. She was currently leaning back in her chair, her red and puffy eyes gazing over your features. She had cried more than she ever had in her life within the last few hours.

She had never been presented with the prospect of losing you and it hit her like a speeding train. She couldn't help but blame herself for all this. She thought she knew you enough, could read you enough to know when you were going to pull a little stunt like this. Then again, you had never pulled a stunt like this.

She gently reached out and took hold of your hand gently. Her thumb gently grazed over your knuckles as tears welled in her eyes. "о, дорогая, что ты сделал?" (oh, sweetheart, what did you do?) She whispered softly.

"он мертв" (He's dead)

Her eyes snapped to yours at the sound of your raspy voice. Your eyes slowly opened and met her's, a weak smile playing at your lips. "I killed him. He's gone." You said simply before slowly blinking. Natasha sat stunned and blinked a few times before shaking her head. "You killed him? Alone?" When you gave her a small nod her eyebrows drew together. She for the life of her could not figure out how you pulled off killing someone that they as a team couldn't kill.

But that was a topic for another time, right now you had more important matters at hand. "Y/N...what you did was beyond reckless. Going after a threat that the entire team couldn't take down together was a beyond..." She tried to think of a kinder word but simply couldn't "Stupid idea."

"But I got him." You retorted. You had her there and subsequently made her quiet down for a moment. She glanced at you before sighing heavily and leaning forward. Natasha placed her hand on your swollen cheek and rubbed her thumb over your cheek. "You had me worried sick Y/N, all of us." She scowled gently. A look of guilt washed over your face. You hadn't meant to make them worry so much but in your eyes it was necessary.

Seeing the guilty look Natasha sighed and shook her head. "You know, the only reason I'm not going to ground you is that you pulled it off. Or else you would never see the light of day ever again." She teased earning a small laugh from you.

"I won't do something like this again. Scouts honor." You promised softly before she leaned in and pressed a kiss to your forehead. "I love you Y/N." She whispered as your eyes slip shut in exhaustion.

"I love you too mama."

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