Elemental Roommates

By Nomie132

19.5K 585 781

(Discontinued!) [Written: 2020 - 2023] They're loud, annoying, emotionally tired college students just trying... More

Chapter 1 Move-In
Chapter 3 In the Shadows
Chapter 4 Struck A Nerve
Chapter 5 Pain in My Neck!
Chapter 6 Can You Keep a Secret?
Chapter 7 Burning Love
Chapter 8 Apologies
Chapter 9 Come With Me?
Chapter 10 Fumbling for the Relatives
Chapter 11 Cupcake Love
Chapter 12 Silly Old Man
Chapter 13 I Can Explain...
Chapter 14 Brother Like No Other
Chapter 15 Tough Choices
Chapter 16 Here For You
Chapter 17 Torn At the Seams
Chapter 18 Trouble in Paradise
Chapter 19 Investigation
Chapter 20 Short-Circuited Attraction
Chapter 21 Outside Safe Haven
Chapter 22 Survival
Chapter 23 Pressure
Chapter 24 Diving Deep
Chapter 25 Underneath
Chapter 26 Inner Truth

Chapter 2 No Humans Allowed!

1.2K 35 41
By Nomie132

A/N: Just to let you guys know for future reasons, I'll be making up more elemental masters just so there can be a decent amount of people to fill up a whole university.

"So... Mr. Walker, you haven't scheduled any classes for yourself, yet?" The dean claimed as he set down a file of papers. Jay sat only a few feet from the man's desk. He was definitely not the sweet old man, with the white beard, that Jay met a month ago. The ginger fiddled with his fingers nervously, but he laughed off the question.

"Well, I mean... I didn't know this university actually existed a month ago, let alone know others like me existed..." Jay trailed off.

"Yes but you've gone to other elemental schools in the past, correct?" The man questioned plainly, pushing up his glasses.

"There's other what now?" Jay asked, looking dumbfounded.

"Other elemental schools: elementary, middle school... high school?" He furthered on, seeming surprised by Jay's oblivious gaze.

"I... uh... didn't know that was a thing. Was I supposed to sign up for those?" He asked curiously.

"Your parents didn't enroll you in any of them!?" The man spat in protest.

"My parents and I didn't even know other elementals existed! Did you not hear me say that five seconds ago?!" Jay exclaimed but drew back after the dean sent him a glare. The grey haired man pinched the bridge of his nose before letting out a sigh.

"I'm guessing you're adopted?" The dean asked.

"Uh... how did you-"

"Elemental powers are pass down from generation to generation. Your parents would have known about other elemental masters if they were ones..." The old man trailed off while writing some things down. "How good are you at using your powers?" Jay looked down at his hand and shut his eyes tightly. He tried to focus like how he always taught himself. When he opened his eyes, a few sparks flew from his fingers. He glanced back at the dean who gave a clear scowl.

"I was afraid of that... you have less control over your powers than that of a 6 year old."

"Well jeez, way to cut a guy's self esteem down," Jay complained with a frown.

"Elemental schools teach young elemental masters about their history and help control their powers, so they can defend themselves against creatures that wish to drain you of your power-"

"Excuse me did you say... DRAIN ME!?" Jay screamed in a panic.

"Calm yourself Mr. Walker. Yes, there are creatures that wish to steal your elemental power. You've never witnessed one? Surely they would have picked up on your scent."

"Well... my family lives in a junkyard... so..."

"That explains why you smell of expired dairy," the old man muttered before clearing his throat. "Well, I can give you a form with all our classes on it. You may visit classes today to see what you prefer. However, I am making it a mandatory that you take Elemental 101. You are going to need to learn how to control your powers, understood?" The old man questioned while digging into his desk draw.

"Yes, thank you," Jay finished with a smile, but he could feel his body shaking to the bone. The dean handed him the papers of all the classes. The ginger stood up slowly and wobbled out of the office, feeling like he was about to puke.

Meanwhile, Seliel was working out at the gym before her next class. She had been running on the treadmill, while listening to her music, for nearly an hour now. Her pink hair was tied up in a ponytail, and her footsteps were in sync with her rather poppy music. Nobody would ever think the intimidating warrior enjoyed the typical pop music, but she couldn't help it. Pop is just that catchy. However, her work out was interrupted by a group of elementals strolling into gym. No, Seliel wasn't an elemental master. A very small group of students were accepted into the school due to their knowledge of the supernatural, including elemental masters, along with their skills in combat. People like Seliel came to defend the world from monsters and creatures that wish to harm it. These elementals might have been accepted by merely being supernatural beings, but Seliel earned her spot there. She had no time for idiot clowns who still believed they were in highschool.

One of the girls mumbled a few words, but she was drowned out by Seliel's music. The pink haired warrior simply smirked at the tuned out noise. She closed her eyes to focus, but she was eventually tapped on the shoulder. Seliel glanced to her left to see it was a girl with purple hair. Her arms were crossed, and her nostrils flared. Seliel turned off her treadmill and popped out one earbud.

"What?" She asked plainly.

"You know what, cotton candy hair. It's the elemental masters' turn to use the gym. Humans are out," She complained. Seliel glanced down at her watch. She was right. The regular human kids and elementals were allowed to use the gym only at separate times. Most people say that it's for the humans' protection. Elemental masters have a higher pain tolerance which means more intense work outs, heavier equipment, faster moving treadmills, and more. However Seliel knew it was more out of privacy than safety. Elemental masters always have had to hide themselves from fear of humans for centuries. So much so that they've become a mere fairy tale to people. Everyone is use to sticking to their own kind, so why change it?

"Gee, I had no clue. I'll be done in a few minutes," Seliel remarked, about to turn the treadmill back on. However, the purple haired girl snatched her wrist.

"Out, now!" She protested as her face slowly morphed into a large blue snake. Her red eyes bulged out of her scaly head, and she snapped her large fangs while hissing. Seliel, though, grew a dull gaze, nearly yawning at the sight. The shapeshifter drew back. Her red hypnotic eyes grew larger in shock.

"I'm not ssscaring you?" She asked, sounding dumbfounded.

"Next time Chamille, don't transform into something we use as target practice everyday," Seliel explained casually before yanking her hand away and hopping off the treadmill. The young warrior strolled off, leaving a group of surprised elementals.

Jay scanned over the several pages of classes to take. His first choice was "Introduction to Programming".

I could totally use this when I work on my inventions!

When Jay gently opened the door, the class was in the middle of the lesson. He strolled over to the only empty seat and plopped down. All his focus was on the teacher. He didn't even notice who he was sitting by. However, a tiny piece of paper was flicked onto his hand. He picked it up, and a tiny note was written on it.

You're new to this class, right?

Jay turned to the direction of where the paper came from to find the culprit. She had short black hair and big blue eyes. Jay nearly choked at how beautiful the sunlight hit against her skin. Her light red lips curled into a smile at the sight of him. She then held her finger up to her mouth, signaling to be silent. She handed him a pencil. Jay glanced down at it, looking lost. His mouth was agape, and his brain took a minute to process. The lovestruck boy finally noticed that he didn't have a writing utensil, so he shakily took her's. The pencil fumbled in his hand, and the girl chuckled in response. Jay turned back to the piece of paper and scribbled down an answer.

Is it that obvious?

The girl smiled after reading his words. She then wrote down a reply.

Well I figured you were because you didn't bring anything with you. You're definitely gonna need a notebook... and laptop, obviously.

Haha, yeah. I'm guessing there's a lot of note taking then?

Yeah, she talks so fast, though. I can barely keep up.

Sounds crazy, I'm Jay by the way.



"Ms. Smith, if you wish to take a break by passing notes, I suggest you do that else where," The teacher insisted after slamming a ruler against the desk.

"Yes, sorry Ms. Kim." The teacher nodded before glancing over at Jay.
"And who might you be?" The older woman asked curiously.

"I'm Jay Walker. I came to listen in on your lecture," Jay admitted with a weak smile.

"Ah, well you have a funny way of showing it, Mr. Walker. I hope if you join my class, you don't make a habit of passing notes. This isn't grade school, young man," She spoke while a piece of chalk levitated above her finger. She was definitely an elemental master. Her powers might not have seemed threatening, but her tone surely was. She had a very authoritative attitude for such a tiny old woman.

"Yes, ma'am," Jay stated with a nervous chuckle. The old lady walked off which caused Jay to turn to the girl.

"College professors still care if you're passing notes?" He whispered in shock.

"Nah, it's just her. She's a grandmother, so my guess is she's use to dealing with kids all her life," the girl muttered back with a giggle. Her laugh caused Jay to grow a goofy smile. The two then sat quietly, listening to the Master of Chalk as she taught.

After one long lecture, Jay followed the cute girl out.

"Hey, I... I never got your name."

"Oh, it's Nya," She spoke with another bright smile. The two started walking together down the hall.

"Nice meeting you, Nya. Uh soo... I was thinking about joining this class. But, I'm a bit behind on the notes. Would you maybe... wanna help me with them? We can go to the library or if this place has a library..." Jay rambled while scratching the back of his head.

"Sure, I'm free tomorrow afternoon. You're gonna love the class," She replied casually.

"Definitely," Jay admitted with a slight blush creeping over his cheeks. An alarm then suddenly went off on Nya's phone. She pulled it out of her back jean pocket, and her face nearly turned white.

"Crud, I forgot about this. I'll see you around, Jay," She spoke while sprinting off. Jay waved goodbye.

"Yeah, see you... around," He replied warmly. A tingly feeling grew inside Jay's chest. He let out a goofy laugh before shaking himself awake.

"Okay! Definitely taking that class," He mumbled, turning back to his papers full of classes.

Meanwhile, Nya raced off to meet up with Skylor. They had a lunch date, and she was definitely running behind. She only had less than an hour to eat with her, so there was no time to waste. Skylor's like the big sister Nya never had. They've known each other since Nya was in 9th grade.

"Nya! Over here!" Skylor called out from her outside table at the restaurant. Nya's sneakers slammed against the bumpy sidewalk as she raced over. The Master of Water might have been in pretty good shape but running for a couple blocks was literal hell. She gasped for air before practically collapsing in her seat.

"You know you could have taken one of those payable scooters, right?" Skylor suggested with a smirk.

"Yeah, but th-hen I w-wouldn't get in this great work... oh my gosh! I can't even stay positive with that!" Nya spat, with a laugh. Skylor joined in before a waiter came over with two baskets full of food.

"One Italian sub and one basket of hot wings. Hope you ladies enjoy," The employee stated happily before walking away.

"Running for 2 blocks... now time to treat myself with hot wings," Nya remarked playfully before chowing down. Skylor smirked again at the tiny girl in front of her.

"I still can't believe you're the one who likes spicy food in the family," She teased.

"Uh hello? Anything spicy is delicious. Plus you know Kai, his face turns red as a tomato if his salsa's too hot," Nya remarked with a chuckle.

"Definitely, a total hotheaded dork. Makes me love him more," Skylor stated with a warm smile. Nya stuck out her tongue and scrunched up her nose as if she's two.

"Gross, don't need to hear that," She jokes while taking a sip of her tea. The umbrella over their table helped shade her against the sun's rays. The gentle breeze blew through her hair and through the white table cloth. She had to put her glass on top of her napkins before they flew away.

"Right right, what about you, then?" Skylor questioned in between bites of her turkey sub.

"What about me?"

"I mean have you thought about any guys lately?" Nya nearly choked on her hot wings.


"What!? We share the same dorm, might as well share the secrets too," the red head stated cooly, growing a big smirk.

"No no, I'm not going there. I've had my fair share of boy trouble. I am done," Nya answered waving around one of her wings. Skylor then shrugged in response. Her red hair blew off her orange jacket thanks to the wind again.

"Fine, then I'm just gonna keep bringing up me and Kai."

"Please don't." Nya pleaded, not wanting to hear more of the romance between her best friend and her brother.

"Oh how Kai is so adorable when he sneezes. Sounding like a little kitten!" Skylor announced to everyone within 10 feet from them. Customers started turning their heads. Nya darted her gaze to the floor and groaned.

"You are unbelievable!" Nya whispered loudly, hiding her face under her hands.

"And his spiked up hair! Oh how he can look cool and dorky at the same time with it. Oh my goodness!" Skylor exclaimed dramatically, sounding like a southern maiden to add more embarrassment.

"It's getting windy out here, anyway. I'm leaving. I don't know her!" Nya spat at she walked off, still covering her face. She then came back to grab one more wing and glared at the red head. "Just for that, you're paying for lunch," Nya remarked, narrowing her gaze.

"Oh how I just want to kiss his adorable face!"

"I'm not listening! You are so gross!" Nya called out while racing away. After she was gone, Skylor laughed mischievously. She then took a sip from her diet coke.

"And that... is how you earn your friend's leftovers," She mumbled while snatching a wing from Nya's basket. She took a bite, and her eyes lit up a bit. "Wow that is spicy. Dang, Nya," She continued before dipping her wing in ranch dressing.

A/N: Yup I know, I told myself I wouldn't update this again for a while, but I just kept writing and writing. Hope you guys enjoy!

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