Not your Average Cinderella✔️

By princesstreatment

140K 3.2K 220

Book two of a different kind of fairy tale series (can be read as a stand-alone but I do suggest reading as a... More

Authors Note
Character list


3.1K 72 8
By princesstreatment

I groaned as a pair of hands lightly shook me awake. I pulled my blanket tighter around me. "Go away," i whined.

"I'm sorry milady but prince sebastian has asked us to get you ready for the ball."

"What time is it?"

"It is five am milady."

"It's too early." I pulled the blanket over my head. "Now go away, i'll get ready by myself later." i heard the door open and close quietly. I fell back asleep.

A hand lightly brushed through my hair. I sighed in content. I rolled over. I opened my eyes to see Sebastian staring down at me. "Why did i have three lady maids come to me saying you refused to wake up?"

"They woke me up at five am," i whined.

He chuckled. "they have to get you ready for the ball."

"I can get ready by myself though."

He caressed my cheek. "You can sleep for a few more hours but then i need you to get ready, okay?" i nodded. He leaned down kissing my forehead. "I'll be back."

I grabbed his hand. "Stay with me."

He smiled. "I'd love to but i have some things to do before the guests begin arriving." he brought my hand up to his lips gently kissing my knuckles and flipping my hand over to kiss my palm.

He walked out of the bedroom. I happily fell back asleep knowing i got my way. I woke up on my own what seemed to be hours later judging by the sunlight shining into the room.

I sat up stretching my arms out. Sebastian was standing in front of a full length mirror tying a tie around his neck. "Hi," i yawned.

He smiled at me through the mirror. "Good morning, did you sleep well?"

"Would have been better if i wasn't awoken so many times." he rolled his eyes. I pulled my blankets off as i got off the bed. I walked over to Sebastian. I wrapped my arms around him laying my head on his back. "Do we have to go to another ball?"

He chuckled. "Well i have to go since it's in my honor."

"Why is it in your honor?"

"It's my birthday." i pulled away from him. He turned around. He placed his hands on my hips pulling me back to him. "Did i not tell you?"

"No, you did not."

He smiled. "It's my birthday."

"But i didn't get you anything."

He leaned down and kissed my forehead. "You being here with me is the best thing i could ever ask for." He squeezed my hips. "Go shower. I'll have some gowns laid out for you by the time you're out."


He let me go and walked out of the bedroom. I took off my pajamas. I stepped into the bathroom to see a hot shower already running. I stepped into the shower. I generously applied the rose scented body wash all over my body before using the rose scented shampoo and conditioner in my hair. After getting out of the shower, I rubbed rose scented lotion all over my body. I straightened my hair. I put red matte lipstick on and a red winged eyeliner.

I walked out of the bathroom. Just as Sebastian said, there were beautiful extravagant dresses laid out on the bed. I chose a red jeweled strapless dress with a v-cut that went down to my belly button and light red ruffles jutting out from the waist to the ends of the dress.

Just as i slipped the dress on, the door to the bedroom opened. I turned around to see Sebastian. "You look perfect," he said softly. I smiled as i twirled around. He walked over to me with a box in his hands. "I have something to complete your outfit."

He opened the box up for me. "Are those glass heels?"

He nodded. "Maia told me that our meeting was your Cinderella moment." he kneeled down in front of me. He put the heels on for me. He stood up. "How do they feel?"

"Surprisingly comfortable."

He grabbed my hand. We walked to our entrance of the ballroom. Everyone was waiting for us. "You're late," said Josephine. She had on a tight dark red maroon dress that showed off her stomach and a silver bra top.

"It's my party mother," Sebastian said. "It doesn't start until i arrive."

Josephine snapped her fingers and the doors opened. Josephine and Florian walked in first followed by Nate and Abigail. "Does she not like me?" i asked.

"She likes you, she just doesn't like that i haven't turned you yet."

"Crowned Prince Sebastian and Lady Alexa." Sebastian's hand moved to rest on my lower back. We walked in. Sebastian and i walked over to the balcony. The whole crowd kneeled down before us. He kissed the side of my head.

We walked over to our thrones sitting down. The guests stood up and music started playing. I sat up straight looking amongst the guests. "They aren't here yet."

I looked at Sebastian. "Who?"

"Your family," he chuckled. "I haven't scented them, i'll let you know when they get here."

I nodded. "Thank you." i grabbed his hand. He squeezed my hand. "So do you guys just sit up here the entire time?"

"My mother doesn't like to be amongst the peasants as she calls them." i giggled. "And of course my father wouldn't leave her and Abby is too young to join the party."

"What about you and Nate?"

"Everyone once in a while a guest will spark Nate's interest," he said. "he'll go down and make a spectacle of taking her or sometimes them away from the ballroom to have his way with him." i raised my eyebrow. "He knows to get consent and he's a prince, he always gets consent."

"What about you?" i asked. He raised his eyebrow at me with a smirk on his lips. "Has anyone sparked your interest at one of these balls?"

He smiled. "Mea soare, you are the only one who has ever sparked my interest at a ball." he leaned over and gave me a soft kiss. "When i wanted my way with a woman i didn't bother to make a spectacle about it and i certainly never picked up one at a ball."

"Good to know."

He frowned. "Should i have told you all that?"

"I'll give you a pass since it's your birthday," i chuckled.

He placed a kiss on my knuckles. "Your family just arrived."

I turned to the crowd looking down. I smiled as my eyes found Beth, Carlson, Cece, and Austin. "Can i?" i asked.

He nodded. "Darrian will escort you."

"Bash," i whined.

"Please? He's just going to be close by in case something happens."

"Okay." i stood up. I walked out of the ballroom. Darrian was standing guard outside the door. "My family's here, can you bring me down?"

"Of course." i grabbed his arm as we walked into the ballroom through another entrance. The crowd parted as we walked in.

A smile formed on my face when i saw them. I let go of darrian and ran over to them. I launched myself into Cece and Austin's arms. "I've missed you guys."

"We've missed you." Austin kissed the side of my head. He let me go and Cece held me tighter in her arms. "Lex, you look gorgeous," she told me.

"Thank you." i pulled away grabbing her hands. "I'm so glad you guys are here."

Darrian placed his hand on my back. He leaned down next to my ear. "I'll be close by if you need me."

I nodded. "Thank you."

"Everything's okay here right?" asked Cece.

"Everything's great," i said. "I just have so much to tell you. Later?" she nodded.

I wrapped my arms around Carlson. He hugged me tightly. "I'm glad to see you safe and sound."

"I told you i would be."

"With the stories i've learned and heard about the royals, it's hard not to be worried about you."

Beth pushed Carlson aside to hug me. "Look at you," she cried. "Gods, you look more and more like your mom everyday."

I leaned next to her ear. "They're coming back."

"Who?" she whispered back.

"My parents."

She pulled away from me. "Baby, that's impossible."

I shook my head. "It isn't. You'll see."

She started to respond as someone walked over to us. He had on an expensive luxurious suit. Beth grabbed my hand nervously. "Where is your collar, human?"

"I don't have one," i told him.

The man's hand wrapped around my throat. "You stupid human." his entourage held Carlson, Beth, Cece, and Austin back. "How dare you?" He squeezed my neck roughly. I gripped his wrists pulling at his hands. "you wear the colors of the royals and refuse to wear a collar. I have the right mind to punish you for this."

Darrian was by my side in a moment. He ripped the man away from me. I stepped back holding my throat and breathing in heavily. "Alexa, are you okay?" Darrian asked.

"I'm fine," i whispered.

Darrian grabbed the man by his neck picking him up off the ground. "She is not just a human, you stupid peasant," he growled.

"I didn't know," he gasped out.

Darrian let him go before he forced the man to his knees. He looked up to the balcony. I followed his eyes to see Sebastian looking down at us from the railing. He nodded his head. "Assaulting a member of the royal family is punishable by death."

I placed my hand on Darrian's arm. "He doesn't need to be killed. He didn't know who i was. If he must be punished, take him to the dungeon."

"As you wish, milady." he waved over two guards. They grabbed the man and took him away. Darrian turned to me. He gently put his fingers on my neck. "Sebastian is not going to be happy when he sees this bruise forming."

I looked over Darrian's shoulder to see Sebastian jumping down from the balcony. He sped over to me. "Must you always be dramatic?" i asked.

"Why is he not dead?" he asked Darrian.

"He's in the dungeon," i said. "you can deal with him later."

He sighed. He touched my neck glaring at the bruise. "I wish i could heal you."

I gently grabbed his wrist. "I'm okay, it's not a big deal."

"No you're not, he placed his hands on you. He needs to be punished. Everyone here needs to know what happens when they disrespect yo-" i leaned up and kissed him gently. He relaxed against me. He pulled me to him, kissing me back. He leaned his forehead against mine. "Distracting me will not keep me from punishing him."

"I won't keep you from punishing him but not tonight. Don't let him ruin your party." i placed my finger on his lips before he had the chance to reply. "Dance with me." he nodded. He began to lead me to the center of the room.

I turned towards Beth and Carlson. Carlson smiled and nodded. "We'll be here, don't worry."

"I'll be back." they both nodded. At the center of the room, Sebastian bowed while i curtsied. He wrapped his arms around my waist. My arms wrapped around his neck. We started to sway side to side. The guests kept their distance from us but started interacting with each other again. "Happy birthday."

He smiled. "Thank you, my love."

"So how old are you anyway?"

"You really wanna know?" he asked. I nodded. He spun me around. My back was pressed against his front. His arm wrapped tightly around my waist. "506," he whispered into my ear.

"Cece always said i liked older guys but that is just ridiculous."

He chuckled. "There were other guys before me?" he asked softly in my ear.

"I'm twenty one, of course there were other guys."

"Hmmm," he hummed, spinning me back around. "Should i be worried?"

I shook my head. "I've never had anything serious with anyone before you. I might not have wanted a mate but i knew there was a possibility of me having one. I never thought there was a point in seriously dating."

"I can't tell you how happy that makes me."

I rolled my eyes. "Possessive much?"

"Very," he leaned down, kissing my forehead. I smiled. "Go spend time with your family, Darrian will escort you back up when you're ready."

He led me back to Beth and Carlson. They bowed for him. He kissed the side of my head before leaving the ballroom. Cece and Austin were dancing off to the side. Beth grabbed my hands. "Alexa, we need to talk."


"You know your parents were so important to me, to us and it broke our hearts when they died."

"I know."

"And i don't want to say it because i wish more than anything for it to be true but Alexa baby, there is no power that can bring them back."

I squeezed her hands. "I can't tell you everything but trust me, they're coming back."


"Beth, it's okay. Alexa, we trust you and if you believe that they're coming back then i believe you." i smiled. He kissed Beth's cheek. He took my hands from Beth's. "Let me dance with you." i placed my hand on his shoulder. We started dancing. "The house has been so much quieter without you there."

"Why don't you all move to Romania?" i asked. "There's nothing really holding you in America and you'll be able to visit me at the palace whenever."

"I'll talk to Beth and Cece. i'm sure they would love more than anything to be closer to you." he kissed my forehead. "Should i expect you to be turned next time i see you?"

I shook my head. "I don't plan on turning."

"How does the prince feel about that?"

"He thinks i'll change my mind."

He sighed. "It's your choice but i do hope the prince remembers that when it comes to it."

"He says he will."

"You can't be sure. When a vampire has a human mate, all they think of all day every day is turning their mate. I know this from experience."

"He promised me," i whispered. "He promised i'd have a choice."

"He might be able to give you that choice."

***********************************************************************************************Alexa's outfit

Josephine's outfit

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