Avatar: The Last Airbender x...

By BiggyBoi123

156K 3.4K 4.1K

The story of a young boy who got tangled up in Avatar business. More

The Boy in The Iceberg
Return of The Avatar.
The Southern Air Temple
The Warriors of Kyoshi
The King of Omashu
The Spirit World (Winter Solstice Part 1)
The Water Scroll
Jet and The Great Divide
The Storm and The Blue Spirit
The Fortune Teller
Bato of the Water Tribe
The Deserter
The Northen Air Temple and The Waterbending Master
Seige of The North (Book 1 Finale)
The Avatar State
The Cave of Two Lovers
Return To Omashu
The Swamp
Avatar Day
The Blind Bandit
The Chase
Bitter Work
The Library
The Desert and The Serpent's Pass (part 1)
The Serpent's Path (Part 2) and The Drill
The City of Walls and Secrets (Part 1)
The City of Walls and Secrets (Part 2)

Avatar Roku (The Winter Solstice Part 2)

4K 129 78
By BiggyBoi123

Long hours have passed since the squad departed from the village. They can be seen flying above the clouds on Appa over the open sea.

Aang: "Come on, boy we got a long way to go! Faster!"

Aang, eager to get to his destination, pressures Appa to speed up, but no noticeable difference was seen.

(???): "Sailing into Fire Nation waters..."

On a Navy Ship on the sea, Zuko stairs at a scope, looking at the clouds for a chance to spot the avatar.

Iroh was slightly baffled at his nephews choices, speaks up.

Iroh: "Of all the foolish things you've done in your 16 years, prince Zuko this has to be the most foolish."

Zuko: "I have no choice, uncle."

Iroh: "Have you completely forgotten the Fire Lord banished you? What if you're caught?"

His scolding tone turned to that of worry.

Zuko: "I'm chasing the avatar. My father will understand why I'm returning home."

Iroh crosses his arms.

Iroh: "You give him too much credit. My brother is not the understanding type."

Iroh catches a glimpse of something large flying. It was Appa.

Zuko: "There he is."

He turns around and yells.

Zuko: "Helmsmen, full speed ahead."

Katara: "Aang, we got trouble!"

Katara calls out to Aang as she sees the navy's ship speed up trailing them.

Sokka: "Yeah, and it's gaining fast!"

Down at the ship, a large opening is seen as smoke starts to emerge.

Iroh fanning himself to get rid of the smoke speaks up.

Iroh: "Ugh, prince Zuko. Couldn't you shoot them down with something a bit more fragrant?"

Zuko scoffs and shoots a fireball at a black ball of coal held by a catapult.

Zuko: "On my mark..."

Zuko waits around 3 seconds before giving the command.

One of his guards slash at a rope that releases the ball, sending it towards Appa.

Katara: "Fire!"

She called out to Aang.

Aang moved Appa roughly to the side to avoid getting hit.

Katara: "We have to get out of Zuko's range before he shoots another hot stinker at us!"

Sokka: "Can't you make Appa go any faster?"

Aang: "Yeah, but there's one little problem.

Zuko: "A blockade."

Everyone's eyes peel open as they see a fleet of ships blocking their way.

Iroh: "You know, you're technically still in Earth Nation territory. You can just turn around and not get arrested."

Aang: "If we go north we can go around the blockade and avoid getting attacked.

Katara: "There's no time!"

Aang: "This is exactly why I didn't want you to come, it's too dangerous!"

Katara: "And that's exactly why we're here.

Sokka: "Let's run this blockade!"

Aang: "Appa, Yip Yip."

With that single command, Appa is sent flying at a significantly faster pace than before.

Zuko: "He's not turning around!"

Iroh: "Please, prince Zuko. If the Fire Nation captures you, there's nothing I could do. Do not follow the avatar."

Iroh tries to plead to his stubborn nephew but sadly ends up failing.

Zuko: "Run the blockade!"

Katara: "Any signs of him waking up?"

Katara calls out to her brother.

Sokka scurries to Y/n's unconscious body.

Sokka: "He's fast asleep and shows no sign of waking up!"

Y/n has been asleep for a while.

Right after he exited the spirit world, he was fully drained of energy and blacked out a few minutes after riding Appa.

From the blockade of ships, a man none other than Zhao was looking at Appa and Zuko's ship through a glass.

Zhao: "The avatar, the wanted child, and the banished prince. This must be my lucky day."

Zhao spoke slightly bothered at the sight of the two.

A soldier walked up behind Zhao and spoke up.

Soldier: "Commander Zhao, what are your orders?"

Zhao: "Shoot the flying bison down."

Soldier: "But there's a fire navy ship out there, sir— one of our own. What if it gets hit?"

Zhao: "So be it. It belongs to a traitor. Ignite!"

At his command, Zhao's soldiers light up balls of coal on catapults and start firing at Appa.

Multiple continues shots were sent their way, one grazing Appa's fur while the rest missed. One got dangerously close but they barely managed to dodge it.

Aang went down quickly so Katara and Sokka had to hold on to Y/n's body and his belongings.

Aang: "Appa, are you ok?!"

Once their flying was stabled for clear communication, Aang asked his animal guide. Appa growled back and flew up high into the air.

Unfortunately for Zuko and his ship, a multitude of shots came down and landed around his ship, one of the balls sent a lot of water splashed into the deck of the ship.

One ball however, managed to land a hit on the back side of the ship while coming down.

(???): "Prince Zuko! The engines are damaged, we must stop the ship and make repairs!"

An old man came rushing from the ship's command room to Zuko.

Zuko turns to the old man and speaks.

Zuko: "Do not stop the ship!"

Zhao: "Fire!"

More balls of fire are sent flying towards Appa with Zhao's lack of consideration towards the Fire Navy Ship that could also take damage.

Luckily for our friendly cast of characters, they were up high in the clouds. Unfortunately for them, however, Zhao's men had remarkable aim so it caused Appa to sway around as his attempt to dodge.

Luck was not on their side however, all the constant swaying managed to bump Y/n out of Sokka's grip and into the air, where his body was plummeting down to the sea.

Aang: "Y/n!"

Aang sent Appa flying down quickly trying to catch Y/n but Zhao's fireballs kept him at bay.

Appa finally managed to get close to Y/n. Close enough for Katara to jump at him and Sokka grabbing on to her so she doesn't fall too.

Finally, Y/n was "safe" and secured by Katara as he was being tightly held in her arms.

Tiny snores and breathing from Y/n kind of amused the squad.

Sokka: "How is he able to keep on sleeping, what happened to him that made him lose so much energy?"

Katara: "Aang! Watch out!"

Katara saw a fireball being sent their way and immediately called out to Aang.

Aang saw it just in time and ran up Appa's head to the fireball.

He kicked the ball with airbending once he was close enough and it shattered almost immediately, leaving a small cloud of smoke and debris from the coal.

After that, Zhao's crew was preparing more balls to fire but Appa managed to get past the brigade and back onto open seas.

Soldier: "Where do you think the avatar is headed, sir?"

Zhao: "I'm not sure, but I bet a certain banished prince will know."

Zhao ignores the avatar's flying bison and stares at Zuko's ship.

Iroh: "Prince Zuko, we are on a collision course!"

Iroh called to his nephew as their ship were gonna crash with 2 of Zhao's own.

Zuko: "We can make it!"

Soldier: "The boarding party is ready to apprehend prince Zuko, sir."

Zhao raises up his hand at his crew.

Zhao: "Wait! Cut the engines and let them pass."

Soldier: "Sir?"

Just as commanded, the Ship's engines were stopped, letting Zuko pass right through them.

As they passed, Zuko looked up at the sky while Iroh scratched his beard.

As the Gang was flying through the sky, it got boring. Hours of flying went by, and nothing was found yet.

Except one thing...

(???): "Yaaawwwwn, h-hey, guys. What'd I miss?"

Katara, Sokka, and Aang's eyes went open as they heard the sleeping member of their group wake up nonchalantly.

Sokka: "We were attacked by Fire Navy Ship—

Katara: "And you nearly fell into the water but we managed to get you in time."

Y/n: "Are my stuff ok? Did I lose anything?"

Y/n worriedly looked around and saw that none of his precious belongings went missing.

A sigh of relief could be heard from him as a chirp accompanied it.

Y/n: "Oh, good morning, Cosmo. How did you sleep?"

Y/n's purple companion walked out of his water tribe shirt and onto his very messy bed-head hair.

Cosmo chirped and nuzzled himself on Y/n's hair and started to relax.

Katara: "Is he about to go back to sleep?"

Y/n: "I'm not sure."

Y/n ruffled his hair as he tries to fix it but he comes across many ties and knots so he turns to the only person he thinks can help him.

Y/n: "Hey, Katara?"

Katara turns to him.

Y/n: "I hope you don't mind me asking, can you do my hair?"

Katara happily smiles and crabs her comb.

Katara: "Sure thing! Come here."

She lightly taps the side next to her.

Y/n gets up and walks towards it and sits down.

His entire head of hair looked like a catastrophe.

Nothing but knots and ties at every angle.

Katara: "This is gonna hurt a bit."

She starts to move her comb through his hair, the knots getting tied between the legs of the comb giving Y/n a good pull.

He winces in pain and slight discomfort as his hair was being pulled out.

Katara: "I know it hurts but bear with me. We're almost ready."

Y/n: "G-got i—ow!"

After a few minutes of painfully hair pulling and knot removing, his hair was ready for it's make-over.

His longer hair reaches to the nape of his neck so Katara had plenty to work with.

Y/n: "There was this style I used to have my hair as. It was just a pony-tail with some hairs at the front free."

She did just how he said it was. Since she wasn't the person who used to do his hair, she didn't get it 100% right, but Y/n fixed it.

He had his hair slicked back with some strands standing up and long strands of hair free on the front.

Y/n picks up his glaive and looked at its blade to peak at the reflection to see how it turned out.

Smiling, the boy puts down his weapon and hugs his friend.

Y/n: "It came out exactly how I wanted it to."

Katara smiles and hugs back.

Aang: "Guys, look!"

Sokka, Y/n, and Katara turn around to see Aang pointing at a small island in the chaos of a crescent.

Aang: "It's the island where Roku's dragon took me."

The island was giving off a fair amount of heat.

In all truth, it was pretty hot. Unfortunately, the volcano seemed to be active and could easily erupt any second.

Aang flies Appa down to the island's shore and the squad gets off.

Aang: "You did it, buddy. Nice flying."

Appa groans and flips to his side as Aang scratches him.

Katara walks to him and starts to rub his belly.

Katara: "Oh, you must be so tired."

Sokka, stretching his entire body behind them spoke up.

Sokka: "No, I'm good. Refreshed and ready to fight some firebenders."

Y/n peaks his head from behind Appa as he changed into his combat clothes.

Y/n: "Sokka, I think she was referring to Appa."

Sokka begomes slightly embarrassed and comes up with an excuse.

Sokka: "Well, I was talking to momo and Cosmo."

Y/n peaks again.

Y/n: "Momo seems so be doing his own thing, and Cosmo is with me."

Momo seemed to be doing pull-ups on a tree branch and just stares at Sokka.

Aang: "Hey, Y/n are you finished yet?"

Y/n: "Me? Oh, yeah. Just have to put my pants on."

The squad hears some squeaking from Y/n's side and the head heavy shuffling.

Y/n: "H-hey! Watch where you bite! I'd like to have kids, thank you very much."

Cosmo releases a pair of cheeky chirps and flaps to Katara's hair.

A few seconds later and Y/n finally shows himself.

Y/n: "Alright, let's go."

Y/n places down his satchel and the mysterious mask on Appa's saddle.

Y/n: "I'm trusting you, buddy!"

Y/n ruffles Appa's hair and gives him a big smooch on his cheek.

Y/n: "Bye-bye."

After grouping up, Cosmo flies up to Y/n's head and snuggles against his longer hair.

Aang: "Alright, now since we're ready, we should get going."

The squad nods and starts to head up the mountain.

Upon further walking they see a large temple.

Not knowing whether the temple has any fire nation soldiers or not, the squad hides behind a rock.

Sokka: "I don't see any guards."

Katara: "The fire nation must've abandoned the temple when Avatar Roku died."

Aang: "It's almost sundown, we better hurry."

The squad hops out of hiding and scurry inside the temple.

When they reach inside, they notice how clean and shiny everything is.

They walk through corridors and sneak past halls until sokka spoke up.

Sokka: "Guys, I think I heard something."

They turn around and see many templars in front of a doorway.

Templar 1: "We are the fire sages, guardians of the temple of the avatar."

Aang faces them and smiles.

Aang: "Great! I am the avatar."

Fire Sage 1: "We know."

He suddenly shoots a fireball at Aang.

In a heartbeat, Y/n unsheathes his glaive and parries the fire out of the way.

Y/n: "Run! I'll hold them off."

Aang, Katara, and Sokka hesitate before leaving his friend behind.

Three more sages shoot fire at Y/n but he counters by sliding towards them and tripping them with his glaive's blunt end.

Sage 1: "If the avatar contacts Roku, there's no telling how powerful the boy will become. Split up and find him."

Three sages stay to fight Y/n, while 3 go to the left and 3 go to the right in hallways to find Aang.

Y/n knew he was at a clear disadvantage. He can't firebend, he doesn't like hurting people, and his fighting style isn't at all aggressive.

He knew there was no point in fighting so he ran to where he thought his friends went to try and regroup.

Katara and Sokka were running in the same hall when they were suddenly greeted by Aang.

Aang: "Come on!"

Sokka: "Do you know where you're going?"

Aang: "Nope!"

He makes a right into the hallway but immediately turns around and runs away calling out to his friends.

Aang: "Wrong way!"

They continue running away until someone bumps into Sokka.

Both the figure and Sokka fall to the floor and Katara and Aang get into fighting stances.

Y/n: "Calm down! It's just me!"

Katara and Aang help their friends up from the ground and continue running.

Sage: "Come back!"

The squad starts running more and more until they reach a dead end.

They turn around and see one fire nation sage with his hands up.

Sage: "I don't want to fight you. I am a friend."

Y/n gets to the front of his group and takes his battle stance.

Sokka: "Firebenders aren't our friends."

He'd be lying if he told you those words didn't sting. You know who.

The sage stops on bows on the ground.

Sage: "I know why you're here, avatar."

Aang moves Y/n out of the way and speaks to the sage.

Aang: "You do?"

Sage: "Yes, you wish to speak to Avatar Roku. I can take you to him."

The squad gets a mixture of doubtful and curious faces on them.

Aang: "How?"

The sage moved his hand to the wall and Y/n pointed his weapon at him for defense.

The man grabs and turns a lantern on the wall.

Sudden clanking can be heard as the wall opened up to reveal a secret gateway.

Footsteps start to sound closer as a familiar voice rang throughout the halls.

Zhao: "Find him!"

Sage: "This way, hurry."

Aang looks at his friends and nods, they all agree to follow inside the secret tunnel and once they got in, the sage closed the secret door.

At Zuko's ship.

Zuko: "Why hasn't he done anything, uncle? Why hasn't he arrested me?"

Iroh, standing sitting Zuko drinking tea spoke up.

Iroh: "He's following you so you can lead him to the prize. The Avatar... And Y/n as a bonus."

Zuko: "If Zhao wants to follow our trial of smoke, then that's exactly what I'll let him do."

The gang was following the sage through a very hot cave. The burping of the lava and magma had everyone on their toes.

Sage: "Avatar Roku once called this temple his home. He formed these secret passages out of the magma."

Aang: "Did you know avatar Roku?"

The looked back at Aang as they continue walking forward.

Sage: "No, but my grandfather knew him. Many generations of sages guarded this temple king before me. We all have a strong spiritual connection to this place."

Y/n: "Is that how you knew we were coming?"

Sage: "A few weeks ago, an amazing thing occurred. The statue of Avatar Roku—its eyes began to glow."

Katara: "Thats what happened at the air temple. Avatar Roku's eyes were glowing there, too."

Y/n: "Yeah, alongside Kyoshi's and every other avatar."

As they continued walking, Cosmo jumped from Y/n's head to Katara's and took his nap there.

Sage: "At that moment, we knew you had returned to the world."

Aang: "If this is the avatar's temple, then why did the sages attack me?"

Sage: "Things have changed. In the past, the sages were loyal only to the avatar. But when Roku died, the sages eagerly awaited for the next avatar to return, but he never came."

Aang looked sad as he walked.

Sokka came behind him and put a hand on his shoulder:

Sokka: "Hey, don't feel bad. You're only 100 years late."

Aang turns around to sokka with a slightly annoyed look on his face.

The sage turned back to them and spoke.

Sage: "They lost hope that the avatar would ever return. When fire lord Sozin started the war, my grandfather and the other sages were forced to follow him. I never wanted to serve the fire lord. When I heard you were coming, I knew I would have to betray the other sages."

Aang bows down.

Aang: "Thank you for helping me."

The sage simply smiles at the young Avatar's gestures.

They continue to walk until they reach a spiral staircase.

Sage: "We'll follow these stairs to the sanctuary. Once you're inside, wait for the light to hit Avatar Roku's statue. Only then will you be able to speak to him."

They continue walking up the staircase until they reach a trapdoor.

The fire sage opens it up and helps everyone out.

Once they all get out, they see a huge door with a similar contraption to that of the air temple they were last in.

Sage: "What? This can't be!"

Aang: "What's wrong, Shyu?"

Shyu: "The sanctuary doors—they're closed."

Katara: "Can't you just open them with firebending, like you opened that other door?"

Sage Shyu nods no.

Shyu: "No. Only a fully realized avatar is powerful enough to open this door alone. Otherwise, the sages must open the door together with five simultaneous fire blasts."

Sokka, who was leaning against the doorframe with his thinking face on, spoke up.

Sokka: "5 fire blasts, huh?"

Sokka's brain goes as an idea pops inside of his head.

Sokka: "I think I can help you out."

Y/n: "You can?"

Sokka: "Yep."

Sokka gets on the ground and pulls out many bags.

He grabs one of the lanterns lighting up the place and opens it up.

He opens up the bags and starts to place the lamp's oil inside them. Once they were full enough, he tied them closed.

Sokka: "It's a little trick I learned from my father. I seal the lamp oil inside an animal skin casing. Shyu lights the oil-soaked twine, and ta-da! Fake firebending."

Y/n and Katara smile at Sokka.

Katara: "Wow, you've really outdone yourself this time, Sokka."

Y/n: "Yeah, you're very smart best buddy."

Shyu smiles in amazement.

Shyu: "This might actually work."

Sokka with the help of Y/n and Shyu start to place the bags inside the holes of the door.

Shyu: "The sages will hear the explosion so as soon as they go off, rush in."

He turns to Aang.

Sokka and Y/n book it away from the door and hide behind pillars with Katara, Momo, and Cosmo.

Katara: "It's almost sunset, are you ready?"

She says as she turns to Aang and he nods with a smirk.

Aang: "Definitely."

They give Sage Shyu the signal and he lights up the ropes on the bags at once.

The ropes catch fire and the fire starts to spread closer to the oil.

Before the fire reached the bag, Cosmo jumped to Katara's arms where she cuffed his ears to prevent any hearing loss from the bat. Momo did the same but with Y/n.

Once it reached the bag, it exploded.

The smoke from the explosion covered the area around them and Aang used it as a way to try and sneak in, but once he reached the door, he was met with defeat as it wouldn't budge an inch.

Y/n: "It... didn't work..."

Shyu had a sad look on his face as the plan didn't go as planned.

Aang grows frustrated. He starts to airbend waves at the door in anger.

Aang: "Why won't this thing open?!"

Katara grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

Katara: "Aang, stop. There's nothing else we could do."

Aang sighed.

Aang: "I'm sorry I put you all through this for nothing."

Sokka walked to the door and passed his finger on it.

Sokka: "This doesn't make any sense. Those blasts looked as strong as any firebending I've ever seen."

Y/n: "Yeah."

Katara's eyes open wide.

Katara: "Sokka, you're a genius!"

Aang looks at her in confusion.

Aang: "Wait, how is Sokka a genius? His plan didn't even work."

Sokka crosses his arms.

Sokka: "Come on, Aang. Let her dream."

Katara: "Youre right. Sokka's plan didn't work, but it looks like it did."

Aang: "Did the definition of genius change in the last hundred years?"

Y/n: "[gasp] I get what you're on to!"

Y/n smiles at Katara in realization.

Aang: "What?"

Sokka: "What are you talking about?"

Y/n and Katara tell them their plans. They all nod affirmatively at it and agree to act on it.

Shyu: "Come quickly! The avatar has entered the sanctuary!"

Shyu spoke as he grabbed the attention of multiple fire sages.

Sage: "How did he get in?"

Shyu: "I know, but look at the scorch marks, and look at that."

Shyu points at the small crack at the bottom of the floor that peaked into the room.

They saw a silhouette walking in the room.

Sage: "He's inside. Open the doors immediately before he contacts avatar Roku."

Unbeknownst to them, Aang was peaking behind a pillar at them, waiting for the doors to open.

The five sages get into position and fire streams of fire at the door's contraption.

The gears of the door start to move as the door opens.

They see what caused the silhouette.

It was a white lemur and a purple bat on its head.

Sage: "It's the avatar's lemur and bat! He must've snuck through the pipes!"

Before another peep was heard, Momo and Cosmo jumped at the man and messed him up.

Katara and Sokka got bags and put them on the sage's heads.

Y/n came from one of the pillars and used his glaive to sweep the opposing sages off their feet.

Katara/ Y/n: "Aang, now!"

They yell for Aang to make a break for the door but nothing happened.

Y/n: "Aang, where are you?!"

Y/n called out.

In a matter of seconds, they heard footsteps behind the pillar. And out from the pillar-

Y/n: "Zuko..."

Zuko held Aang in a lock and walked him away.

Zuko: "The avatar's coming with me."

Katara, Sokka, and Y/n were distracted by Zuko's sudden appearance that the sages managed to turn the tables on them and hold them captive.

They tried to fight back but miserably failed as they were apprehended and tied by ropes.

Once Zuko reaches the stairs, Aang stops walking and twists his body trying to escape.

He succeeded and made a B-line towards the closing door.

By the (nonexistent) hair on his bald scalp, he made it through just in time.

As he got in, lights shone brightly from inside the room

Aang stared at the statue.

A bright red gem from the top of the door shone upon the statue.

Aang waits in anticipation waiting for avatar Roku to appear. But nothing of importance happened.

That was until a cloud of smoke appeared from the thin air, and a vision of Roku shone.

Roku: "Avatar Aang, it's a pleasure to see you."

Aang: "Avatar Roku..."

Roku: "What took you so long?"

Aang gives off a bow of respect towards his previous incarnation.

Outside the door, with the room that held our cast of heroes chained, one of the sages spoke.

Sage 1: "Why did you help the Avatar?"

Sage Shyu: "It was once the Sage's duty. It is still our duty."

Clapping and a multitude of footsteps can be heard as a figure known as  Zhao and his troops made their way inside.

Zhao: "My, my. What a truly heartwarming performance. I'm certain the fire lord will understand when you explained why you betrayed him."

Y/n: "Tsk. The fire lord wouldn't even know good parenting even if it bit him."

No one aside from his captive friends heard his remark.

Zhao: "And prince Zuko. It was a noble effort, but your little smokescreen didn't work."

Zuko glared at the commander with the heat of a thousand scorching suns.

Zhao: "Two traitors and a deserter in one day. The fire lord will be pleased."

Zuko struggles to get out of his bindings as he  snarls at Zhao's remarks.

Zuko: "You're too late, Zhao. The avatar's inside, and the doors are sealed."

Zhao merely smirks.

Zhao: "No matter. Sooner or later, he has to come out."

(With Aang and Roku.)

Avatar Roku: "I have something important to tell you, Aang. Which is why in the spirit world, I sent my dragon to find you."

Aang: "Is it about that vision? The one of the comet?"

Avatar Roku nods.

Aang: "What does it mean?"

Avatar Roku: "100 years ago. Fire lord Sozin used that comet to begin the war. He and his firebending army harvested its incredible power and dealt a deadly first strike against the other nations.

Aang: "So the comet made them stronger?"

Avatar Roku: "Yes, stronger than you could even imagine."

Aang: "But the comet happened a hundred years ago. What does the comet have to do with the war now?"

Avatar Roku: "Listen carefully. Sozin's comet will return by the end of this summer, and fire lord Ozai will use its power to finish the war once and for all. If he succeeds even the avatar won't be able to restore balance to the world. Aang, you must defeat the fire lord before the comet arrives."

Aang: "But I haven't even started waterbending. And not to mention earth and fire."

Avatar Roku: "Mastering the elements takes years of discipline and practice. Which is why, if the world were to survive. You must do it by summer's end.

(Outside the door.)

Zhao and his soldiers were on standby, waiting for Avatar Aang to walk through the door so they can capture him.

Zhao: "When those doors open, unleash all your fire power."

Zhao says as he gets into a stance.

Katara: "How's Aang gonna make it out of this?"

Sokka: "How are we gonna make it out of this?"

(With Aang and Roku)

Aang: "What if I don't master the elements in time? What if I fail?"

Aang begins to freak out and lose his composure.

Avatar Roku: "I know you can do it, Aang, for you have done it before. The solstice is ending, we must go our separate ways for now."

Aang: "But I won't be able to come back to the temple. What if I have questions? How will i talk to you?"

Avatar Roku: "I am a part of you. When you need to talk to me again, you will find a way."

Aang nods.

Avatar Roku: "A great danger awaits for you at the temple. I can help you face the threat, but only if you are ready."

Aang closes his eyes as a glow of blue light surrounds him.

His eyes open again with a bright blue as the doors open to reveal him.

Katara: "Aang, no!"

Zhao: "Fire!"

Zhao and his soldiers shoot fire at Aang, but the fire surrounds him as the spirit of Avatar Roku bends the fire away.

The fire was sent back as a wave that harmed every enemy in the field with the additions of the chains that held the Avatar's friends together and Zuko's.

As Zuko's chains melt off, he shoots a huge hole in the wall and jumps out to leave.

Avatar Roku then bends fire out towards the enemies, causing them to get thrown back.

He then proceeds to slam his hands on the ground causing the floor and molten magma to erupt from it.

Shyu: "Avatar Roku is going to destroy the temple, we must leave!"

Katara: "But we're not leaving without Aang!"

Sage Shyu nods and leaves as Zhao and his troops also escape.

Roku's spirit goes away as Aang's eyes stop to glow and his body falls.

Before his body could hit the floor however, Y/n managed to get to him just in time.

Y/n: "There we go, let's get out of here, quick!"

Y/n and Sokka both support Aang with their shoulders and head out to the opening Zuko made, Katara following closely behind.

They all jump out as Appa flies beneath them just in time to catch them.

They help each other set down Aang on the saddle and Katara takes the wheel on Appa.

Appa roars and flies into the sky, leaving a less than happy Zhao on his boat.

Zhao: "No avatar, no prince, no bounty. But what I do have is 5 traitors."

Zhao spoke as the Fire Sages were lined up.

Sage 1: "But, Commander, only Shyu helped the avatar."

Zhao: "Sage your stories for the fire lord. As far as I'm concerned, you are all guilty. Take them to the prison hold!"

Zhao snarls and walks away.

As Appa is seen flying above the clouds, Zuko stares at him through his telescope.

High above the clouds, covered by the dark of night, Aang wakes up and is immediately hugged by Y/n, Sokka, and Katara.

Y/n: "Glad you're ok, buddy."

Sokka: "Yeah..."

Aang just turns around and hugs them all.

Aang: "Glad you guys are safe too..."

Momo and Cosmo join in on the hug and Appa bellows lowly.

To be continued.

Ok, I have one small question, I know it's kind of early to ask, as this book is currently like 8 chapters, but what's your favorite relationship with Y/n. Like for example, do you like his relationship with Sokka or Katara. Or perhaps even some other character. Leave a comment if you want.

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