His Beta of Submission

By YOLOwriting101

257K 7.9K 3.2K

"Be mine." I flinch, my mind being brought back to reality. When I hear him say such a thing it instantly ma... More

twenty one
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twenty six

3.8K 114 71
By YOLOwriting101

____six months later____

I walk into Xavion's cell, making eye contact with him immediately. He grinned at me politely as I hand him a picture.

"They're a boy and a girl." I inform him, chuckling as I bring a seat before him. "Ezra was ecstatic."

"I bet he was...hah. He's not coming today either...is he?" He asks me sadly, and I shook my head no. "Is he still...?"

"Yeah. He hasn't done anything besides trying to translate that letter. He's gotten bits and pieces...but that's about it. I don't think he'll really put his mind on anything else until he gets it down." I state, my hands resting on my growing bump.

It has been five months since this all has started...and we really haven't gotten anywhere. Ezra isn't Head Alpha, actually. He has been so distracted that he never made the necessary moves to strip Xavion of his title.

Even though the officials and others are insisting he do so, he isn't budging. He wants to translate that letter.

"You're very close to having those twins. Three to two months, to be exact right?"

"Yeah." I nod in answer. "I've named one of them and he doesn't know what he'll name the girl. I got the boy, he got the girl. It's so cute..."

"I'm sure. I feel...terrible. I just wish he would come here on these visits. You know...more than he does know... Right?" Xavion asks me, and I nod again. "Yeah. He doesn't need...to believe me, but I insist that I am not lying."

"I believe you. I looked up the Vol family and I saw how...reclusive and secret they are. There's five more of you...branches I should say: Volas, Volur, Volx, Volivi, and Volta. Why doesn't Ezra know about his distant family?" I question Xavion again even though I know I've asked this before.

I just don't understand... They're such a powerful and circumstantial family...but no one talks about them. Have never been mentioned - none of that!

If I hadn't been told by Xavion, I would've never known they were real.

"It's like what I said before. They want him dead. I have tried my best to protect him by being the bad guy, and I'm fine with that. Except it's getting worse the more time progresses. I'm not doing this anymore. Our parents were willing to kill him just to preserve the hierarchy out of fear of complete annihilation. It was either them, or him only. I couldn't allow that." Xavion shakes his head as he adjusts the handcuffs around his wrists. "For a long time, I was the only one that loved him. So much so, that I wanted to look like the enemy in his eyes to protect him-."

"And you did great." I interrupt, causing Xavion to grin softly. "It's just unfortunate that those are the circumstances. His own flesh and blood wants him dead. You really had this all planned to protect him from the top of the family, the branches, his own parents, and even Stellan who was never really his Mate all along!"

I scoff, shaking my head as my hands subconsciously caress my belly.

"I still find that ridiculous... They really shot Stellan up with that drug to modify his body into becoming Ezra's Mate. So that means all along I've always been his Mate...that's why there was that connection, right?" I found myself asking Xavion.

He just shrugs...which is fine. I didn't expect him to know.

"It's too confusing. A great mess that should've never been brought upon him. He deserves...so much better than what he had gotten. I am to blame for most of the pain, but it isn't in vain. I truly had no other choice." Xavion shakes his head, and snorts out of nowhere. "You may think I did have another choice, but I really didn't."

"I believe you. Your family is very powerful - I am not denying it in the slightest. If only...Ezra could see that."

"He will eventually, he has to. I really don't want you to tell him this stuff until he's translated that letter. I don't want him to lose any desire in translating it..." Xavion smiles as a thought seemed to come to his mind. "The wait will be worth it in the end."

I couldn't agree more.

"I can fully agree with you on that one. It just has to be, why wouldn't it be?"

"It may be too late." Xavion does end up stating. "I may be too late, the pain and suffering might have been too much. There's no room for forgiveness."

"I think there is." I notice the guards gesturing for me, and I begin to stand up. "I will be back here in a couple of days. I will still continue looking into the family...and doing the necessary necessities that you've kept hidden very well from him. It's a little difficult...hiding such a thing from him, but I know it'll be given to him once he translates it."

Xavion nods in agreement, and that's when I leave his cell. Once I had left it made me remember that they have so much...in common.

How far they'll protect those he loves. The way Xavion went about it was horrific, but now that I know the truth I can't say I'm not thankful it was this. 

All of this was needed...but at the same time you wonder if it was needed. Why didn't they just run away or...I don't know. They were just kids.

I want to say it's because they were just kids... Xavion probably felt like he didn't have any other choice. Their family is much more than just the Volek's... There's branches that all stem off of the Vol family.

It's a mess.

Once I make my way above basement where he was being kept, I see Remi rushing past me. He had some friends over at the castle.

"Hi mommy!" He exclaims happily, as he waves at me while running.

"Be careful!" I exclaim back, and he nods. When they run out of viewing distance I face back forward. Ever since Xavion was placed into the cell the castle's atmosphere has changed.

It's more...open and there isn't this weight weighing in on everyone. The place is more relaxing...and alive. I can assume why it wasn't that way though.

Xavion had it closed off for a reason. He put so much effort into trying to protect Ezra that it made the place seem closed off...depressing. Now that I think about it he never actually hurt Ezra physically.

I go up a flight of stairs, holding onto the railing. Now I found it annoying going up the stairs. It wasn't fun...in my opinion.

I had two beings living inside of me and they're only getting bigger. It adds more weight on me...I am little bit more chubbier. Especially around the face.

As I make my way through the castle it has become apparent that with time...I seem to truly have garnered unwanted looks and attractions. I want to say it's because I have been taking control of the castle, but there seems to be more to it than that.

Even as I made my way up the stairs I saw a guard rush up beside me. He extended his hand and I grin, taking it as he helped me all the way up to the third floor.

"Thank you, how are you?" I ask him, and he smiles.

"I'm doing okay. I hope you're doing great." He tells me very happily. When I nod at him he ends up walking away from me.

Maybe it's...just people being kind because someone is being kind back. Treat people the way you want to be treated, I suppose.

I now make my way to Ezra's "grand office" he calls it. It is just a large office room with a meeting table in the center. If he really wanted to he could start a meeting anytime. Except he's just been in here...translating that letter.

When I open the door I see him writing down something. The letter was beside him and he kept glancing at it. That's when I clear my throat.

He looks up at me, and I hear him sigh as if he was broken from some trance.

"Theo...my precious." He extended his hands towards me as I make my way towards him. When I take them he kisses each of my knuckles, pressing his forehead to them. "I'm losing my mind over this."

I look at the letter, intrigued by it once again:

I saw that he had some of it down, but not the parts that would be important to him. I believe there is much more to be learned...understood.

"How are the babies?" He asks me, and I chuckle.

"They're fine. I can feel kicks here and there, but at least they never do it at the same time. That'd be insane." I snort just at the thought of that happening.

"How cute...are you hungry? There's food that was brought up for me earlier, but I'm not hungry." He suggests for me...and I would normally decline but...

I rush to the tray as I grab it, sitting right beside him now. I begin to eat his tray gladly and he chuckles at me.

"Listen," I rip off a piece of bread, shoving it at his lips. He ends up taking it probably because I am giving it, "Breaks are okay too. You have remembered some of the letters. You have eighteen of the characters down...what are you missing?"

"I'm missing the letters D, S, H, G, R, A, L, and E. Those are the most used letters and I can't seem to figure it out. I think I can...but I'm contemplating on some." He shrugs, and I grab it from him. "W-wait-."

"Let me look! I have big brain." I pat my temple only for him to chuckle. "Seriously. I think I can pinpoint...where some things go. Don't overthink it...if it seems like what it should say - don't deny it."

"I just see...the word 'love', but I know that's not what he's trying to say." Ezra snorts, causing me to snort back.

"Well I know that this symbol is 'E'. Don't...be that way." I shake my head at him as I give him the 'E'. Now I start to add to letters and the word 'love' pops up rapidly.

I noticed Ezra looking away, but I could still see his eye straying on it. He thought he was clever...no, I shouldn't say that.

As I filled in missing spots I smile at the result.

"I just automatically placed the 'L's in place. You now know twenty characters. For some of these I see a clearly evident spot where 'A's are supposed to be. How is it you got the hard letters, but not the easy ones?" I question him under my breath.

When I look at him he had a look of angst on his face. My hand rests on his shoulder, grinning.

"Are you afraid of what it could be? Don't want to...contradict everything you've always known? Hmm?" I ask him nonchalantly as I just let myself finish this for him. "In your eyes for...half your life you've known a falsified truth. The truth is here, and you don't want to be contradicted, I can assume that much from you."

I stare at the final result, my elbow leaning on the table. I couldn't help but smirk because the letter was...lovely.

"Are you ready?" I murmur to him a simple question. At that moment in his eyes I could instantly tell that he...wasn't ready.

He stood up from his seat, his hands running over his face. He did have more of a beard on his face and his hair was a little bit...out there, but he still looked handsome in my eyes.

It was a...rowdy handsome.

"I'm going to shave, take a shower, and...eat a bit, yeah." He nods quickly as he walks out of the room after so long.

I look down at the letter, reading the first paragraph: I love you...more than anyone in this whole world, Ezra. I did this...for you. It may not seem that way, but I really did do this for you. Everything I am doing...is to protect you.

That's when I look away now because I now had the desire to...eat some more. The food on this tray was all gone.

I was quick to get up from the chair as I left the room with the translation of the letter in my hand. Just in case if someone tried stealing it or I don't know... There could still be prying hands.

When I make my way down the stairs again I am met by the same guard. He helped me down again and it was weird because I didn't bother striking a conversation with him.

Though he did see the letters and raised his eyebrow curiously.

"What is that? Looks like some alien language." He teases even though it is in a way.

"Just a letter. The translation is on the back." I flash it for a slight second and his eyes widen. Once we're on the bottom step he let me go after that.

"Vol...you know that family?" He questions me in fear and I don't say anything. "Do you?"

"I can't really say anything. It's just the letter...okay, if you'll excuse me." I walk around him now, walking quickly away from him. If he became that fearful from just seeing a glance of it...they must be the real deal.

They seemed like it, but there's more confirmation right there from him. Who really are these people?

I stop now, turning around as I saw the guard still standing there. He looked nervous still, but when I gestured for him to come to me he did without hesitation.

Now that he stood before me - I smile as if I didn't just see his clearly evident fear.

"What do you know about the Vol family?" I inquire simply, my hands folding the letter and placing it in my pocket. "I've only read about them, and they seem pretty prestigious-."

"The Vol family is a power hungry family! They're...they're worth more than anyone in this castle combined. They get off easily by selling pheromone regulating, extending, and strengthening drugs. I know...what they really do, I was Xavion's guard before he was arrested. I've seen...them and what they really do. They aren't good people, at all. It shouldn't even be called a family, the Vol family - no. There's no way in hell that can be classified as a family, no-."

"Watch it Hendrix."

We both look, seeing an official walking past us. He had his eyes trained on him in a way that told a hundred stories.

There was this entitlement within them as if he knew more than anyone. I see Hendrix look away now and the man kept walking on. Except...I had this urge to follow him.

I excuse myself from Hendrix - the person who's name I now know. Following this man, he easily noticed me because I walk kind of...heavily now. He easily stopped in his tracks and looked at me.

"You know something about that family-?"

"Theo, please don't listen to Hendrix. Just baseless rumors with no definitive base. Don't think too deeply on it...it'd be wise of you not to." He smiles at me as if that wasn't...slightly threatening.

When he walks away from me I snort, not liking his response. If he believed that'd really work on me...wrong!

No I am stomping my way through this castle in complete determination! I will learn about who that family is - Xavion's already told me what is necessary, but not how deep it really was. It's very deep at this point.

I wish I asked what products they sold...that could place things into perspective a bit more.

I remember when Ezra went into this phase of practically...giving up. The beginning stages of that letter made him go a little crazy because he didn't remember anything.

Kind of made him...angrier than it should have.

____four months ago____

"They wanted you dead."

Ezra stares at Xavion, beginning to smile at his words. He didn't look like he believed him at all, but...I was beginning to believe them.

"You have always been full of shit...it's amazing-."

"I'm not lying. They were really going to have you killed when you became Head Alpha. You...you really think this is all about power?!" Xavion shrieks at him, and Ezra looked startled.

"T-that's what you have always preached. Power...is more important to you than family." Ezra brings up, and Xavion groaned. "You can't fool me, I'm not stupid!"

"That letter." Xavion growls, causing Ezra to frown. "That letter was to save Theo's life and yours. I am trying to save you from war Ezra! I did all of this...for you-!"

Ezra socked Xavion in the face, causing his head to slump forward for a bit. I hear him chuckle quietly then there was Ezra who looked furious.

"I didn't want you to kill our parents. I didn't want you to take away my Mate. I didn't want you to do anything-?!"

"Stellan's dumb ass isn't your Mate! That was from our family...they are trying to kill us and he was shot up with some...drug that influenced you both into being Mates. You're not really mates, you and Theo are! Ezra listen...please...!" Xavion cries, and Ezra was looking away not.

He looked so confused and broken...again. This time there was a mixture of anger present. I saw his claws growing in and I hoped he wouldn't do what I think he's going to do.

I...I don't think Xavion is lying.

"Our family...isn't normal. Ph-pheromones! The pheromones are a major indicator! We...we are from another line of families that branched off. The...Vol family...have you heard of them?" Xavion questions him, and immediately Ezra looked at him like he was crazy.

"Those meetings-."

"Yes! The meetings we periodically had with the Vol family when our parents were still alive. There were always six other families there...did you ever realize what their last names were and what they meant to us?" Xavion questions him, immediately making Ezra shake his head no.

Ezra was now grabbing a chair as he sat before Xavion. Almost looked like a child being told a story by their older sibling, completely fascinated.

"Tell me more." He urged him on, causing Xavion to chuckle. "What...what's so funny? I didn't stutter-."

"Translate the letter first. Don't give up - I know it's...hard right now, but don't give up." Xavion interrupts him softly, and Ezra groans. "I know...it's annoying."

"It's not that..." Ezra sighs, standing up as he shook his head. "I'm groaning at the fact that I'm even desiring to translate it...even more than before. Good job."


Ever since then, he was obsessed with that letter.

Now that it's translated he is avoiding it. He has to accept it eventually.

I walk into his bedroom, placing the letter near the dresser that was right next to the bathroom. I could hear the shower water running and was about to walk away.

Until I feel a hand grab my wrist. I look, smirking at Ezra as he looked...amazing. Honestly looked back to normal and he raises his eyebrow at me.

"You miss me?" He asks me, and I snort.

"What was there to miss, you've always been the same." I state honestly. His hands grip my shoulders, pulling me into the bathroom.

It was full of fog from the hot running water, and he grins. He goes on his knees before me and just rests his head against my belly.

"I was asking the babies."

"Oh, of course - my bad." I tease him.

"I am just kidding, but I haven't done this in a while. I just don't want...to be distracted. There are things I don't want to admit and see - it makes me nervous." He explains, but I had a feeling he was talking to the babies.

He did do this a few times a week when I would go to sleep, but the last couple of months he hasn't. Now he's doing it again after so long.

"I know that the truth can hurt, and it does hurt. At the same time it can save me, but at the moment I don't feel that. I think it's me not letting myself feel that - I'm just being honest." He confesses softly, and my hand rests on his hair.

I start to run my fingers through his hair because I was proud of where his words were going.

"Can you really love someone so much that you have to hurt them...just to keep them safe? Wouldn't that hurt you so much? Is his love really that strong for me? Hah..." He took a deep breath, and released it softly. "I hope I can love just as strongly as Xavion loved me."

Ezra pulls back now, standing up as he cradled my face.

"That was nice." I compliment, and he chuckles.

"I'm ready to see him now...and actually read the letter. I've gotten snippets, but I want to truly read it for what it is."

"Do it then. You'll be amazed, I know I was." I admit firmly. "You should visit him. Not only that, but release him from there."

Ezra nods a bit, pulling back as he turns on the fan in the bathroom.

"I know there will be backlash-."

"Who cares?" I interrupt him, snorting soon after. "You never cared about what others thought before, what's changed?"

Ezra leans against the counter, taking a firm hold on his chin. He stared forward for some time and he grinned solemnly as if he had a revelation.

"I don't...want my brother to get hurt?"

"Is that a question? Are you asking me if that's why you've changed?" I tease him, and he waves off that idea quickly because of it. "Okay, okay! I think that's it. Yes, that."

Ezra snickers at my change in words. I didn't want him to switch up on himself or think otherwise. He genuinely cared about his brother.

"The real question I have...is why. Why did he let me see all of that? I just wish he had more faith in me, just why?" He questions aloud to himself, and I don't say anything.

Because if anyone could answer those questions for him - it'd be Xavion himself.


Do you want to hear a recap of the past in Xavion's head - 🤭

or Ezra? 👀

In my opinion, - 💁🏽‍♀️

I'd say Xavion, but I'll let you guys choose. 🥴

Let you decide how you want to learn the past. 😌

It's quite fascinating on both ends so...

It's up to you. 😗

How do you see this now? 🤔

Does your opinion of Xavion change? 🤕

Weren't expecting that were you? 🤨

Lol...how great. 😏

Still, if you desire to translate that letter further before knowing the actual translation- 🥺

This is your time. 🤓

Also, 😲

don't forget! 🙇🏽‍♀️

Xavion recap - 💁🏽‍♀️

or Ezra? 💁🏽‍♀️

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~ YOLO❤️

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